Join us tonight as the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets for an evening of political conversation, drinks, good cheer. All are welcomed.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm out on the back patio.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, find another chapter near you.
What Millennials Don’t Get About Boomers
It’s another one of those “Dear Boomers” rants. Part of it goes,
“It’s true. Millennials are just $19.99/month from being able to carry the mortgage on a $1 million home that Boomers bought for chewing gum and a couple packets of matches,” tweeted @StephenPunwasi.
Mr. Punwasi, whoever he is, is full of b.s.; nobody ever bought a home, ever, anywhere, for “chewing gum and a couple packets of matches.” Back when Pop Rabbit bought a burrow for $18,000, the median U.S. income was $325 a month. Millennials have a far higher standard of living than his generation did.
Seattle housing, in particular, has never been cheap. My burrow, after adjusting for inflation and improvements, is worth about what I paid for it over 30 years ago.
It’s not unfair that Boomers have more money than Millennials. We’ve been around longer. We’ve worked and saved longer. It took us a lifetime to get where we are. We may have inherited from those before us. Eventually Millennials will inherit from us.
The complaining also overlooks the fact that some Millennials are better off than us, and a significant number of Boomers are living hand-to-mouth, or are downright poor. Like every generation, wealth and income are stratified in ours.
Many Boomers were saddled with student debt, too. Sometimes not just their own, but also their kids’ debt, because they cosigned for it.
I’m really tired of the Boomer bashing. We never had a bed of roses. We had Vietnam, stagflation, the Reagan depression, the destruction of unions and offshoring of family wage jobs, the end of pensions, the plague of medical bankruptcy, and the costs and burdens of raising Gen Xers and Millennials.
Someday the whiners will inherit our millions and then they can kick back with margaritas while watching Netflix, too.
@ 1
What Millennials Don’t Get About Boomers
It’s a spew title that suggests the writer’s party head doesn’t have 58% opposition and only 33% support nationally, isn’t it?
Republicans flipped a House seat in Texas tonite. It wasn’t close.
It’s too late for First Vegetable Joe Biden to save the House majority by clamping down on illegal immigration across the southern border.
It’s too late to save the House majority, but he should do it nonetheless. If he gave a shit about Hispanic Americans he would do it.
@ 1
Someday the whiners will inherit our millions …
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has given up on calling himself a millionaire. Hell, after the Biden-fueled bear market decline in his assets not even The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is gullible enough to believe Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s lie about his wealth anymore.
So what he’s doing now, our Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, is he’s standing in a group of people all of whom truly do possess well over a million dollars, so that he can refer to “our” millions. The focus is on collective wealth, not Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s individual wealth.
The Dumbfuck bowed his head because he knew that he’d been beat…
Stuff Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit doesn’t do anymore:
• Utter the call to violence, “Liberals must arm.”
• Utter the slurs towelhead, gook, eggplant when referring to minorities or people in foreign countries.
• Claim a daily monetary take in the stock market.
• Refer to himself as a millionaire.
Peer pressure works. Oh, YLB? If ever the question again arises, this is why I’m here.
Friends, please pray for YLB.
A tampon shortage is the latest nightmare for women
Plenty of pinecones on our property if you need something to staunch the flow until supplies return to normal, girlfriend.
Republicans flip U.S. House seat in South Texas, historically a Democratic stronghold
Democrats are now relying on a gun-grabbin’ Irish white dude to improve their Hispanic lot in the Lone Star State.
30-year mortgage rate surges to 6.28%, up from 5.5% just a week ago
I don’t think even a President Kamala Harris would have fucked things up this badly.
Utter the call to violence, “Liberals must arm.”
Lie.. It’s a call to self defense.. Plenty of eliminationist babble on the always wrong wing.. It’s wise to know something about defending yourself.. Didn’t Breitbart say his crowd had the guns?
See Jan 6 – asshole.
Utter the slurs towelhead, gook, eggplant when referring to minorities or people in foreign countries.
Hypocrite. You happily voted for McSame once. You’d do it twice if you ever had the chance. If those of your ilk do anything like that – you’re silent or make excuses.
Claim a daily monetary take in the stock market.
