Election day is here! If you haven’t dropped off your ballot, yet, do it! Only then will you be permitted to join us as the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally gathers for an evening of electoral politics and drinks.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm out on the back patio. The cold weather may entice some folks to stay in the back room of the pub as well.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, there is probably another nearby chapter for you.
Some of Repuke gains are due to redistricting. So Repukes will bark about “The People” speaking, but the people speaking is bullshit, when they shape the districts to thier advantage.
MSNBC has the smartest people.
Faux News has a bunch of bozos.
Thank God for President Joe Biden.
God Bless Joe Biden
Think of all the MAGAts and Qtards running about like chickens with their heads cut off.
And they won’t like an ivy league plump height challenged blowhard wearing fancy boots.
Trump didn’t have to fake being taller next to that midget.
Think of all the money spent on Robert O’Rourke and The Fat Cow.
Massive losses, both.
Sad to see Demings flame out in FL so badly. Wow, did Hispanics there flip, or what?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit gonna unleash the slurs against that minority. Too.
Shiver a bit chilled this evening. He’s trying to save face.
Soooooo much pain!
Go Boebert, Go….you nut job!
Heh.. lord kreepshit wants to watch Maura Healy..
Right after the latest from that old billionaire buddy “winner” Kyrsten Sinema.
Too bad about Joe O’Dea.. heh..
Tonight gives some hope that this country isn’t so fucked with nut job repukes.
Sad to see Demings flame out
Top Cop vs chronically broke always wrong wing talking points robot..
robot won.
You didn’t win the powerball lord kreepshit.. 2.04 BILLION, BILLION w/ a B.. One person won.. One person…
Did you even buy a ticket?
Some “asshole” in “shithole” Cali won.. One person. Couldn’t that win have gone to some poor red stater who can count the raises it got from its greedhead boss on less than one hand?
Good thing you didn’t buy a ticket – if you had won, you’d have no need for HA anymore..
And we’d be out entertainment. otoh you make such poor use of your time as it is. You’d just hire an undocumented to tend to the horsies and flood the zone with shit here at HA 24/7.
The U.S.A. is better off with a defeated Doug Mastriano..
Calling a fascist a fascist works.
@7 So far Bob has Kemp, DeSantis, Rubio, and Abbott, which is nothing he didn’t already have.
It’s still way too early to call the night. But so far the “red wave” is barely a ripple.
Be careful you don’t take out your eye with the champagne cork, dumbfuck. But do drink the whole bottle, and fast. You may not want to go to bed sober tonight.
Be careful you don’t take out your eye with the champagne cork, dumbfuck.
#gunfails and #corkfails are some comfort on “red wave” nights.
Shiver got his blanky?
A 25 year old gun reform zoomer takes Val Demings’ seat..
One zoomer that’d never think to roll lord kreepshit..
earth to lord kreepshit: next redneck zoomer you see with a baby momma wearing a maga hat and spewing maga bs:
In OK, Stitt won re-election by nearly 15 points.
A little more than a week ago the Sooner poll had Hofmeister up by 3.
Emerson was closest with Stitt up 9.
What happened, Hillbilly?
Didn’t lord kreepshit babble something about some lightweight and Gavin Newsom being in trouble?
Yeah right..
Newsom will continue call out dishonest harvard/yale fatboy deathsatanist and Newsom will do it from the Governor’s office of the Golden State.
Oh and Larry Elder and its sucking up to Stephen Miller and the rest of Elder’s maga bullshit fucking sucks.
Holy krap, the winning 2.04 BILLION dollar powerball ticket was bought from a gas station in freaking Altadena..
My old back yard. Freaking unreal…
I told you all I was 100 PERCENT
cheap eggs, beer, hotdogs and
doppio espresso macchiatos…
I cheered for the Mariners and the Seahawks…
What happened? Why didn’t you vote for me?
Democrats are optimistic and smart.
Repukes not so much, dumb and dumber and a bunch of negative fear mongers.
Go Fuck yourself you mother fuckers!
Tiffany Smiley WAS outstanding…
WAS… outstanding…
WAS.. outstanding..
WAS.. outstanding…
Tiffany Smiley is so likable.. I find anyone who likes what I want very likable..
Imagine no Social Security and Medicare.. I like that.
Mitch will come around one day..
@18 “What happened, Hillbilly?”
Polls are unreliable, that’s what happened, dumbfuck.
@23 The operative word is WAS … until the votes were counted.
@20 If a Republican got it, he’ll still bitch about gas prices …
GOP efforts to extend polling in Maricopa County, and Democrat efforts to extend polling in Clark County, were each denied.
