The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally is meeting this evening for some discussion of politics over drinks. Join us if you wish.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm out on the back patio.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, there is probably another nearby chapter for you.
Hetero Neanderthal.
No mention of the crime rate here….just pure accepted normalized Neanderthal Hetero behavior……worst STD that you can get.
Decades of police corruption implicating an entire major city police department and involving fucking and trafficking little kids:
This is what police do to entire cities.
@2 Hetero? Too disgusting to even look to confirm.
If Florida gets hit big by the bad storm, Biden should tread carefully should he visit..
Turn your back, walk away and fly back to DC at the first sign of that asshole deathsatanist’s cheap shots.
Chris Christie’s career was never the same after he showed how grateful he was for federal help. What a bunch of shitheels are the “base” of the repuke party.
4)If tgere ever was a time to briefly suspend the partisan battle, it should be in the wake of a Hurricane.
DeSantis complained about Biden not calling him, so Biden called him. Maybe Biden didn’t get around to it sooner because he was busy coordinating federal hurricane relief efforts for Florida?
Also, it’s good to see DeSantis suspending “pettiness” for a day or two.
U.K.’s new conservative P.M. is an economic illiterate.
But conservatives usually don’t care if they wreck an economy, as long as the rich get theirs.
I never understand these people who cash checks from the government to survive and think socialism is bad. Do they seriously not understand that THAT is socialism? Or are they just assholes who intentionally don’t want others to get it as good? Probably the latter.
Historically it wasn’t until we extended benefits to non-whites that working class whites began to complain about “socialism” and support cuts and restrictions.
San Bernardino County Deputies rained a storm of semi-auto tactical weapons fire on a vehicle stopped during an Amber Alert search for a 15-year-old kidnapping victim. The victim was killed, having received dozens of bullet wounds while trying to escape the vehicle.
Let’s pause for a moment to recall that the police sport-murder of George Floyd was initially reported to the media by the Minneapolis Police Department like this:
Man Dies After Medical Incident During Police Interraction
With the sheepish, paperless removal of Judge Cannon’s previous order to stop producing status reports, we learned yesterday that none (zero) of the usual approved vendors for document handling in such cases would agree to take the work having concluded that the former GOP POTUS and presumptive 2024 nominee would not pay their invoices.
I’m good. I’ll just let him go for a bit and then unleash a, “Will you just shut up, man?”
If he keeps yammering, “Look, I’m here for the people of Florida, what the hell are you doing. It’s like you WANT people to die, like the 81,000 from that thing you called a ‘hoax’.”
A couple quotes of, “Unlike my predecessor I’m not demanding you be nice to me while I’m here to get disaster relief. You’ll be fine in your mansion sputtering obscenities but the regular folks who live here I’m going to help them even if you are an asshole. Catch this roll of towels.”
@9 Actually no. These are the same people who closed the public pools once they were desegregated. I just still can’t fully understand how there are so many people who feel like that. I though more of our culture was better.
When I kept checking “none” for spousal income on my Supreme Court disclosure forms I really didn’t understand what that meant. I knew she was getting ‘reimbursement’ of about $125,00 year from the Heritage Foundation but that’s not really ‘income’ that ‘reimbursement for services’. The Supreme Court is a totes legit group and all you all complaining that we aren’t are bringing down the legitimacy of the court yourselves. Why on Earth would you suggest I shouldn’t be involved in The Heritage Foundation v. Department of Labor, Heritage Foundation v. OSHA, or any cases where Ginni’s employer, shit donor, filed an Amicus brief like say, Florida v. HHS or STUDENTS FOR FAIR ADMISSIONS, INC.,
It’s merely a coincidence that my expert legal knowledge sided with Heritage in all of these cases. That’s because Ginny doesn’t pal around with people who would break the law.
It is a terrible idea to codify into law that the Vice President CAN’T just pick the President on his own OR that state legislatures send the slate of electors the resulted from the election instead of whoever they fell like.
Elections are not AMERICAN!
This has never come close to being a problem in the past so why worry about it.
Let’s face it. Attracting all those smart young people and industries to Denver was a bad idea. Even Trafalger can’t find any good news for us. At least we have Boehbert to pull in the dumb people. She’s their champion.
This J.R. Majewski pig looks like a real low life scum bag who sucked on the government teet for four years too long. We know why he’s running and only one reason only, to install a fascist fuck government.
May God curse the mother fucking slut pig.