Tonight is State of the Union night, and the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally will get together for lively political discussion over drinks. We will still meet at 8pm at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle). But the pub has TVs if you want to show up at the 6pm start of the SOTU address and watch it there. Otherwise, swing by after the SOTU address.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, there is probably another nearby chapter for you.
And Murdoch. And Putin.
Playing the role of Vice President tonight will be Governor Gavin Newsom. But don’t read too much into it, as it’s only an audition.
See if you can place this piece of wingnuttiness:
I’m deeply concerned about the French. In January I wrote about my concern that their opposition seemed to go well beyond anything which made sense in terms of any kind of motivation I could identify, and speculated that maybe there was some far more deep and critical explanation for it which was much more sinister… so will they be willing to intervene militarily? Will they smuggle some sort of weaponry in? Or ship it in openly?
If 20 cargo jets take off from French territory and head towards the middle east, what will we do? If they ignore all attempts to prevent them from reaching Iraq, would we be willing to actually shoot one or more of them down?
Just how far are they willing to take their opposition to us? They’ve reached the point where it seems as if they’re willing to make any sacrifice. Do they see the stakes as being high enough so that they might actually threaten to nuke us?
Hysterical that trolls like kreepshit ate this up back in the day.
Doesn’t a dead Trump mean an easier path to victory for DeSantis?
Doesn’t a dead Trump mean even lower ratings for CNN and MSNBC?
Dick Cheney?
Or Rumey?
That’s close to Rumey’s style. He very often would engage in that sort of “rhetorical question” as a way to bring pure speculation into a conversation or debate and also as a way to control the give and take of a media interview. Substituting his own series of questions for the questions of a reporter allowed him to place those questions at the heart of an interview or press event and it allowed him to use up most of the available time discussing whatever he wanted to be discussed. To dumbshits it sounds like some kind of Socratic method. But it’s really just propaganda.
More wingnutty:
Suppose we win, which is absolutely certain.
And suppose, once we’ve done so, and have occupied Iraq and have full (really full, not UN full) access to Iraq’s records and can truly find what they have, that we find that everything we’ve been saying about their WMDs is really true; that they have chem and bio weapons and banned delivery systems, and are near to developing nukes, which I also think is extremely likely.
One more and the most important: suppose that the records also show that during the 1990’s companies in France or Germany (or both) actively and deliberately broke the sanctions and sold equipment and supplies to Iraq which helped it to create these things, and that the governments of Germany and France knew and approved of this and actively helped.
Either the US would formally pull out of NATO or else issue an “either they go or we do” ultimatum to get Germany and France ejected. And all American forces in Germany would leave as soon as they possibly could. (Such forces as we kept in Europe would probably move to either Poland or the Czech Republic, both of which have expressed interest in hosting them.)
NATO without the US is a meaningless joke, and everyone knows it, especially since the UK would almost certainly also leave, and they have the second most powerful military in the alliance. But it’s not clear the alliance could survive anyway when it turned out that members had done that kind of thing against one another. And enthusiasm by eastern European nations about joining NATO would fizzle. So I don’t see how NATO would survive in any meaningful sense.
The drumpf wet dream by almost 15 years.. But it gets better.
It seems unlikely that this would lead to an immediate and direct war with the US, though formal diplomatic relations would obviously go into the toilet as a result. And even without any formal government action, I think that the European companies involved would find it difficult thereafter to make any business deals in America, and this would cause quite substantial economic havoc, here certainly, but particularly in Europe. In fact, there would be a de facto economic boycott here of the majority of German and French products (and to a lesser extent of other European producers as well, as a practical matter) as the direct result of millions of citizens making their own choices, whether the US government declared formal trade sanctions or not. (Which means that the big winner would be Japan, whose trade with the US would rise. This might well be enough lift them out of their economic malaise and give them the slack to work on the underlying structural problems in their economy.)
This would also really hurt the tourist industries in both nations. That happened to some extent after 9/11 because people feared to fly, but this would be worse and very long lasting, and that too would contribute to a general downturn in their economies. You can basically forget about any significant number of Americans traveling to either nation and spending their dollars there. What you’re looking at is the distinct possibility of Europe’s economy imploding as a result of cascading failures.
Raving loony! klownservatics ate this shit up back then. And they wonder why we mock them so relentlessly.
@ 6
To dumbshits it sounds like some kind of Socratic method.