We’re entitled to free and fair elections, not perfect ones.
Well looks like I cost a seat in WA-03. That bitch never should have voted for the sham impeachment and then I woulna….oh who am I kidding. I would a backed the MAGA white male no matter what.
I voted for Patty Murray for years but I voted for Tiffany Smiley after I saw a Citizens for Sanity commercial.
But now that Tiffany lost, I’m buying a gun. and the next fentanyl zombie that comes near me I’m shooting first, asking questions later.
Liberals must arm!
If I don’t win I’m gonna go on Fox News and shoot something.
Hey…look at me…I flipped a seat.
With 48% of votes counted, Democrats appear to be sweeping the statewide offices in Arizona.
Lake, Masters, Finchem, Hamadeh are all trailing badly.
I understand your husband is blind and you tried to gravy train that sob story of a stay at home mom to the Senate.
Sorry, the Tri-Cities values don’t play here
@31 Yourself? Don’t do it. Violence, even self-inflicted, is deplorable. Think of your dog! Here’s a better idea: Just go quietly into the night.
@34 The question is, will Smiley get 44%? Right now, she’s only running about even with Loren Culp, which isn’t a good look.
If the Dems hold on to the House, maga repukes and HA trolls will blame it on:
Dean Logan.
Hey look, Marie has pulled 6% ahead of Joe Kent; that one would be a House flip.
@ 33
With 48% of votes counted, Democrats appear to be sweeping the statewide offices in Arizona.
And, we have our first abjectly stupid comment of the day. “Dewey Defeats Truman”.
Make GOP losing again ™
Imagine no Social Security and Medicare…
John Lennon, eat your heart out.
Mitch will come around.
NBC News currently projects a 1-seat GOP House majority, with many races (including WA-3) undecided.
@39 I can’t wait for you to hold up a “Hobbs Defeats Lake” newspaper headline with tears rolling down your cheeks.
History doesn’t always repeat itself, and sometimes it doesn’t even rhyme.
I’m at 43% with Maricopa and Pima only half counted.
At least I’m not at 40, right Blake.
But if I pray real hard on it the Lord and Savior Trump will find me 300,000 votes in Mohave. I know that’s more than live there. But all things are possible through Trump.
@44 Doc looks like Wile E. Coyote with that one.
But hey, take heart, with half of Maricopa County — where 2/3s of the state’s voters live — counted, you’re only trailing by 13.3%.
Really depends on the 46% still out and where those voters are coming from.
Still a searing indictment yet again of DCCC priorities. She deserved their help.
9)Every time I hear about Joe O’Dea, can’t help but think of my High School. Although he probably can’t be related to the bishop.
33)Didn’t the GOP trash McCain?
Biggest challenge for the sad, weak, dancing freak now is that his most fervent hopes depend on a shit ton of ballot crossing by a lot of late voting indies.
Not impossible. But increasingly uncommon.
Didn’t you guys see all the blacks gone wild in our commercials?
Hassan win forecloses on Sununu’s political future beyond continuing to run for Gov every 2 years.
He’ll wait until after inauguration to start the beard.
There’s 300K registered voters in Clark County and only 100K and change reported. Assuming 2018 midterm turnout is similar to 2022 there’s 80-90K ballots coming from Clark where the initial drop has me at 58%. Gonna take an awful lot of uncounted votes from red parts of the district to make it happen. Lewis county has maybe 10-12K ballots to count. Thurston has already counted more than 2018 so probably not a whole lot left there.
The bulk of the outstanding is Clark, suburb of Portland.
Not impossible but improbable.
Great, I got caught off guard, I usually time getting out of work to avoid Kraken Traffic.
@50 I didn’t get to see this one because it was taken down after the cease and desist letter.
Oh, and Zeldin is getting an ass-kicking from the voters, too.
Is it still too early to cautiously opine the pollsters possibly were misinformed?
It appears voters aren’t buying what Republicans are selling — insurrection, civil war, fascism, racism, forced birth, gun violence, getting cozy with Putin, etc.
When sales are lousy because your product is defective, you should go back and redesign the product. I wonder if they’re smart enough to figure that out?
The still haven’t figured out that a just barely to the right of me candidate is the only way to get rid of me. Keep on keepin’ on with your Amazon backed pro-chamber, tough-on-crime, pro-Downtown business alliance, candidates. I’m ready.
You want to beat me Seattle Rs. Your candidate is going to have to be all in on living wage, affordable housing and know that sweeps aren’t homeless services. Oh, and work on finding a way to fund rehab beds. But you won’t. Because you can’t help yourselves so we’ll get another Amazon selected candidate again and I’ll beat them.
