Please join us this this evening for a gathering of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. Women are welcomed even without a male chaperone. For now, anyway. Same-sex or opposite-sex couples are equally welcomed, and interracial couples are still free to stop by. Openly…for this week, at least. People of all religious preferences are equally welcomed…for the time being. So stop by for a drink, good cheer, and some robust political discourse. You know—while you’re still allowed to.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm out on the back patio.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, find another chapter near you.
Yours truly has just heard that shitstain Flynn can be restored to active duty so it can be COURT-MARTIALED for its crimes of seditious conspiracy.
It took the fifth when it was asked if it believed in the peaceful transition of power..
I watched part of the final set of Serena Williams’ first-round loss to Harmony Tan at Wimbledon this afternoon while at the gym*.
Hey, her family won an Oscar a couple of months ago. She’ll be OK.
[* a real gym, not three rubber bands wrapped around a doorknob like the basement gym in the Dumbfuck Rabbit shithole]
$17.99 for a 40# bag of teff hay pellets. Last year I paid $13.99.
Now, I haven’t seen video or transcript of this chick’s testimony. But my first thought when I head about the “lunging” on NPR is that it’s possibly the most easily provable false allegation I’ve ever heard about a president, of either party.
The J6 committee, of course, can’t afford for that to happen under its authority.
@3 Putin price hike…
@4 heh.. Now witness “hearsay” of their own..
we’ll see.. SS is making all their people available to the committee..
More on the Putin price hike:
More than 100 days into the war, however, the Russian president’s belligerence has clearly had the most pronounced effect on global prices of any single geopolitical development since the oil shocks of the 1970s. A new report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development compares current forecasts for inflation, growth, incomes and living standards with forecasts at the end of 2021, to present a before-and-after perspective of how Russia’s warmongering is affecting the entire world economy. The impact is stark and likely to get worse, not better.
Joe was just a little eager when making the correct call giving the always wrong wing liars an opening to make the usual dishonest noise.
OK, so she lied, but only a little bit. No more than Michael Wolff in an average tell-all tome.
Clear as day to me. Two-word explanation: Adam Schiff.
@8 HEARSAY! Have we seen Ornato under oath?
lord kreepshit is just gettin’ warmed up..
but it wasn’t played. Unclear why…
Why? Could it be testimony too “serious” or “sensitve” for trolls?
Two-word explanation: Adam Schiff.
Oh the same guy who told the Colbert Show to trespass after the Capitol Police said no..
Only that didn’t happen did it? zzzZZzzzZZZzz..
try agin’ lord kreepshit.. we’re counting on you not to disappoint.
Fact: Paying for an employee’s expenses to travel to and undergo an abortion procedure in another state is less expensive than paying for that employee’s maternity leave, and her family’s expanded insurance requirements, and dealing with all the bullshit when she finally comes back to work. Companies aren’t supporting their workers so much as they’re supporting their bottom line.
Yes, I intended for that pronoun to sting, ya pussies.
@12 lord kreepshit in multiple spews has embraced its “inner baby killer”…
Solutions galore: Amtrak! Cost-effective corporate strategy!
Also could be some highly skilled, educated, one-of-a-kind talent just ain’t gonna work for a fucking Chick-Fil-A or Hobby Lobby..
Operate in the 21st century and that talent won’t jump to the competition. Anything to that?
Jeff has poached Walmart since he started.
@ 10
@8 HEARSAY! Have we seen Ornato under oath?
“We” haven’t. The J6 Committee has, girlfriend.
@14 Unclear indeed lord kreepshit about Ornato and Engel..
The rest of your worthless spew is hearsay.. rumor.. blah…
you never disappoint.. thank you.
where’d your “intelligence” go today? flushed down the toilet after coffee?
Whitey tape?
Christmas tree cock rings?
Cancervatives should bring forth their evidence and their witnesses just like all the other times they did before.
Mark Meadows wanted a pardon?
“While we accept the decisions of the courts, and will comply with court orders, it remains our professional opinion that recognition of a protective function privilege is critical to our mission.”
Statement of Secret Service Chief Counsel entered into the record in one of the sad idiot’s favorite cases.
