Please stop by this evening as the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets for political discussions tempered by liquid refreshments.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm out on the back patio.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, there is probably another chapter nearby.
People who insist on the title “Dr.” are unserious. A blast from the past to begin the evening.
I see that Goldy’s given up on accountability at Harvard. Why the hell should he care, until angry Asian-Americans start voting in greater numbers for Republicans.
This dude and his accomplices have to be Hetero Neanderthals.
Spreading good things.
A New Yawk Democrat legislator has had it with AOC, and takes no prisoners.
@1 I’m glad you agree that putting TV personalities with no medical background in charge of appointing top public health officials makes no damn sense. We’re on the same page there.
@4 In other words, she’s a Democratic version of Marjorie Taylor Greene without the death threats.
Trump gave a speech in D.C. today. He talked about policing. He wants stop-and-frisk, police immunity, using the National Guard to occupy cities, and admires China’s 2-hour trials and immediate executions.
@ 5
…putting TV personalities with no medical background in charge of appointing top public health officials…
Look who forgot about Oprah and “He may be The One”.
Joe Biden Signs ‘Don’t Say Recession’ Bill
Don’t say recession. Say Bidencession.
MAGA-turds are urging TPUSA to sue The View:
As if civil discovery isn’t even a thing.
But it sure plays to the gooning MAGA-mob of hapless idiots driving their clicks and shares and performative purchasing of pillows and protein shakes. When these tools wake up in another twenty years and realize that they pissed away all the money that should have gone into their 401ks on Trump Won flags and junk jewelry from Diamond and Silk you have to know they will blame “the gubmit” and “Derp State libs” for the fact that they can’t afford teeth.
Some version of Ashley Babbitt is the future of the GOP.
This uncaring Democrat politician killed the wife and child of a US Marine.
She was giving an interview to a reporter on her cell phone when she killed two innocent people.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit wishes to make clear that it may not have been the Democrat’s vehicle @ 11 that dealt the fatal injuries to the two.
“I shot him. The bullets and the fall killed him.”
He is also proposing to somehow use an EO to wipe away civil service so he can fill the administrative ranks of his imagined future presidency with incompetent yes-men and loyal child molesters like Mike Lindell, Jeffrey Clark, and Kelly Meggs, right after he commutes their sentences.
None of which is surprising or should really even be frightening at this point. We know precisely who Trump is. He never pretended to be anything else. And he never stopped telling us.
What is frankly dismal is recognizing that the very same 74 million who voted for him four weeks after he told them he was a rapist will do it again when it comes down to it. Focus on that.
@ 10
MAGA-turds are urging TPUSA to sue The View:
Two points:
1. The producers made sure that two hosts immediately corrected their false statements on-air. Immediately.
2. TPUSA has already sent a C&D to ABC.
It’s nice to see that someone at ABC knows when the talent fucked up, and bigly.
As if civil discovery isn’t even a thing.
Defendants NBC and CNN in the Sandmann suits had their respective opportunities to demand discovery, too.
@ 10
Some version of Ashley Babbitt is the future of the GOP.
Some version of Hunter Biden is the future of the Democrat party.
@9 Look who’s going to Babylon Bee for posting material. You do know that Babylon Bee does satire, don’t you dumbfuck?
I guess that’s an improvement over InfoWars, though.
@12 Please see #99 of previous thread.
Speaking of civil discovery, it will be fun learning that the ophthalmologist’s discharge instructions @ 11 include an explicit recommendation that post-op cataract phacoemulsification patients not drive motor vehicles.
It will also be fun learning that the interview was being recorded, that she was talking at the time of impact, and that she was falsely smearing a GOP opponent at the same time she ended the lives of a mother and her little girl.
@14 I heard Sandmann gets around campus on roller skates.
Dr. Oz could pull a John Ashcroft in this race, y’know?
@15 If voters are stupid enough to give the GOP control of the House, they’ll get a lot of Hunter Biden and no governing. You, of course, will eagerly vote for that because you’re a dumbfuck.
@20 He’d do his party a bigger favor by pulling out of this race and letting someone serious run.
This uncaring Democrat politician…
awww… look.. it’s gone cuck…
We’d prefer to see the authentic pos from widbee:
Oh. The murdering cunt was driving at the time.
There.. more representative of “the base”…
@18 I predict she’ll be gone a lot quicker than Ravnsborg was.
Wisconsin having a GOP legislature, talking on a cellphone while driving isn’t illegal there. She could, however, get fined up to $400 for distracted driving.
