Tonight, the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally will get together for some politics, drinks and good cheer. Please feel free to join us.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm. You’ll find us on the back patio.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
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Here’s a comment – The GOP are a bunch of POS Fuckwads!
They are Terrorist wannabes
@1 It’s not that hard to be a
terroristRepublican — all you need is low IQ, home-school education, and a total lack of critical thinking skills.@2. And a complete lack of compassion and empathy for anyone who is not them or their tribe.
People who loose their minds if they think someone they hate might, just might, be getting more of a benefit than them.
Home buyers are backing out of deals at the highest rate in a year as surging mortgage rates slam the housing market
>> I’d back out of living in Florida as well.
>> Like they are backing out of Cybertrucks.
A Category 5 hurricane is slamming into Acapulco tonight.
That’s cool framing there.
It’s all the interest rates. That’s the big issue with residential real estate.
It can’t be that once they have financing in place, that they can afford, they get the bad news that insuring that home drives the price WAY out of affordability if they can get a policy at all.
Weird how many Florida cities are leading the charge on buyers bailing out.
Wonder how many sellers are getting a big chunk of earnest money these days.
Congratulations to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, whose pitifully small holding in GNRC shares reached a 52-week low share price this morning.
He’s 12-13% underwater at $85/sh, after deciding that $150 wasn’t high enough when he could have sold in July.
@6 It’s also the house prices are too high. But if someone is financially stupid enough to commit 75% of their 2 income wages on an 8% loan because of Fear Of Missing Out, I guess prices are not too high.
Voters soundly reject Gabrielle Hanson, other MAGA candidates in historic Franklin, Tennessee election
She lost 79% to 20% to the main stream republican. On Election Day, she was spreading rumors about something being wrong with the voting machines, and the city immediately debunked those rumors. She tried to start the process of claiming the election was stolen, but it seems like that effort is dead on arrival.
>> Read the article, she’s an odd one.
There is no way Jay Inslee got 800 thousand more votes than me.
Opinion: Millennials and Gen Z Are Tilting Left and Staying There
“For the past 15 years, neither the Republican Party nor political conservatism has stood for stability and a steady hand. Just the opposite: From the Tea Party onward, it has stood for chaos, disruption and instability.”
>> I’m not sure I would say “tilting left” as much as “watching republicans officially embrace sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, anti-democracy, anti-science, and the police state while emboldening all the stupidest people you know.”
Take note of the obvious fact that the so-called Republican “moderates” in the House did not shut down Gym Jordan because they opposed his ardent and unswerving support for Donald Trump, The Big Lie, or the Jan 6th attempt to overturn the democratic election by means of violent force and criminal fraud.
No. Not at all.
Their readiness to make Mike Johnson their new Speaker proves this.
They shut him down because they simply hate his personality.
Proving that there are no “moderates” in the Republican Party. Not a single one. There are just a handful of phonies who strongly prefer that they do the quiet part quietly. It’s a division in terms of style, not in terms of substance.
Yesterday the dumbfuck troll commented about Generac and cock rings.
Today it’s Generac and…?
My money is on more cock rings, although I doubt I’ll get any bets.
his ardent and unswerving support for Donald Trump, The Big Lie, or the Jan 6th attempt to overturn the democratic election by means of violent force and criminal fraud
You could have just as well said that about the dumbfuck traitor @7. He would come out and say those things himself but, sadly, he is so utterly lacking the courage to do so,
So all we’ll get out of him is more Generac and cock rings.
That media framing is part of the same phenomenon.
For as far back as Speaker Gingrich the media have coweringly shied away from telling the truth about the fascist and extremist drift in the Republican Party. So for decades they’ve sold the lie that there are “moderates” and “statesmen” among Republicans.
It is not true. And it hasn’t been true for a long time.
It’s now a party that builds and plants pipe bombs.
Who among them would we describe as the “moderates”?
Those few who argue the bombs should be a little smaller?
Those who argue for a warning in advance of the detonation?
Our traditional media, like the NYT, are simply not equipped to confront the radical transformation that has overtaken the GOP. There’s never been anything like it before in modern American history. It is as if The German American Bund in the 1930s, instead of remaining a curious, fringe minority movement of about 20,000, had swept across the heartland and seized the support of almost half of all voters.
The media simply lack the means in the form of any familiar narrative to explain any of it. So instead they manufacture a set of conditions to supply that explanation whether or not those conditions actually exist.
It’s actually strategic as hell.
One very observable phenomenon about the present state of “rising energy” or “activism” among “conservative” voters in America in the last ten years has been how much they characterize the source of their own activism or energy as residing in their opposition to some “offense” of the modern “liberal state”. Always these “offenses” can be shown to be completely fabricated, whether they be cat litter boxes, or anal sex tutorials, or partial birth abortion factories. Even the idea of the “liberal state” is an absurd fabrication.
