The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally is meeting this evening. Stop by, if you can, for some political chat and good cheer over a cold one.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm. You’ll find us on the back patio.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
I think I see a horse being riden in the back of the parade line.
Anyone you know?
Jim Wright
>> We already have one! Lucky us.
Where the real groomers go to hide…..the church. Nobody is looking for them there.
Scummy Mums for Fascism don’t care.
I guess theres a pay wall.
@2 yeah
he gets all his news in tweets.
So easy to Retweet…..tweet, tweet.
Boy this war of heterosexuals (neanderthals) is getting messy.
Hate. Hate. Hate.
That’s what it gets you. Own it.
@2 Back in WW2, when bombers tried to find their targets with compasses and radio signal vectoring, and the bombs landed wherever they happened to fall, the Americans conducted “precision daylight bombing” raids in which they’d send 1,000 planes to hit a factory and hope at least one bomb damaged it. The BDA reports of those days mostly focused on whether the crews missed the target so completely that they had to go back and do it again. The RAF was more practical; they flew at night, and dropped their bombs wherever there was a city, figuring a city is a bigger target and therefore easier to hit.
That’s about where Hamas’s and Islamic Jihad’s aiming technology is at today, so it wouldn’t be terribly surprising if they hit a hospital in Gaza instead of Tel Aviv. That’s only slightly worse than our WW2 air forces.
Republican removes himself from GOP donor pool.
@ 98, Monday thread
Even the paragliding reports are somewhat in doubt after a couple of widely circulated videos on social media were shown to pre-date the Saturday attack.
There are videos of paragliders coming into the rave before slaughtering all of those attendees.
Somewhat in doubt should be not at all in doubt. It happened. Own it..
NPR isn’t saying it was anything other than an explosion at the hospital.
Hey, the compressed oxygen just blew up. These things happen.
’cause otherwise we’d have to tell the truth.
@9. As always, when the greedy racist incel’s lying and pretending it’s fact, he never includes links.
File where appropriate.
@9 Shouldn’t be hard to figure out who’s responsible if impartial investigators are allowed on the site. When the explosive residue and metallurgy of fragments is examined, they should be able to tell the difference between home-made and manufactured ordnance.
@ 10
…he never includes links.
You lying fucking embarrassment to your family and to the homosexual world.
It’s rare that I fail to include a link.
This is the top story on the site, right now:
Being the most stupid commenter on HA doesn’t give you a pass to lie your fucking ass off. You’re an uneducated, unintelligent piece of shit.
Oh. Right. Because you’re too stupid to find unless I spoon-feed it to you, here’s the link, you fucking asshole:
If The Even Bigger Fucking Moron were to go away, the average IQ of the rest of us would increase 15 points.
Video of Doctor Dumbfuck’s senile, incompetent president slurring his speech. This happened
A spokesman for the Hamas Ministry of Health claims (article here, video here) that Israel dropped two warning missiles on the hospital before it blew up, a practice called “roof knocking” which IDF says it uses to avoid civilian casualties.
Neither of these sources (Middle East Eye, and Teller Report) are mainstream, and I haven’t found this allegation reported in any other news sources.
Its significance is obvious; it goes to whether the hospital was hit by Palestinian or Israeli ordnance, and if the latter, suggests the hospital was intentionally hit.
At this time, the veracity of these assertions is yet to be determined.
Purported video of hospital bombing is bullshit.
This is amusing:
The first headline in the NYT calls it an Israeli strike.
The second headline in the NYT calls it a strike.
The third headline in the NYT calls it a blast.
The fourth headline in the NYT calls The Even Bigger Fucking Moron an embarrassment to every homosexual who wishes to be taken seriously.
Purported video of hospital bombing is bullshit.
Meanwhile, a since-deleted Israeli-posted video purporting to show a Palestinian missile hitting the hospital was bullshit, too.
