What are you up to this evening? The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally will meet tonight for conversations over a drink. You are welcome to stop by.
The Seattle chapter of DL meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm. We will be on the patio in the back. The kitchen is still closed, but feel free to bring your own dinner. Note that a COVID vaccination card and ID are required to enter the Roanoke.
Chapters of Drinking Liberally are re-opening all over the place. If you can’t make the Seattle chapter, find a chapter near you.
Well, we should leave them to their fates then.
U.N. Secretary General admits Taliban reprisals against staff have begun
It’s too bad the UN isn’t a member of the G7, or Biden could have blown them off earlier today, too.
They fucked up. They trusted us.
The Biden government is having major difficulty with numbers. Earlier today we learned that “several thousand” really meant about 4,400.
It’s still “several thousand”, and they’ll be stuck with that answer unless by Friday they figure out a way to re-define “ten thousand” to mean roughly 6,500.
In two weeks the US has evacuated maybe a third of the US citizens stuck in Afghanistan. Maybe. There are fewer than 7 days remaining to evacuate the rest. It ain’t gonna happen.
If Andrew Cuomo could kill 10,000+ Americans merely by not sending them anywhere, he’d certainly be capable of moving that many Americans out of Kabul so he could keep them alive, amirite?
Andrew Cuomo killed four times as many Americans in one year as the Taliban managed to kill in 20.
Andrew Cuomo killed four times as many Americans in one year
Heh. Go maskless in Sturgis dimfuk.. You’re a big fan of two wheel crotch vibrators.
Big munnee is involved.. Lots of brews and shots.. in crowded bars.. heh.
Thank you so much, Hillary.
U.S. Supreme Court requires Biden to revive Trump-era ‘remain in Mexico’ immigration policy
Had you not run such a disastrously incompetent campaign, this would not have been possible.
Not to be outdone by the International Emmy committee, which stripped Andrew Cuomo of his award today, Barack Obama has moved to strip First Vegetable Joe Biden of his Presidential Medial of Freedom, citing Biden’s refusal to permit Afghanis their freedom despite numerous prior promises to the contrary.
What a bunch of wimps:
“Due to concern over the safety of our NRA family and community, we regret to inform you that we have decided to cancel the 2021 Annual Meeting & Exhibits,” the group said in a statement. “The NRA’s top priority is ensuring the health and well-being of our members, staff, sponsors, and supporters.”
What kind of always wrong wingers are these gun fetishists?
If it had been SD Kristi woulda asked ole Wayne to explain itself, shotgun in hands!
If YLB could get a job as a Democrat strategist, this is how she would whine:
Move over, Fox. Politico is willing to criticize a Democrat, too.
And when YLB is in despair, she whines, “Why are you here?”
Next up for Democrat strategists:
Freeze Jake Tapper and Chuck Todd out. They are rightwing propagandists for their recent criticism of Biden.
Is this where an ha troll starts to cry?
All House Democrats voted in favor of the spending bill framework
Another anal rape fantasy from burka boob mcdimfuk to follow.
The completely broke kind.
Poor Bobby can relate.
@ 10
Pelosi has sharp elbows. Her problem is that Sinema has a spine, and isn’t in the House.
Next time Deathfrogg starts to refer to Trump as Fat Donny Two Scoops – which I admit is very funny – he should consider what Trump’s 2016 general election opponent looks like today.
She looks like she has given up.
Bill looks like he wishes he were somewhere else. Anywhere else.
Stable genius alert.
The last time I saw so much flailing about by a politician it was Bob Packwood trying not to be drummed out of office.
It didn’t work for Packwood, either.
Burka Bob can’t read the table any better than Carolyn Bourdeaux.
Setting aside the basic math, it’s fairly obvious who in these various opposing factions is the most politically vulnerable and who needs the most political and financial support from their fellow members (and the White House) to hang on to their seat.
It was, and is a stupid bluff. And one or two of these idiots is probably going to face a well financed primary opponent.
Which means she doesn’t have a vote on House procedural rules. Not even one.
This is what little is left of Poor Bobby’s brain after mainlining Orange Ivermectin for five years.
Sad, watery poop.
@ 16
There’s at least one more House vote.
Then there are multiple Senate votes.
Biden’s coattails are getting shorter by the hour.
And unless Pelosi breaks her word there will be separate votes on the bipartisan and $3.5T bills.
Remember when the bills had to be passed together, or not at all? What happened today was different.
I dunno. It was kewl when Nancy Pelosi flew to Syria in order to fawn all over Assad.
Well, this is what happens when you pull out too soon.
Too bad that wasn’t Biden’s choice with Hunter’s mom.
Neither Pelosi @ 18 nor Schumer can keep appalled Democrats from occasionally doing the correct thing.
In the Suffolk/USA Today poll released today, 84% of respondents believe that Afghan military interpreters and their families should be brought out.
Think about that. 84%.
This should be interesting.
Far from truthful, no doubt, but interesting nonetheless.
@ 15, 17
QoS McHillbilly, in this piece it doesn’t seem that Pelosi came out on top.
Biden calls a congresswoman to pressure her, and she responds with an op-ed the very next day reiterating her concerns? That’s one weak-ass president.
