The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets this evening for politics, drinks and good cheer. Stop by, if you can!
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm out on the back patio.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, there is probably another chapter nearby.
Today’s public hearing will draw a through line between the planning, strategizing, and communications of the Trump White House, their plans to overturn the election results, and the violent insurrection groups who formed the armed phalanx of attack on Jan. 6th.
Republican voter focus group experts who have tracked consistent Republican voters over many cycles going back decades believe that a large percentage of these voters are gradually consigning themselves to this view that Trump and the Trump campaign were not innocently seeking to exercise his legal options. But rather the campaign intended to use armed-mob-intimidation and potential homicidal violence to pressure various reluctant official state actors to help advance the campaign’s procedural coup.
But so far, and for the most part, these loyal, consistent Republican voters view this as a uniquely Trumpian corruption existing outside of the norms of their party. Also, so far this fairly captures the arc of comprehension that our own credulous, mouth breathing Cancervative media addicted troll has experienced. It’s pretty clear that he wouldn’t easily concede to many of the more obviously violent and more deeply corrupt aims of the J6 attack. But he’s obviously undergone a fairly radical reassessment of Trump and now positions Trump and the worst things that accompany Trump outside of his party.
But the same Republican party voter focus group experts who track these people over decades also point out that this positioning is only possible for these voters by clinging to radically outdated ideas about their own party. They describe these voters as suffering from a “Reagan hangover”, still steeped in a party ideology that was largely rejected during the Bush years. They still see their party as standing for limited government, free markets, individual liberty, and expanding global security partnerships.
That’s why the next round of public hearings to follow this one will probably focus on exploring the roles played in the J6 attack and procedural coup by violent “homicidal” Republican Party elected and appointed officials in both state governments and in Congress. The many election certificate fraudsters, the local election officials who participated in the legal and procedural fraud, the state officials who supported and participated, and the violent “homicidal” Republican members in the House and Senate will have to be spotlighted and their roles explained to these voters.
Either Biden is a lot smarter than Doctor Dumbfuck thinks he is, or the dumbfuck radiologist is against the middle class and all those who work for a living.
@1 Looks like even the stupid GOP base is starting to catch on.
“On Tuesday, The New York Times reported that the same pollster who yesterday showed about 3 in 4 Democrats were interested in nominating a replacement for President Joe Biden also found poor signs for former President Donald Trump among GOP voters.
“While Trump is still considerably ahead of any other GOP challenger, according to the poll, he now only commands a plurality of the party, with just below 50 percent — and particularly poor numbers among younger and college-educated Republicans.”
That’s quite a change from 80 to 90 percent just a few months ago. Maybe they’re finally figuring out what the rest of us already know: Trump’s a LOSER.
Behold the future of the violent “homicidal” Republican Party:
Only about half.
Recent polling still shows about 43% of violent “homicidal” Republican primary voters describing themselves as “Trump first/party second”.
Not coincidentally, these are the violent “homicidal” Republican primary voters with the most guns and pipe bombs.
Is America really a Christian Nation?
Do conservatives fuck animals! Hell yeah!
Wow.. it’s become all too clear lord kneepads kreepshit is afflicted with a particular mental disorder: Tucker’s “little boy” Derangement Syndrome:
Fox News star Tucker Carlson is the right’s avatar of grievance, the conductor of its orchestral whine about America’s tumble into cultural decadence, its principal hero in a fairy-tale battle against the dark magic of the Very Woke. There has been talk about him running for president, but that would be a demotion from where he is now, widely recognized as “the most powerful conservative in America.”
And yet, he’s also a wimp. He is afraid of a lot of things — CRT, immigrants, vaccine mandates — but lately it’s become clearer what his greatest source of terror is: women in power…
Just a few days ago, Carlson admitted it plainly: “In my mind, the archetype of the person that I don’t like is a 38-year-old female white lawyer with a barren personal life.” (Gosh, I wonder how that word “barren” got in there.)
heh… and…
When Carlson admitted that his chief foe was a 30-something single woman with a post-graduate degree, he was doing a tele-interview from what looked like the inside of a closet. Coincidentally, that’s where scared little boys everywhere tend to go.
lord kreepshit.. watch out ANTIFA BUS on the move to widbee BOO.. ooooh.. Chicago,,,, quick break out the kneepads and “pray” for deathsatanist… in the place where scared little boys tend to go..
Are we lmao yet?
lord kneepads ought to check this out….
Dang, lord kreepshit.. check out the brunette with the inflato-boobs..
you have your ticket out of scared little boy wimpdom… just got to part with a little of what you cling to the most – munee.. guuuuuunnnnnsssssss COST… heh fat chance of that..
you’re welcome..
The same Manhattan DA/Democrat who thinks Jose Alba is guilty thought Donald Trump was not guilty.
That is all.
Can we start up a collection so that YLB can get her own set @ 8 of implanted “inflato-boobs”?
She’s not greedy, and will be fine having only one implanted for now. I hear the other kid stopped sucking at the government teat.
implanted “inflato-boobs”?
w/ guuuuuunnnnsss lord kneepads.. didja check out her “weapons”?
hit the kneepads and pray oh freekshit.. hit the kneepads and pray… make us laugh.. again….
@ 8, 11
I see all those weapons and my thoughts run to Jay Leno, who owns all of those motorcycles. (I have two. Hondas, not weapons.)
What does any rational human being need all those motorcycles for? Shouldn’t there be a law against owning more than, say, two motorcycles?
Is it too many guns for my taste? Yeah. Are they necessary? No. Are they consistent with the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms? Fully.
Just the most recent lie.
When did Tuckems Carlson stop wearing a bow tie? No matter, the little boy never stopped running to closet to hide from its “fears”..
Had refined tastes in other scared little boys to write its odious shit..
