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Conservative Media Makes Up a Fake Florida Mansion for Nancy Pelosi
Now we know where the conservative vegetable got his lie from.
Twitter is a powerful tool for misleading smart people into thinking something is happening when it isn’t.
Desperately Pussy Bob quote tweets lots and lots of garbage tweets, thinking that they mean something because they are trending. But to trend on twitter is trend among a self-selected cohort of hot-take journalists and media “influencers” comprising less than 1% of the population, and who traffic in an algorithm curated version of reality entirely unrelated to real life.
The @Tracker accounts are little more than utilities for repopulating political misinformation among this tiny subset of twitter-Americans.
But relying on twitter enables “conservative” intellectual weaklings to credibly cite a few liberal randos to “authoritatively” characterize their opponent’s views in ways that are favorable to them. This is why you see so many hot take reactions to the inane musings of Meghan McCain or Joy Behar. These people are not engaged in formulating political strategy or policy proposals. And the influence of their tweets upon those who are is almost nonexistent.
1)She gives plenty of stuff for them to use, they don’t need to make stuff up. Thought they would use the fact that the USAF VIP Jet she used to go back to her district, that should be the gift that keeps on giving. Although being in the line of succession should be reason the Speaker has access to acUSAF VIP transport.
Bob’s favorite source of news. Only I wouldn’t put Bob (or the others in the Smart People category.
Tweet Tweet.
God Bless Steve and Raw Story!
Yeah but look at the graph for the last 3-4 years. WTF?
78% of EV subsidies go to those making six figures.
And when Goldy mentioned “environmental issues”, it wasn’t because he wants to talk about the local pollution when the rare earth minerals necessary for EV batteries are mined from shithole countries.
Bob’s favorite source of news is his ass, whereas he pull so much stuff out there it isn’t funny. See FB Friends from Colorado, et al.
@6. OK, Vegetable. What’s your plan? According your added criteria, it has to match existing car performance, cost less so poorer people can afford them and pollute less that batteries or gas.
What have YOU got that’s better?
In reading the Heritage foundation article on electric cars, they HATE the idea of playing American workers good wages.
Yabbut wait until y’all see what it’s gonna cost YLB’s kids in higher taxation and fees, higher inflation, and reduced opportunities.
For their entire working lives.
If Mike Pompeo can use AF1 to take his wife shopping for designer dog sweaters, The Speaker of the House can use a MATs flight to get back to DC in case of emergency.
It will be fun watching liberals run screaming in 2022 away from what they ran screaming toward in 2020.
Oakland needs its own Eric Adams as mayor. Desperately so. What it has instead is its own YLB.
To the contrary. Unbridled gun violence is a predictable result in any large city run for a sufficiently long period of time by Democrats. See Chicago, Baltimore. Oh, and Detroit!
Bell used telecom subsidies and DARPA funding to develop DTMF which initially led to touch tone phones being exclusively used in the homes and businesses of wealthy subscribers located in big cities.
But without DTMF we wouldn’t have “Press One for English”.
And your phony outraged Tea Patriotism would never have existed.
Twitter will ban the sharing of images of private citizens without their consent.
Y’all needed this after January 6 to identify some of the rioters, amirite?
Not a good policy. “The whole world is watching!” isn’t a deterrent if the whole world doesn’t get to watch.
You’ve got a headline.
You just don’t have the numbers.
It will be even more fun to watch liberals run screaming away from Breitbart “conservative” mythology about “BLACK CRIME”.
In other words, YLB, there isn’t a “spike” in inflation. It’s a sustained upward trend, you unserious twat.
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell retires the word ‘transitory’ in describing inflation
Unless the Fed does something about it, this will continue. Anything serious that the Fed does about it is gonna hurt.
Lemme make that more clear, girlfriend:
Anything serious that the Fed does about it is gonna hurt YLB’s kids.
Sedition Hunters never relied on twitter as a platform for sharing and crowd sourcing.
It can’t be helped if the average “conservative” Republican is too stupid to avoid doxing themselves. Over, and over, and over again.
“Don’t let ANTIFA photograph your ears!!!!”
Never mind the distinctive “NO RAGRETS” neck tatoos.
@ 15
You’ve got a headline.
You just don’t have the numbers.
Actually, I do.
You linked to data that ends in 2019. In 2019 there were 75 homicides in Oakland. So says your link.
I linked to a Newsweek piece that points out that so far in 2021 there have been 127 murders in Oakland. There’s still one month to go in 2021.
