Join us tonight as the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally gathers for an evening of politics, drinks and good cheer.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm out on the back patio.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, there is probably another chapter nearby.
Ron DeSantis deliberately did not warn Trump about the raid.
The Democrats are actually encouraging Trump and his supporters. Raiding his home was a very unwise action on their part.
@2 yes, and those women wearing just little tiny skirts deserve being raped by the Neanderthal men.
When served, the party is given a copy of the warrant with all relevant information including the judge’s signature, the scope, and the nature of the suspected crime.
Team TFG could release it to the public.
So when you hear, “The most likely judge is an Epstein linked Obama donor” coming from Jr….
At this point they know. They know.
@ 4
The judge is a Jeb! donor. And, as mentioned, Epstein-linked.
Two strikes.
I’d like to remind y’all that QoS McHillbilly has predicted that WA-3 will go blue this Fall. I believe his words were “That’s a pickup.”
Unless yesterday’s FBI raid gives him a mulligan. He’s got until the end of the day to claim the latter.
WA-3 is R+5 but don’t let that get in the way of your wet dreams, McHillbilly.
I assume that SCOTUS will deny the appeal per curiam without comment. McHillbilly?
In 2016 the DNC elected Donald Trump because of the way it handled Bernie in favor of Hillary.
In 2024 the DOJ elected Ron DeSantis in no small part because of the way it handled Donald Trump in 2022 in order to favor Hillary.
Just ask Andrew Yang.
I won’t let y’all forget that Merrick Garland was nominated by each of the last two Democrat presidents.
Gets it.
Does not.
“Serving a criminal search warrant encourages more crime”.
Going into their most promising mid term in a generation we have every GOP House candidate calling to defund the police.
I appreciate the low IQ Nazi traitor sharing his MAGA-sized meltdown with us this morning.
So… if he isn’t re-elected in 2024 then that proves he sold drone targeting intel to China for a bridge loan.
We’ll call this the Transitive Property of Space Lasers.
The judge is a Jeb! donor. And, as mentioned, Epstein-linked.
The guy to drumpf’s left became a judge?
Hush now.
I’m enjoying this shit.
We don’t want to break the spell.
Et tu, Cuomo?
..but… but… but…
four days ago Degen had it R+8.
And if Kent wins second place in the jungle?
If Kent finishes ahead of JHB I’d still give the district an R lean, for sure. But all four Georgia and Arizona Senate seats were most definitely R lean in November of 2020.
Then some shit happened.
The best thing about Washington state law must be this insistence on slow rolling results to drag out Degen’s pain and sobbing.
Rossi voters must be having a normal one this week.
With just eleven weeks before voting begins.
Guess who is suddenly on the ballot?
@2. So you are saying the twice impeached one term loser should get away with breaking laws with out any consequences because it might cause republicans to act badly?
“Don ‘t enforce the rules on us or we will destroy you.”
Rule of law is a principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws that are: Publicly promulgated. Equally enforced. Independently adjudicated.
Unless it’s applied to a republican?
@6, 7
@16. After a year or two of dismissing everything Andrew Cuomo said ever as a lie, NOW Andrew Cuomo is someone you promote because he wrote something that fits your agenda?
Do you have any core at all besides “own the libs”?
I know the answer. Also greed, bigotry, hate and fear.
And because the government subsidies allow the manufacturers to charge more. They’re hitting the taxpayer, not the buyer.
At this point, I’m pretty sure if you ask anyone who can credibly be described as “not a Republican”, they would tell you that in their opinion, based on all that we’ve witnessed for the last three years of impeachments and election conspiracies and armed MAGA rioters killing cops, that no Republican would ever even hint at holding Donald Trump criminally accountable to the law no matter what he was guilty of.
And they’d follow up by telling you that any attempt by any Democrat to do the same would be met by the kind of sobbing and howling from Republicans we are witnessing today.
So if you define that as “encouraging” and you object to it, you are declaring Trump to be above the law under all circumstances.
You’re declaring that Trump is your monarch.
@ 20
Indeed. And Nebraska and, I just read, Colorado. Indiana’s an outlier.
It was massive overreach by the worst faction of the GOP. Others, like Nancy Mace, are pointing out just how awful it looks because it is awful.
