It is a lovely evening to stop by the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. We’ll be getting together for drinks and conversation. Stop by if you can.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm. You’ll find us on the back patio.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
And a DEAD Murdoch, Putin, the ENTIRE ECONOMY DESTROYING FREEDUMB KOOKUS and Mathew Kascmaryk.
The Biden miracle continues…
Well if you’re the type who insists Donald got us Energy independent and Joe rolled it aaallll back this is embarrassing for you.
Those commies at Forbes:
Joe rolled it aaallll back
Dang, those EO’s, those EO’s.. heh.
@ 2
Fracking is good.
Got it.
Better late than never, Joe Manchin.
Because your leaders are spineless cowards, Joe Manchin.
Mayor Bruce Harrell likes employers making workers come in to the office, because he wants to force people to come downtown.
“Amazon, you stepped up in bringing your employees back,” said Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell. “We’re pushing it. We’re continuing to push it because we want people downtown.”
And if they get mugged that’s their problem.
@4 As long as your well water isn’t affected. Which it won’t be, because you’re not sitting on top of oil or gas. Lucky you.
Fracking is good.
Oh but not as good as a tar sands pipeline from Canada over the Ogallala aquifer.
Damn those EOs..
Because your leaders aren’t caving to craven degenerates, Joe.
@ 9
Because your leaders aren’t caving to craven degenerates, Joe.
At present, Democrat leaders have yet to do anything at all.
Queen YLB does not understand this.
Apparently the plan of a desperate House Democrat caucus is to convince six House Republicans to vote with all House Democrats in order to override the just-passed House bill when things get really tight in a few months.
Yeah, that’ll work.
And when it doesn’t, what then, cowards?
@5 Remember when Mark the Welshing Redneck argued that cutting taxes causes government revenues to go up? As I recall, he bet Goldy $100 on it, then didn’t pay up when he was proved wrong.
It’s like this, doc. Republicans cut taxes for their billionaire cronies (people like Harlan Crow) knowing full well that deficits would balloon. Now they’re using ballooning debt to argue food stamps, Medicaid, and green energy subsidies must be cut — but not defense spending or ethanol subsidies.
Well, here’s a lesson in economics for you: Fuck them. If they want to crash the stock market in a tiff over deficits and debts they created, then I say let ’em. They stand to lose more than anybody else, and I’m always in the market for dirt-cheap stocks.
This is a fucking entertaining take down of kon-klown:
This is a man who has to wrap himself in culture-war armor to have any personality at all. DeSantis smiles with the smile of a man who can’t believe his luck; he stumbled into an era when cruelty is what the conservative base is most clamoring for, and cruelty is one of the few emotions he can pantomime, no matter how charisma-deprived he is.
That’s only one paragraph. There’s a lot of them with just as much punch if not more. Great read.
@10 “Democrat leaders have yet to do anything at all.”
Why should they? Their political opponents, who own most of the stock, have taken the stock market hostage. Under the circumstances, it makes perfect sense to just let them shoot the hostage.
At present, Democrat leaders have yet to do anything at all.
I understand there’s a sit down at the White House scheduled for May 9.
To talk about the budget due in September.
Otherwise, tell those assholes in the kook-haus McCarthy to do what they’d gladly do for cheetolini..
The Texas fugitive is in custody. He was found north of Houston. This surprises me; I thought he’d head for the border, because staying in Texas will get him the death penalty. But maybe he’s even more unpopular back home in Mexico than in Texas.
According to news reports, he was deported a least 4 times. Wingnuts like Doctor Dumbfuck are jumping all over this. I’m for jailing illegals who come back after being deported, but that takes resources. House Republicans control the budget and can put up money for this if they so choose. They can appropriate funds for more ICE agents. They can toughen the laws, if need be. The ball’s in their court.
Another great paragraph from the link @ 12
The problems with Ron DeSantis as a plausible national personality remain twofold. First, the man has no personality of his own and no apparent ability to find one. And second, DeSantis has covered for his vacuousness by shamelessly borrowing all of the cruelest Republican Party ideas and fashioning his personality around those cruelties and nothing else. The man’s campaign suit consists of over-the-top cultural resentments all stitched together and overlapping, but if you ask who Ron DeSantis is, as a person, there doesn’t seem to be anyone who can answer that.