Looks like a homicide spike to me. But maybe we should ask our reigning HA Spike Princess, Ms. YLB.
@10. Pretty telling view into the conservative vegetable’s head. The greedy racist incel is PISSED that tax money that could be going to him, is going to help the brats of people he hates. He doesn’t want to pay taxes that help the Others he deems unworthy. He imagines it will raise prices that he will have to play. He creates the straw man argument that more educated kids will mean YLB’s kids will have to compete with the unworthy for jobs.
Just Greed and Fear.
@ 17
Sedition Hunters never relied on twitter as a platform for sharing and crowd sourcing.
You’re on a roll today, QoS McHillbilly. Wrong twice in just minutes.
From your link:
If Twitter isn’t something the group uses, why a need to follow them on Twitter?
And then there’s this, under Research Tools:
I realize that far more FB and IG material was used. Doesn’t exclude Twitter.
There’s a second reason that the Twitter announcement is important. Suppose FB and other social media sites decide it’s a precedent and elect to follow Twitter’s lead.
Deterrence is important. Shit done in public is part of the public domain.
12 Make sense to me.
@ 19
…is PISSED that tax money that could be going to him…
In which The Even Bigger Fucking Moron demonstrates his misunderstanding of how progressive taxation and wealth redistribution work in our society.
Tax money comes from me, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. I’m on the far end of the tax-paying side of the bell curve. I’m pissed at some of the places it goes, yes. I have that right as a taxpayer. I’m also pissed at the blatantly dishonest effort to characterize the expenditure of trillions of dollars as “free”. Those expenditures are not free to me. I, and people like me, bankroll them.
I’m also pissed that you somehow have managed to avoid the consequences of Darwin’s Law. So far.
In @ 16 I mention the pain to be felt as the Fed increases its struggle against what is clearly not a mere spike in inflation.
News reports I am reading today tie the drop in the markets to the withdrawal of Fed support to bond prices about to commence. When the Fed slows its buying, bond prices will fall and interest rates will rise.
Won’t touch me. YLB’s kids, OTOH, are gonna feel some significant pain. It’s pain their mothers have caused by the policies they support.
Seems fair.
Well, if it is it would depend entirely on how you define “spike”. And the way you are defining it, this would about be the tenth such “spike” in twenty years.
You don’t know how to perform a simple linear regression. You don’t even know what it means. So anyone who cares to can manipulate you into believing anything they like simply by citing a limited selection of data. You demonstrate this crippling deficiency in your posts almost daily. You are a sucker. A mark. An incurious dullard who bulled your way through your science curriculum with rote memorization and shear stubbornness. As such you aren’t capable of meaningful analysis outside of your chosen discipline.
As you and every other bootlicking Badge Bunny defines the term, homicide “spikes” occur about every other year or two. But then by your own definition homicide “plummeting” occurs just as frequently. Yet a study of the budgets shows absolutely no linkage or correlation between numbers of cops and any of these effects.
Because none exists.
Yet it would make just as much sense, and be just a logical for us to study the homicide “plummets” and do whatever the fuck we did with cop budgets in those years in hopes of a repeat. More cops, or less cops, yearly homicide numbers fluctuate independently of police budgets.
Because police do almost nothing to limit or prevent homicides and they do even less to solve them.
Meanwhile, Chris Cuomo still has a job, while Deathfrogg doesn’t.
Bill Clinton fucked minor children.
I am reminded what a good thing it is that, hearing mention of President Clinton, no one need respond, “Which one?”
You visited the site. You saw the massive data trove of images, video, text, and raw data stored there for convenient access, download, and analysis.
Twitter is useful for promoting the site, as you just demonstrated.
Twitter is not used for analysis. Promotion of the work is not the same thing as the work. This fundamental misunderstanding is something you seem to share with your fellow seditionists – the ones who weren’t too cowardly to take part in the actual sedition.
A few weeks ago Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit bought Citigroup, and probably paid $65-66. It’s down to $63.79.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit bought 3M in the mid-$170s a couple of years ago. It’s at $172.01.
He paid around $28 for AT&T, mebbe five years ago.. That share price is now $22.84.
Behold, the equity investing prowess of the mighty Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Take note. Because one of the most useful items of information here is the randomness of the time frame.
The way these things work is if at any time, anyone, anywhere, dares to question bloated police spending on beating up, choking, and terrorizing poor communities it will always be resurrected later the minute a one-time random increase in crime takes place.