Womp womp
“Rep. Liz Cheney: Do you believe the violence on January 6 was justified morally? Michael Flynn: Fifth [Amendment]. Cheney: Do you believe the violence on January 6 was justified legally? Flynn: Fifth. Cheney: Do you believe in the peaceful transfer of power? Flynn: Fifth.”
It’s not like it’s a big fucking secret that Flynn has been out there promoting a military coup.
She’s not a credible witness. She said it was overcast and it was partly cloudy. She obviously lied about everything.
What’s kinda galling about lord kreepshit’s spew @12 and its other trash about abortion “options” is how fucking ignorant and stupid it is.
The debate is about freedom and choices to employ two overused words, autonomy to use one more fancy word…
Freedom, choices and autonomy for poor people who can barely afford bus fare much less an amtrak round trip. The procedure costs too, does it not?
Freedom, choices, autonomy for a more privileged person with a corporate job for what exactly??
what exactly??
Simple.. the freedom. choice etc.. to start their family when they’re ready, when they choose..
When they make that choice, it’s still gonna cost, affect some bottom line..
Amirite? hello? earth to lord kreepshit..
Why the fuck the need to tell us that? Feeling a bit of inferiority competitiveness? Flexing your muscle for the gay guys?
Once again it’s just $4.
And Vagisil is still approved for everyday use.
lord kreepshit’s attitude towards abortion seems to resemble its attitude towards voting..
oh it’s not against voting. let’s just make people wait in interminable lines in the bad weather, close offices where voters can get id, no hoop to onerous to jump through.. to keep things “honest”..
Even Bill Barr couldn’t find anything “dishonest” in 2020. So much for that..
and surprise! it’s not really against “baby killing”? Hoops galore there.. Just take an Amtrak.. Get hired by the right outfit looking to “enhance their bottom line”.. Look for support from a liberal outfit that Mary Kay funds. Ultrasound wands anyone?
Just so the local rapey crowd that’ll vote for drumpf or DeathSatanist is happy..
@ 24
Even Bill Barr couldn’t find anything “dishonest” in 2020.
I see that YLB is relying on “2020 Election for Dummies”. Barr said nothing of the sort.
There wasn’t enough fraud to affect the outcome. There was plenty of fraud.
HA’s dumbest twat never disappoints.
Looks like someone else is fixing to take the Fifth, too.
@ 22
Why the fuck the need to tell us that?
Maybe, G-clown, you could use what I shared to figure out my AGI.
Trumper who sees nothing but winning says Trump won big today. And millions of Trump Zombies will believe it.
@ 18
SS agents did not want to testify against Slick Willie.
They have no trouble testifying on behalf of Trump, if NBC News’ reporting is accurate.
The difference probably has to do with their testimony aiding Trump, while their testimony would have harmed Clinton.
SS feels the president should have reason to trust them. Not a bad concept.
McHillbilly thinks #CrookedHillary is being honest when she claims she isn’t running.
Chris Cillizza knows better. Hell, all of us know better.
The whispers of Hillary Clinton 2024 have started
Democrats don’t have many options. There’s Polis, and…
who else? Newsom?
@1 Bust him back to private and put him to work mopping latrines.
They must’ve needed a logistician awfully bad to give this guy stars.
@3 Maybe you need a cheaper mistress.
There wasn’t enough fraud to affect the outcome.
Wow, Joe and Kamala really brought it home… thanks for confirming lord kreepshit.. “basements” beat Parscale’s “Death Star” or whatever the fuck it was..
There was plenty of fraud.
AP looked for 2020 vote fraud in 6 states, found 475 possible cases, many involving Trump voters
i.e. all the repuke cheating didn’t matter..
enough anyway..
out of almost 100 million people voting, 475 cases.. LOTS… heh
Thanks for playing, lord kreepshit… you never disappoint.
@4 “The J6 committee, of course, can’t afford for that to happen under its authority.”
I don’t know why not, nor why they wouldn’t, barring some legal or institutional restraint on Secret Service agents testifying.
The J6 committee is engaged in a search for truth, but of course I don’t expect you or any other Republican to understand that concept. Truth isn’t something Republicans deal with in their affairs.