The GOP will learn that abortion won’t be eliminated in the same way that Planned Parenthood will learn that abortion won’t be eliminated. Both side will learn some painful lessons in the process.
Democrats, for instance, will learn that black and Hispanic voters don’t think about abortion rights the same way that far-left white libbies think about abortion rights. They’ll learn that in November.
Tulsi is unavailable.
Bad timing. She went in for another dermal abrasion treatment over the weekend. Won’t be camera ready until after all the best spots have been taken.
@ 19
Rule of law is a principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws that are: Publicly promulgated. Equally enforced. Independently adjudicated.
Unless it’s applied to a
republican?member of The Biden Crime Family.ftfy
Bottom line. If the dude stole a candy bar, he should be held accountable.
You can’t explain to or worry about bat shit crazy.
The GOP would eat the turds Bob pulls from the horses ass if it meant some type of political gain.
The GOP might treat this like a rocket. It might get off the launch pad but it may never reach orbit, and instead it explodes a minute into its flight. But wohoooo! It’s a lift off! Don’t mind the crash.
@ 25
She went in for another dermal abrasion treatment …
That’s the type of thing YLB would write, if she had another 40 or so IQ points.
Nobody treats a woman more viciously than another woman.
It’s going to be incredibly difficult for moderate Republican House candidates (who don’t actually exist) to effectively engage messaging to Black and Hispanic voters when they are thrashing around sobbing and shrieking in the back of a coal-rolling Dodge Ram flying Confederate battle flags and TRUMP WON flags.
@ 27
Bottom line. If the dude stole a candy bar, he should be held accountable.
Raiding the home of a former president because he had scribbled on a dinner menu and took the menu with him is akin to strip-searching six occupants of a vehicle pulled over because the tail light flickered too much.
#CrookedHillary’s homebrew server held thousands of classified documents, and some were at Top Secret level. Her home is shared with former president Clinton. She wasn’t held accountable for her classified document crimes until November of 2016.
Rule of law, I read somewhere.
Andrew Cuomo?
Isn’t that a guy who sexually assaulted a bunch of his employees and then used the power of his elected office to retaliate against them for reporting it?
I wonder why a guy like that would be sympathetic to Trump?
Believe me. I’m going to enshrine this claim in precisely the same way rapt partisan Republicans have enshrined Cheetolini’s Florida sex club.
@ 32
The feds finally have the Moscow hotel room pee-pee tape.
This really helps explain why Trump had to hire an oily haired, aging former lawyer with irritable bowel syndrome to travel to Ukraine and attempt to extort a Biden investigation out of Zelenskyy.
You know.
As opposed to just getting a search warrant.
He’s almost there.
They’ll all be so far out on this limb before they’re done that they’ll be trivializing and shrugging away skull-fucking crippled toddlers.
This is going to make Access Hollywood look like comedy – which is appropriate because that’s what Trump’s grinning admission of a history of sexual assaults become for most Republican voters.
That moral elevator plunge is what cost them the suburbs in every election after 2016.
a guy who sexually assaulted a bunch of his employees and then used the power of his elected office to retaliate against them for reporting it?
Heh.. a bit too sleazy for Faux Snooze.. besides that position has been filled there for years…
perhaps just right for newswhacks..
last I looked ONANISM is goin’ down the tubes.. if it hangs in.. desperation play could be available… heh..
We’re in ham sandwich territory with warrant authorizations now.
Get it? Ham? Mary Katharine Ham?
Having realized their overreach, the FBI and its leftie supporters are backing quickly away from the word “raid” in favor of “search”.
By the end of the day Chris Wray will be calling it a “security review”.
It isn’t even lunch yet, and I’m already seeing plenty of “Hmm…this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.” from Republicans overnight primal howling.
Call it whatever you like. You’ll still be disappointed when your saw gets all the way through that branch you’re on.
The plan was to drop Trump so they could move on to Fat Midget.
That seems to be going well today.
I’m reading a very good point about the possibility of a public statement by the DOJ/FBI about what happened yesterday.
Comey did that in 2016. How’d it work out that time?