To dumbshits like YLB it’s worth posting two decades after the fact without a link. Never a disruption in her pattern of unseriousness. If YLB is anything, she’s a predictably unserious twat.
@6 No it was one of the nuttiest “warbloggers”.. I bet kreepshit would know.
Cheney and Rumsfeld spewed propaganda with a singular purpose in mind.. they knew the difference.. they had something of a grip.
This moron swallowed their shit and regurgitated it whole. For the nut it was the whole truth.
To deliver its response to Biden’s SOU, the GOP chose serial liar Sarah Sanders. They really wanted to go with George Santos, but felt that would be too obvious.
it’s worth posting two decades after the fact
awwww. kreepshit, don’t it make you feeeel nostalgic? things were so much more going your way back in those days..
every day always wrong wing nuts felt so empowered..
yes, folks, kreepshit knows who wrote this hysterical shit..
@4 Do you actually believe DeSantis’ authoritarianism; his attacks on college professors, teachers, LGBQT kids, and Mickey Mouse; his death-dealing public health policies; his swatting of public employees who dare to question his propaganda; and his kidnapping of migrants at great taxpayer expense for political stunt purposes, will play well outside The Villages?
@12 it believes…
on kneepads…
btw kreepshit @ 8
my kids have nothing to worry about the nutty blogger’s SS check..
According to your own inane babbling..
@ 9
This moron swallowed their shit and regurgitated it whole. For the nut it was the whole truth.
And it was two decades ago. Relevance? I mean, you don’t see me quoting shit Dennis Kucinich said when he was going for the DNC presidential nomination, even though that shit was pretty fuckin’ moronic as well. Alas, it was also nearly two decades ago, so it remains on the shelf, next to the box of condoms Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit bought in the late ’90s, which is the same decade in which he sported his last erection.
Are lip-fillers “gender affirming health care”?
HRT for “gender identity affirmation” probably is, assuming we could ever arrive at a legal definition for “gender affirming health care”. But can we?
What about HRT for bone growth, and ISS?
ISS is defined as more than 2 standard deviations below the corresponding average height for a given age, sex and population, without findings of disease. It’s medically defined as gender specific. The FDA has approved the use of HRT for children shorter than -2.25 SDS
I don’t know how carefully medical doctors stick to these guidelines or definitions when offering a diagnosis or prescribing a treatment. But I suspect that a lot of adolescent and pre-adolescent boys who are 2.2499999 standard deviations below the corresponding average height for their age and population, without findings of disease, might still be getting some rhGH prescribed if Dad was an aspiring minor league pitcher with an inferiority complex and many regrets, and Junior remembered to slouched a bit the second time the nurse measured and weighed him.
Funny to imagine the things that happen when full time insurance salesmen who happen to be part time lawmakers get to decide what medicine is. Or isn’t.
@ 12
Do you actually believe DeSantis…will play well outside The Villages?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, do you realize that DeSantis won Miami-Dade? Do you?
Miami-Dade was one of the counties that Gore wanted recounted in 2000. Because he knew he could potentially pick up a slew of additional votes in that heavily Democratic county.
Fast-forward 22 years.
That’s a 32 point shift in four years, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
So, yeah. I think DeSantis will play well “outside The Villages.”
BTW, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit doesn’t play well inside The Villages. To do that one needs to achieve an erection now and then.
And it was two decades ago. Relevance?
repukes, always wrong wingers SUCK… that’s what we’re about here..
And your role is to prove THAT we’re correct..
every fucking day you regurgitate your beloved talking points, spew misogyny and brag about your unhinged greed.
thanks for playing..
Btw that shit I quoted above wasn’t written too long before Roger Rabbit and I started here. Seemed like just yesterday.
We have a memory asswipe. And yeah look at the part where I mentioned drumpf’s NATO wet dream..
It was nothing new. Fuckin’ a it’s relevant.
Let it be known that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 12, 17 greatly underestimates DeSantis’ appeal.
Democrats are working overtime to try to take down DeSantis now, because once the primary season is over it will be far too late. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has no clue why they’re trying so hard.
No clue. None.
Even YLB understands the threat that DeSantis represents to Democrats.
Spit take
Half the troll’s act consists of nostalgic trips in the “distortion free” wingnut, menory-hole Time Musheeen. If it weren’t for the Shit-lord failure I wouldn’t even know who Monica Lewinsky was.
you don’t see me quoting shit Dennis Kucinich said when he was going for the DNC presidential nomination, even though that shit was pretty fuckin’ moronic as well.