@22 You’ve seen a photo of my gym. You should ask him for a photo of his gym. I’ll bet it’s the family plan at one of those strip-mall dives.
@25 “There was plenty of fraud.”
Depends on how you define “fraud.”
As long as you abandon accuracy, there was plenty of Republican treason too.
Why the fuck the need to tell us that?
Maybe, G-clown, you could use what I shared to figure out my AGI.
I figured out that, if the low IQ traitor had a higher AGI he could afford a home gym and personal trainer. Sad.
There is, to be sure, voting fraud in our elections. Here are some examples:
I don’t think there’s anything cheaper than Pornhub and Jergens.
Maybe Republicans believe there’s a lot of voting fraud because they commit it so freely.
I’ll bet it’s the family plan at one of those strip-mall dives.
And on that shit-hole Whidbey Island, no less. Even for the low IQ traitor type, he’s not terribly bright.
there was plenty of Republican treason
That’s not what I’d call “abandoning accuracy”.
Source from NBC news reporting that Secret Service agents either corroborated or refuted the testimony given today?
They appeared. That has been reported. What they were asked and how they responded is currently in the same realm as “Whitey tapes” and Christmas tree cock rings.
So much yearning for recovery met with so much weakness and failure.
lord kreepshit calls Cassidy Hutchinson a liar…
in her testimony she said she was saddened that, “the Capitol was being defaced.. for a lie.”
That BIG LIE is of no concern to lord kreepshit and its ilk..
people have to make the rent, fill the tank.. if they need an abortion, they have to make the trip.. long trip it that’s what it takes..
this issue of repukes making BIG LIES.. is nothing people care about.
heh. we’ll see won’t we..
After flailing through the thread, the low IQ traitor digs deep and pulls out….a pro-Putin hashtag! So sad.
It’s flattering to HA and the regulars here that lord kreepshit concern trolls on abortion..
offers up solutions like Amtrak and corps looking for win-wins on the issue, win on keeping valued employees and winning on the bottom line.. boo yah!
methinks lord kreepshit and Mary Kay have had some knock-down drag outs on the issue.
HA is a refuge for the poor thing. Awwwwwww…
19, 26,
In a court of law you have to have a legal basis for invoking the 5th. That basis would somehow consist of a rational, legal theory or sequence of answers linking the witness’s answer to a chargeable offense.
Now what answers to Cheney’s sequence of questions would produce such a link?
I’m not saying that because a witness invokes the 5th we can conclude they committed crimes. But there are times when such a conclusion is inescapable.
A millionaire worried about Pennies. Millionaire?
It must be low being that you are worried about $4
Look on the bright side, he didn’t bitch about $6 diesel for his F350 to go get the pellets.
Millionaire, yeah right.
Turns out that the crossing where Amtrak 4 derailed yesterday had been recommended for upgrades by MoDoT. Tge report only came out in February.
It shall be written that today was the day when the low IQ traitor and his raging orange man-baby had their treasonous asses handed to them by, of all people, two Republican women, Rep. Liz Fucking Cheney and the lovely, demure and hugely credible Cassidy Hutchinson.
God bless Liz and Cassidy.
Too funny.
Indicted Colorado clerk refuses to concede after losing SecState bid: ‘It’s not over’
Anderson took 44.7% of the votes; Mike O’Donnell took 28.8%; and Peters secured 26.5%,” CBS Denver reported.
God bless Raw Story.
Today is the day Trump World slipped on their tracksuits, Nike Decades, and “Heaven’s Gate Away Team” armbands, and lined up to receive their serving of apple sauce and vodka.
Good morning.
Here, have an abortion!
It’s safer than dick pills and Tylenol.
51. Missouri is a conservative cheap state who will not spend money on anything that might help people especially liberal-ish people. train riders are definitely liberals. They only spend money on guns and banning abortion and getting rid of LGBT books in schools.
Just in case you were wondering, the last Republican Fayle-President had been warned more than once prior to Jan 6 that sending an armed mob to the Capitol during the electoral vote count and certification was a violation of federal criminal statutes.
He did it anyway.