The speculation should be on the reasons that Trump hasn’t released his copy of the warrant. DOJ/FBI learned its lesson and is going to just STFU, which is probably the correct decision this time.
Have at it, McHillbilly. The floor is yours.
By the end of the day Chris Wray will be calling it a “just a bunch of tourists taking in the sights and history of Mar A Lago.”
Here’s a pretty good one from one incumbent House Republican:
“The Democrats, for too long, have used our government agencies from the FBI to the IRS to target their political opponents.”
In over a century, there has never been a Democrat appointed to be Director of the FBI.
JHB and Christopher Wray should get matching tattoos.
See? Eventually the tantrum runs out of steam and all the sobbing and shrieking subsides.
He’ll nap like a peaceful angel for hours now.
I know they can be exhausting sometimes. But some say these are the moments we’ll all treasure for years to come.
I certainly hope his Depends have more staying power than his memory.
Maybe Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, our resident expert on Depends, can offer some assurance.
@ 43
In over a century, there has never been a Democrat appointed to be Director of the FBI.
And a Republican wasn’t appointed to the J6 Committee, either.
And a Republican wasn’t appointed to the J6 Committee, either.
She gets no points from me for calling drumpf exactly what it is.
too funee kreepshit.
our resident expert on Depends, can offer some assurance.
Aparently it still considers itself a noob after pissing itself over Ricky Gervais..
Many more accidents are in store until that certain day..
It’ll be expert by then..
@46 and 47. Liz Cheney had the audacity to challenge their god, to say out loud he broke the law, so she must not be a republican?
Doesn’t she know that rules only apply to non republicans?
@24 “It’s true because I want it to be true” isn’t a winning strategy.
Hush now.
My bad.
Nobody treats a woman more viciously than another woman.
I read that as an admission that it was Hillary who feminized our low IQ Nazi traitor.
And a Republican wasn’t appointed to the J6 Committee, either.
“Defund the police!”
Having realized their overreach, the FBI and its leftie supporters are backing quickly away from the word “raid” in favor of “search”.
Trump said Monday that his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida was being “raided” by FBI agents in what he called an act of “prosecutorial misconduct.”
“These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents,” he said in a statement posted on his Truth Social network.
One interesting overnight phenomenon, that really isn’t surprising, was how militant and violent the conversations on Parler, Truth, and cancervative corners of other larger social media platforms became. By early morning it was a general agreement that “this is war” and “the civil war is here”, etc.
Maybe more interesting has been how the cancervative media companies respond to this, in part at least, by weaponizing it. Some of it is intended to produce political blow back. But some of it is really something else entirely.
First, The New York Post reports the biographical details of the federal magistrate judge that Trump appointed in 2018. Now Sean Hannity has given out the judge’s home address and other identifying information during his radio show today. SDF has had to pull down all the judge’s bio information from the court website and the judge has been moved under protective detail.
This is another kind of weaponization.
@4 “Sandy Berger from Beyond”
Glad to see you’re still haunting us, but I sure hope we don’t have to deal with a Trump apparition someday.
@5 “Two strikes.”
Now let’s talk about Supreme Court justices who lie under oath about really big stuff. How many strikes should they get?
“The Florida federal magistrate judge who signed off on a search warrant … left the local US Attorney’s office to rep employees of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who had received immunity in the long-running sex-trafficking investigation of the financier.”
Which makes him as guilty of Epstein’s crimes as Ted Bundy’s lawyer was guilty of Bundy’s crimes.
And the fact he donated a few bucks to Obama’s 2008 campaign doesn’t make he makes political decisions on the bench. That’s a Republican Supreme Court Justice thing above his pay grade.
But don’t expect any Republican or rightwing media mouthpiece like the New York Post to have more than a kindergarten-level understanding of how the legal system work.
The FBI made a mistake, though. They should’ve gotten the search warrant from Trump-appointed judicial hack. Which shows they just don’t think about politics enough back at the office.
At least one of the MAGAts ranting overnight about their violent fantasies of launching a “cival” war in support of the LOSER is a 40-year-old Federal Way, Washington “Patriot” who is awaiting sentencing for his part in the riot to overturn the election.