Hard for anyone to turn a buck in a bear market unless maybe you’re a tricked out short seller. I’m sure he has some cash to buy some bargains. Be greedy when others are fearful.
Refer to himself as a millionaire.
He doesn’t have to prove anything to shit headed trolls like you. Like me, RR is here till the server goes cold. After that you don’t matter. Not that you matter much now beyond entertainment value.
You’re here to promulgate always wrong wing bullshit, talking points, propaganda.. You believe it makes liberal “despair”.. Nope, instead we are “bored to tiers”.. You convince no one. If you’re correct about the weather or the time – well, a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Keep it up.. Gotta have something to laugh about in these times – always wrong wing pratfalls will do just fine.
Plenty of pinecones on our property
Heh. Used I’m sure.. Your ass having no feeling left.. yawwwn..
30-year mortgage rate surges to 6.28%
Again, we closed a refi in March and got a 30 year fixed at 4.5%.. We had procrastinated long enough..
Lucked out. Over time, we’ve had a good record of things breaking our way. We’re thankful.
@ 9
Lie.. It’s a call to self defense..
Then why did Darryl dress down Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit for doing it, YLB?
It’s not a call to self-defense, it’s a call to take by force that which cannot be won at the ballot box. Which is why Darryl took exception to it.
Getting caught in a lie is not a good look for you, trollop.
@12 BIG YAWN.. I could look that up and find you being wrong – again.. but I’ve got better things to do.. You were flat out wrong about me asking Darryl to do something or other about your hateful bullshit here. He did that on his own..
So I’m not going to bother when you babble “what about Darryl”..
RR’s remark was and has always been a call to self defense in response to the eliminationist rhetoric of your ilk on your mean-spirited and hateful websites and blogs..
You know that kind of hate talk exists and you’ll never acknowledge it. January 6 will only shame you forever into silence – save for babbling about any truth seeking being a “clown show” which is so predictable coming from you.
Anything else, asswipe?
Someday the whiners will inherit our millions
Rabbit on this I think you’re wrong. You personally may have bucked the demographic trend but boomers in general are doing a level best to spend their children’s inheritance down to zero.
Boomers as a demographic are greedy selfish people. The Boomers demographics catchphrase is I got mine fuck you. Every time they outgrew a benefit they stop supporting it. Once they are out of college they stop supporting politicians who kept college affordable. Once their kids were out of public school they stopped paying for public school. Obviously not all of them, but enough that grouped together with the greed heads and the racists and the conservatives they tip the country into what we have now.
So long as their Medicare and Medicaid and social security was grandfathered in they would gladly get rid of the benefit for everybody else if it cut their taxes.
Boomers had it relatively easy and rabbit you have a blind spot as to how financially easy it was for them. And how selfish and greedy they are
Talk about guns and trolls.. little maxwipe was famous for babbling about its heaters and what he’d do with them if a lefty came a knockin’..
pfffftt.. we told the turd to put away its little popgun..
No one here gives a shit about trolls. They’re entertainment value only.
@8 “I don’t think even a President Kamala Harris would have fucked things up this badly.”
Trump’s Fed boss fucked up, all right. That’s what happens when you put a Wall Street lawyer instead of an economist in charge of monetary policy. Now I’ll wait for Doctor Dumbfuck to explain how much better things would be if Trump, instead of Biden, had reappointed Powell.
@9 Don’t forget he defended Rittenhouse. If that kid can arm, why can’t liberals arm, too?
Boebert exposed by American Muckrakers PAC as former sex worker who had multiple abortions.
@12 “It’s not a call to self-defense, it’s a call to take by force that which cannot be won at the ballot box.”
That’s your bunch, not me. You don’t see a bunny in this photo, do you?
“Liberals must arm” began, and continued, in the context of people like Ann Coulter talking about “executing” liberals and a vast array of Republicans talking about “cival war” — and buying millions of military-grade guns.
What really offends you is my suggestion that we defend ourselves against the violent homicidal revolutionaries comprising your party. What your crowd has in mind is much easier if the victims don’t resist, so it’s not surprising you don’t like the idea of “liberals must arm.”
I don’t care what you don’t like.
Re: 19,
Ted Cancun involved up to his double chin.
