It turns out that today is Tuesday. And that means that the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets to engage in an evening of political deliberation over a hardy quaff. Stop by if you can.
The Seattle chapter of DL meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm out on the back patio.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place. If you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, find a chapter near you.
The POS stepson of former Democrat state legislator and failed Seattle mayoral wannabe Laura Ruderman was sentenced for his liberal act of cowardice – apologies for the redundancy there.
This POS hit a cop across the back of the head with a metal baseball bat during the height of the Durkan Kill Zone protests.
For it he got 5 years. I hope he’s brutally raped in prison every single day:
From this may I suggest that the most violent of the January 6 protesters deserve 5-7 years for their disgusting behavior.
I read – again – today that there are 22,000,000 millionaires in the US.
Millionaire = upper middle class.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit still isn’t there. And he’ll need 8.5% more than he needed last year if he ever gets there, due to Bidenflation.
Thanks, Joe!
The implications are sobering and sad.
But think about it. Admit it.
The most recent Republican President thought China was shooting him with a hurricane gun, wanted to launch Patriot missiles into Mexico, and thinks (right now this very minute) that George Soros has a secret voting machine laser hidden behind the moon.
And every single Republican you know wants to return him to the White House as soon as possible.
They’ve lost their shit.
The Republican Party has become a dangerous hate group so bent on beating down those they target that they will gladly risk annihilation at the hands of an imbecile to obtain that power.
It’s shocking. It’s terrible.
It’s precisely where we are right now.
If you aren’t doing something about turning out your friends, your neighbors, your family, and your coworkers then you are essentially allowing that to happen. If you don’t fight back it will. If you let yourself feel “overwhelmed” and choose to regard “reality” as a streaming option to which you are not currently subscribed, then that will be your fate.
I’m sorry. It’s not good news. But it’s the news I’ve been bringing you since I first posted here.
Republicans have lost it.
Not just Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley. But Republicans.
The guy who does your bookkeeping. Or your cousin who you only see at family weddings. Or the chubby gal who sold you your house. You know who they are. You don’t have to go to war with them. Please don’t. It will do no good. But you do have to go to war with “Republicans” in government. That means you are done. No “compromises” done. No concessions. No “trying to see their point”. No more Salena motherfucking Zito. The people who will nominate Trump in 2024 are nothing to fool around with.
We aren’t going to level up out of this nightmare by sitting with these assholes in diners in Zanesville. Our basic problem is Republicans. Listening to Republicans, or giving ground to Republicans is like listening to cancer or HIV. Yes. America has a very serious, life threatening disease called Republicans. And it may be incurable.
We may have to live with them for a long, long time to come. But that doesn’t mean we give up the fight and let the cancer win. We fight back. We start eating better, sleeping better, going to yoga, and walking more. We follow our doctor’s instructions and we take our medicine even when it costs a bunch. And the good news is that Republicans is the most easily curable life threatening disease there is.
But it isn’t going away in one or two cycles. We can beat the Republicans scare. We can put the Republicans into remission. And we can get on with being the greatest country on earth.
We are going to be battling Republicans for the rest of our lives. That can be a long, happy, fulfilling, and prosperous life. Thankfully, we caught the diagnosis in time, but only if we get busy with our recovery immediately. And the recovery will take every single decent, kindhearted, intelligent American out there. Everybody. All in. Today. Not tomorrow.
Make a call. Click a link. Don’t wait.
Because while you wait, the cancer grows and spreads.
@1 Greenburg got 5 years, and “the most violent of the January 6
protestersrioters deserve 5-7 years.”Sounds about right to me, too.
@2 “there are 22,000,000 millionaires”
In other words, you admit to being a commoner.
Someday everyone will be a millionaire and a cup of coffee will cost $1,000.
Lisa Cook was just confirmed to the Fed board. Not one Republican voted for her. “Spelman College, Truman Scholar, Marshall Scholar, Ph.D. at Berkeley, tenure at one of America’s great universities, Michigan State University, and they say she’s not qualified.” She’s black.
But probably an even bigger reason they don’t like her is she studies the effects of monetary policy on marginalized communities.
Econ at Berkeley?
Very, very, math.
@ 6
From Pat Toomey:
Nigerian bank reforms. Impressive stuff. I guess that makes up for her inability to iterate an opinion on inflation in the US.
Amber Heard is YLB with a spine.
@ 6
She’s black.
Philip Jefferson is another nominee to the Fed board. He’s black, since skin color apparently means something to a nominee’s credentials, if you’re Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit..
He was voted out of committee, 24-0.