Remember, 99.9% of all heroin addicts started out drinking milk as children. And gasoline products are “involved” in nearly 99% of motor vehicle accidents*.
*Things are looking up as the frequency of auto-driving Teslas mowing down bicyclists appears to be on the rise.
The right is desperate for this chick to be the DNC nominee for president in 2024.
Timeline according to House committee sources with access to witness affidavits, call records, and personal calendars:
Jan 4, daytime, Eastman presents his self-coup plan to Trump in the Oval with Pence, VP COS Short and VP Counsel Jacobs in attendance
Jan 4 to Jan 5 overnight, Trump consults by phone conference as Eastman presents to Bannon, Giuliani, Epshtein in rented office/room suites at the Willard,
Jan 5 daytime Trump meets with Pence in the oval to request his cooperation with the plan. Pence declines, infuriating Trump.
Jan 5 to Jan 6 overnight, Trump consults with Eastman, Giuliani, Epshtein, and Bannon at the Willard. Trump informs them of Pence’s refusal to cooperate and then asks the team for ways to prevent the EV count without Pence’s cooperation by interrupting the joint session. They settle on a plan relying on large numbers of House and Senate Republicans to raise objections forcing adjournment of the joint session for separate chamber votes.
Jan 6 daytime, Willard hotel team begin calling members trying to get agreement with the coup plan. Progress is slow and there don’t appear to be enough members willing to help with delay until after Jan 6th.
Jan 6 daytime later, Republican Stop the Steal domestic terror mob attacks The Capitol, breaches the building forcing evacuation of members and halting the count.
Jan 6 daytime, as attack is underway GOP members call Trump pleading with him to issue a statement to his followers asking them to withdraw peacefully so that the count can continue.
Trump refuses their requests, indicating that he is pleased with the delays caused by the domestic terror attack.
This is why the subpoenas matter. It’s also why the subpoena refusals matter and tell us very clearly what they are trying to hide. It will be exceptionally hard to obtain corroborating records and testimony otherwise.
@ 29
*Things are looking up as the frequency of auto-driving Teslas mowing down bicyclists appears to be on the rise.
I don’t know about that but did you read about the Ford Escape that killed a bunch of grandmothers and a little boy in Waukesha during a Xmas parade?
@ 31
This is why the
subpoenasFOIAs matter. It’s also why thesubpoenaFOIA refusals matter and tell us very clearly what they are trying to hide.You first.
Sorry, Cuomosexual G-clown. No word on when the sold-out boxers made from male anal sphincter leather will be available again.
OK, who’s up for seeing The Squad get another crack at torpedoing the BBB after the Senate makes a big change to it?
Texas Rangers spent a half-billion dollars on middle infielders. Yesterday.
I used to like baseball.
I eagerly await QoS McHillbilly’s future insistence upon full compliance with subpoena demands when control of the houses of Congress flips in 2023 and it’s the Republicans who begin issuing them to Democrats.
Seems that tragedy involved gasoline though.
And police.
Let them.
Whoever the fuck you think you’ll subpoena, if they even broke any laws, can merely appear and invoke the 5th.
Then, assuming she can spell it, MTG can issue use immunity. Unless of course there are no actual underlying violations being investigated. In which case nothing comes from any of it other than show trials. Were I advising such a witness I’d demand full testimonial immunity in advance. Then once that was secured I’d use the hearing as an opportunity to question the Republican members.
Like Rep. Gaetz about his “girl friends”. Or Jim Jordan and his phone calls with Trump. Just a couple of good examples out of many.
Sounds like a great way to get four more years of Biden/Harris.
Trial in Minnesota is getting underway with jury selection. Defendant is the officer who shot and killed Daunte Wright, thinking she was discharging her Taser weapon and not her service firearm.
She’s guilty of something. I won’t pretend to understand what. Likely the opposite of whatever Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks.
By her own admission in prior statements against self interest, she is guilty of homicide without intent.
Questions to be explored at trial would include, was her discharge of her service weapon negligent? Was her discharge of her service weapon reckless. What was Potter’s intent in discharging her service weapon? Was that intent lawful?
I don’t know all the evidence and neither do you. But given what we do know, and in the absence of any exculpating evidence yet to be revealed during her defense, Potter is most likely criminally guilty of Second degree manslaughter and perhaps also administratively guilty of a whole bunch of misconduct.
