Please join us tonight for another Tuesday evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Some of us will be there even earlier.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 312 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Breaking news!
Conservative Republicans!
Has Puddy apologized yet for Brietbart and Fox News for their shameless, lying denigration of that wonderful black woman’s character just to score some cheap, racist wingnut point? Of course not. What vile, horrible people you all are! Especially you, Puddy. Why do you hate kindly, old black ladies who never done you no harm?
By the way, Puddy, you do know that I’m your Daddy, don’t you?
I wonder how Puddy felt watching all those rich white folk on Fox News going all orgasmic as they hated on that kindly, old black lady who never did nobody no harm.
I’m so ashamed to be his Daddy.
You do know that I’m your Daddy, don’t you, Puddy?
Steve, last I saw Fox was going ape-shit because she lost her job. The evil people in the Obama Admin, it seems, fired her prematurely. One online blurb made it sound like she got fired for helping white folks.
what is liberal anymore? should just change name to “drinking.”
@5 I’m still liberal. Not only that, I’m still a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist! Some things never change. I haven’t. I’m still the same Roger Rabbit.
@4: Funny – the lying conservative media puts out a libel hack job on an innocent woman and then they blame people for believing them….
Puddy, Klynical and all the others lying fools that believe Faux News are being lied to all the time and are too damn dumb to understand that.
YLB @ 1–
Your own post shows that the poll claims 62% of Tea Partiers are Conservative Republicans….meaning 38% are not.
So what?
Lots of those claiming to be Conservative Republicans were not 18 months ago.
Keep mocking & ridiculing.
ObaMao has been leading the charge and is now -18 in the Strong Approval Poll and Democrats are -9 in the generic Congressional Poll.
It’s backfiring!
When those in power ridicule those who question, it always backfires KLOWN!
steve, steve, steve–
The issue for Breitbart was not Sherrod…it was the NAACP members applauding the racist part of her story.
Fox did not report until after she resigned.
She resigned because the ObaMao regime called her and told her to pull over along side the road and resign.
Why should Puddy or I apologize for the actions of ObaMao’s regime? Are you nuts?
You should apologize for the reaction of NAACP members caught on tape! That is the real story. ObaMao has made this foolishly a huge issue, discrediting the NAACP who accused the Tea Party of racism with zero evidence!
Once again a complete idiot like Klynical misses the main point:
Hello, fool Klynical: do You even have a single brain cell capable of firing and can you generate a single coherent thought?
Faux News lied, Rasmussen is biased, your sources and your opinions come from liars. You lie. So your conclusions and pathetically ignorant blatherings are drived from lies and are worthless.
There – now refute that you ignorant moron.
I guess we’ll find out who is right in November, won’t we?!
Rather than blame ObaMao’s regime for over-reacting and heavy-handing this woman to resign in knee-jerk fashion…you blame FoxNews?
How predictable.
Blame Bush, Blame Fox, Tea Partiers are racists.
It isn’t working cnr.
You could do it when you weren’t in power.
But now that you are in power, most voters expect you to LEAD and have thick skin when it comes to criticism. Otherwise, they will throw you out..especially if you blame others.
Political immaturity is your downfall.
What got your folks elected (hot rhetoric) will be the same thing that gets them unelected.
How about trying to LEAD?
ObaMao doesn’t know how. No experience. Just a racist Kommunity Organizer complaining about whitey and building a power-base by talking down to Black America and making them reliant on him. Plantation Politics 101 by ObaMao.
Mr. Cynical @9,
You are a lousy liar. Everything you said in 9 is factually incorrect.
“The issue for Breitbart was not Sherrod…it was the NAACP members applauding the racist part of her story.”
That’s a lie. Breitbat opens his blog post, “In this piece you will see video evidence of racism coming from a federal appointee and NAACP award recipient….”
“Fox did not report until after she resigned.”
