The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally will be meeting tonight. What will we be chatting about? Almost anything and everything political. And then some. All are welcome.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm either in the back room of the pub or on the back patio.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, there is probably another nearby chapter you can hit.
It’s a great day for Chicago as long as it’s a shitty day for Lori Lightfoot..
The Wuhan was a lab leak. Take it from the guy whose guys said Russia colluded with Trump.
@2 I stopped reading at “killed millions of Americans.” 1,115,637 is a million, not “millions.” If he can’t get that basic fact right, I’m not interested in what he says about origin.
Here is the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus…..killed more millions than Wuhan. And more in millions of $ to the American taxpayer.
ohhhhh the sanctity of marriage!
Where are the Repukes? Do they not care about the sanctity of life or marriage?
Hey the child and au-pair were spared!
@5 They don’t care about human life after it’s born (or, in some cases, hatched*).
* I’m thinking of the ostriches who bury their heads after every mass shooting immediately after messaging “hearts and prayers.”
Imagine you’re on Team Biden, and the best argument you can come up with is to claim that no matter how shitty your decision will be to people, unless someone who will be harmed has standing to protect themself, the poor fucks just need to lie back and enjoy the ass-pounding the president wants to give them.
More casulaties to the Heteroneanderthal Virus.
How did the stock market do today….their portfoloios want to know.
Eric Adams is becoming more Republican every day.
@ 3
I stopped reading at “killed millions of Americans.” 1,115,637 is a million, not “millions.” If he can’t get that basic fact right, I’m not interested in what he says about origin.
This from the guy who has to count his home equity, his neighbor’s home equity, and his future Social Security checks in order to claim he’s a millionaire.
They looked like such a happy couple. But the Heteroneanderthal Virus felt otherwise.
@11 “This from the guy who has to count his home equity, his neighbor’s home equity, and his future Social Security checks in order to claim he’s a millionaire.”
This from a guy who has to make up shit to make his points. No part of this rant is true. I own well over a million dollars of stocks despite the recent market decline and not counting cash in investment accounts. What else have you lied about? Is there anything you don’t lie about?
“A new Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows that after trailing for the last three months, former President Donald Trump has suddenly surged to a substantial lead over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in a two-man matchup for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.”
This isn’t accurate. Trump’s popularity in the GOP didn’t surge; at best it remained static, although everything I’ve been reading recently suggests he’s bleeding support.
What has happened is DeSantis’ popularity plummeted when voters, including conservative voters, got a better look at the platform he’s running on: Jailing teachers, firing college professors, censoring newspapers, charging taxpayers $36,000 per nose to fly legal asylum seekers from Texas to Massachusetts to keep Florida free of Venezuelans, and burning Mickey Mouse at the stake.
@8 “unless someone who will be harmed has standing to protect themself”
You need a reading comprehension class. Maybe you can sign up for a free one at your local public library, if you can find the library.
@13: Let me restate this in terms a rightwinger like you can understand: God wanted me to be a millionaire, and if you’re sucking eggs, it’s because God wants you to suck eggs, in which case you should get yourself right with God. But that’ll never happen.
2023 not looking good for current or former homosexual mayors so far.
The asterisk by Lightfoot’s name is to signify her homosexuality. It’s hard enough to take homosexuals seriously, and when they show up to press events in costume, they’re done.
G-clown doesn’t yet realize that the unseriousness of homosexuals like Lightfoot does Mayor Pete no favors. Or course, neither does Mayor Pete’s incompetence.
Crime is no joke, but the way Lori Lightfoot handled it sure is.
How many of y’all Defund the Po-lice libbles are payin’ attention?
Chicago libbies’ rallying cry for the next month will be “Let’s Go Brandon!”
@18 I don’t recall anyone here wanting to defund the police. Not with you still on the loose.
How about defunding the NRA? I’ll go for that.
“At least 26 people were killed and more than 85 injured when two trains collided in northern Greece, the Greek Fire Service said Wednesday.”
Let’s see you blame this on Mayor Pete.
God only knows whatever the fuck that Bourbon-soaked argle-bargle the stupid Shit-lord crybaby posted meant. But the idea that only an injured party may bring a claim is fundamental.
People often assume in our system that anyone can sue any else for any reason anywhere. But it’s far from that simple.
Nobody can sue the government AT ALL except in only very narrow circumstances the government itself has defined and decided to allow. That’s true at every level and it is fundamental to the system of federalism that posturing jokers like Roberts claim to hold dear.
Shaun King should be legally empowered to bring suit in California state court against Indiana for flooding Chicago with cheap guns.
Change my mind.
Speaking of cheap guns, I don’t recall reading anywhere in the Second Amendment that guns can’t be taxed. We tax gasoline, MyPillows, and comic books; some states even tax groceries. So why shouldn’t guns be taxed? The tax rate, of course, is a detail. And I can think of no reason why guns shouldn’t be taxed like tobacco, although even more so, because they do even more harm to society and cost taxpayers far more money than tobacco does. A 2,000% tax sounds about right.