@ 16
Yes, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you are correct. Thank you ever so much for pointing out that a video shot during daytime is not the nighttime hospital own-goal by the Palestinians.
Now, about all of the other evidence that the Palestinians blew up their own hospital…
Meanwhile, it may be nearly time for the U.S., Canada, and other countries to start providing armed jet fighter escorts for their military planes flying in international airspace over the South China Sea.
@ 20
China doesn’t have to smell weakness. They see it in every video of my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president.
@19 “Now, about all of the other evidence that the Palestinians blew up their own hospital…”
Which is … ? Seriously, I have an open mind on this topic. I don’t know who did it, nor whether it was inadvertent or intentional, etc., and I’m curious to know the answers to these questions. It bothers me that the whole world is jumping to conclusions before an evidence-based factual determination is made.
There’s a corollary here.
Anything the police say, even after multitudes of instances when what they said in the immediate aftermath of an officer involved death, no matter how many times it is later proven to be a lie, “In this most recent incident I trust Cops!”
Anything IDF says in the immediate aftermath of mass killings in the West Bank or Gaza no matter how many times it is later proven to be a lie, “In this most recent incident I trust IDF!”
The Dumbfuck is at least consistent.
Say, have you heard about the Tacoma cops on trial for murdering a black citizen? They’re going with the he had ‘superhuman strength’ from ‘excited delirium’ defense. That’s a thing cops have claimed for decades that a suspect high on drugs took a taser, pepper spray a few bullets and kept coming so they had to put 17 bullets in him. Problem is it’s bullshit. There has never been a verified case of such a thing happening and the AMA says it’s not a real thing, The DSM removed it from their guidelines of legitimate diagnosis AND the American Academy of Psychiatrics says that there is no evidence for the phenomenon.
Cops, like the IDF, lie. All the fucking time. About a shit ton of things both trivial and fatal.
@ 23
Problem is it’s bullshit. There has never been a verified case of such a thing happening and the AMA says it’s not a real thing, The DSM removed it from their guidelines of legitimate diagnosis …
Not a real thing: excited delirium.
Very much a real thing: hyperactive delirium syndrome with severe agitation.
From the ACEP task force:
Funny: they don’t tell cops how to administer those medications to people strung out on drugs to the point that they’re hyperactive, delerious, and agitated. To the point that they’re trying to kill cops.
I love it when Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks he’s Marcus Welby, M.D.
The Murdoch-owned, rightwing, pro-Israel Wall Street Journal says this is a verified video of the hospital attack.
I experienced enemy rocket and mortar fire in Vietnam, and this is what “incoming” sounds like. You can easily tell the difference between outgoing artillery fire and an incoming artillery shell or missile. The sound in that video is definitely not outgoing nor is it a secondary explosion. That hospital was hit with a shell or missile.
HA libbies in recent days have maintained that:
1. Hamas didn’t decapitate Israeli babies.
2. Hamas didn’t use paragliders.
3. Islamic Jihad didn’t fire a rocket that hit a Gaza hospital in the path of whatever the hell it was aiming at.
It’s like HA libbies are trying to cover up for something. Whatever that might be.
@23 “I love it when Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks he’s Marcus Welby, M.D.”
For your information, I didn’t post #23, nor have I expressed any opinion on the topic of #s 23 and 24.
@ 25
The sound in that video is definitely not outgoing nor is it a secondary explosion. That hospital was hit with a shell or missile.
Know what else doesn’t make that sound? Laser guided bombs dropped from airplanes. They already have the velocity, and don’t need propulsion from behind. Only directional input.
I wonder if Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has seen the video Al Jazeera streamed in real-time at about 700 pm local time, in which a misfired rocket struck Gaza and exploded.
That was 700pm. The first public reports of a hospital explosion were at about 720pm. How do I know this? I click the link @ 18, spewed by Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@26 I presume this comment isn’t addressed to me, but for the record, my position on #1 and#3 is, “I don’t know.” As to #2, Hamas itself posted paraglider videos.