Hi. I’m calling for Tyler Slaeker. Mr. Slaeker, your taxpayer appointed defense attorney needs to speak to you very urgently. If you could please call this number as soon as your receive this message, we need to speak to you about some recent developments affecting your plea agreement.
He worked Palm Beach area as a AUSA, and his private practice was centered around Palm Beach. Although so far as anyone knows he was not personally acquainted with Donald Trump at the time of his appointment, he was very definitely known to a large number of Trump’s Palm Beach area supporters in the GOP, He worked alongside Associate Justice Drunken Teen GangBang in the Bush White House, and belonged to the Fed Soc like any good Republican seeking a lifetime appointment.
DERP STAAAAATE!!!!!*$%*$#(#*!!!
@6 Having spent some time inspecting lettuce gardens in WA-3, I don’t share Elijah’s confidence its voters won’t elect someone like Kent. The GOP wouldn’t be what it is* without such voters.
* A violent, unpatriotic, treasonous, fascist criminal organization
@7 “Herrera Beutler is the third pro-impeachment GOP incumbent to lose reelection.”
Which tells you nearly everything you need to know about today’s Republican Traitor Party.
We’ve gotta face it, the GOP isn’t a political party anymore, they’re a violent revolutionary movement plotting to overthrow our government and install a dictatorship. They’re America’s Bolsheviks, and Trump is their Lenin. If they succeed, a reign of terror will follow.
@9 “the FBI raid was to find mishandled classified documents”
Trump does everything for money, so how much was he paid to mishandle those classified documents, and who paid him?
@10 “I won’t let y’all forget that Merrick Garland was nominated by each of the last two Democrat presidents.”
And your bitter resentment of rule of law will come shining through.
@16 All signs point to it being more than a search for inconsequential archives.
To borrow a phrase, “All you outraged Republicans better cool your jets. You might be walking your rhetoric back really fast when you figure out what this seems to be. The devil is in the details.”
He was looking at you when he said that, doc.
Merrick Garland didn’t fall off the rutabaga truck yesterday. He isn’t some toady two years out of Liberty University Law School. He won’t risk the fallout of a move like this unless someone is playing footsie with atomic bomb secrets. If I were a Republican in Congress, I’d be looking for a fallout shelter about now.
@55. Shorter: “If you enforce rules on republicans, they will lynch you.”
@55 “the federal magistrate judge that Trump appointed in 2018”
Unless something has changed, federal magistrate judges aren’t presidentially appointed, they’re hired by the district judges of the district they serve in.
Where did I say I didn’t think Kent could win?
I just think it’s fairly obvious that between JHB and Kent, JHB is the stronger general election candidate and has a much better chance of winning in November.
And perhaps more importantly, the nice, pretty car mechanic lady in grease spotted coveralls has been completely ignored by the Washington Democratic Party, the DCCC, Jay Inslee, and every other incumbent Democrat in the PNW. She entirely self-financed her campaign launch and put together a surprisingly efficient and effective team to finish in first place in a district that the GOP won by 13 points in 2020.
Whichever dangerous Republican comes out ahead between JHB and Kent, Ms Perez deserves a lot more support having proved that she contends better than other, more established Democratic politicians. Winning is what matters. Not egos, or alliances. I think Perez has a much better chance of winning against Kent. But I think she has a very good chance either way, thanks to Republicans choosing to self-destruct at just the right time.
The Denver Broncos have been sold to the Walton family.
A Mississippi grand jury has declined to indict the woman who accused Emmett Till of sexually assaulting her.
A Mississippi grand jury has declined to indict the woman who accused Emmett Till of sexually assaulting her.
The low IQ Nazi traitor has found today’s safe space.
Should have said Sold by Scumbags.
Mitch McConnell: “The country deserves a thorough and immediate explanation of what led to the events of Monday. Attorney General Garland and the Department of Justice should already have provided answers to the American people and must do so immediately.”
DOJ: “The search was conducted pursuant to a warrant approved by a judge upon a showing of probable cause. Beyond that, we don’t comment on pending investigations.”
@72 See one of their prize merch items here.
If I stashed nuclear warfighting plans in my basement, I’d probably get a visit from the FBI.
Just a random observation that doesn’t have anything to do with current events or comments here. It’s merely a thought that just popped into my head.