Vacuousness.. shamelessly borrowing.. over-the-top cultural resentments… Spot on.. Sounds like EXACTLY like someone here we all know.
We sit back, point to closed monuments, VA facilities, national parks for the summer, and no Social Security checks and remind everyone that we aren’t willing to gut every program in the government save the military, stealing from veterans care, gutting money for police and fire (Who’s defunding?) and starving children so billionaires can keep getting richer.
We lay the blame right where it belongs.
The GOP isn’t willing to even GLANCE at raising revenue on the mega wealthy and instead wants ALL the middle and lower class to get even less than the pittance the 1% is leaving them now while they Hoover up the wealth like Don Jr. with a plate of striped lines through a C-note.
Bring a serious proposal to the table Kevin and we can talk. We have half of Congress and the Presidency so you don’t get to dictate the terms
@17 “Bring a serious proposal to the table Kevin and we can talk.”
He doesn’t even have to do that. All he has to do is allow a floor vote on a Democrat-sponsored clean bill and let members of his caucus vote as they see fit. Takes no work at all.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
@19 You might be right this time. A clean debt ceiling increase would’ve passed without drama or fanfare months ago.
15)Probably more concerned in Mexico with him bringing in the AR-15. Mexico’s Army doesn’t use too many of those, got their own home made version, that got them sued by Heckler and Koch.
Actual Fox News / New York Post (So Rupert, was $750M worth it?) Headline:
Glenique Frank, a transgender woman who ran the London Marathon in the female category, offered to give her medal back after controversy stirred when she beat out about 14,000 women in the race.
She’s 54 and came in 6,172nd. She finished 1:53:00 behind the women’s division winner. If she’d have picked up her pace and finished 1:44:00 faster than she did she would have cracked the top 10. SHE WON THE PARTICIPATION MEDAL GIVEN TO ALL FINISHERS. I’m so sorry ladies but you could have come in 27,348 and not 27,349 if they hadn’t let that freak compete!
This is where the butt hurt Gamma Male Conservatives are. They are so obsessed with this they’re keeping tabs on any kind of competitive environment that a trans woman might enter so they can pounce on the ‘controversy’.
“Man can you believe they let that dude in the the bedazzled waders take fourth for the women at the Lake Fragility Minnesota Trout Derby over the weekend? It’s not fair to the other girls. He’s not squeamish about baiting a hook.”
No one could have imagined Charter Schools would turn out to be a total scam and the State of Florida would try to keep any performance data or complaints secret.
Janitors teaching when there aren’t subs. Caveat Emptor really isn’t what most parents have in mind when sending the little ones to school. Teachers without any kind of degree and it’s only a matter of time before they find a high school drop out teaching Biblical ‘Science’ as an AP Honors eligible course.
$2B in the Florida budget is going to Charter schools and the DeSantis administration is claiming they don’t have to provide any data unless you buy it.
Won’t be long before they find the school that didn’t do background checks and hired a Vice Principal for Discipline and Order who was videotaping his spankings and the girls locker room. But He’ll be a drag queen of course.
How many entities is Florida going to lose lawsuits to in the next year?
Yeah it’s a bad look but…
So literally three days after the SF Chronicle published First Republic’s deep financial troubles and the same day WSJ and NYT also speculated it was going to fail I sold my holdings which may have been small to very small.
I think investigators are going to have a hard time selling a prosecutor that this was the result of some prior knowledge or inside Congressional knowledge that the general public would have not been aware of.
“A number of Senate Republicans on Tuesday rejected the idea of lifting the debt ceiling temporarily to buy Congress more time to negotiate a larger measure with the White House that would prevent a default.”
Tell me again who’s pushing the U.S. over the brink?
What Heterosexual Neanderthal caused this.
Chop Chop
Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus (STD) running rampant.
Voters will blame Kevin and Republicans.
That’s what then.
This is what happens when House Republicans spend the six months prior in non-stop infighting competing to the death to be the Granny Starving Party that Craters the Economy©.
The voters believe them.
This time Republicans bought it before they broke it.
Hi…we have no power here.
You should introduce a clean bill to raise the debt ceiling and see what happens.
You’d be surprised how much power you have.
Matt Gaetz looks like a pedo vampire. Looks like he is missing a few chromozones, or he’s a cross between his mother and his uncle.