Moronic? you callin’ the crazee shitblogger quoted above that? I can show you where the nut was
in the National ‘fuckin Review.
Dennis K. is asked today by klownservatics to criticize Dems for supporting Ukraine. Bad comparison.
@ 20
If it weren’t for the Shit-lord failure I wouldn’t even know who Monica Lewinsky was.
If Bill Clinton had not cheated on his wife by forcing an intern to blow him in the Oval Office, neither would the rest of us.
@ 22
When Willie Brown was SF mayor, Kamala didn’t have to be forced.
Momala wishes to clarify that she did not get where she is on her back.
Not usually, anyway.
Democrats are poised to lose the White House for eight years beginning very soon, because Democrat morons like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit are not quickly silenced by people in a position to do so.
In mid-November 2024 Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit will post that he had no idea that DeSantis’ popularity was so widespread. He’s HA’s Pauline Kael.
She should probably address Hetero Neanderthal STD Virus.
On CNN’s Sunday show this weekend, Ilhan Omar will retract her apologies for her past anti-Semitic statements. Nothing to lose, since she’s already been voted off that committee.
Shit-lord is overestimating how well Florida/Miami-Dade models national demographics.
Florida may model some states better than others. What’s important to Republicans (who we know by now are idiots) is how well Florida models swing states.
Fat Midget won’t win California. And how well Fat Midget does in Miami-Dade will not determine him winning in Texas (Florida being a given). So the question is how well does Florida model Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. And the generalized answer is pretty well in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. And not well at all in Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada.
Those first three are the states, given the demographics and turnout patterns, where a Fat Midget nominee would have the best opportunities to steal states from Biden. Biden did better in Michigan than the other five swings. Pennsylvania was a little closer. But I’d argue that both states have demonstrated clear evidence of drifting bluer in the last two years. Statewide elections in that period would affirm that.
It’s not a great map for any Republican. But in fact, it’s a worse map for a Republican who mostly runs to the older, whiter, largely unemployed base of the GOP. The party is dominated by these people now. And it absolutely defines how the party thinks and communicates. Idiots.
Hetero Neanderthal STD Virus – Racking up the Taxpayer bill
STD Virus of the Neanderthal Heteros.
by forcing an intern
All credible accounts and from Lewinsky herself point to the relationship being consensual.
Lewinsky in college had an affair with a married man.
‘course a kreep like yourself fantasizes “force”.. typical.
the older, whiter, largely unemployed base of the GOP.
hmmmm.. sounds close to the “4 in 10” that kreepshit babbled about earlier.
@ 28
…overestimating how well Florida/Miami-Dade models national demographics.
You are absolutely correct. 32 points is an overestimate.
Nationally he’ll overperform by several points. Unless it’s Biden/Harris again, in which case we’re still talkin’ double digits.
Of course, DeSantis/Tim Scott will blow the Democrats’ reliance on the black vote out of the water.
Like I said, idiots.
Throwing all his disappointment and regret behind a guy who can only summon enough courage to take on gender dysmorphic children and rainbows. To the best of my knowledge the only available swing state that Fat Midget has done an event he rallied for Doug Mastriano in PA. Geezus.
Hey everyone:
The Stranger is hiring!!! We have an opening for Social Media Manager!!!
Pays a whopping $55k per year! We are hoping Goldy might send in an application.
Oh, and pay no attention to Will Casey. That guy was probably one of our worst hires ever…..
@ 34
…take on gender dysmorphic children …
I’ll admit to assuming this about YLB’s fucked kids as well, but I never put it in writing as bluntly as you just did, McHillbilly.
Hard to imagine any kids more confused than hers, tho. Jeebus.
YLB’s two boys were raised by two moms….what could go wrong?
I wonder how many prescription pills they are on?
@ 37
YLB’s heritage is the village of Las Salinas in the Dominican Republic.
Those are two sexually confused fucked kids of hers.
“Mama, we have such jumbo guevodoces now! Why did you make us wear dresses for so many years?
two sexually confused fucked kids
Heh.. so kreepshit has fantasies about its “grandsons”..
so far.. two always wrong wing thugs.. to make grandpa thug proud.
It even has a frat house picked out for them.
Don’t kick the bucket too soon kreepshit.. btw, my sons are grown men with degrees, jobs and futures.. your “grandsons”..
well… sure sux they have such a kreep of a “grandpa”..