No matter again, never ending supply of those it seems.. too sad…
Is it too many guns for my taste? Yeah. Are they necessary?
As “necessary” as inflato-boobs at the widbee vip lounge.. it’d be a hopelessly dull place for the “patrons” w/o them..
@ 14
When did Tuckems Carlson stop wearing a bow tie?
The 10-most-watched shows of the quarter were all Fox News shows.
For HA’s dumbest twat and now least-relevant commenter, YLB, a non-bowtie is a shiny new object.
Jose Alba should be praised for defending himself against a hoodlum and be released immediately, with an apology from Alvin Bragg. If, in a civil suit, there are any financial rewards for Mr. Alba’s mistreatment at the hands of the New York City DA, those funds should come from Bragg’s personal financial assets, not the City’s. Additionally, Bragg should be disbarred and never allowed to have a job in any government anywhere in the Universe.
@4 I can think of a young Seattle Republican whose promising political future was derailed by homicidal tendencies. A guy named Ted Bundy.
What’s a “show”?
Is this something like “Mama’s watchin’ her stories”?
It’s nothing new and in no way isolated to Trumpism.
@12 Two motorcycles, two F-350s, plus a horse trailer to drag around. No wonder you’re griping about gas and diesel prices.
By the way, thanks for the business. I appreciate it.
@17 Immunity.
The 10-most-watched shows of the quarter were all Fox News shows.
Heh.. get rid of the bow tie and the ratings improve.. Faux Snooze viewers are uncomfortable w/ bow ties…
too ghey… for them.. for tuckems just a sad reminder of its fading youth, when it was a question of will I or won’t I??
Sell its soul for ratings.. Racism and white nationalism has a devoted audience that will watch no matter what.. Dress appropriately..
Armed man arrested for threatening to kill Democratic congresswoman, Pramila Jayapal, at her home
It’s a good thing this guy didn’t choose a white Republican’s house. They would have charged him with attempted murder instead of “malicious harassment.”
“A brave patriot exercised his right to the 1st and 2nd amendment and took his gun to have a conversation with a liberal left congresswoman. The media will tell you the man planned on killing the woman but that’s not true, he was exercising his right to free speech and carry his gun. Democrats want you to believe that the brave patriot did something wrong… is this the America you want to live in, where the extreme left tells you what you can and can’t do while they disrespect the constitution, god and the Bible.” – Something Tucker Carlson would say.
But if he had used chalk, he’d be in so much trouble.
Joe Biden nominates 5 new judges, but not Republican abortion opponent
This is exactly why pushy, loud liberal advocates need to continue to be pushy and loud.
It gets results.
Republican Nation wide Forced Birth is on the ballot
Republicans killing your Social Security is on the ballot
Republicans outlawing contraception is on the ballot
We have to win elections with better liberals to enact change.
Nine. point. one.
In the last month up 1.3%. Bidenflation now increasing well into double-digit levels.
It’s getting worse, not better, and y’all can’t simultaneously crow about a fall in oil prices AND blame inflation on high oil prices if inflation is worsening.
Fewer than four months until it’s time to pay the piper for the election of a senile, imbecilic, incompetent old man.
Own it, libbies.
Fewer than four months until it’s time to pay the piper for the election of a senile, imbecilic, incompetent old man.
Fuck you, traitor.
Own it, libbies.
Own 1/6, you fucking traitor.
The case may be superceded by the local US Attorney. Then they bring real big boy charges. Local prosecutor appears at arraignment with the min charges needed to remand without bail while investigation continues.
Whether or not the violent “homicidal” Republican who threatened to assassinate Rep. Jayapal is charged with federal crimes may depend on further investigation. If he crossed state lines for the purpose, or if any threats were transmitted in interstate commerce then he graduates. So the Secret Service will be getting a warrant to deep dive all his shit.
Trust me.
There is always a tweet or text with these assholes.
When that happens he gets a class C felony carrying up to 10 years that also includes a 6 factor enhancement schedule for sentencing that basically doubles the sentence.
Another violent “homicidal” Republican has fucked himself.
Joe Manchin has his dual citizenship permanently revoked.
Floating surgical abortion clinics setting sail in TexASS, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida.
Had Degen known in December of 2020 that Trump’s own legal counsel, his Attorney General, and most of his qualified staff were repeatedly insisting to him in private that there was absolutely no lawful basis for challenging his election defeat, do you think that would have dissuaded him from promoting The Big Lie?
@30 Perhaps we should hold our own HA hearing.
@25. You will slur the Democratic president all you can, to make yourself feel better but as you know America elected President Biden and VP Harris because the Republicans were so awful. So little of their actions lined up with what most Americans valued.
Republicans will have to be better to win elections without cheating or violence.
Republicans will have to be better to win elections without cheating or violence.
They want cheating and violence. That’s how today’s GQP rolls.
Personally the rights of all women much is more important than the inconvenience of temporarily higher gas prices but then I’m not a greedy racist incel fascist. We will know which matters more in four months.
At the month-over-month rate of 1.3%, annualized inflation is now more than 15%.
Bidencession is here, bitches. Y’all got whatcha wanted. Y’all got whatcha voted to get. Good an’ hard.
The low IQ traitor’s “dozen cosplaying grandmothers”.
Former Oath Keeper Testifies That Group Wanted ‘Armed Revolution’ On Jan. 6
Bidencession is here, bitches. Y’all got whatcha wanted. Y’all got whatcha voted to get. Good an’ hard.
The low IQ traitor is sad that he didn’t get what he and his raging orange man-baby both wanted, which was the end of democracy in America.
Fuck you, you fucking traitor.
President Joe Biden will be celebrated in history as a hero who saved the United States and preserved democracy from a violent unlawful takeover.
Joe Biden saved our democracy from violent fascist traitors.