But that isn’t important to “conservatives”. What matters is that these fabricated outrages give them something to talk about besides what they actually, truly do stand for and support.
And that’s something we’ve been struggling with on these pages now for years. Admitting to ourselves the truth about Republicans and what their goals, objectives, and purposes really are. Any objective, dispassionate assessment of the GOP major policy efforts over the last decades or so clearly describes what they have been after all along. Inequality in almost all conceivable forms, from income, to racial, to gender, to religion. Dismantling of the institutions of democracy to both reduce participation and to channel and control that participation. Establishment of an aggressive and omnipresent police state. Predictably when forced to confront these ideas directly they couch them all in terms of “traditions” and “values” to take any discussion of them out of the practical and objective realm of debate and obsecure them behind a veil of abstraction and reverence. Consider as a point of reference how “The Cause” was described in the century following the Civil War in terms of “tradition” and “the Southern way of life” when all it really was in the end was human slavery.
But even with these tools of obfuscation and distraction hard-wired into the culture, it still can be very hard to stir up the masses in a way that doesn’t appear completely toxic by rallying them to support apartheid or the summary execution of political opponents. Unfortunately for Republicans the 20th century effectively hardwired that toxicity into the culture as well.
So instead they conjure up other things to shout about. And in every case it’s always completely made up bullshit. Like the steady reliance of “conservatives” on the absurd premise that homosexuality or non-binary gender presentation has some link to sexual assault. For months now without end Real News has been regaling us all with the unremitting daily toll of heinous sexual violence perpetrated by cis gendered males. It’s numbing.
So seen in its proper light the troll’s daily reliance on comparing his made-up portfolio performance or lurid fantasies about anal sexual intercourse are nothing more than a smokescreen for a remarkably extreme shift toward pure fascism, in perfect alignment with the rest of the Republican Party.
He simply doesn’t dare come out and talk about what he actually stands for. It’s far too toxic.
@ 15
Who among them would we describe as the “moderates”?
Democrats have moved so far to the left that the answer is irrelevant today.
Congratulations to Speaker Jeffries!
Dear sirs,
The United Daughters of the Confederacy is delighted to announce that we have selected your lovely city public square park to be one of twelve across the United States this year to receive a fully commissioned and fully funded monument dedicated to perserving the memory of the great sacrifices made by the Southern states to preserve the important institution of human slavery.
As stated, this monument will be fully commissioned and its installation fully funded by our historical group at absolutely no expense to your city or its taxpayers. Upon completion the monument will become the property of your city in perpetuity for all to enjoy. It will be a larger than life, durable cast bronze sculpture placed elevated upon a granite plinth that will endure for many lifetimes.
Our vision for this monument, to give it the proper context, is to have the sculptor depict a scene of great beauty and importance that represents the insitution of human slavery and its role in building our communities and our way of life. This concept is to include a fully lifelike naked and broken Negress sprawled upon the ground lashed with wounds and crying out for mercy. While towering over her will be a traditionally clothed White Overseer with his trouser buttons open and his fully erect penis displayed (considerably larger than life) as he weilds a bull whip over his head and drinks heartilly from a jug of Tennesee sour mash whiskey.
Our artist has completed a scale model of the monument that we would like to introduce to your city at your next council meeting and have placed on display for the public to consider and appreciate as you deliberate our proposal of our gift to your community.
We look forward to hearing back from the council very soon and to beginning work on this valuable and beautiful addition to your city.
A more conservative speaker, who cannot be subjected to a confidence vote by a single House member.
Democrats could have prevented this rightward shift by supporting McCarthy. They chose poorly.
Pre-ordained by the Republican majority in January when they unanimously adopted the rules giving a Florida pedophile full authority to vacate the chair at any time.
That was an extreme, radical thing to do. And it was done unanimously by an extreme, radical Republican House majority.
There are no GOP “moderates”.
@ 21
No lie. Had Democrats voted with McCarthy, he would have remained subject to the one-objector rule that was in place. McCarthy worked with Democrats to avoid a shutdown.
Johnson – to our knowledge – made no such deal to permit one-objector voting. And Johnson has little reason to work with Democrats, now that he knows with certainty that they will shive him as they did McCarthy, given the opportunity.
McCarthy was kept on a tight leash. Johnson, not so much.
That having been said, the GOP can still find a way to fuck this up.
Republicans could have avoided showing their whole ass to the electorate at large by not getting fully behind a pedophile.
“We were willing to shut down the house in ’23 because the Democrats wouldn’t save us from not one failed speaker nominee, not two, but THREE. Now Joe Biden and the Democrats are forcing us to shut down the whole Government.” Speaker Mike Johnson, New Year’s Day 2024.
Good luck. Have fun bringing Trans Bans, 1% tax cuts, Loan Delinquency notices to Students, an impeachment vote for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, and maybe an abortion ban or two to the floor in the meantime.
Think on your sins GOP.
