It’s Election night in Washington state. So please join us for an evening of electoral politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
The Seattle chapter of DL meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm. But show up early for the 8pm ballot drop. Note that a COVID vaccination card and ID are required to enter the Roanoke.
Chapters of Drinking Liberally can be found all over the place. If you can’t make the Seattle chapter, find a chapter near you. Or start a new chapter.
Wait ’til y’all see the Hispanic and Asian crosstabs.
What a coincidence! I’m drinking the same way.
I wonder if YLB thinks that Chuck Schumer is shitting his pants tonite the same way she claimed that Cocaine Mitch was worried two years ago.
YLB, why should the composition of any one state legislature be a major concern to the majority or minority leader of the US Senate, girlfriend?
OK, who had 85 minutes in the McAuliffe wipeout pool?
Blame Biden and/or blame Jayapal.
Or blame QoS McHillbilly, who sees nothing wrong with forced sodomy of a 15 year-old girl in a high school girl’s bathroom, and nothing wrong with the efforts of the school district superintendent and its board to cover up the crime.
YLB, why should the composition of any one state legislature be a major concern to the majority or minority leader of the US Senate
Why do so many of your bleats consist of the letters GE and include porn links and fantasies of rape, misogyny and sex with gay and trans people?
zzZZZzzzzZZZZzzzz… Vacuous..
@1 et seq.: Wake me up when there’s a final result.
GOP racist bitch becomes the next VA Lt. Governor.
It isn’t the $500 fine or a few days in jail that will hurt them the most; it’s depending on their children for support after being fired from good-paying jobs.
Bruce Harrell will be Seattle mayor.
Davison has a strong lead in the city attorney race.
9)Wonder what were they thinking. Are they the same people who think JFK Jr is coming back?
Why it’s a short-term strategy with ponderous long-term consequences:
Stacey Abrams can finally say she won something.
@11 They thought God wanted them to do it. They were mistaken. Trump isn’t God.
Every day during my lunch break, I check an app I subscribe to called Pantograph Pro. It’s a OBA for transit fans. It started here, but it’s creator has been adding more regions. Been observing the issues with DC METRO. Down to 28-30 trains due to the issues following the derailment and inspections. Past 2 days been seeing more in service, probably passing inspections. About 33-36, normally it’s nearly 70, 8 car trains, but currently only 6.:
When I visited in 2007, road a Virginia Railway Express train, got a SOUNDER instead.
14)Never thought I agreed with Goldwater on something.
TFW you win an off-year election by gang-raping six-year-old Ruby Bridges and knocking all her teeth out.
Fox News has not yet called VA gov.
@18 From now on, GOP candidates will campaign by telling parents the boogeyman is coming to their kids’ school.
From now on, Democrat candidates will think twice about calling parents racists because they have an interest in how their children are educated in a school system funded by their tax dollars.
You learned the wrong lesson, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
If McAuliffe had actually called any of those racist assholes racists he might have won.
@ 21
You’ve got all of 2022 to insult your electorate, QoS McHillbilly. My suggestion is don’t waste a minute of it. I’d rather see a 60 seat flip than a 50 seat flip.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron does not understand.
Imagine if the GOP had spent more heavily on NJ gov.
Pretending that an AP English assignment featuring Beloved is either CRT or “harmful” is racist.
And McAuliffe pretending that racists are “reasonable” IS insulting to his electorate. Also why he lost.
May I suggest that QoS McHillbilly & Co. begin pointing out racist assholes in these two VA congressional districts.
May I further suggest that he begin with the parents of those children who are assaulted in those districts’ public schools.
Suggestion to QoS McHillbilly:
1. Congratulate the winner.
2. STFU until tomorrow.
Perhaps QoS McHillbilly can explain why voting to elect a black Lt. Governor is racist.
QoS McHillbilly, if you hurry up and turn on Fox News you can witness a thousand white people screaming at a black woman in Virginia. Hurry!
I drink up all his beer. I never flush.
And he doesn’t even charge me rent.
It’s fucking awesome!
NYC hopefully will be much better off now that POS de Blasio will be replaced by someone who gives a shit about law and order.
The pussy won’t concede tonite.
The pussy.