@ 53
Indicted Colorado clerk refuses to concede after losing SecState bid: ‘It’s not over’
And Steve, she wasn’t even shit-faced drunk like #CrookedHillary was on her 2016 Election Night, so she didn’t even have #CrookedHillary’s excuse for not coming out and conceding in public.
So you really should try to get as much enjoyment out of this as you can, Steve. Enjoy it, now. You won’t have nearly the same opportunity in November.
There is only one HA commenter who has felt sufficiently insecure to claim in public to be a millionaire.
Only one.
Real millionaires don’t need to be recognized for their wealth.
Thanks to First Vegetable Joe Biden’s incompetent management of the economy, today’s $1 million is next year’s
Which is nothing, really. Certainly nothing to brag about.
Democrats aren’t really going to lose the CO Senate election, are they?
Questions asked @ 43:
Source from NBC news reporting that Secret Service agents either corroborated or refuted the testimony given today?
Questions answered:
He’s the NBC News chief WH correspondent, McHillbilly.
I’d call that a refutation, wouldn’t you? It’s unprecedented, but so is the J6 committee and Pelosi’s refusal to seat Republicans that might have prevented such own-goalish testimony.
The braggart who has informed us of his wealth at every turn sez, “Real millionaires don’t need to be recognized for their wealth”.
All that money, and he’s still a loser who has never fucked a woman..
Right now in Missouri, it is a felony for a doctor to induce an abortion in an ectopic pregnancy until the patient’s medical condition deteriorates sufficiently to become a “medical emergency”.
As a consequence physicians are observing patients with ectopic pregnancy and hemoperitoneum until they record a documentable falling hemoglobin and manifest unstable vitals.
One in fifty pregnancies is ectopic.
Today will be the day lord kreepshit follows dear leaders Steve Bannon and drumpf and finds its inner:
babblin’ butthole was way ahead.. poor lk is slow.. heh
Repeating the same nonsense with a sprinkling of Ginni Thomas is not an improvement.
SS officers have given testimony. We don’t know what questions were asked or what answers were given. Nothing in 62 updates that. The agency reports that they are available for more testimony whenever. John Solomon’s anonymous “fake FB friends in CO” say on deep background that “the bitch is a liar”. But still nobody appears. Nobody speaks. Nobody. Bueller?
“I’d call that a refutation, wouldn’t you?”
I’d call it repetition.
“It’s unprecedented”
Actually very, very “precedented”:
Two weeks ago Gini Thomas indignantly and very dramatically announced that she was waddle-marching straight up to the Capitol to clear her good name, etc. Last night her attorney announced that she will not testify to clear her good name.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Let the Republicans bring forth their witnesses and let them be sworn. At the very least they could lie under oath. When they refuse to do even that much, it tells the people exactly who they really are.
And Steve, she wasn’t even shit-faced drunk like #CrookedHillary was on her 2016 Election Night, so she didn’t even have #CrookedHillary’s excuse for not coming out and conceding in public.
No evidence of a crime and no evidence that Hillary was drunk.
Only two hashtags. Your record for pro-Putin hashtags is 19 for a single comment.
Try harder, low IQ loser.
Enjoy it, now. You won’t have nearly the same opportunity in November.
Another indication that the low IQ traitor is a born loser is that he often gloats while spiking the ball in his own endzone.
What a fucktard.
@ 66
We should have a bet. Which woman’s thighs make more noise during said waddle?
Ginni Thomas’?
Or Stacey Abrams’?
I know, I know. I’ll have to give you odds.
“Today we saw a patient in Dayton who has cancer. Her doctors told her she would have to terminate before she received chemotherapy treatment. She will have to travel to Indiana. A mom brought her daughter in and doesn’t own a car. She will have to rent one to get her daughter to her appointment in Indianapolis later this week.”
It will only get uglier, and darker with time.
I can guarantee the ones that gets the most notice will belong to the unhinged, Chrito-babbling “trophy” wife of a sitting Cancervative Associate Justice being indicted on federal felonies.
And not just notice, but applause.
Rudy Giuliani botches attack on Cassidy Hutchinson: ‘She was never present when I asked for a pardon’