It isn’t too late to stop by this evening’s Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally for some politically-inspired conversation over a libation.
The Seattle chapter of DL meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm. We are still out on the patio (under an awning) in the back. The kitchen is still closed, but feel free to bring your own dinner. Note that a COVID vaccination card and ID are required to enter the Roanoke.
Chapters of Drinking Liberally can be found all over the place. If you can’t make the Seattle chapter, find a chapter near you.
Which Democrat Senator assaulted Huma Abedin?
I don’t think Biden kept a home in DC. Although after those late-night sessions I doubt he took Amtrak home. Hotel? Small apartment somewhere?
My money’s on John Edwards. Rielle wasn’t his first. She was just the first to keep it.
Breeding will not save them. Neanderthals.
2024, then?
Happy Birthday, dear Hillaryyyyyyyyyyyyy……
@1 You have a strange obsession with Democratic women, but you were never a senator (and never will be), so it couldn’t be you.
@1 Per your link, “She writes: ‘Then I said something only the twentysomething version of me would have come up with – ‘I am so sorry’ – and walked out, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible.'”
Per Wikipedia, she was in her 20s from July 28, 1996 to July 27, 2006, and was in Washington all of that time, so the perp was a senator at some point during that period of time.
That’s a lot of people. John Edwards was one of them. You’re not.
@1 I read in Michael Lewis’s book “The Premonition,” at p. 60,
“Carter Mecher had only ever wanted to be a doctor, but the world kept finding other uses for him. He’d grown up in a big, working-class family in Chicago. Though his father hadn’t finished the ninth grade, he had a highly successful career as a tool and die maker, and as a parent. He encouraged his children to tackle problems with the same confidence that he shaped steel. ‘If some other dumb fuck can do it, so can you,’ he liked to say. He’d said exactly that when Carter asked him if he thought he could become a doctor.”
and immediately thought of you. I think you probably had a father who said something like that, too. If not a father, then a teacher. What’s beyond doubt is that a dumbfuck can become a doctor.
Been listening to the Kraken Game, playing like the 1919 Stanley Cup is on the line.
Maybe ’cause they were thugs.
Prosecutors cannot call those shot by Kyle Rittenhouse ‘victims,’ a judge has ruled
@9 You, of all people, have no fucking idea what a fair trial is. You don’t even believe in trials. You’d find ’em guilty from a news report. And innocent based on their party affiliation.
While it’s almost certainly fruitless to try to educate a doctor, let alone a dumbfuck doctor, about anything having to do with law, nevertheless I’ll try.
Whether the victims were arsonists, looters, or thugs is irrelevant, because our laws don’t allow self-appointed vigilantes to shoot arsonists, looters, and thugs at will. The only question for the jury to decide is whether Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. Against, among other things, a plastic bag thrown in his direction.
Good job Kraken(Metropolitans) beating the Canadiens 5-1 at the CPA. On the downside, n a few minutes, LINK will be seeing some delays. Love it,
Also, the 1917 Metropolitans were honored, and their Stanley Cup win.
“A study from Johns Hopkins University this summer showed that vaccinated immunocompromised people were 485 times more likely to end up in the hospital or die from Covid-19 compared to most vaccinated people. In small studies, the CDC said, fully vaccinated immunocompromised people accounted for about 44% of the breakthrough cases that required hospitalization.”
Which means for that if immunocompromised people account for nearly half of breakthrough cases resulting in hospitalization, for everyone else the risk of a severe breakthrough infection is much less than the raw data suggested.
It almost seems as though anti-vaxxers want to get sick and die. Maybe they think this is the “rapture” they’ve waited for so long.
A tracking app other than One Bus Away that I use. OBA is for commuters, Pantograph is for transit fans. The 1-line is running smoothly, for now, up the crowds probably haven’t reached Westlake yet.
Even though police union leaders and cops who follow their lead have their heads up their asses, it’s wrong for us to say, “Let ’em die.” But we can’t stop them from saying, “Let us die.”
