The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally will be meeting this evening for political discussions, drinks and good cheer. Stop by, if you can.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm out on the back patio.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, there is probably another chapter nearby.
This 8-year-old kid was randomly shot in a mass shooting. He’s endured numerous surgeries, is in constant pain from internal wounds that are slow to heal, has to be on an IV drip and painkillers, and is living on liquid foods. Instead of playing kids’ sports, and just playing, he goes to physical therapy. He’s paralyzed, and feels “hopeless, sad and angry as the reality of his [new] life is setting in.” And, of course, his medical care and future care and assistance needs will cost millions upon millions of dollars.
If the government outlaws civilian possession of assault rifles, and exercises eminent domain on the 30 million or so in civilian hands, at an average cost to taxpayers of $1,500 per assault rifle buyback, that amounts to $45 billion. That sum is beginning to look like a bargain.
Oh, and when this kid grows up, the shooter just might have created another high-profile advocate for gun control.
You think this nation would start to invest in and do more research in desalination plants. We are going to need a larger source of water soon.
Fulton County, Georgia, prosecutors subpoenaed Trump coup lawyer Jenna Ellis’ grand jury testimony. A Colorado judge ruled today she must testify.
Of course, she can take the Fifth.
@2 Or a smaller population.
@2 Republicans are against it. It might help someone who wasn’t them.
Just tell the MAGA crowd that salt water is the cure against Democrats and liberals. Tell them it tastes like liberal tears.
You know, they are just stupid and paranoid enough to believe it.
You’d think with all the persistent staff shortages, and “inflationary” wage increases “threatening to destroy our economy”, that if the robots were really coming they’d be arriving about now.
I don’t personally have an answer for how the aggrieved, socially insecure, older male Christian Nationalist demographic like Degen are going to feed themselves without cheap, abundant fast food, now that they are entirely alone.
And yet I sleep fine.
They’re probably smart enough to know that living on this earth isn’t as good as in outer space.
They are fucked. Breeding will not save them.
A nice nuclear power plant of two would work just fine.
That will make their heads explode;-)
Just tell them the brine byproduct from the desalination plats will be used as the moderator in the nuke plant because it needs to be a molten salt reactor design for safety reasons. They will believe that. You know brine and salt are the same thing (wink, wink), these are simple folks, you know, morons. /s
Liz Cheney lost. Where is all the outrage about voter fraud or rigged election? Oh that is right, a MAGA/Trump nut won.
This is the party that Dr. Dumbfuck supports.
It sounds like a mass depopulation event for humans might be in order.
A University of North Florida poll just out today has Val Demings leading Little Marco +4.
Fat MidgetCheney loses by 30.They like Trump. They still want him, support him, believe in him and trust him.
I imagine right now that Shy-Trumpers like Degen, who were always too cowardly and servile to raise their voices or speak out like Cheney, are now pinning their Fat Midget/Tulsi hopes and dreams on Trump being taken out by the DOJ.
And while I wish I could say I hate to disappoint, I really don’t.
Even if you assumed the most “optimistic” future for this kind of idiot wish-casting, any prosecution of Trump will be procedurally tied up for years. Trump will be accepting the nomination in Milwaukee before a bloodied convention floor filled with armed paramilitaries long before any trial date has been set.
And that’s why the real contest is for the number 2.
My guess is Ivanka. After Pence, I don’t believe he’d trust anyone else enough.
Christian Nationalist/GOP candidate for Secretary of State in Massachusetts was doing grip-and-grin outside before her “Back the Blue” campaign event in Plymouth.
She was meeting with people and showing them a copy of a book she held called Gender Queer, while describing it to them as “child porn”. One of the people watching her show folks her “child porn” book believed her.
So they called police.
Who arrived minutes before the event was scheduled to begin.
Which caused a bit of a delay it seems.
14)Too bad WY Republicans wee probably more upset at the FBI than the possibility those documents contained Nuclear Secrets. Not like WY Voters don’t know about Nukes, say an Air Force Base outside Cheyenne home to 20th AF HQ and the 90th Missile Wing.
It’s time for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to be abolished.
@7 “I don’t personally have an answer for how the aggrieved, socially insecure, older male Christian Nationalist demographic like Degen are going to feed themselves without cheap, abundant fast food, now that they are entirely alone.”
It’ll certainly be more difficult if their fast food jobs go away, replaced by robots.
@12 “It sounds like a mass depopulation event for humans might be in order.”
The question is not so much whether it’s in order, but whether it’s inevitable. The fate of the dodo bird is instructive.