A 1-seat GOP House majority would mean only 1 Republican from a state with a Democratic governor needs to get caught molesting an intern for the House to flip back to blue. There are more Democratic governors after tonight. It probably wouldn’t take long.
Looking at electoral reform in Multnomah County, 26-232, Ranked Choice Voting for County offices, appears to be passing. 26-228, Portland Charter Reform, ahead but no call yet. That one was a tougher sell, even Liberal cities can have limits on adding council seats. If not, LA wouldn’t only be 15 seats.
Dang, if y’all just bought more of that cure for baldness I was hawking, I could have bought me a U.S. Senate seat and maga glory.
I’m a winner either way.. I can sleep in a different luxury house every night. Houses I fucking own.. How many of you can say that?
Damn, I’m MAGA all the fucking way!
Mayra Flores (@MayraFlores2022)
“A man armed with a knife walked into the West Bend Community Memorial Library on Tuesday, shouting at poll workers and demanding that they ‘stop the voting.’
“The incident happened around 12:35 p.m. Tuesday, according to the West Bend Police Department. Officers responded and took the 38-year-old man into custody. … Voting … resumed after 1:00 p.m. Tuesday.
“The incident remains under investigation, but police said in a press release that charges against the man would be ‘forthcoming.'”
Sounds like one of your tribe, doc.
@60 Maybe you’ll run and lose in New Jersey next time? Just for your hometown’s sake? They need the money.
@57 Unfortunately, it looks like Seattle is stuck with you. That’s why city councils have more than one member.
Wow lord kreepshit, maga latina Mayra @61 sez you repuke assholes believed your own shit so much, that you were such shoo-ins,
believed that shit so much you didn’t even bother to participate..
you voted in the wrong fucking polls, polls that don’t count.
no trophies for you.
I think we’ve seen enough. Knowing that PA GOP kneecapped Philadelphia so as to appear that they were winning on election night, Fetterman still has the lead and we know where a shit ton of remaining votes are.
It’s done. May I offer you some asparagus with Guacamole?
63)Bruce Springsteen and Stevie Van Zander should do a welcome home commercial.
18 minutes ago.
Hardline conservative Rep. Lauren Boebert is facing a tougher-than-expected reelection race, with her Democratic challenger, Adam Frisch, holding a small lead all evening.
Oh dear….I’m winning too.
Weird how someone hasn’t made an appearance since results really started coming in.
So bitter!
‘Lesson learned!!!’: Trump taunts New Hampshire Republican he endorsed after loss
God bless Raw Story.
Democrats might be one seat away from taking the Michigan State Senate.
Democrats are now 0 seats away from taking the Michigan Senate. First time since 83.
Democrats closing in on the State House in MI.
The good news for Republicans is I’ve decided to run again!
You’re welcome.
Michigan House now going Democrats.
Republicans who want to destroy Social Security: “Inflation bad! Vote for me!”
Voters: “Yeah? How are you gonna fix it?”
Republicans who want to destroy Social Security: “…Inflation bad! Inflation BAD . INFLATION BAD!”
So if GOP voters had masked and gotten the jab…we may have been looking at different results today
That’s it, shame the voters for being a loser.
Maybe you should have gone further to the right and call for the killing of all gay people, maybe that was why you didn’t get elected.
What a POS
Take accountability, maybe you’re just a loser.
What about the Dems that stayed home too that would have voted against you?
Never any responsibility taken by theses fucks.
Shall we begin a pool to guess the length of the sad, weak, dancing freak’s self-imposed absence?
Biggest loser: me.
Nobody to tell me where to go to apologize to Rick Scott.
Oz conceded to Fetterman in a phone call about 20 min ago.
By later today we’ll learn if the PA state house was flipped. It’s very close, but leaning toward Dems.
“You kids get the hell off my lawn!”
“Generation Z wants to live off the state and destroy the state at the same time.”
“Generation Z is destroying the country at the ballot box.”
Last night’s biggest loser? A certain troll with OCD-fueled narcissism who simply cannot stop repeating the same mistake – spiking the ball in his own endzone in victory before the game has even begun.
The only reason they haven’t called my race is that lunatic I’m going to beat is gonna scream and bring on Pillow Guy and his band of Merry Morans…
Look, the only areas with 10% or greater still to report I’m winning by a damn lot. All those tiny rural counties that love her salmonella and SigSauer are almost done. This is gonna be 7-8000 vote difference.
Picked off a safe R seat because…she’s just awful.