@ 41
Her attorney struggles with proper English. I just read a response written by that attorney. Among other things, “want” instead of “wont”. Fragmented sentences.
More on Republican threats of endless show trials* as proclaimed by Desperately Pussy Bobby @ 37:
I also eagerly await. I await the list of witnesses. I await the list including current members of the House, the Senate, and the Executive branch. I await the President declining to formally waive his right to privilege.
Mostly I await Bob and other phenomenally dumb Republicans refusing to admit that this thing they want to do is not in fact at all the same as what Chairman Thompson and his committee are currently doing, and also refusing to admit that it has no potential for any outcome other than a bunch of lawsuits.
Makework program for lawyers and fund raisers.
I like it.
*If you were not already expecting this you haven’t been paying attention to BENGHAAAAZIIIIIII!!!!!!!!
In case you have any plans, a competent private criminal defense in a criminal case involving homicide starts at six figures.
The lawyer she has retained is a cop’s lawyer who works with the Minnesota Police and Peace Officer’s Assoc. Legal Defense Fund.
So we should assume a little better than the average public defender. But without the public defender’s sense of mission or job satisfaction. Probably less a case of “can’t spell” and more a case of “doesn’t trust spell-check”.
Honestly, if she was forced to turn to her union list, we can assume that she had her pick from that list and that this guy is probably one of the best, if not the best from the list. He’s putting his client on the stand, so that may be cause for doubt.
@37. “in 2023 and it’s the Republicans who begin issuing subpoenas to Democrats.”
What legitimate reason would republican have to do that? Are you anticipating Democrats trying to coordinate an armed terrorist group to take over the elected goverment, like the republicans did? Or do you anticipate the republicans doing it for no other reason than petty revenge?
Three dead, eight hurt in Oxford High shooting; 15-year-old in custody
The suspect has “already invoked his right to not-speak; he wants an attorney,” McCabe said.
“We have to get permission from parents to interview a juvenile, and we did not get that,” McCabe added.
The family has hired an attorney, McCabe added,
I wonder if he will use the “he feared for his safety” defense.
To quote The Onion “No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens.”
@ 46
In which The Even Bigger Fucking Moron makes clear he does not understand that The Onion is satire.
Yeesh you are a vegetable
I feel sorry for the victims who died because America cannot find the will to have any sort of realistic gun reform or mental health funding or anything that could make it better
Even if it’s just for pure sport, they can’t subpoena privileged documents held by the White House unless the White House waives privilege. And they won’t.
And they can’t compel testimony from branch officials unless they agree in advance to a narrow enough scope of inquiry that the White House again agrees to waive privilege. Given the steadily deteriorating history of performance by Republican led committees for the last two decades it’s very unlikely that the White House would agree to waive, or that any Trump puppet bent on revenge would agree to limit inquiry.
Assuming Trump gets his way (and he will) they’ll form a few committees to investigate Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Christopher Steele. They’ll hope that they can get a court to direct the former employees to appear and to turn the hearing into an argument about how unfair they were to Orange Daddy.
But if Kevin McCarthy wants to camouflage his incompetence by reminding everyone in America how dumb Trump is, and providing another stage on which to birth the careers of the next Paul Gosar or Louie Gohmert I say let him. It means he won’t get anything else done.
And that means Biden/Harris will have an easier time getting reelected.
The FDA advisory panel voted to approve Merck’s drug.
The vote was 13-10.
If the Democrats who didn’t want to see a rushed vaccine approved last year can be viewed as having been appropriately cautious, it would have been this type of vote result that would have concerned them.
In which case your point is what, exactly?
That in fact there IS a way to prevent this?
Or that in fact you don’t actually understand what satire means?
Not your finest day, Bob. Early onset?
I wonder if the number of deaths that can be attributed to one or both Cuomos is in the thousands.
I would venture that it probably is.
Staggering levels of misogynist conduct by liberals trying to protect Andrew Cuomo.
Almost as much as what Hillary stooped to in order to protect Bill.
53. Why does the vegetable not apply that same standard to DeSantis or trump?
The daddy of Alison Lundergan Grimes went to prison today.
Cocaine Mitch smiles.
Still probably can’t compete with the death toll notched by you and your completely fake “FB friends from CO”.
Ethan Crumbley.
The shooter in Michigan. Never trust The Detroit News to avoid mentioning the name of a minor because he’s a minor.
It posted a quote easily traced.