You’re the rush-to-judgment kneejerk who’s “maintaining” things here.
@ 27
Apologies. My bad.
Hey, ACAB, any thoughts on the POS Antifa dude in Atlanta who shot a cop and got exactly what he deserved?
Care to comment on the gunpowder residue found on his hands by the forensic analysts?
Or do you just transition to the next unfounded argument?
@28 How would you know? Have you ever been under fire? Or even in the military? Any ordnance makes noise. Even a bullet does. If you’re saying a falling bomb is silent, you’re full of shit. The noise is not from propellant; it comes from the object pushing aside air as it flies or falls at high speed. Shows how little you know about battlefields.
Funny, they don’t ever mention that it includes super human strength and the ability to withstand submission techniques requiring the use of deadly force. But good on you for finding the one organization that stands by a discarded diagnosis while implying the characterization of it as described by Law Enforcement is….Bullshit. Also, the paper you cite specifically says the term “Excited Delirium” is outdated and not useful.
Back to square one. There is zero clinical evidence of “superhuman strength” associated with “excited/hyperactive delirium” but that doesn’t stop the defense in the current case of a murder, caught on video, by cops as the reason why they had to put him down. Why that one cop kneeling on his while he said, on video, he could not breath couldn’t subdue him what with all that superhuman strength. That’s why no other officers had to join in, on video. He was out of control so that one guy had to take the brunt of that super human strength out of safety for the other officers. That’s why they had to put a variation of a plastic bag over his head while a single officer failed to, wait, he was on the ground barely moving, subdue him because he was….so strong. With the hysterical delirium.
@31 At least you admit your dumb mistakes. That’s a notch up from most Republicans.
@29 No, I haven’t seen it. All I get from that link is, “Something went wrong. Try reloading,” which doesn’t work, either.
@ 33
There is zero clinical evidence of “superhuman strength” …
Same report:
You’re right, there’s no mention of Clark Kent strength. Just violence, combativeness, and danger to those around the affected individual. IOW your basic grandmother using her walker in the downtown croswalk.
@ 29, 35
I left out a number.
I found it here. It looks like the missile was intercepted by a second missile, then fell to the ground and exploded. Whether this is the explosion at the hospital can’t be determined from the video. Note there are two ground explosions in the video, some distance apart, following the explosion in the sky. That’s consistent with a missile intercept. It makes perfect sense that a missile knocked out of the sky could have fallen on an unintended target.
The Palestinians have fired thousands of rockets, and there are no other reports of short rounds, so a hit from falling missile debris is more plausible, especially when you clearly have an in-flight explosion. Another possibility is that a defective Palestinian rocket blew up in flight; from watching the video, I don’t feel I can say for sure this was an intercept, but that’s what it looks like. Either scenario is plausible. If this is the missile that hit the hospital, it sure does look like an accidental hit. The point of impact being in the parking lot, as has been reported, lends credence to that, too. This kind of shit happens in wars, and people need to understand that. In Vietnam, we occasionally blew away our own guys with “friendly fire.” (G.I.s will comment there’s nothing “friendly” about “friendly fire.”)
The lying fascist traitor is on the ropes.
“Jordan calls for unity after failing to secure Speakership”
Is this a standup routine? Is he trying to be a comedian? Is this the GOP-Extremist version of SNL?
After listening to David Petraeus speak in this video, I thought “Gaza … Stalingrad.” Turns out I’m not the only one; an Al Jazeera article here asks, “Will Gaza be Israel’s Stalingrad?”
AJ also says what I said about the hospital explosion: “Only a careful analysis of the debris left at the hospital that should uncover fragments of the outer shell of the device that exploded could result in a positive identification.”
These aren’t original thoughts; they’re obvious thoughts that should occur to anyone who really thinks about this stuff.