Time to STFU about skin color, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. At least until you learn who Philip Jefferson is.
It wasn’t skin color that cost Sarah Bloom Raskin. Unless it was her white skin color.
It was the loss of support from Manchin.
Biden’s nominees for financial posts have fared rather poorly so far. If a nominee needs Momala’s vote to be confirmed, there’s really nothing to celebrate.
Hey doc, would you vote to confirm a Fed nominee with political science and law degrees, who worked on Wall Street but had no previous monetary policy experience, and whose policies have inflated home prices and contributed to CPI inflation? Does it help if the nominee is a white male?
“In March, Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), the committee’s ranking member, said Cook ‘has nearly zero experience in monetary policy’ and ‘appears to have no opinion at all on how the Fed should address inflation.’
“Many other members of the Fed ― including ones supported by Republicans ― have had little to no experience in monetary policy. And monetary policy expertise is not a requirement to be on the board. Jerome Powell, the current Fed chair, for example, is a lawyer …. Michelle Bowman, who was appointed by President Donald Trump, … has a law degree as well as a bachelor’s in journalism and advertising.”
Cook, at least, is a trained economist.
P.S., what do doctors know about monetary policy? Yes, I know, you don’t need to because nobody will appoint you to the Fed; they don’t even let you in the radiology lab.
Quote of the Day: “Chalk is as lasting as Susan Collins’ moral stance on anything.”
Collins, as you know, called the cops on a pro-choice message written with chalk on the sidewalk in front of her home.
This is one GOP election plot I don’t mind.
And God bless Raw Story!
Ballot harvesting uncovered in Pennsylvania!
“The news organization found that dozens of Republican mail ballots for the May 17 primary were being diverted to a P.O. Box registered to the Republican Registration Coalition. The committee’s chairman — Billy Lanzilotti, a onetime Republican ward leader in Philadelphia and former campaign staffer for U.S. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, R., Bucks — said he’d helped the voters fill out their ballot applications, inserting his P.O. box on the form where voters would typically write their home addresses.”
“You understand, gentlemen, that this mission does not exist, nor will it ever exist.”
Bidenflation higher than expected. And that’s with a 6% drop in gasoline prices over the previous month.
Another six months of this should do the trick, doncha think?
Behold, what Biden hath wrought:
Hey y’all, don’t forget that gas prices are back up. All-time high yesterday, I heard. So factor that into the next inflation number we hear.
And y’all think this election will be about abortion? Really?
I’m shocked.
So shocked.
Shocked and stunned.
Turns out Maverick was cheating on his wife and fucking the help all through the campaign.
And Republicans all teamed up and lied about it.
That’s “inconceivable”.
QoS McHillbilly wants you to believe that states with independent redistricting commissions don’t produce gerrymandered maps.
NY Democrats: Hold our beers:
Every NY state supreme court justice was appointed by a Democrat, and still the Democrat legislature’s map was struck down.
QoS McHillbilly is full of shit. Every state with a redistricting commission is still prone to gerrymandering. All a party needs to do is force a deadlock on the commission. Usually that means the job then falls to the legislature. Easy-peasy.
NY Democrats did a too-blatantly obvious job of cheating. Their brethren on the state’s high court couldn’t cover for them. And they didn’t, to their credit.
I was told that Georgia’s election laws were evil and undemocratic.
At least Stacey Abrams got rich off the lie. And fatter.
Degen (or anybody) should look up New York’s recent history with independent redistricting.
There isn’t any.
I let it slide the other day when Degen pulled up NY as his scarecrow. But it’s bullshit. As usual. 2022 would essentially be the state’s very first ever attempt at redistricting outside of Albany after a decade of litigation, and several failed attempts to amend the state constitution.
Degen is essentially no different than any other Republican you know. He is in an hysterical state of outrage over the corruption and incompetence of the distant relative or former golfing partner of a Democratic water district official.
And his solution to all of it is to vote for the people who believe China has a hurricane gun and want to outlaw contraception.
She’s earned it. Between you, Jon Ossoff, and Raphael Warnock, she doesn’t have to negotiate.
She flipped Georgia.
DSU women’s lacrosse team searched without probable cause or warrant.
I think it’s stupid to suggest that they were not racially profiled and targeted for the abuse because of their skin color. But even if that were so, this is still an unlawful search. There is nothing in the record to suggest that these police had any evidence or observations to warrant the search. They went fishing.
Being rural Georgia, who really knows if a judge would recognize the 4th Amendment? But legally any “evidence” turned up as part of such a search is not admissible in a criminal trial. Cops know this. They get this training right along with the training on fifty ways to kill a suspect in handcuffs. So their point in conducting this search is not to uncover evidence or prevent crime.