Preggers with a Koch baby she was introduced to TedBro who helped her launch her House campaign and funneled Koch money into it in exchange for her abortion and silence about the Koch baby daddy.
You’re gonna love the name of Boebert’s online escort site:
Sugar Daddy Meat
Oh. Check that. It’s “meet”.
My bad.
Bankrupt at the time, with her business in failure and facing foreclosure and multiple adverse judgements, Rep Boebert needed a not-so-passive side income she could hide from The Man.
I’d say she played it quite well.
Bonus round if she signs with PornHub and shoots a scene for BLACKEDRaw before the new Congress is sworn in.
This is your party on TRUMP.
@15 If you’re talking about Boomers like Trump, I don’t disagree with you. I didn’t know any of them. I mingled with working class Boomers in Vietnam, union halls, and Democratic Party meetings. They were nothing like you describe.
Boomers are the offspring of the Greatest Generation, who really weren’t so great. They were racists who freely used the “N” word, which I heard continually when I was young. They sexually harassed women and got away with it. They were red-baiters who elected Nixon. Being young in the 60s was all about being different from them and better than they were. Then they sent us to Vietnam, and turned their backs on those who made it home; that was real shitty.
I can see where people too young to remember those things might think we’re a bad generation, because not knowing what this country was like before us, they can’t grasp how much we changed it.
@23. If the greatest generation was so great, why did they raise boomers?
On one side of the demographic I see smart compassionate liberal people like Rabbit. On other side I see way too many people like trump and the greedy racist incel. People who’s mantra is “Greed is Good” and “I got mine, fuck you!”.
I grant you that Boomers did deal with Viet Nam and that scarred a generation. They moved the culture of the nation to be less racist and sexist and homophobic.
But all they ask for in return is they get to live lives of financial ease and to be narcissistic with abandon. The idea of shared sacrifice died with Boomers. They stopped sharing when it started to cost them money.
They supported liberal causes and changed the culture until those liberal causes ask that the boomers pay taxes and share wealth and power. Then enough of them, not all, but enough, pealed away and became republicans and tipped the balance of power to what ever politicians promised to keep them well off. If this kneecapped the next generations, fuck em.
So yeah, boomers as a demographic, changed the world for the better, until they got older and they reverted into being the worst of their parents AND greedy.
they can’t grasp how much we changed it.
I see how much Boomers changed the world for the better, what I can’t grasp is why they stopped and said “Fuck You” to the world.
So far Rep Boebert has described widespread reports that she had two abortions while working as an out call prostitute as “totally false”.
Anyone wanna bet there’s videos?
After all, we Democrats, in all fairness, should really ask ourselves, what regular tourist, when being given an all access tour of the Capitol by Republican Barry Loudermilk on a day when the building is closed to the public, does not stop to carefully photo document from multiple angles, each and every darkened back stairway, emergency exit, security checkpoint, and access tunnel?
Just normal tourists doing normal tourist things:
27 jeez any reasonable person would find loudermilk guilty of helping to case the building before the coup attempt.
The universe is generous.
It gave GOP Senate nominee Herschel Walker not one, BUT TWO beloved(ish) sons.
And it gave us Raw Story to tell us all about it!
Son number 2 (this may actually be the boy’s real name, since Walker pretty much DGAF), never sees his pop, only gets a birthday card when the staff remember the date, and is growing up all alone without the support and guidance of a male father figure to teach him how to play Russian Roulette to win, bitch-slap “that ho”, cheat on his taxes, lie about his academic career, and impersonate a cop.
Any truly innocent person would cooperate with investigators to help them get to the truth.
30 I don’t know He’s a Tulsi gabbard type with an R after his name. His potential voters think he’s stupid so they can manipulate him. he might win.
Morals and values don’t matter to Republicans. They are just cudgels to beat Democrats with
You’re too kind by half.
Republicans value and support domestic violence, pornography, prostitution, abortion, child abuse, pedophilia, tax evasion, authoritarianism, and treason…
…for white people.
When it comes to white, Xtians these traits are features, not bugs.