@ 13
It almost seems as though anti-vaxxers want to get sick and die.
In 2016 it almost seemed as though #CrookedHillary supporters wanted Trump to be elected.
Why else would they sit there like bumps on a log while the Clintonians and the DNC raped the Democrat party the way they did?
C’mon. McAuliffe forgot to close the hatch before diving.
Just think how awful any reconciliation framework would have to be in order to get it passed in time for Democrats to claim some sort of legislative victory in their desperation to prop up McAuliffe.
I thought y’all controlled Congress. What gives?
Maybe y’all need to cause even more inflation.
@16 That’s nothing. You should see what your candidate did to your party.
@18 That’s nothing. Think how awful Republican majorities in 2022 would be. Imagine, for example, Paul Gosar, Lauren Boebert, and Marjorie Taylor Greene chairing key committees.
And poor Moscow Mitch, if he became majority leader again, would be presiding over another pointless impeachment trial every six weeks.
Now imagine if SCOTUS overturns Roe v. Wade and it’s up to states whether abortion is legal. Legislatures in two-thirds of the states will get nothing done. They’ll pass no budgets or bills. All their time will be taken up fighting over abortion.
If Republicans want to save millions of lives, all they have to do is not start World War 3. For them, though, that might be hard.
@19 How did we cause inflation? The Fed is run by Trump appointees. The pandemic disrupting supply chains has been prolonged by Republicans. You can’t blame it on Biden’s spending, because that money hasn’t even been appropriated much less spent. Leaping oil prices? Years of disinvestment in E&P resulting from ruinously low oil prices engineered by Riyadh to break the back of the U.S. shale industry.
Of course, the inflation you have the bit by the teeth is rising wages. You can’t stand rising wages. Labor isn’t something you want to pay for. But now that there’s a labor shortage because you kept all the immigrants out, pay you will. Free market, baby!
Doesn’t bother me a bit. Most of my income is inflation-adjusted. I gather most of yours isn’t.
@ 22
All their time will be taken up fighting over abortion.
The TX legislature isn’t doing this at all.
The legislatures that are firmly controlled by one party or another will make their choices and, if the governors approve, it will be a done deal.
It’s the states with divided government that will be debating abortion. Not as many of those as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit needs you to believe there are.
In 23 states the GOP controls the legislature and the executive branch.
In 15 states the Democrats control both the legislative and executive branches.
This leaves 12 states, or fewer than one-fourth, with divided government.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit does not understand the basics. And hey, neither does The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. Two peas in a pod.
The Lost Cause myth grew up as a psychological response to the trauma of defeat. “They needed explanations and stories in which to embed their woe, their loss, and their hatred. “ They lost so made up a fantasy so they could live with them selves to justify the losses. But rather than admit they were in the wrong and become better people and a better culture, The Lost Cause became a made up narrative of order and revival of old values and a soothing fiction against fear of inevitable social and racial change.
One of the most enduring ideas holds that the Civil War was fought over states’ rights. Confederate veterans were among the first to make this claim about “the rights of the States against the encroachments of the Federal power.”
Documents at the time show this part of the myth is a flat out lie. For example, Mississippi’s declaration of secession, like those of other states, did not mince words: “Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery.”
The war was not fought for Honor and the noble idea of “Freedom” against an authoritarian government; it was fought in great part for the evil idea that the South should keep using black humans as unpaid farm equipment.
Wanna know who really absolutely totally wanted Trump to be elected?
The people like you who voted for him over and over again and continue to claim he may have won state contests he obviously lost.
We made you do it.
Don’t stop. Never stop.
Aside from the secession declarations you’ve also got thirty years worth of official statements, corresponding state legislation, newspaper editorials, and public speeches which make it crystal clear that the justification for starting the rebellion and attacking the United States was not just the preservation of slavery as it existed but the specific demand that it be expanded.
