Please join us this evening as the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally gets together for drinks, good cheer, and conversation. We’d be pleased to see you.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm. You’ll find us on the back patio.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
What do you think Bob…..Virus or just a lifestyle?
From Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit on the House-passed bill, previous thread @ 135:
And Republicans want Democrats to negotiate on this?
Let’s take a stroll down Democrat memory lane, shall we?
After months of silliness, Democrats became somewhat less silly.
Schumer wouldn’t even take up that proposal, once the House ballooned it to $2.2 trillion before passing it.
All y’all don’t have months this time. Fucking get to work.
Waaayyyyyy too often not to be some type of STD Virus…..better known as the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
You’ve been groomed Bieahhhch!
Waaayayyyyaay too often. The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
All these little tid bits just from one source of jounalism.
Democrats pissed away months during the middle of 2021, whining at Joe Manchin for not telling them what his reservations were, when all along he had provided them, in writing, to the Senate Majority Leader, who pulled a DiFi by sitting on them without telling anyone he possessed them.
How much time will Democrats piss away before doing what is necessary this go ’round?
Looky here. Any bets on if a boy(s) or a girl(s)?
Oct. 28, 2021: Biden presented House Democrats with a $1.75 trillion reconciliation framework,
Reconciliation is budget. They have until next October. Your first clue was in the copy pasta, Sherlock.
See, this is a good example of why things fall apart whenever Republicans get any power.
None of them have any fucking idea what they are doing when they aren’t swindling old white guys in red trucker hats.
the House-passed bill
it’s “unserious”..
Past “serious”:
1985 – Gramm-Rudman-Hollings
1990 – Papa Bush’s “Budget Camp”
2010 – Simpson-Bowles
2011 – Budget ‘supercommittee’
2023 – MAGA-way or the highway to hell?
The last is the asshole way.. No wonder kreepshit loves it.
You mean the Tennessee Christian School? Where the protesters were SO out of control they went legally into the gallery of the state house? The one where the three democrats supported the protesters and the two black Representatives were removed from the body for ‘decorum’, temporary? The one that caused scrutiny and touched off the removal of one Republican in a leadership position and has the speaker of the house fending off all kinds of ethics and eligibility issues since? That protest?
It’s so hard to remember those protests seeing as to how it was THREE WEEKS ago.
That’s your boy, Dumbfuck. Ride his coattails. They are long and made of the finest silk $Bs can buy.
Dude had multiple swastika tattoos and signed his emails “Heil Hitler”.
We can actually say he was an actual Nazi. They do exist. You can trust someone is telling you the truth when they tell you they are a Nazi.
A MAGA Nazi did a massacre at a mall. That’s not a particularly new thing, btw.
Tuckems now says that his firing was a settlement condition imposed on FOX by Dominion’s super attorneys.
Or, in the alternative, it was not. Tuckems is lying. And he was fired for rape and stuff.
@4 So now you not only want to renegotiate the 2022 budget, but also the 2021 budget? And if Democrats refuse, you’re going to blow up your investments? Well, okey-dokey. Take a match. Wait, take two matches.
@7 “doing what is necessary”
What is necessary, and no doubt will be done, is telling the GOP House extremists who want to dismantle the non-defense parts of the federal government to go fuck themselves. If they then dismantle the U.S. and global financial systems, the U.S. economy, and the jobs and savings of tens of millions of Americans, that’s on them. Although I suspect that Biden, in the end, won’t play along with this. He’ll just pay the bills, debt ceiling be damned, because that’s what the Constitution requires and his oath requires him to uphold it.
On the negotiation side of things, I simply do not see the Democrats agreeing to the kinds of spending cuts those extremists are demanding in order to pay for billionaire tax cuts, either now or ever.
@11 “It’s so hard to remember those protests seeing as to how it was THREE WEEKS ago.”
Yeah, it’s hard for anybody to remember AR-15 mass murders THREE WEEKS ago, because there have been so many since then. It’s like trying to keep track of the World War One casualty lists.
Wouldn’t the irony of Fox or Dominion getting ANOTHER defamation settlement out of Tucker for lying about the terms of the original settlement be…
Literally the best.
@ 9
Reconciliation is budget. They have until next October.
My point was that an initially large monetary gap narrowed, over time. And that was intra-party. Focus on narrowing the gap. Which y’all simply don’t want to do.
Fucking get to work. Divided government exists now. Work within it.
Datum du jour:
If he was locked up he wouldn’t be dead.
One of the cool things about New Twitter is that while a commenter can be blocked, that commenter’s perspective can’t be, if there are enough others share it.
POS Weingarten deserves a slow, painful death:
The Menendez precedent.
Jake Sherman
McCarthy signals he’ll allow santos to stay in congress while he deals with his federal indictment.
Still seems like budget discussion. “Narrowing a gap” is a budget thing.
Call the number on the back of your Discover card and ask to talk to a rep about “narrowing a gap”.