Al Jazeera says Israel admits the Israeli Air Force had an “operation in the area around the time of the hospital blast” but claims “it was with a different kind of ammunition that does not … fit the footage that we have [of] the hospital,” which leaves open the possibility that an Israel munition was responsible. But this fact would also lead Palestinians and Arab countries to automatically accuse Israel.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: After all the sturm und drang dies down, it’ll probably turn out to be an accident from a wayward munition, and common sense suggests this would more likely be a homemade or intercepted Palestinian rocket than an Israeli precision-guided missile or bomb. But that’s just speculation on my part.
These bad guys, they’re all heterosexuals.
Own it. This is the way you want things to be.
It’s the we like it too!
Who shot JR?
Who cares, both sides have terrible people on it.
Own it you mother fuckers (warring parties). This is what you built and deserve.
Hate. Breeding will not save them.
Heterosexual Neanderthals.
@12 Pointing to the home page is not a link. He’s still lying by omission.
“The cause of the explosion has not yet been confirmed.”
If, at the time of writing that report, which the greedy racist incel has not link to so we cannot check, it was not confirmed who’s bomb caused the explosion, should NPR have lied and reported propaganda for one side or the other?
According the greedy racist incel, yes, so he can justify “Killing Them All (TM)”
General TikTok has all the latest intel a Moldovan script-kiddie can produce.
This of course all goes well beyond “fog of war”. Both sides in this conflict, as well as third parties, are using every tool at their disposal to affect public opinion and if possible stir up rage and expand the violence. The troll is clearly eager to dive in head first and bathe in as much manufactured blood rage as he can.
Considering how he does all this from the comfort and safety of his television lounge chair sequestered in a dark and rainy forest, and how all that validating rage is being purchased with the lives of children, I think it provides us all with perhaps the best view ever into his character and personality.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit wants us to believe that the sound the rocket/missile made in the WSJ-obtained verified video confirms that it’s a rocket missile, but also wants us to believe in the possibility that it was struck by an Iron Dome intercepting missile and fell to earth, causing the explosion.
With its propulsion system fully intact to enable it to make the missile noise.
Got it.
Shorter Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 25, 28:
Republican “Every Life Is a Precious Gift From Father God” states that imposed restrictions on safe access to abortion saw an average 16% rise in infant mortality.
“We must slaughter them in order to save them”.
WaPo’s White House reporter:
Mrs. Krabapple and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and Hamas beheaded it.
@ 50
From this study
we learn that it’s OK to have up to 7 abortion-restrictive laws, and that a baby is more likely to survive if its mama drops out of high school at age 14 to begin working at Popeye’s.
All this study says is that counties with a lot of black people are counties that vote for restrictions to abortion. God-fearing people, that lot.
The House is gaveled in and preparing to take up another vote for Insurrection Gym this morning after an overnight session of threats and intimidation of “moderate” Republicans opposing his election to be
ChancellorSpeaker.… apparently the race of a dead baby is what matters most to a Pro Life Republican.
Yikes. They don’t normally say that part out loud.
Upon receiving confirmation that an Islamic Jihad missile was to blame, the Palestinian Authority revised its statement and now maintains that no civilians were killed and only three cars were total losses as a result of a wayward missile that landed in a hospital parking lot and caused a fire.
• No destroyed buildings.
• No missile crater.
• No dead Palestinian children.
• No remorse for the claim of 900 dead.
Yes, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, it’s satire. Although each of those bullet points may very well also be true.
Generac shares have fallen as low as $96.18 today.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is now underwater on this investment, too.
Also in the shitter for the day are Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investments in C, T, and MMM.
At this point “moderate” Republicans are wary of introducing the resolution until they can be more confident that at least as many Republicans will vote in favor as Democrats.
So that makes the math fairly simple for Jeffries and for Joyce.
Jeffries needs 104 Democrats to stand aside.
And Joyce needs to recruit just 67 more Republicans interested in avoiding Speaker Pipe-Bomb figuring into their re-election losses next year.