It is a primary election night in Washington State. So please drop off your ballot and then join us for an evening of electoral politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Some folks will be there early for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 276 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
I see you libs continue to to support NON-UNION establishments. How many UNION made vehicles will be in the parking lot? Why won’t you do a DL UNION members only event? Probably because there aren’t any Union DL members!
My brother’s mother in law and 14 year old daughter are visiting from Florida. The mother in law has made it clear that she doesn’t like Obama. The 14 year old makes a statement and believes that Obama sold GM’s Hummer to China. Why would a 14 year old say such a stupid thing? You don’t suppose the girl learned from the mother to be ignorant? Is this any way to breed individuals? Maybe heterosexuals should quit while they are ahead – spare us, please.
Bigotry breeds bigotry. And there are people out there that want you to believe Americans are smart. Who you trying to kid?
IAFF Fireman @1,
“I see you libs continue to to support NON-UNION establishments.”
Indeed, we do. Once again, you suffer from your AM talk-radio inflicted wingding stereotype that liberals will only patronize union establishments.
“How many UNION made vehicles will be in the parking lot?”
Zero, for two reasons: 1. There is no parking lot, and 2. Using a Union’s vehicle for personal business would be unethical.
“Why won’t you do a DL UNION members only event?”
Because DL is an open event. It is open to anyone, including Wingnuts like you!
“Probably because there aren’t any Union DL members!”
Correct…but because there is no such thing as a “DL Member.”
It’s Rossi Vs. Murray
Sen. Patty Murray and Harold Stassen, er I mean Dino Rossi, won the “top two” primary and will face each other in November, according to the fishwrapper.
Murray has 49% to Rossi’s 33%, and Didier at 10% isn’t even in the race. Akers got 2%.
Go Tea Party!!!
Yeah, right. Go crawl back in your caves.
Rossi @ 33% isn’t in the race.
33% is a third. A third time looser.
Whoops, sorry. I meant looooooooooooooser.
RE 2
You’re right. Homosexuals should breed instead. Some tiny problem with that I can’t remember though….
Thanks for confirming the liberal hatred of America with this “And there are people out there that want you to believe Americans are smart.” though.
Re 9 – I see you would rather not comment or address what the 14 yo said.
Re 9 – I hate to break it to you but homosexuals can breed just like heterosexuals. A lesbian can be artificially inseminated. A gay guy can provide his sperm to a surrogate mother, similar to how heterosexuals can reproduce. And in some case bi guys and gals can even reproduce the old fashion way. What heterosexuals do is no feat. A gay guy can get his dick hard enough to insert into a vagina and release some sperm and presto a baby is born. The easy part is the act of making a baby, the hard part is raising one so it doesn’t become a bigoted individual.
No hatred in pointing out that there are many stupid Americans – FOX News is proof of it. And as FOX News increased its viewer ship more Americans become overwhelmingly more stupid. You might be proof of it, lost in a sea of shit.
Re 11
I hate to break it to you, but saying homosexuals can breed is like saying a man can become pregnant. In some theoretical medical procedure maybe he can, but it isn’t how the body was designed. Nor is it numerically significant in any way.
You didn’t say there were many stupid Americans. You wrote that all were, or at least all weren’t smart. If you hate this country and the dominant moral and political culture so much, move.
Re 10
So the mother dislikes Obama, in your mind a capital offense against your God. Big freaking deal. And a 14 year old girl made a factual error in family conversation? Oh my God! What is the world coming to!?
You really are a bigot Gman. You’re insecurity at your chosen minority status makes you attack all heterosexuals in a bizarre attempt to make yourself feel more mainstream. It would be funny were it not so sad for you.
I want you to understand this clearly, Gman, before you mistakenly impute to me motives I don’t feel.
I could care less if you sleep with a woman, a man or a ’53 Buick. So long as both parties are adult and consent, it isn’t my business.
Nor do I judge you morally or spiritually or on the basis of my religion because of your choice. None of these are my business except as I practice them.
Nor do I think your chosen sexuality should be grounds for discrimination in housing, jobs or anything else.
But pretending your choice in sexuality makes you better than those who are heterosexual is just stupid.
did they cancel the All Male Naked Hot Yoga night at the steambath tonight?
gleeman’s post having children demonstrates how out of touch with reality he really is…god help any children he “has”….
you get that starter solenoid replaced on your ’75 Chevy Van yet?…and by the way, flat black krylon spraypaint on the back and side windows is not “tinting”…
@13 – too late to comment at length and because I am typing from an iPhone, but I never said I am more superior nor have I infered that, you are making that baseless judgement, my goal is to point out that homosexuals aren’t inferior and that heterosexuals aren’t superior, as heterosexuals like to judge.
@12 – as a gay or bisexual male I can tell you as s fact that I have no problem impregnating a woman, hence I can breed!
@12 – factual error in a family communication, yeah that would be like me saying that George W. Bush learned how to ride a bike from Lance Armstrong.
Admit it, the girl learned how to surmise from the mother that he, Obama, is a Muslim, that sold GM’s Hummer to China. Factual error… you are a factual error.