@14 I’ve heard that Wyoming voters said Liz Cheney doesn’t represent their values. I wouldn’t use that argument if I were them. It doesn’t reflect well on their state or them.
@14 I’ve heard that some Wyoming voters said Liz Cheney doesn’t represent their values. I wouldn’t use that argument if I were them. It doesn’t reflect well on their state or them.
@16 Nothing secret about them. Russia, China, and North Korea already know where the Minuteman silos are.
And since the USAF cleverly scattered them miles apart, they’ll allocate a separate nuclear warhead for each one. Expect collateral damage to surrounding ranches, farms, and voters.
AZ Gov.’s border wall blew down. Maybe it needed more ballast?
22)Minutemen are a step down for F.E. Warren, but then again, the Peacekeeper couldn’t easily be downgraded to a single warhead.
Was looking back on Tom Clancy and the Debt of Honor/Executive Orders/Bear and tge Dragon story arc, where the US and Russia scrap ICBMs and SLBMs, not by a few hundred, but all of them. I was thinking, future treaties won’t be effective if China isn’t on board. Although loved tge environmentalists protesting scrapping of the Ohio class SSBNs, with a court injunction in Debt-of Honor. It ended up giving Admiral Mancuso 6 attack submarines to replace war losses. At the end of the conflict with Japan instead of back to Bremerton and Limbo, in tge next book tgey were still at Pearl Harbor with brooms attached to the periscopes .
That’s been the secretive GOP stance on it for sure. And they start by making sure every fetus is born.
Breeding will not save them.
GQP projection. It’s long been a Psych 101 thing.
Rudy Giuliani Bemoans ‘Fascist State’ Ahead Of Georgia Grand Jury Testimony
There’s lots of new reporting this week about Trump’s struggles to retain competent criminal legal rep. I can assure anyone that lawyers as a species have not suddenly become morally selective about clients. If he’s unable to retain good lawyers it’s because he’s unable to pay them for some reason.
But whatever the reason, the low quality is beginning to show. They’ve made no moves, no motion filings, to prevent or at least delay DOJ from accessing the materials they recovered. By now it’s probably too late. They’ve been through all of it.
Instead his team of real estate lawyers is going on teevee and A/B testing Facebook fund raising memes.
If aggrieved, socially insecure, older male Christian Nationalists like Degen hope to prolong their dependence on convenient fast food, they might have to move to sunny California.
California is poised to take an unprecedented step into the future with the establishment of mandatory industry councils made up of workers, their representatives, franchisees, and state agency specialists to negotiate working conditions, benefits, and wages – in essence, a state sponsored union.
The measure narrowly passed the House and looks likely to pass in the Senate. Newsom appears ready to sign. One great irony is that perhaps more than anything it is franchising agreements that forced this. Many employer/franchisees tell state regulators and employee representatives that they want to implement improvements to key workplace conditions like scheduling, staffing, and paid time off. But their franchise agreements place restrictions on what they can offer. While corporate franchise operators are removed from liability and accountability for those restrictions.
The newly created industry councils would compel them to engage with issues of workplace safety and be accountable. Over time the program should produce a uniform moderate rise in operating overhead and thus menu prices. But it is also expected to stabilize staffing, improve service, and restore production to profitable volumes.
New Jersey man can’t seem to keep track of how many houses he owns:
New Jersey Man’s opponent, the Lt. Governor of PA, and the former mayor of Braddock, pointed out, “I can tell you that I’ve never spoken to a Pennsylvanian who doesn’t know how many houses they have — let alone be off by 8.”
It seems likely that if Trump wins the 2024 nomination, Liz Cheney will offer an independent challenge.
And that’s probably all it would take to ensure the GOP is locked out for another four years, regardless of who the Democratic nominee is.
Bernie/Warren in 2024
Go ahead and run Bernie/Warren in 2024.
Bernie is too damn old, we need some younger blood to run.
I think it would be great if Liz runs (and I think she will).
Democrats in primaries are choosing people who are better democrats and electable democrats. Harris won’t be the nominee, she scares too many racists and incels. Right now, I expect Gavin Newsom to be the nominee, but we will see.
Looks like the low IQ Nazi traitor has yet to find today’s safe space.
No problem for Alfa, though. His safe space is the same every day, posting really stupid shit.
If we can count on Liz to carve 25 million votes away from Trump/Trump why on earth not? For once Democratic voters can stop worrying about “electability” and just go for broke like the current GOP.