He’ll have time to walk it back as “mere opinion”.
Writ large, the difference between the parties.
A Senator has a very old picture of him ‘pretending’ to assault a woman who went on to become a right wing activist and he definitely made some comments that create a hostile work environment. Calls for resignation and resigned.
Lied about EVERYTHING and is under federal indictment. Circle the wagons and we need the vote so Fuck It!
The banner headline tonight because nothing else happened today at all
@18 The real point is you’re shilling for a radicalized party that has no qualms about deficit spending or raising the debt ceiling to pay for their wars and tax cuts, a party that slashed taxes for corporations and rich people and is now complaining the government can’t afford the things a majority of voters elected Democrats to implement, so they’ve taken the economy hostage to force Democrats to dismantle everything the people voted for. It’s a crude power play, and the only possible answer to it is “fuck you.”
You want to negotiate the budget? Then do it in the budget negotiations, where it belongs. Democrats will have to make some concessions as to the next budget, because they don’t have a majority to pass theirs. But don’t try to use the debt ceiling to renegotiate past budgets. It’s obvious what’s going on here. McCarthy’s gang wants to undo the budgets passed when Democrats had the majority. Again, the answer is “fuck you.” It doesn’t work that way, and Democrats would be out of their minds to allow such a precedent to be established. Republicans are so out of control it’s time to pull out the 14th Amendment, shove it up their asses, and dare the Supreme Court to interfere with it.
Reparations: payments from people who never owned slaves to people who were never slaves.
You can’t make this stuff up…
@25 Newsom said (according to Fox), “Dealing with that [slavery] legacy is about much more than cash payments. Many of the recommendations put forward by the Task Force are critical action items we’ve already been hard at work addressing: breaking down barriers to vote, bolstering resources to address hate, enacting sweeping law enforcement and justice reforms to build trust and safety, strengthening economic mobility — all while investing billions to root out disparities and improve equity in housing, education, healthcare, and well beyond. This work must continue,” he said. “Following the Task Force’s submission of its final report this summer, I look forward to a continued partnership with the Legislature to advance systemic changes that ensure an inclusive and equitable future for all Californians.”
Makes perfect sense to me. Using state resources to pay cash reparations to California residents does not. California was never a slave state. Although some southerners brought their slaves to California to work in the goldfields, slavery had no legal protection there. The state was never complicit in maintaining their status or condition as slaves. The early government of the state rejected that. Logically, if today’s descendants of those slaves are entitled to cash reparations, it should come from the former slave states. If any group is entitled to ancestry-based reparations from California, it’s the descendants of the Chinese railroad workers and Japanese internees who were directly impacted by what happened in California.
Today’s African-Americans are several generations removed from the enslaved African-Americans. Compensating the latter is impossible. The former are entitled to the equality promised by the Constitution and our societal values. They’re entitled to an end to the anti-black discrimination that still persists in our society. What is owed to them is protecting their right to vote, ending police abuse of black people, providing equal access to education and employment, and erasing discrimination from employment, housing, bank lending, and every other aspect of living in our society. There’s plenty of work to do in those areas that require and involve state-level efforts and resources.
But first, there’s more urgent business to tend to. Thanks to Republicans, our society is regressing. We now have to fight just to mention slavery in textbooks and classrooms. We have to fight against conservative efforts to reestablish white supremacy, white privilege, segregation, and against their efforts to eliminate diversity programs in education and business. And that’s a far easier sell to voters than handing out checks to people currently living for wrongs done over 150 years ago. What we really need, more than anything else, is to reestablish majoritarian principles and not allow a small minority of racists to dictate social conditions in our cities, states, and nation.
@21 McCarthy will allow Santos to stay because he desperately needs that vote. McCarthy is such a whore he’d give a free pass to a convicted embezzler or murderer, as long as he has that vote. Today the GOP is all about pure power, nothing else; they have no honor, decency, or principle left. They are the last people to be preaching to anyone else about fiscal rectitude, family values, or morality, because they have none themselves. They are like the Russians now; and the way to deal with them is you don’t negotiate with them, you defeat them.
@20 Weingarten represents teachers, who are leaving the profession in droves. Close your ears to her and the teachers she speaks for, if you wish.
DeSantis is turning Florida into a state without teachers. It’ll be interesting to see how that experiment turns out down the road.
@27 I’m not in favor of that. I think it makes more sense to deal with today’s problems: Suppression of black votes, police violence against black people, and lingering discrimination in housing, employment, and education; and resisting the politics of white supremacy by voting against Republicans.
Republican budget priorities remind me of when Texas Gov. Rick Perry eliminated 90% of the state firefighting budget, then went to President Obama for millions in federal aid when Texas was burning up with wildfires. And Obama, like a good Democrat, let bygones be bygones, and gave it to him.