Vicious Troll stands by and watches…..
I like “Breeding will not save Them” better.
He’s got nothing. He failed to be a Doctor. What can he have. He don’t even have balls that can breed smart people.
Fuck, he don’t even know my AGI!
Boy, did I dodge a bullet, by not being a selected as a Juror on the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial. Phew! Trial is epected to go 6 Weeks. I had to call in for 1 week and then wiat another week before finallly being excused!
A Pussy Grabber’s dream! Or Jim Jordan’s fantasy.
@ 62
People who do important work don’t sit on those juries. They are needed on the job.
I’ve calculated your AGI. No one at your place of employment would miss you during those six weeks.
News to me. So you should be able to say what it is…..oh wait, you have no clue.
Dude, throw out a number, a range, try to come close, but you can’t, because you have no clue.
Not a question if nobody would miss me. Nobody would have missed the FuckHump if he died while in office.
And nobody would have missed you for years if you had to serve…matter of fact you retired and nobody missed you when you did. You are full of yourself, like a hillbilly thinking his biggest accomplishment is keeping the woman pregnant and barefoot.
11)The reason they were using a C-40 was the need to avoid a refueling stop. Tom Foley used an AF Learjet I believe.
Well, lookee here, conservatives are upset that SCOTUS might not be as bigoted as they are.
@64 Observations: (1) You’ve probably shredded every jury summons you ever got, and when they called to find out why you were a no-show, you coughed into the phone. (2) Your employer would have been happy to let you take two weeks off for jury duty, and even happier if you got on the jury of a 6-week trial. (3) That would never happen, because no lawyer in his/her right mind would ever let you serve on their jury. (4) Given that you post tripe on HA full-time, you don’t have anything important to do either. (5) You don’t believe in jury trials anyway; you want to shoot ’em on sight. (6) You’re not smart enough to serve on a jury. (7) They want civic-minded people, which you are not. (8) You’d fall asleep by 2 pm. (9) You couldn’t even get into the courthouse, because they’d think you’re from the homeless camp across the street. (10) You shouldn’t serve on a jury, because you’d let all the child molesters and vigilante killers off. It’s called jury nullification. (11) You have to be a citizen, and I’m not convinced you are. Your birth certificate is missing. (12) I’ll think of more later. Other posters are welcome to add comments.
@58 He looks white in photos. I know, I know, you’re either gonna (1) claim I said he’s white (I’m not saying that) if it turns out he’s not, or (2) you’re gonna be disappointed if it turns out he is.
28,000 people have signed a petition to rename the school’s football stadium after the 16-year-old male victim, a member of the school football team, who was killed trying to disarm the gunboy.
Daddy bought the gun and let his into-satanic-shit-kid practice with it. Daddy should go to prison, too. We need more accountability in this country for stupid-ass adults who arm homicidal children.
“The Illinois Democratic social media director who called the deadly Christmas parade rampage in Wisconsin ‘karma’ for the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse has been fired over her ‘callous and reprehensible posts.’”
Good! Just because Republicans embrace behavior like that doesn’t mean the Democrats should tolerate it. Democrats should be better than Republicans, because someone has to be.
One solid reason the conservative judges on the Supreme Court may not ban abortion. They know republicans make way too much money and votes from the promise of over turning it.
@70. Good. I expect she was angry, but she needed to show self control. She didn’t. She needed to go.
MTG still serves and still has her party’s full backing.
Elise Stefanik just gave a long interview defending her. Minority Leader just offered compliments in an interview. This came right after MTG turned her sights on a fellow Repuke calling Rep. Mace “pro-abort trash”.
There’s just no sense of decency or honor among Republicans. And absolutely zero sense of accountability to any principles.
That’s how they became this. The White Nationalist Party.
Just a quick reminder:
FBI interrogation videos have been released of lesser Proud Boy Jan 6 defendant Taser Prick who is documented on video stabbing Capitol Police Officer Fanone in the neck with an illegally modified taser while Fanone was being set upon by Republican Trump supporters trying to murder him,
In the videos, where Taser Prick confesses to multiple serious felonies, he also goes into significant detail explaining his political motivations for taking part in the attack and that by doing so he and others with him hoped to prevent the electoral vote count from proceeding. That’s important because that stated intent qualifies Mr. Prick for a domestic terrorism enhancement if he is found guilty, which he will be.
Riverside County GOP continues to work with the local Proud Boys – now a terrorist group.