Of course, as Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has already proven, for decades, to Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit, home gyms don’t work.
Exercise found to be nearly as good as Viagra in overcoming erectile dysfunction
@ 24
Good luck. Have fun bringing Trans Bans, 1% tax cuts, Loan Delinquency notices to Students, an impeachment vote for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, and maybe an abortion ban or two to the floor in the meantime.
How about a repeal of the SALT deduction limitation instead?
NY/NJ GOP reps told Jordan that they were withholding their vote until he committed to working for a repeal.
I wouldn’t mind a repeal. Not one bit. The tab for it would be paid by Queen YLB’s fucked kids. And the limitation sunsets after 2025, so it’s gonna be paid for by the fucked offspring of an unserious twat soon enough as it is.
Good luck. Have fun bringing Trans Bans, 1% tax cuts, Loan Delinquency notices to Students, an impeachment vote for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, and maybe an abortion ban or two to the floor in the meantime.
Another lie.
McCarthy committed to a CR in keeping with the debt ceiling authorization from June:
– non-defense discretionary spending will be rolled back to fiscal 2022 levels and topline federal spending will be limited to 1% annual growth for the next six years;
– non-defense discretionary spending for fiscal 2024 will be capped at about $704 billion, of which $121 billion will be for veterans’ medical care and $583 billion will be for other areas;
– $11 billion in rescinded unobligated Covid-19 relief funds and $10 billion in money shifted from the Internal Revenue Service will be used to beef up non-defense discretionary spending;
– $10 billion in funds repurposed from mandatory programs and $23 billion that’s designated as emergency funding will be shifted;
Then Brave Kevin abandoned that committment, bowing to pressure from extremists who answer to Trump. He broke his commitments and proved he was not a good faith partner for Democrats. There was absolutely no reason for any Democrat to seek to preserve him in the Speakership under those conditions.
The biggest reason for the change in Speaker is the polling numbers for incumbent House Republicans.
They are fucked and they know it. They are all big mad that huge pluralities of illiterate, peri-diabetic racist white people aren’t flocking to support them like Trump (Bannon) promised. And that simply can’t be because Trump is wrong. It must be because the party leadership is faiing them. So they decided to kill two birds.
Destroy the leadership while setting themselves up for a big legislative win on some giant tax cuts that they can brag about every weekend and recess between now and November of 2024. But in order to do that they had to overturn the budget deal. And to overturn the budget deal in a way that would play on television required getting rid of Brave Kevin.
So now here we are. Because mandatory universal forced birth, school prayer, insurrection, withdrawal from NATO, and $1.50 minimum wage turn out to be incredibly unpopular with voters, Republicans needed to rearrange their deck chairs and psyche themselves up to throw another budget tantrum.
@9 Yeah, but there are over 3,300 voters in that city badly in need of psychiatric evaluation. Not good, not good.
And here’s why this performative self-humiliation by Republicans will most likely result in some kind of SHITDOWN:
In only his fourth term since first being sworn in to Congress in 2017, newly elected Speaker Mike Johnson has an office staff of probably five. At no point in his career has Speaker Johnson ever been responsible for a staff any larger. So Steve Scalise, and Tom Emmer will have to fill in lots of gaps in leadership in the weeks between now and the deadline. And neither of them has any particularly good reason to be cooperative or on good terms with this guy as he struggles to comprehend the job he just won. How he won it, and with whose support will come to play a big role in how well Speaker Johnson is able to quickly grasp the complexity of managing his caucus and gaining their trust, something even Brave Kevin, with sixteen years in Congress, was unable to do.
So this one might have passed by us but here’s a lesson for Sydney Powell who’s out there now STILL insisting the election was stolen, they proved it AND her confession was just coerced.
David Johnson, who attacked a fruit vendor in Nashville arrived at his sentencing after pleading guilty. After the judge announced a suspended sentence due to his genuine display of remorse of 11 years, defendant Johnson lost his shit in court and went on a curse filled screaming fit at the judge over the severity of having to keep his nose clean for 11 years or face a possible jail time. In response to the outburst the Judge declared that he had clearly misunderstood his ‘remorse’ and that his temper indicated he was a threat to the community and amended the sentence to consecutive 11 year prison sentences, one for each count.
Sydney….Ms. Powell? Are you paying attention?
@25 If home gyms don’t work, then neither do commercial gyms, and MTG’s business is nothing but a scam.
“Moderate” Republicans could have been bipartisan or not voted for him, but they chose Johnson. This shit show is on all Republicans.
A year ago the party had a choice to make in response to their underperformance in the mid term election. Having only managed to secure the barest of majorities in the House mid terms, they could pay heed to the will of the voters and seek bipartisan pathways forward, negotiating across the aisle and with the White House. Or they could respond to their electoral base of pipe bomb building racist Trump supporters and instead carefully forge a purely partisan Republican-only majority teetering constantly on collapse.
Everybody knows what they chose.