Notice he responds with a cheap non-sequitur and declines to confront the Fat Midget in the room.
We know there’s lots of media interest in Trump alternatives.
We know that Charles Koch will be expressing a lot of interest in a Trump alternative.
We know that certain pundits are speculating.
But we also know that the only people running at this point are Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and John Bolton*.
There are plenty of good reasons for any and all of the other potential candidates to wait until summer. But until then we can only speculate and, for Republicans, fervently pray.
Because they know that the one thing that will deny their dreams of a comeback will be Donald Trump’s name on November 2024 ballots.
And the problem with waiting while the rest of a candidate’s world speculates and prays is that it deprives the candidate of the opportunity to define their own story, and instead leaves that story and its framing to everyone else. Fat Midget is doing well imho in executing stunts that keep people mentioning his name and expand his name recognition. But with each stunt his story and his character’s narrative role in that story become more solidly and irreversibly defined in the minds of non-aligned swing voters.
And it’s important to understand how vague those definitions are in those voter’s minds. Probably the vast majority of those swing voters are thinking very little about 2024 or Fat Midget. They only come into glancing contact with him or his story. But they do hear about the stunts. And they do hear his name occasionally, if nothing more than that. That’s mostly what’s out there for the voters who matter, who btw do not read Punchbowl News or Townhall, or Politico, or watch Rachel Maddow or CNBC, or FOX, etc.
Florida man.
Pulls pranks on refugees.
Hates trans kids.
Afraid of Trump.
That’s your mall focus group top line result.
It would be (not be) a terrible shame if Fat Midget failed to develop beyond that in the next twelve months. But it would not at all be the first time something like that happened to a Republican.
*I only include this because it’s true. I think this is the kind of thing John Bolton does because he’s insane, and because it stands a decent chance of increasing his booking for paid airtime and his appearance rate.
@ 40
But we also know that the only people running at this point are Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and John Bolton*.
If you are gonna mention Biden you gotta mention Nimrata. Neither have formally announced.
what could go wrong?
College graduation, jobs, raises, money in the bank, retirement savings, youth, a future..
It can only go “downhill” from there.
Compare that to kreepshit after voting for Carter after the real miracle on ice and Volker’s two hard landings.. And then it “married up” to a cradle robber with a passion for horsies and liberal causes. It ends up frittering what’s left of its life trolling HA. No kids, heh, don’t be that “fucked”.
Surely he could have found a misspelling somewhere?
Anyway, I missed her announcement. There was a terrible balloon dominating all my attention.
GOP already has a clear favorite for the nomination. Remember which types of party people turn out for primaries.
The pent up anger over the fraud of 2020, the cultish loyalty of a huge percentage of the GOP to the ‘one true winner’ of 2020 do not make the road to a DeFascist candidacy easy. How does Ron get the required delegates coming in second in every contest? Having the Annointed one tearing into DeFascist for a year won’t be helpful either.
Meanwhile independent low engagement voters are getting a regular dose of book banning, felony charges for teachers and abortion bans and hate from the GOP in every state. How does a battered GOP nominee pivot in the General election to someone who isn’t a card carrying White Supremacist and win?
Explain your fantasy scenario.
Is it true Josh Hawley hitched up his skirts and ran when he first heard about the balloon?
Speaking of Hawley, can y’all remember when the Shit-lord failure tried so hard for so long to pimp him to HA the way he’s now pimping
Ted CruzFat Midget?Has Paul Ryan grown a beard yet?
This is actually pretty important.
Most of the Republican primary contests are winner-take-all and winner-take-most affairs.
Fat Midget may poll better than Trump in a head-to-head, nationwide poll, with no adjustment for jack-shit. And that should not be dismissed. It’s a solid indicator to backers and funders that he has the most potential to push Trump aside.
But the primary contests next year are going to be very different from any head-to-head poll. And we don’t really know at this point how resilient Fat Midget’s support is in a field of six to ten candidates including Donald Trump. But we do know that Trump’s support among these primary voters comes with a well proven track record. The “Anyone but Trump” vote could be split five ways. So that the majority of Republican primary voters in a particular state could prefer a candidate other than Trump. But Trump still wins all or most of the delegates.