Hey, who wants a Clintonite for any purpose other than serving as a talking head? The only one worth a shit is Carville.
Some fucking retard Bob voted for three times got his clock cleaned twelve months ago and he’s still making up JOO SPACE LASERS and Argentinian ghosts twelve months later.
I guess concession is overrated. And JFK Jr. lives!
YLB is busy consoling Chuck Schumer. They’re crying on each other’s shoulders and her mascara is smeared.
Why YLB thought Mitch McConnell would have any reason for concern about a brief flip in the VA House is beyond me. Dumb twats gonna dumb twat.
How did Sequim go? Q-Anon people get re-elected?
@ 32
I guess concession is overrated.
Good point.
Nikkita Oliver would have been awful.
I’d like to thank Jenny Durkan, whose conduct last year enxured that the right candidates won their Seattle races this year.
A GOP candidate with no baggage (because he has no track record) eked out a narrow electoral win over a flawed Democratic opponent in a purple state by positioning himself as a moderate and putting as much distance between himself and his party’s 2020 and probable 2024 standard bearer as he possibly could.
This can serve as a template for other GOP candidates going forward.
The execrable Peter Zieve failed to get elected to the Mukilteo city council again. And Kathy Lambert is out. No one really terrible got elected around here, Doctor Dumbfuck’s Whidbey Island pals still can only wear their hooded robes after dark, and they still aren’t invited to Fourth of July parades.
37)Will they do it, though?
@39 Of course not.
Over a week ago, we were arguing about the MetroRail trains being pulled from service. On one of the pro-rail Facebook groups I post on, it was suggested by a group administrator, one problem may be the way our transit agencies buy rolling stock, in big batches. Makes it susceptible to whole fleets being pulled from service for extended periods. A couple small orders would make it easier to iron out any bugs.
40)Things can change in a year.
Been seeing stories of the NYMTA’s East Side Access project hitting a milestone. Still won’t open until next year, but the project to bring the LIRR to Grand Central is almost complete. Seen some New Yorkers not wanting to give the new Governor credit. Well, construction started in 2007, under Spitzer. One key portion, a tunnel under the East River, was done in the Seventies.
Chuck Schumer is shitting his pants
who gives a shit about law and order.
The only one worth a shit
Hmmm. Vacuous troll’s “mind” is full of shit tonight..
Heh. Must be bored with sniffing its own farts.
YLB’s kids came out to her tonite. They’re both Republicans.
She is so ashamed. All that time she spent teaching them the grift will be wasted when they obtain gainful employment.
LOVE love LoVe lOvE seeing the uber left progressives getting their asses handed to them in the Seattle/King Co elections….maybe Seattle has finally had enough of the SJW shitshow…..
is there a specific reason you care so much about Sequim? Maybe you should have paid better attention to the SJY lefty deathmarch in Seattle…..
losers gonna lose….I guess
47)Indo. I also know whoever I elect to city hall has a chance to be on the Sound Transit Board, and want to make sure they will fight to get as much built as was approved. That’s why I didn’t vote for Langlie,just in case he was like his Grandfather.
46)Hey delusions; liar. Yes, I called you a liar because I am not a Liberal, and AM A REPUBLICAN. Nice try.
According to you, I am anti private business. How ,many times have I wrote goood reviews of the Brightline passenger train in Florida? Several tries, and it has had to fight pro-business Floridians trying to tell them what they can’t do with their railroad.
Actually, won’t be a Republican much longer, next Presidential election, I’m changing it. I can’t be a part of a party that hatches onto an extremel that tars it’s opponents as pedophiles. That’s a crime that people who my be innocent of, can’t come shake. Plus, disagreement isn’t punishable by death in this country.
Plus,I don’t like the GOP tarring any discriptor of it’s opponent. You know that in other countries, Liberal is a term for a conservative. Australian, the ruling Liberal Party, center-right. same for the Liberal Democratic Party in Japan. In Canada, the NDP makes the federal liberals seem centrist. In British Columbia, the BC Liberal Party, center-right, in power in Victoria from 2001-2017. I followed that election, came down to a handful of voters in Comox-Courtney. College students and airmen.
@47 “is there a specific reason you care so much about Sequim?”
He doesn’t want to get killed while passing through there to get somewhere else.