“Fines for distractive driving violations range from $20 to $400. For texting or doing something while driving that interferes with the person’s ability to drive safely, a judge can fine the driver anywhere from $20 to $400. For all other violations, the fine can range between $10 and $40 for a first violation and $50 to $100 for a second violation within a year.”
It’s possible she may be charged with involuntary manslaughter, but getting a conviction could be complicated by the fact what she was doing was legal.
So is driving with an eye patch. People who’ve had cataract surgery normally wear one for about a week. That’s not illegal, either.
“If you only have vision in one eye, you can still drive a noncommercial vehicle in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.”
So, I think to support a serious charge against this driver, a prosecutor will have to show an extraordinary degree of negligence. Or that she’d been drinking, which hasn’t been reported. Probably gonna be a big civil settlement here, and strident calls for her to resign, but not much more.
talking on a cellphone while driving isn’t illegal there.
FREEDUMB! courtesy of teh degenerate repuke party of the hopelessly gerrymandered state of WI…
@23 or I should say more representative of “the debased”…
Hey doc, if you go to Handbill, you can ogle the crash scene.
A Wisconsin lawyer rejected a plea deal, fired her defense attorney, and demanded to go to trial on her hate crime charge. She claims she’s innocent because she spit down, not up, at the George Floyd protester who’s taller than her, and therefore didn’t get her in the face.
He’s a masturbating incel Catholic teen. What are they going to subpoena? The porn stash under his futon?
Degen has no idea how this works. Defendant is entitled to production of documents and records from plaintiff relevant to their defense. What records or documents in MAGAteen’s possession could possibly have defended WaPo, CNN, etc?
But now consider TPUSA. I wonder how many internal emails contain vulgar jokes comparing Michelle Obama or any of The View hosts to primates? Or how many Charlie Kirk mentions of Aryan Übermensch? The mind boggles with the possibilities.
@ 30
What records or documents in MAGAteen’s possession could possibly have defended WaPo, CNN, etc?
Medical documentation that he does, in fact, have a very punchable face.
My point was that they had no defense. They did what they did, anyway.
And my point is that TPUSA has ABC’s defense. And worse.
But then again Charlie Kirk knows this. Or at least he will once the “lawyers he is talking with” explain it all to him. It’s either full open kimono or tail tucking retreat. Any guesses which one the grifting crypto-Nazi will choose?
Did you guys and YLB hear about the congressman from. Pennsylvania who rejected his new son-in-law because the latter is gay?
What he said is so vicious it’s inhuman.
33. “What he said is so vicious it’s inhuman.”
Of course a greedy racist homophobic incel would think that. We expect that of you. From the words you use here, you despise gay people from your dead brother on down.
“Rep. Glenn Thompson opposed same-sex marriage before gay son’s wedding”
“Pennsylvania Congressman Votes Against Same-Sex Marriage, Then Attends His Gay Son’s Wedding”
“GOP lawmaker’s homophobic vote days before his gay son’s wedding is mind-boggling”
“GOP lawmaker attended gay son’s wedding 3 days after voting against same-sex marriage”
It is an example of hypocrisy for the republican to vote against marriage equality for everyone but come home and then celebrate his own son’s marriage to a man.
That would be like a republican voting to make abortion illegal for every woman in his state and then arraigning for his daughter to get an abortion.
One might be tempted to conclude that generally, and as a group, Republican lawmakers are regularly forced to take votes they don’t believe in. It’s as if someone other than the voters they represent is in charge of how they vote.
Smoking gun, that. “Notes on a criminal conspiracy.” All leading back to the Willard Hotel.
Subpoenas on their way.
I think the people operating out of those hotel rooms in December of 2020 will be faced with a simple choice to cooperate or go to prison. The only question I have is how well did they insulate the White House?
@ 34
From the words you use here, you despise gay people from your dead brother on down.
My brother wasn’t gay. He was bisexual. Actually, I believe the proper term in our current circumstances as a society is “men who have sex with other men”.
My brother was my family’s version of Hunter Biden. Had more of my family despised him rather than enabled him, he might still be alive – hard to know, but possible.
Hey, if y’all wanna call it a “technical recession”, I’m OK with it.
Doesn’t even have to be a recession for Deathfrogg to find himself without a job. Just has to be a Wednesday of his first week of employment.
They won’t disclose the result of his cognition test.