But since all of their ponderous and incessant moralizing is focused so exclusively on racial minorities, ethnic minorities, religious minorities, and LGBTQ people, when a Black Republican like Walker fucks up like this, it produces a bunch of cognitive dissonance and moral confusion. And Republican political energy right now depends almost entirely on moral certainty.
Warnock just needs some independent expenditure group to step in and do the work that needs to be done right now. Walker is by far the most smearable Senate candidate to come along in many years. Smear him now and he will carry it with him through the summer, through the debates, and into November, lowering Trump turnout and improving chances for every other Democrat in Georgia.
@73, 75 of Monday thread:
Told you so.
Meanwhile, Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) puts in order the GOP’s priorities so there’ll be no misunderstandings.
I love it when they cannibalize each other during the primary. Not only is it fun to watch, but they have no money left for the general.
Brain-dead Democrat holds near-double-digit lead over TV quack in Pennsylvania.
This is probably due to shrinkage in the doctor’s base, which was to be expected if they followed his advice during the pandemic.
Fetterman’s genuine authenticity will be a nice contrast to Jersey Guy’s pancake makeup television fakery.
DeSantis Welcomes 2024 Support From ‘African American’ Elon Musk
>> ‘African American’ Elon Musk is successful and doesn’t whine for reparations or complain about police brutality. Why won’t you shut up and be successful like him? – DeSantis probably.
This is a lawsuit.
New Mexico sues county over refusal to certify June primary results
A GOP commission in OTERO COUNTY New Mexico won’t recognize primary results because its members say they distrust Dominion voting machines
According to Alamogordo Daily News, the OTERO COUNTY commission’s members asked that all the ballots cast using Dominion machines be recounted manually and that all ballot drop boxes allowing for absentee voting be removed. Per the outlet, the commission also requested that the Dominion tabulators not be used until the November midterm elections.
A republican county that backed Trump handily — a county in which no fraud has been shown, a county that paid for a review of its votes that found no fraud — ends up rejecting its own election results. It does so out of both a concern that this unproven fraud continues undetected and out of obstinacy as authorities demand that the county officials adhere to reality.
Although Joe Biden won New Mexico, Donald Trump carried Otero County with 61 percent of the vote. The commission seemingly trusts the county results but has less faith in the state’s audited vote count.
I wonder if the “wrong” republicans got chosen in the primary and now trump republicans are contesting the votes.
15 & 24:
This is one of those rare instances when I agree with the rodent. RedReformed, you are behaving like a spoiled little girl. Grow the fuck up and take some personal responsibility for your life. Stop being a whiney-assed little bitch-cunt!
We all know Panhandle Idaho is populated by somewhat strange people, but this guy accused of killing and carving up his neighbor will only face a murder charge, due to insufficient evidence of cannibalism. The victim’s testicles weren’t available. They may have been eaten.
Bet you didn’t know Elon Musk is an African-American. But it was sort of obvious all along.
@40 Sure, count them manually. By all means, count the ballots manually, and see if that tallies with the Dominion machine count. It’s worth some county money to embarrass the hell out of these fucks.
@41 Actually, what Red says isn’t without substance. Boomers were the “greed is good” generation of the ’80s and ’90s, when selfishness was in vogue. And if you’re wondering where all the hippies went, lots of them are today’s old-fogey Republicans.
But that said, every young generation resents the older generation, partly due to how our society structures burdens and benefits. Work, taxes, and debt are frontloaded onto youth, while wealth and social benefits (Social Security, Medicare, etc.) are concentrated among the elderly, which is bound to engender generational resentment.
The reply from old fogies is always the same: “Be patient, you’ll be old yourself sooner than you think.” Then the cycle will repeat itself, and they’ll be resented by their children and grandchildren.
No idea what you folks are fighting over, but Roger if I found myself in your shoes with PI taking your side in a fight, I’d have questions:
@46. Chortle.
@45 Thanks Rabbit.
Video @46: The old “Gott mit uns” while beheading Belgian babies business …
You have a world famous food safety atty up in your city named Bill Marler. Go ask him.
Absent criminal negligence, this is impossible. The packages cannot be “mixed up” by anyone who is capable of obtaining a food handlers permit.
There should be criminal charges.
@49. We cannot hire quality contract employees for the low price we want to pay so tradeoffs were made.