The uniform demand that triggered the rebellion was that the United States (plural) must always consist of a majority of slave states. The southern slave states refused to remain in the union unless they were part of a larger, permanent majority dedicated to human slavery.
The governments of 11 small, economically and socially backward states demanded the authority to impose permanent slavery and white supremacy at gunpoint on the other 23.
That’s what all those monuments celebrate.
– Joe Biden, Feb 2, 2019
Yesterday First Vegetable Joe Biden and Still-Governor Ralph Northam shared a stage in northern Virginia as they desperately attempt to prevent Terry McAuliffe from missing a layup.
Not on the stage: Justin Fairfax, the black guy.
Of course Desperately Poor Bobby is very wrong about this.
Because inside the sticky film of his condom and semen splattered Orange Event Horizon abortion-by-mail doesn’t even exist.
Womb-worshiping states will either turn a blind eye to millions of abortions, or they will be consumed by them.
My money is on the former.
Snowboarders vape openly in Park City and Sun Valley. Nobody cares. And as far as any cop knows, mifepristone is odorless.
The only thing Amtrak is good for is a contribution to the overall grift.
AP FACT CHECK: Biden tale of Amtrak conductor doesn’t add up
Although it does contribute – some here in Washington state – to some very gory deaths here and there, so there’s that.
You watch way too much television.
It’s one of a string of rote memorized good lawyer def motions in nearly every criminal case. Almost always granted nowadays.
Take heart. This is at least some indication that the publicity seeking hacks who are steering and manipulating the emotionally disturbed, violent gun-humping MAGA-teen for their own uses might almost put on a competent defense.
After the Loudon County high school bathroom rape, it was decided that images of First Vegetable Joe Biden groping school kids overseas would look better than Biden groping American school kids.
“I rode the train a fuckuvalot”.
“I never told anyone to attack the Congress to stop the count, or withhold a missile sale in exchange for campaign assistance.”
Precisely samey-same!
Last Halloween the Trumps handed out Playtex gloves to the little girls.
But only the “hot” ones.
Youngkin might just pull this off.
YLB, if McAuliffe loses, what message will that send to Chuck Schumer?
Latest poll out of New Hampshire:
Sununu 46%
Hassan 41%
Seems it would suck more to be a boy in that class.
38 the culture is changing. So?
26, 28 I can see echoes of the slaver mentality in the rejection of paying a living wage. Greed conservatives cannot stand paying those “undeserving” people for their work.
33. The two are not related except in the greedy racist incel’s mind. Anything to try to smear President Biden, even if it has be made up. What should we expect from one who lies about everything?
So did you always “just know” you hated cunts?
Or is it a “choice” that you came to gradually over time as your sexual
orientationpathologies developed and matured?42. LOL. Funny take on his incel-ness.
I couldn’t figure out how so much money would be raised by a “billionaires tax”. This is how:
How much will billionaires be taxed?
So, assuming I’m reading this correctly, there will be a front-loading of taxation. Someone holding ownership of an asset whose gain since purchase is worth, say, $10 billion will have to come up with a payment of $2.38 billion during Year One. There are consequences to this:
• Nobody has $2.4 billion in cash. So either money must be borrowed against the worth of the asset so that the tax bill can be paid, or part of the asset has to be sold, which might not be at a market price if this happens in the middle of, say, an inflation-fueled downturn. Sales during a market downturn further depress the market, which is not good for the economy.
• Once the gain has been paid, there’s no 15% or 20% tax due on the future sale of the asset. So what is happening, in effect, is that tax revenue is robbed from future years in order to come up with the cash to make the infrastructure bill “free” in the early years.
Since I’m not a billionaire (just as Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is not a millionaire) this taxation won’t affect me, at least not directly. But since we’re robbing the Treasury of future revenue in order to boost initial revenue as a pay-for because of this reconciliation stupidity, we should at least be honest enough to admit that we’re doing it.