In WA-03 Kent continues to hold his slim lead over JHB to win the second spot on the November ballot.
Most recent count update from 4:30 pm today has
JHB at 48,523
Kent at 49,392
I don’t think national Republicans were counting on having to fight to defend seats like this one.
@74 Should also say, “Bought by a Bunch of Fuckwads”
Brandel, who said she typically votes for Republicans, isn’t sure whether she’ll support Sen. Ron Johnson (R) or Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes (D) when the two face each other in November.
Maybe she should just say “fuck it” and stay home. 😎😎😎
“She voted for Donald Trump two years ago but doesn’t want him to run again in 2024.”
It’s like my old gaffer used to say, “Shit in one hand and “want” in t’other. See which fills up first.” Maybe Barb should have supported impeachment when she had two (2) chances.
@76 I just read that Herrera-Butler conceded.
Ilhan Omar’s primary race was close. Too bad it’s going her way. The other guy isn’t an asshole.
Looks like most of the uncounted votes in WI will come from the northern part of the state. Not good for Kleefisch, already down 5k votes with 54% counted.
Maybe I’m wrong because those areas are less populous. But this would be a win for Trump’s guy if it holds. Kleefisch would be a far stronger general election candidate.
I see the low IQ Nazi traitor is back to post a really stupid fucking comment @80.
How the treason going? And the civil war? You do know, don’t you, that if your side starts a civil war, you will be among the first to die? Just sayin’.
Republicans choose general election candidates the same way that Gaza’s Islamic Jihad fires rockets at Israel.
@ 76
I don’t think national Republicans were counting on having to fight to defend seats like this one.
I don’t think national Democrats were expecting Youngkin. Or Mayra Flores.
Or being abandoned by so many Hispanic voters.
So yeah, McHillbilly, when Kent wins a R 5 district by 2 points, cheer the 3 point gain for Dems attributed to hatred of Trump.
While doing so, completely avoid the fact that Democrats hadn’t expected to spend so much in an effort to flip WA-3, only to come up short. ’cause that’s how you roll.
McHillbilly laughs at how much the GOP will have to spend to hold WA-3.
Anyone look at how much Dems have dumped into the campaigns of The Fat Cow and Robert O’Rourke?v
’cause that’s how you roll.
Sedition and treason is how the low IQ Nazi traitor and his raging orange man-baby roll.
Heh. Merrick Garland is making America great again.
Question for the crowd:
In what month did Steve last make a material contribution to a discussion on HA?
It was a month with an R in it, amirite?
No idea if this is accurate. YMMV.
In what month did Steve last make a material contribution to a discussion on HA?
What a loser.
Before Donald Trump signed the executive order that resulted in Steve’s castration, man, Steve used to bring it.
Donald Trump pulled a Kathy Griffin on Steve. Bigly.
Hey, but look at the bright side: Since he lost his testes Steve’s prostate has shrunk by nearly 90%.
Kleefisch is toast. Too bad, really.
See @ 83.
@83 “Republicans choose general election candidates the same way that Gaza’s Islamic Jihad fires rockets at Israel.”
That’s their problem. Take your choice who I mean.
No idea if this is accurate.
Clueless , huh?
“There is more than people know that you’ll be hearing,” Habba explained. “If he wasn’t ahead in the polls, this wouldn’t be happening.” It’s “100 percent” politically motivated, she declared. “I don’t trust the government, and that’s a very frightening thing as an American,” she said. “This is third-world stuff, this is Cuba. This is not our country.”
“Our country should be terrified—I am terrified,” Habba exclaimed. She said the FBI went in when he wasn’t even there, and then told his attorneys to leave, that they couldn’t watch or be there. “That doesn’t sound good to me,” she declared.
Habba said the agents came in wearing backpacks, and she was concerned that they could have planted things since they were trying to get the attorneys out of there. Habba said she believed this was all part of the effort to try to take Trump down, and that people were “working in tandem” with other efforts.
@88 The last time he suggested drowning you in a bathtub? (That’s a question, not an opinion. I’m just searching for your definition of “material.”)
Two people too old to be taken seriously. Like my senile president.
Maloney, Nadler change tune on Biden reelection in latest debate
New Yawk is a fucking clown show. Small wonder G-clown likes it there.