@ 22
Let’s see you blame this on Mayor Pete.
Let’s see you blame it on Trump, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@ 23
Shaun King or any other white dude should be legally empowered to bring suit in California state court against Indiana for flooding Chicago with cheap guns.
Ilya Somin at Volokh:
But it helped win the midterms for Democrats in a lot of close races, so who cares if young adults feel misled by the Democrat party. Those fucked kids should get to work. My Social Security ain’t gonna pay itself.
22)Greek railways had some issues a few years ago, during the Greek Government’s financial crisis. Passenger ops were privatized, but the Government still owns the infrastructure.
G-clown sez the Greek train accident occurred when one train rammed the other from behind.
This is gonna be a great year.
Leesburg, FL
Laura Loomer, yup, led a group of Trump Gear Wearing Cultists to a Ron DeSantis book signing here today.
Ron set forces in motion to have them removed.
On video a local security officer can be seen telling the the small group that they’re like the ‘radical leftists’
So not only is the Trump DeSantis war on full display, DeSantis make a big show of trying to stomp on CONSERVATIVE free speech.
It’s not even March yet.
I have all the snacks you may need.
While we’re talking about federal agency assessments, two federal agencies assessed there were credible threats of violence prior to January 6.
Under the Trump administration, still in office at that time, those warnings went into a black hole. Because, of course, the real danger was emanating from Trump himself.
I don’t think Fat Midget receiving a loving endorsement from JEB! will hurt at all either.
@25 I blame Trump only for the Ohio rail crash, and Gov. DeWine only for the bungled response to the Ohio rail crash. Both of them are innocent of what happened in Greece, so far as I know.
@27 “My Social Security ain’t gonna pay itself.”
What Social Security? Republicans intend to gut your Social Security.
The Biden Administration is failing this country by not protecting the border.
Fentanyl deaths have doubled DOUBLED from April 2019 to April 2021 those are the statistics that we have.
(Kevin…bro…you gave this moron a committee seat where she could say deaths during the TRUMP administration, the doubling thereof, are during shadow deep state Pre-Election stealing Biden Administration and out that in the congressional record. Gold clap!)
I was the star of the show at the SOTU when we shouted that Fentanyl was ‘YOUR FAULT’ at the president.
All these illegals coming across are killing our kids with their rainbow fentanyl!
Gonna just stick my fingers in my ears LALALALALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU!
(Cato Institute, major study September 2022)
What has doubled the amount of arrests and seizures in the past two years is not profiling immigrants but emphasizing scrutiny of Americans with suspicious border crossing patterns. Like who goes to Tijuana for a single afternoon? Twice in a month? Maybe look in that guy’s trunk. Could be nothing but could be something.
Yes, my name says it all but credit where it’s due.
Meet Sherriff Mike Chitwood , Visalia FL who dealt with the MAGA nazis trying to make a big thing at the Daytona 500.
NASCAR has not as far as I can find called out a big core part of their fan base of Good Ole Racists.
Eli Lily the predatory capitalist scum just got shamed into admitting they’ve arbitrarily been overcharging Americans for a decade for a product that now costs them Pennies to manufacture.
Wall Street has reacted +1.3% on the news that they will be cutting profits giving a big tell on how ‘free markets’ and ‘demand’ are generally bullshit in American Capitalism.
GOP – We have the greatest health care system in the world with all this private investment and profit.
Crime is no joke, but the way Lori Lightfoot handled it sure is.
Oh yours truly recalls you praised Lightfoot up and down for her crimefighting.. You did it right here.
Yours truly just had to give you a bit of a nudge..
There can be no higher praise from kreepshit than crediting big Dem city LE for a job well done and wishing anal rape and aids on the perp.
s’ok kreepshit.. we all know you’re a bit challenged. You need our help.
@ 38
Wall Street has reacted +1.3% on the news that they will be cutting profits giving a big tell on how ‘free markets’ and ‘demand’ are generally bullshit in American Capitalism.
Lilly is one of three companies which, combined, produce 90% of the insulin used in the US.
A reduction in profit margin protects the remainder of the profit. No reason for California to set up its own insulin manufacturing process if there’s not a financial incentive. Lilly’s decision is anti-competitive, but cheered by all right-thinking persons.
I’ll give you a minute to work out in your head how
Monopoly ≠ Free Market Capitalism
Strong week, Dumbfuck
@38 Eli Lily will charge what the market can bear, and what the market will bear is Biden’s $35 cap. Eli Lily’s greedy execs didn’t do this, Biden did this.
@40 Oh, so fear of competition scared them into it, huh? If there are three companies producing insulin, why didn’t competition keep prices down? Did they get together, or something?