President Biden tests negative for Covid and will end strict quarantine
But really, at this point, do they have to? After that escapade in the mens room at the beach, was it necessary for George Michael to inform us about his sexuality? Of course not.
My president isn’t just incompetent. He’s senile and unable to carry out the duties of the office of president. The incompetence is a bonus ass-fucking for a nation that desperately needs to do choose better during the primaries.
I hope it goes without saying that, from a common sense standpoint, obviously Trump was directing and approving the work of the lawyers at The Willard Hotel all throughout December of 2020.
But in a conspiracy case that can be difficult to prove to the legal standard. And it’s worth pointing out that Trump has had a lifetime of practice doing shady shit from arm’s length. Dozens of burner phones and wiped call logs later there may not be enough to tie Trump to the conspiracy operated out of the hotel across the street. But there will probably be some folks inside the WH who face indictment before this is over.
@ 40
Dozens of burner phones and wiped call logs…
That’s a lotta phones and spreadsheets. In #CrookedHillary’s case in 2016, it was only, what, phones and five laptops that the FBI permitted to be destroyed without prior investigation?
Trump should have the friends in high places that #CrookedHillary had.
Martha Raddatz would not have made that infamous on-air gaffe had her subject not been referred to commonly around the ABC News offices as “Crooked Hillary Clinton”.
The woman’s a criminal and her horrid behavior was known to all, while at the same time she was being pushed and shoved into the DNC nomination.
This is what gave us Trump.
So, there’s a wimenz TdF. I know, who the fuck cares, amirite?
Well, these wimenz got together earlier this week and re-enacted the Wisconsin Democrat legislator scene of pulling out into traffic without watching where the fuck she was going.
Now, y’all will have to envision for yerselves the violent, instant death of the little girl and the slower bleed-out and death during ambulance transport of the young mother, but otherwise it’s a nice depiction of why women drivers should not be trusted, especially if they are Democrats.
[Update: Better one here
but otherwise it’s a nice depiction of why women drivers should not be trusted, especially if they are Democrats.
They can always be trusted w/ guuuuunnnnnsssss…..
And it goes w/o saying men always…..
Loving someone is not the same thing as enabling them. Look it up.
“Had more of my family despised him rather than enabled him, he might still be alive ”
Unless you want to rephrase that, as written, that’s vile family dynamics.
“To show him love, more of the family would have shown him even more contempt, and regarded him as even more negligible, worthless, and distasteful .” No wonder he killed himself. No wonder you are the way you are. You have so much to unlearn if you want to be a better person.
Had more of my family despised him rather than enabled him, he might still be alive – hard to know, but possible.
Abandoning or disowning an opiate addict to his or her own devices – kompassionate klownservaticsm at its essence.. aka fuck ’em..
or just say no in polite nancyspeak..
It’s hysterical.. They’re always shootin’ themselves in the ass…
when they’re not creamin’ their jeans during a drumpf snorefest hanging on every lie…
Y’all should get used to watchin
Dem politicians dodge this very easy question.
It’s too bad he didn’t ask a similar question about Momala.
@ 47
It’s hysterical.. They’re always shootin’ themselves in the ass…
Also hysterical: Drivers doing something careless and @ 11 killing innocent people.
Also hysterical: Children in the vicinity of a riding mower being killed or maimed.
HA’s dumbest twat thinks accidentally self-inflicted gunshot injuries are hysterical. Looking forward to her laughing her silly twat ass off the next time someone steps on the gas instead of the brake and takes off down the downtown sidewalk during rush hour. Ha Ha Ho Ho Hee Hee…
Looks like YLB has lots to laugh about.
Funny girl, YLB.
I don’t get it QoS McHillbilly. Why didn’t ABC News simply avail itself @ 10 of civil discovery?
The View Apologizes for Calling Turning Point USA ‘Nazis’ Following Cease-and-Desist Letter
ABC News would have forced Whoopie to deep-throat The Donald on-air if TPUSA had demanded it.
This is what gave us Trump.
No. You gave us Trump.
But not nearly as hysterical as self-inflicted taser injuries to the testicles.
That shit is art.
Apologies are cheap. In fact they’re essentially worthless since nobody believes them.
Your civil defense attorney is $1200 per hour.
@49 “HA’s dumbest twat thinks accidentally self-inflicted gunshot injuries are hysterical.”
Damn right it’s hysterical. Shooting oneself in the ass with one’s own gun simply isn’t in the same category as distracted driving or running over a kid with a lawnmower.