@91 So lame. Must be the low IQ.
It’s been awhile since the yield curve has been mentioned. Quite the inversion at present, with the 10-year yield only at 2.78% while the two-year yield is now at 3.28%. That’s 50 basis points of yield spread in the wrong direction.
I’m increasingly concerned about how the low IQ Nazi traitor is doing. Perhaps if he’d post a couple hundred GRU-generated Pro-Putin hashtags in the next thread, he’d feel better about things.
What counts for “good news” in Bidenworld.
I cannot imagine any worse place to be than part of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investment portfolio.
It increasingly looks like DoJ ended negotiations with Trump’s team over the government records at Mar-a-Lago and sent FBI agents to seize them because Trump’s team was lying to them. Naturally, the DoJ investigators don’t want Trump and his team to know how they knew they were lying, hence the sealed probable cause.
@99 “I cannot imagine any worse place to be than part of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investment portfolio.”
Behind a horse, trying to fuck it when it wants to take a shit.
Either the FBI search was serious overreach, or Trump did something seriously wrong. Knowing Trump, it’s probably the latter.
But not Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s.
1 in 10 US Households in 2019 Worth More Than $1.3 Million
The word “millionaire” means so little these days, it’s become a joke. There are tens of thousands of millionaires in Seattle, most of whom know enough to keep their fucking mouths shut, because being a millionaire means you can afford 1,200 sq ft with a roof over it somewhere on Capitol Hill, and not much more than that.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is working on his second million. He gave up on making his first million more than a decade ago.
@103 Yup, he got splattered (details @101).
MN-1 was R+3 in 2020. In tonight’s special election, it’s R+9.5%.
First special election since the Dobbs opinion dropped.
Trump won the district by 10 points in 2020.
We’re hours away from Democrats cheering at YoY inflation rate greater than 8%.
Adam Schiff wants to be Speaker.
Fewer Americans think Trump ‘responsible’ for Jan. 6 after hearings, 40% would still back 2024 run: poll
In six months Cassie Hutchinson will be posing full-spread in Hustler, while grabbing for a steering wheel.
Update @ 105
It’s now only a two-point margin with 99+% of the vote counted. So not much change either way from the deceased congressman’s 2020 win.
SEATTLE Mariners beat the Yankees 1-0 after 13 innings.
Life is good in Seattle..
Tge judge suggesting alternative modes of travel to Guliani? Well there is the NYP-New Orleans Crescent that serves Atlanta, but for Rudy that might be cruel and unusual punishment.
Such a great point. New York really has been an incredible failure throughout US history. No significant contributions to art, music, literature, theater, industry, finance, science, or medicine. It’s really a dump, too. And boring. Nothing but poor people. Nobody wants to live there or even visit. Very sad.
Bob is such a petty fuck. A three year old kid has more class and purpose in life than he.
Bob admires and supports scum that sell junk from China that they say is Made in Emurica.
I’ve taken that trip to NoLa once, it was a nightmare that took like double the scheduled timeframe. Truly sad that this country doesn’t have better passenger rail service.
Fuck Rudy, he just TGE CLOWN FROM NEW YORK, if we want to talk about clowns.
MAGA world : Trump ordering Ukraine to conduct an investigation into Biden was perfectly legit, in the interest of national security, and an honest attempt to expose corruption
Also MAGA world : Biden ordering an investigation into Trump is political persecution, a witch hunt!
Bob has a sad.
@ 109
Cardinals swept the Yankees over the weekend.
Fuck launch angles.
Most of us just think of this as Wednesday. But not Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
For our bloviating, useless fuck, today is a rare “five-figure gain” day for his pitiful portfolio.
Let’s all cheer Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investment success. After all, nobody else we know would ever see their investment holdings move upward five figures in a day. At least, nobody else we know would be petty enough to brag about it on a little-read libbie blog.
If all that sobbing and flopping about at mid-court was supposed to work the refs, I’m afraid it isn’t working:
Still increasing month-over-month are prices of
• food
• housing
• electricity
119 why is the greedy racist incel demanding communist price controls? Why is he abandoning capitalism? Doesn’t he love America? He should leave! I hear Russia is nice for his kind.