Neither snow nor rain nor cold nor gloom of smoky nights stays these liberals from the swift consumption of their fermented rounds….or from rounds of vigorous discussion. That’s right, the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight! Stop by if you fancy.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm out on the back patio. Some folks may prefer to stay in the back room of the pub.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, there is probably another nearby chapter for you.
What snow, rain, and cold? I hear they have some in Chicago.
I want an interviewer to ask all of the republican candidates “What plan do you have to make peoples lives better without intentionally making someone else’s life worse?”
Every plan that I hear from republicans is a version of “If you vote for republicans, we will kick the people below you, down further so you will be further from the bottom.”
Someone asked the question “I have a question that I’m honestly curious about. what Is the republican platform? ”
This response seemed to sum up my fears about republicans.
1)Could use some rain right now.
Just caught the end of Handmaid’s Tale S5ep7, and Mrs Waterford gives birth, and promptly arrested at the hospital by Canadian Authorities, Undocumented Immigrant in Canada.
In a day and age where everything is political, why trust that the polling is legit and not a fabricated slant.
I mean FAUX News Polls. “Fair and Balanced, you Decide!”
@5she should have. Been arrested months ago, she was carrying an undocumented immigrant at conception.
Arrest the Father too. He contributed too. He’s an accessory to the crime.
Hetero Neanderthals, making the world a better place to live!
7)June/OfFred took care of him, in No Man’s Land in Season 4’s finale. I noticed the border with tge province of Ontario, being mostly lakes and rivers, could be a stand in for the Texas/Mexico border.
As for Mrs Waterford, definitely stateless, not welcome in the country she helped replace the US with, now not welcome in Canada, and definitely should not be welcome to Anchorage (Temporary US Capitol, as Alaska and Hawaii are the only states not fully occupied by Gillead).
Also, the way tge character arc of Serena Joy Waterford has gone, I would have been looking for an excuse to lock her up to. Prior to the takeover, she had been a TV Pundit/ Evangelist pushing for a return to traditional values, or her groups interpretation of it. They haven’t totally described whose in charge back in Anchorage, as Gillead’s founders took out in one day, Congress, tge President and the entire line of succession, plus the Supreme Court.
The pregnancy arc was ironic, as tge whole concept for Handmaid’s was for the Commanders of the regime to have kids if their wives were unable. This arc started in Season 4, as actress Yvonne Strahovski who plays Serena, had another kid, and gave the writers an idea. They are theoretically done with the character if they were still following the book, but she has done the character so well, the writers room keeps developing it.