Also in Canada, provincial Conservative parties in Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland still go by the old name, Progressive Conservatives.
@51 Don’t confuse him with technicalities his IQ can’t handle.
52)When I take my occasional ride on the Straight Shot, a route by the way, I think Clallam Transit should have suspended until the Coho resumed, but reinstated sometime last year. They expect it to cover it’s costs, $10:one-way for adults, 10 riders a trip should do it. The Coho provided 2-4 a trip.Backpackers and gamblers made up part of the rest.
Vacuous troll’s “kid” and “grandkid” won’t get a cent when it kicks the bucket..
It wants to be buried with its fookin’ munee.. but first the whole shitpile must be cremated.
Otherwise, the “kid” might give teh munee to librul causes like Mary Kay does. Vacuous troll can’t take that chance.
Does that count as “coming out” as liberal?
My kids have nothing but a bright future ahead as so many old klownservatics die of “teh wuhan”. According to the bleats of vacuous troll – that’s good for them. Heh.
54)Figure it’s worth a try.
I’m one who doesn’t trash the dropouts in the right wing media. I’ve seen dropout anchors who didn’t tell people who to hate. The former host of the National on CBC in Canada is a good example. Would be shocked where the CBC found him when they hired him. Despite his lack of higher education, American networks tried to hire him away.
And just think, cremating vacuous troll’s shitty remains with its fookin’ munee – that reduces the money supply and curbs inflation..
So who gives a flyin’ fuck about that shit?
What a win! Night all!
I can’t be a part of a party that hatches onto an extremel that tars it’s opponents as pedophiles.
Good call..
59)Plus, I only declared because when I worked with KingCo Elections it was a necessity. No too many Republicans living in the precinct.Needed at least one to open the precinct, and escort the ballots. Got an extra hours work out of it.
Also, About the Brightline opposition, some of it is Democrats, but also Republicans have been against it. The sickest trick was claiming it was a Nazi Train because they bought rolling stock from Siemens. What idiots, Israeli Railways buys Rolling Stock from Siemens, including a good EMU wished our railroads could use. The loco-hauled trains they bought, Amtrak and VIA have also purchased them. Made in Sacramento.
52)Plus, I was just curious. Unlike that idiot thinking change will happen at city hall in Seattle. The last couple mayors thought they would be different. Not holding my breath for Harrell to be re-elected in 2027.He won’t be perfect for everybody. If we had RCV, he would have been my 2nd or 3rd choice.Saying Light Rail is a regional issue and not a city issue is still better than being against it entirely.Wished RapidRide R had been done before East LINK was complete.It, and Route 7 it will replace provide a connection between First Hill, Judkins Park, ad Mt. Baker. Network effect. There was
There was one guy running in the primary that suggested a great plan to half the entire city within a half mile of some form of high capacity transit. Couldn’t support it, as it was beyond ambitious, to fantasy. The guy hadn’t even been innSoutheast Seattle. AA subway tunnel through the soft soil of Genessee Park? Route 50 upgraded to RapidRide and a RapidRide on Lake Washington Boulevard. Wouldn’t work. Especially when the Boulevard is closed to vehicular traffic between Colman Park and Seward Park on summer weekends. Liked the streetcars he suggested as feeders, provided they were in a network, instead of separate, unconnected lines.
An update on the shareholder turmoil at Canadian National. Pushback from the management against the activist shareholder.
59)I fear, even without Q, I fear we are headed towards a repeat of the Madrona Massacre. Read about the Goldmark family, they were good friends with Slade Gordon. Slade was a character witness at Goldmark Sr. Libel trial against red baiters. That era conservatives worship, with hearings forcing people to admit membership in the communist party or not, problem is, you outlaw one, it will be easy to put the next party on the conservatives list in, then the next one, and soon, no dissent allowed.
It goes both ways, what good is a country without opposing voices if both parties agree?
@ 51, 59
I can’t be a part of a party that hatches onto an extremel that tars it’s opponents as pedophiles.
You’ll no doubt be more comfortable as a member of a party that hatches onto an extreme that tars its opponents as racist, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing Neanderthals. It’s the same extreme that decided that I engage in bestiality. Just make sure it’s someone other than Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit who teaches you the secret HA libbie handshake, Railfan. He spends far too much time in the bathroom each morning, and there’s not enough soap in the world to disinfect those hands.