This is a performance intended to instruct the occupants of the vehicle about power and authority.
Race still has everything to do with it.
@ 23
Trump and MAGA flipped Georgia.
@ 24
If only those women were, instead, white frat boys at Duke.
Then everything would be OK because their privileges as white men would have mandated thst they receive fair and honest treatment.
I think that was in the letter written by the Group of 88.
You got to love criminal conspiracy statutes:
They were invented for stuff just like this. Requires an agreement between two or more persons, violation of an underlying criminal statute, and an act taken in furtherance of the agreement.
It would be irresponsible of me to not also point out that these fake electors in Georgia really should not be speaking with the Fulton County DA. They should hire lawyers and shut the fuck up.
But nevertheless here they all are, providing texts, phone messages, emails, and testimony. Presumably they are all doing this because a) they believe that what they did pretending to be duly elected presidential electors is not a state crime, and b) they believe that by helping the DA gather evidence against the people who orchestrated the criminal enterprise they’ll be left alone.
They are wrong.
They agreed. And they acted. So even if a) is true they can still be charged as part of a criminal conspiracy.
But that’s good for us and the DA. It’s a powerful motivator. It keeps them producing.
Shorter 26:
SAY HIS NAME: Brock Turner!
Let us now recall that the “student athletes” of the Duke University lacrosse team purchased and delivered a bunch of beer and liquor to the private home of the team captains, arranged for a drug dealer to drop of some narcotics, hired prostitutes for entertainment, and proposed sodomizing the prostitutes with a broom handle.
In my experience, most of the time, when a criminal defense client who has already violated a great big bunch of criminal statutes and eagerly admitted to it alleges misconduct on the part of police and prosecutors, it can be a “challenging” situation. Even entitled scum bag criminal dirtbags deserve the presumption of innocence and respect for their civil rights. But honestly, it sure does help if they are rich, white, and have names like “Chad”, “Jameson” and “Reade”.
@ 29
Agree that family money was crucial in exposing Nifong.
You been holding a grudge about those poor white victims being accused for 16 years?
In Contrast: The men, known as the Central Park Five, were wrongfully accused and convicted of numerous crimes, and their convictions have since been overturned. Each of the five men served between five and 12 years in prison.
When released, trump took out a full page ad calling for the execution of the Central Park Five. They were later exonerated by DNA evidence, although trump maintains that they are guilty. The same trump who says China has a Hurricane gun.
Well, I think we can say with certainty that the Duke lacrosse case ended Mike Nifong’s career.
Probably can also say with certainty that they were breeders.
But it comes as a natural thing and non-distinction because, well because……..they are of the neanderthals race.
DJIA below 32,000.
S&P 500 below 4,000.
S&P 500 index down 18% from its high, approaching bear-market territory.
DJIA now up only about 3% during Biden’s presidency. Pretty shitty so far. But then, First Vegetable Joe Biden has had a pretty shitty overall performance in office.
So white guys suffer career consequences for major public corruption,
but not so much for Yacht/Cocaine/Hookers.
And that’s not a “privilege”.
One of my favorite Proud Boys in what will probably go down as my favorite Proud Boy moment (from today’s virtual hearing before “long suffering” Judge Emmett Sullivan):
Sullivan: “Why do you wish to plead guilty?”
Gionet: “I wanted to go to trial but the prosecutor said if I didn’t go to trial they would put a felony on me so I think this is probably the better route. I believe I’m innocent”
Sullivan: “Well fine, pick a trial date”
It’s important to understand here that until he opened his fat stupid mouth Mr. Gionet was getting to plead to a single class B federal misdemeanor which carries a maximum statutory sentence of six months. Federal sentencing guidelines are complex, formulaic, and somewhat Byzantine. However, it’s probably safe to say that if Mr. Gionet had taken that deal, behaved himself, had no serious priors, and obtained a recommendation for his cooperation and plea, he’d have been sentenced to half that.
But thanks to being an internet ass-hat with a fat stupid mouth after today he risks going to trial and facing federal felonies. Any other defendant pulls this shit and the AUSA would withdraw the deal. Instead he gets a second chance to let his taxpayer funded defense attorney talk some sense into him, because Republicans think terrorists are heroic patriots.
Given what we know about his past, I’m not optimistic about Mr. Gionet’s future.
@ 36
Something screwy with the quote. I am reading it differently. The felony was threatened if Gionet chose a trial, is my understanding.