Smart taxation is structured in a way that provides a consistent revenue stream. What is being considered is not smart.
There’s an interesting 16-tweet thread that starts here:
@ 44
Some smoothing of that initial tax spike over the first five years:
Same link, I just missed it. It’s still a front-loading that robs tax revenues from future years, just not a spike in one year.
WRT the billionaires tax, it’s probably dead, anyway:
I have read, elsewhere, that it’s not constitutional, either. No explanation provided so not worth mentioning until now. But a law passed with this tax likely goes to court, and could get tied up for years. If the tax is on hold while it’s being litigated, no revenue until the case is decided.
Yeah, it’s dead.
Tick tock, libbies. Terry’s feelin’ the governor’s office slipping away, minute by minute. Yesterday was not a good day for the Clintonite.
Funny mostly because Desperately Poor Bobby is completely incapable of answering it in any context.
His is an identity built entirely upon hatred and lying.
And he will not answer for either of those, ever.
Ergo, if you describe it as an insurrection, you’re lying to yourself.
44, 45, 46, 47,
are the kinds of styooopid concern trolls Democrats would have been dispensing with back in June had it not been for Manchinema’s ultimately pointless silent grandstanding.
It’s like Lloyd Dobler is outside blocking your parent’s driveway with his shitty blue Malibu holding up a broken boombox that plays only silence.
@ 51
Still haven’t seen that movie.
Characterizing the violent nature of an attack tells us nothing about it’s intent.
Like every single other disgraced Trump voter, Desperately Poor Bobby would very much prefer for you to conclude that Trump supporters attacked police, tased them in the neck until they collapsed, ripped off their protecting equipment, and tried to murder them with their bare hands because Trump supporters just really, really hate cops.
The alternative is actually much worse.
Still can’t get a date.
This morning, the leading contender and runaway favorite for the Republican nomination for Ohio U.S. Senate gave his heartfelt endorsement to a Florida US House candidate who once chained herself to the doors at Twitter NY and then proceeded to shit her pants in full public view.
This is mainstream GOP now.
@ 54
Still can’t get a date.
Your luck may improve if you remove your photo from your LinkedIn page, QoS McHillbilly.
Or perhaps if you remove your personality.
NYPD officer who took part in choking Eric Garner to death, yesterday admitted under oath that he fabricated the criminal charges against Garner after the fact.
Apparently he was just in the mood to do some choking, and was quite surprised that choking could produce killing. So the criminal charge was needed to explain the choking.
Nothing to see here.
I’ll let you in on a secret, even if it’s obviously too late for you.
Growing up with older sisters let me (and probably Cameron Crowe) in on what may be to you a shocking truth: actually being a caring and attentive boyfriend is far more effective at closing the deal than going on movie dates to see such a boyfriend portrayed in film. Cheaper too.
That last part might have really appealed to teenage you. But it would have required you to occasionally stop talking about yourself and how much money you make.
@28 “The governments of 11 small, economically and socially backward states demanded the authority to impose permanent slavery and white supremacy at gunpoint on the other 23.”
Sounds a lot like today’s GOP states.
@44 “So, assuming I’m reading this correctly, there will be a front-loading of taxation.”
I’d settle for backloading it, instead of letting their heirs cash in gains tax-free.
@46 “It’s still a front-loading that robs tax revenues from future years,”
I’m fine with a front-loaded tax that robs future years of stepped-up bases.
This was part of what got Terry McAuliffe a Four Pinocchio score from WaPo yesterday.
Terry McAuliffe Said More Than 1,100 Kids Were Hospitalized With COVID. There Were 35.
It’s almost as if the left is setting McAuliffe up to be the fall guy for his loss. Otherwise one must blame the leader of the Democrat party, First Vegetable Joe Biden.
McAuliffe seems hellbent on hurting his campaign with self inflicted wounds.
Seems more and more like if Terry McAuliffe wins, it will be because voters simply hate republican policies than anything he did.