That’s a lie. Maddow shows the FAUX News “breaking story” (1:20) after the clip was posted. Here is Bill-O-the-Clown calling for her resignation.
“She resigned because the ObaMao regime called her and told her to pull over along side the road and resign.”
Not true. The WaPo misreported what Sherrod said in her CNN interview.
“Why should Puddy or I apologize for the actions of ObaMao’s regime?”
Because you are a motherfucking liar.
“You should apologize for the reaction of NAACP members caught on tape! That is the real story.”
No, you fucking racist asswipe. The NAACP members did not cheer what you believed to be a story of someone discriminating against white people. Watch the undoctored tape, you fucking foolish bigot.
“ObaMao has made this foolishly a huge issue, “
Another lie from Racist Cynical. Obama has not publicly commented on the issue.
“discrediting the NAACP who accused the Tea Party of racism with zero evidence!”
This is also a lie. The NAACP passed a resolution to “condemn extremist elements within the Tea Party, calling on Tea Party leaders to repudiate those in their ranks who use racist language in their signs and speeches.”
Note their resolution did not condemn the TeaBagger movement as racist. Rather they condemned the racist extremists within the movement. And there numerous photos and videos from Teabagger events showing Teabaggers holding racist signs (from a quick search: signs, videos).
So quit your fucking lying, you dishonorable sack of Teabagging shit.
Smoke some weed man…get it from Lee.
Yer gonna explode dude.
Does anyone in your household know CPR?
You have worked real hard to twist the fact that ObaMao’s regime over-reacted and forced her to resign before they gave her a fair hearing. Apparently ObaMao hates some Black folks so much, he will throw them under the bus without due process. Do you really expect us to believe the ObaMao regime listens acts based on what Bill O’Reilly and FoxNews says??
Is this something new?
ObaMao’s Regime is now down to screaming racism and belittling those who disagree with him. He has blown it.
ObaMao has proven himself incapable of leadership. In 2012, America will give him his Report Card. He gets his Progress Report this November.
All your ranting Darryl won’t change the fact ObaMao has blown a golden opportunity.
He will be in the jimmy Carter Hall of Shame.
Mr. Cynical,
“You have worked real hard to twist the fact that ObaMao’s regime over-reacted and forced her to resign before they gave her a fair hearing.”
Here you go again, you fucking liar. I’ve made no comment one way or the other about whether the Obama administration over-reacted.
“Apparently ObaMao hates some Black folks so much, he will throw them under the bus without due process.”
And apparently Breitbart hates Black folks enough that he would post a video that intentionally misrepresents the words and meaning of the speaker’s statement.
And you are a racist asshole for defending that asswipe.
“Do you really expect us to believe the ObaMao regime listens acts based on what Bill O’Reilly and FoxNews says??”
Sorry, not following your babble here, Mr. racist asshole.
“ObaMao’s Regime is now down to screaming racism and belittling those who disagree with him. He has blown it.”
Go fuck yourself racist asshole.
“ObaMao has proven himself incapable of leadership.”
Of course it seems that way to you. You are a lying racist asshole.
So, Mr. Cynical,
Do you admit to lying when you said, “The issue for Breitbart was not Sherrod…it was the NAACP members applauding the racist part of her story”?
Do you admit you were wrong when you said, “Fox did not report until after she resigned”?
Do you admit that there was no call from the White House?
Do you admit you were misrepresenting the actions of the NAACP audience when you falsely claimed they cheered acts of racism?
Do you admit to misrepresenting the truth when you stated that Obama has made this “a huge issue“?
Do you admit to misrepresenting the NAACP when you falsely claimed that they “accused the Tea Party of racism with zero evidence”?
So, come on, Cynical. Let’s find out if there is a tiny bit of integrity left in your empty, morally bankrupt, shell of a former man.
The KLOWN is a racist piece of shit.
Mr. Cynical @ 15,
I figured you would pass on the opportunity do demonstrate the smallest bit of integrity.
You are shameless and pathetic.