Edit: Make that fascist, racist, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing Neanderthals.
Of course, Railfan, becoming a Democrat means you get to hear black women refer to white men of their own party in similarly awful terms when they don’t get their way. Like this:
That’s from Cori Bush. It wasn’t something she said during a rant on MSNBC when she and Joy Reid were trying to one-up each other for yuks. It was in a press release.
Youngkin won independents, who voted for him 54-45.
Virginia independents swung to Youngkin — a group that voted for President Biden by 19 points in 2020.
28 point swing. Wow.
Did you know that Virginia has a 2.5% grocery tax?
Even YLB objects to that tax.
YLB is jealous of this chick’s last name.
Jayapal took down Terry McAuliffe. Sandy from the Bronx may have taken down Murphy.
I wonder if Newt and QoS McHillbilly still think that Democrats will hold the House in ’22.
66)I’ll manage.
BY the way, I live next to a high school in Seattle that took back it’s mascot from the PC crowd. Had nothing wrong with Quakers as a mascot for Franklin, it honored the namesake. I remember seeing a big portrait of him in the office.
As for defunct public High school mascots in the city, Grizzlies and Bengals will never return, but Lynx is back.Lincoln High is re-opened. District 1 lost one of their best spare buildings. Saw an aerial shot of it, didn’t know they were in the same boat as O’Dea when it came to Athletic fields.
The Clintons are running a special.
You can now get Bill Clinton to address your group for a speaker’s fee of $20,000.
And if you let him split the hour with Hillary, the combined speakers’ fee for the couple is only $9,995.
What you saw in VA last night? The Clintons are ultimately responsible for that. They created McAuliffe. They created Little George, who let First Vegetable Joe Biden off the hook when Biden dismissed the deaths of US troops during the Kabul debacle in August.
The Clintons gave you Trump, and now they have given you Youngkin and possibly
a dude in New Jersey whose last name I have yet to learnCiattarelli.Speaking of Ciattarelli, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is currently scheming for a way to drop the word “dago” into a spew today without anyone noticing.
Like he did with “eggplant”.
Sure are. Campaign things. The campaign isn’t supposed to help formulate policy, devise better ways of torturing Guatemalan toddlers, or negotiate withdrawal agreements with Afghanistan. They may talk about those things, or make posters to hang in the lunchroom. But political campaigns do political campaign stuff, not the people’s business.
If coup plotters Bannon, Kerrick, Giuliani, Powell, Eastman, et al. were being funded by the campaign then their meetings and activities were obviously outside the scope of official public business. No privilege may apply. The fact that those payments exist and have now been reported to the FEC means we can all move on from that bit of nonsense as quickly as we all moved on from JFK Jr.’s ghost.
68)In Washington, I believe it was removed from most food products decades ago.
I think the biggest thing to doom SB8 will be the timing of oral argument this week. Even Alito may become skeptical of the Texas scheme after today.
Merkley knows what yesterday meant.
Today he told First Vegetable Joe Biden that Rahm Emanuel’s career in public service should end.
Remember how reliable the exits were last year and in 2018?
This is one time when you really should wait.
But not on my account.
Trending on twitter: “sharted”.
Black vote.
Remember this when QoS McHillbilly attributes McAuliffe’s loss to racism. Remember, as well, that this is the outcome that Douglas Wilder made clear he wanted.
I think it means Johnson will run.
And I’m not at all sure that’s a good thing for you.
But I haven’t seen him in a fleece vest.
Remember when #CrookedHillary spent $1.2 billion and lost to a political neophyte?
Maybe I’ll feel really, really bad if you show me a similar photo op with her standing next to Youngkin.
I too can wait.
I really think there’s a very simple solution for the conflict in today’s oral of NY State Rifle and Pistol v. Bruen.
Everyone just carries around a blank summons and complaint.
And when they see some weird shithead open carrying like a freak they politely get their name, fill in the blanks, and serve them.
Works in Texas.
Glenn Youngkin’s supporters are eager to get started “reforming” VA public school curricula:
Should be a lot of fun.