I’m not saying we should quit being good Democrats, but I don’t see why we should let irresponsible hypocrites dictate the federal firefighting, meat inspection, workplace safety, or environmental protection budgets. And I sure as hell can’t see giving in to people whose stated aim is to “drown government in a bathtub.”
Republicans are suing to flood all 50 states with deadly assault weapons, including states whose voters don’t want these weapons endangering their communities.
The long legacy of economic repression isn’t just slavery. It’s Hunters Point in SF and Richmond across the bay where blacks were ‘allowed’ to live when they came west to build the ships that won the war in the Pacific. It was the dilapidated housing projects of Marin City and San Pedro where they were redlined after the war ended robbing them of the chance to build generational wealth through home ownership. It was Bank of America funding all manner of white businesses but blacks were only valid as laborers NOT entrepreneurs. It’s a black child being 50% more likely to be suspended or expelled from school for the same transgressions of white kids leading to much much higher drop out rates.
It’s why CRT is the problem because if the kids who grew up in safe 4 bedroom homes and had easy access to UCLA or San Diego State are introduced to the idea that the kids whose neighborhoods were surrounded by freeways with no public transit, say why does the BART train end in Richmond instead of connecting Marin and the north bay, out were kept in certain neighborhoods they might have been disadvantaged. And then those kids might see the BIPOC as equal but shit on. It’s school funding that relies on local bond measures SOME areas can afford and others….well we can duct tape the air filters back on the ceiling.
If you KNOW Chavez Ravine was a thriving community destroyed you might ‘feel’ some tinge of guilt that YOUR family never got runout because the O’Mally’s needed a ballpark.
Home loans were called sub prime and the GOP blamed irresponsible consumers for the predatory economic collapse. Affirmative action was called reverse racist. Breaking the racist HOA covenants was called ‘destroying my property value’ and killing American tradition of individual responsibility. Under appraisal of black owned homes was ‘bad neighborhoods’.
Slavery is just a tiny part of the century of inequality. Tell you what. Trade you Reparations for a freeze on state investment in neighborhoods over the median income and put all the funds in those under served for the last 50 years.
If WA Democratic led Legislature flooded Franklin County with adequate school and public health funding how long before it turns blue?
@34 California’s reparations proposal is tied to slavery. The only blacks who’d benefit are those who can prove slave ancestry. This approach appears to be influenced by the ADOS movement. Since all blacks are discriminated against the same, why are those without slave ancestry excluded from remedial action? Remedial efforts should focus on correcting discrimination against all black people. I guess it boils down to whether you believe the wrong that we should address is slavery, which hasn’t existed for 158 years, or discrimination, which still exists today.
when the only reason you vote on the Right is becuase of taxes, its hard not to understand why these fuckers are always money laundering and stealing money.
The corruption on the Right can be unmatched. Bunch of Scum and POS Hypocrites Heterosexual Neanderthals with the virus.
Now were talking. Where you going to put all them suffering from the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus? I mean you can’t even come to terms that these people are mental and should be dealt with before they kill. And you want to talk about putting a person in an insane asylum. Your bullshit never adds up, it’s only selective cherry picking. 2nd Ammendment rights budddy, face it.
The Heteroseuxal Neanderthal Virus – costing people their lives and costing the taxpayer a ton of money – but A’Ok because heterosexual supremacy.
Call 1-666-YOU-DEAD Beatch!
Forget about the Physc. Hospitals……abolish the tradition of Heterosexual marriage, it would save women and children lives and Fiddo’s.
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus is completley under the radar fine.
Ladies don’t be groomed by your groom – DON’T GET MARRIED! STOP HAVING SEX WITH THE NUT JOBS INFESTED WITH THE STD VIRUS (at Birth).
Don’t let your man dictate who and who you can’t have sex with. Only for them to kill you after because you are their peice of meat Beiatch! You belong to them Beiatch!
DeFuckFace should be worried about The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus (or the wife – because he’s a POS Pig).
DeFuckFace should be worried about The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus (or the wife – because he’s a POS Pig).
Go right ahead.
Lean way in to that shit.
Throughout 2020, when I was drawing a bi-weekly salary as a Roper for a Miami based Ponzi scheme, was it wrong for me to file for unemployment benefits and certify every week that I was without any employment?
Who can really say? 🙄
41 – Feel free to donate to that cause.
payments from people who never owned slaves to people who were never slaves.
Institute a wealth tax since a healthy portion of this country’s wealth was built on the backs of slaves and racism. That’ll pay for it. hmmm?
Ok affirmative action is considered “reparations in kind” and it’s proved highly unpopular and divisive even in California.
Perhaps we should do more for the poor. A lot more. Schools that are good everywhere not just in privileged places. Robust food, housing, education and health care assistance.
An expanded middle class of taxpayers being the goal. How’s that?
@37 Half the people in asylums in 1955 were perfectly sane elderly people who were committed by greedy relatives after their house and/or money. These abuses, and budget cuts, are why the asylums were shuttered.