This is part of what explains the 2016 primary. And it’s also part of what explains the decision of Charles Koch to pick a nominee for them in 2024. But it’s also why we don’t really know what to expect other than chaos. And Trump seems to thrive in that environment. If Fat Midget can prove to exercise the kind of charismatic authority over Republican primary voters that the Shit-lord insists he will, and if Fat Midget bows, scrapes, and pleases Charles Koch sufficiently, then it is possible that he could succeed in sweeping aside all the other Republican primary candidates early on and unify the “anyone but Trump” vote. But that’s a hell of an “if”.
And it still doesn’t explain then how they get Trump to step aside and throw his support to Fat Midget.
Did you all see the photo I put out today of Groveller DeSatan, who never would have been governor without ME, very disloyal, grooming underage girls with alcohol?
Imagine how ugly I can be if that guy doesn’t publicly drop out now while he still can. I mean he pardoned those four blacks who raped that poor 17 year old in 1949. She swears to this day she told the truth and Widdle Wonnie let them go.
Ha! George Santos positioned himself on the aisle to shake hands with Biden, but Biden snubbed him. Having been elected on false pretenses, he’s not a legitimate congressman.
@44 “The pent up anger over the fraud of 2020”
The only significant “fraud” in 2020 was the Big Lie that there was fraud.
Worst vote I ever cast…..Alvin Bragg. To think I even shook the jerks hand.
God really must be upset at the Turks and Syrians. I wonder why.
Biden hit a home run tonight. It was a tremendous speech. Doctor Dumbfuck must be sorely disappointed; he may even be hitting the bottle now.
I’m watching Sarah Huckabee deliver the official GOP response to the SOU. This is the best lip-syncing of Kimberly Guilfoyle you’ll ever see.
Perfect response to Sarah Huckabee Sanders:
Really.. Almost all of her rant is truly vile.
@54 Pretty nauseating, alright. Sappy, too. She spent half her time telling personal stories. It was a weak, pitiful rant.
grooming underage girls with alcohol?
For kreepshit’s ilk that’s a feature not a bug. Kreepshit will now grind those kneepads into dust.
Sleepy Joe goaded the republican party into defending social security and Medicaid. Well played.
President Biden: “When the middle class does well, the poor have a ladder up and the wealthy still do very well.” Most Republicans, including Kevin McCarthy, do not applaud that line.
President Biden: “The tax system is not fair. It’s not fair.” Republicans do not applaud.
President Biden: “No billionaire should pay a lower tax rate than a school teacher or a firefighter.” Most Republicans do not applaud.
Most Republicans do not applaud remarks about creating factory jobs.
Most Republicans do not applaud remarks about bringing down prescription drug costs (or capping the cost of insulin).
Most Republicans do not applaud remarks about corporations paying their fair share.
President Biden: “Let’s give public schoolteachers a raise.” Most Republicans do not applaud.
What the fuck do you republican value then?
@58 “What the fuck do you republican value then?”
Confederate monuments.
55)Missed the response and most of the speech. Rather listen to the game, even if we were blown out, Caught the end, though.
The homeless senators.
“Pennsylvania Democrats take back state House control with three special election wins”
No doubt Doctor Dumbfuck will regale us with analysis.
What the allegedly “senile” president has accomplished:
“He has already achieved more in two years than most presidents in eight: the biggest investment in the middle class since Franklin Roosevelt, in infrastructure since Dwight Eisenhower, in health care since Barack Obama and in climate change and chip technology in history. Then there’s the biggest expansion of veterans’ benefits since World War II, the first gun safety law since Bill Clinton — and with this week’s jobs report, the lowest US unemployment rate since Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were walking on the moon.”
Doctor Dumbfuck will provide analysis.
QoS McHillbilly talked a good game about Tesla, but of course he bought in as it plunged near $100/share.
Tesla Inc
+3.37 (+1.71%)
At least I hope he did. It just crossed $200/share, heading upward.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, OTOH, is hopeless.
More carnage due to the Hetero Neanderthal STD.
One lives on a yacht in Maryland.
One lives in a guesthouse in Davos, Switzerland.
And the last one lives forever in humiliation and defeat.
No idea. I pay credentialed experts to take care of my money the same way I pay credentialed experts to take care of my car or my healthcare. Leaves me more time to focus on the shit I can control and am good at. I check in a few times a year. Hardly notice at all in between. Didn’t think about my money once over the holidays. Got a card somewhere from my money guy. Good guy. Marine sniper who got into the Naval Academy. Then Stanford. Mormon I think. Fuckin’ overachievers.