“What difference, at this point, does it make?”
#CrookedHillary, I think the events of the last couple of weeks in Afghanistan answer your question.
Pity, isn’t it, that Biden didn’t take his job any more seriously than you did.
Erm, uh, Bobby? What are you talking about?
Sure. There are more votes in the House. That is how reconciliation works. It’s a long fucking road. But the point, the point you got completely fucking wrong, (and by the way so did the “Mod Squad”) is that the infrastructure bill remains bound to the budget rec. The rules just approved in the House make it so. Sinema can only blow that up by blowing up herself.
If he thinks that’s disgusting, he should get a load of our low IQ stupe dumbfuck traitor.
Vos kisses Trump’s ring
In a disgusting display of cowardice and obsequiousness, Speaker Robin Vos felt it necessary to bow down to Donald Trump and to kiss his ring (or somewhere south of that).
The low IQ stupe is so loathsome, he wants Americans to die just so he can post low IQ stupe snide on a local blog.
@1 The dumbfuck only believes in leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan (see his previous posts on Bergdahl).
The low IQ stupe dumbfuck traitor obviously hasn’t been paying any attention to all of the Republican flailing about since the 2020 election loss. This flailing even included inciting a violent fascist insurrection to overthrow our democracy.
Flailing fascist losers. All of them, including our low IQ stupe traitor..
26, 27,
He’s got just one problem.
Our low IQ stupe traitor’s pro-Putin hashtag #7,041, and the low IQ stupe still can’t name a crime.
Just one of many reasons why the dumbfuck traitor is a low IQ stupe.
@2 “In two weeks the US has evacuated maybe a third of the US citizens stuck in Afghanistan. ”
Really? You know how many U.S. citizens are there? Do tell …
“Sullivan said the true number of Americans on the ground is unclear because Americans in Afghanistan were encouraged but not required to register with the American Embassy in Kabul. Therefore, the US government could not track some American travelers who entered or left the country prior to the Taliban takeover.”
Funny how they registered with you, but not our embassy.
@56 All of a sudden we have a lot of activist judges. Here’s a couple more:
In Texas and Florida, however, governors still have unrestricted power to kill kids.
A pro-lifer is someone who wants to force women to have kids so they can make them sit on school buses and in classrooms with other kids without masks.
Last year, Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman sent out thousands of robocalls to black voters telling them returning mail-in ballots would disclose personal information cops would use to serve warrants, credit card companies would use to collect debts, and that would be used to hunt down unvaccinated people.
These illegal robocalls “identified Burkman by name and used Wohl’s cell phone as the caller ID.” Not the smartest fucking scammers this side of the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field.
In addition to being indicted in Ohio and Michigan, these two cowboys just got slapped by the FCC with a $5,134,500 fine.
Perhaps Doctor Dumbfuck would like to contribute to a GoFundMe on their behalf?
@9 The fact they’re not propagandists doesn’t make you a journalist.
@12 She didn’t need Karen Fann’s permission to vote for Biden’s Covid relief bill.
@14 If I were president, I would not only put together a contingency plan, I’d fax a copy to Emir Akhundzada.
@19 U.S. military planes can’t override Kabul ATC?
Kabul ATC: USAF Flight Two-Three, stop and hold.
Pilot: Tower, you’re breaking up, I can’t hear you.
Kabul ATC: Ah, USAF Flight Two-Three, do not take off.
Pilot: Tower, you are still breaking up very badly. Fzzzt tweet brrrp
Kabul ATC: Ah, USAF Flight Two-Three …
Pilot: Can’t hear you, tower. We’re taking off now. G’day, out.
(jet noise)
Taliban are the Antifa of 2021.
Everywhere and nowhere, guilty of everything and nothing.
Keep the mouthbreathers distracted.
Six hundred American citizens have died of COVID in the last week, moving rapidly toward the July 2020 peak of 3600 deaths.
But the big difference is that this new peak is entirely preventable.
How many American citizens did the Taliban kill this week?
A pro-lifer is someone who wants…
…women give birth to children so they can kill the kids with Covid. For them it’s a lot more fun killing children than killing zygotes.
Not to mention 600,000 other dead Americans. Republicans have killed more Americans than any enemy nation we’ve ever gone to war with. The Talban can only dream of killing that many.
Beside the low IQ stupe’s treason, there’s 600,000 more reasons to hang him.
He will die. It’s not that I want him to die. It’s that he deserves to die.
Anti-mask Wisconsin Republican put on a ventilator as last-ditch effort fighting COVID
God bless Raw Story.
@41 “Republicans have killed more Americans than any enemy nation we’ve ever gone to war with.”
Actually, more than all of them put together.
40. They are not pro life, they are Forced Birthers.
Here’s a 30-second ad about to be released, which features a Democrat who formerly was CA state senate majority leader. For seven years. She then chaired the senate education committee.
She is not sparing in her disgust with Newsom. She’s a charter school advocate.
“Yes: I’m a Democrat. But the recall of Newsom is not about political party. It’s about Newsom. Larry Elder for governor.”
Oh. She’s Latina, too.
Trump just bigfooted the GA Rapepublican Senate primary.
“Dynamic Guy” wins 87% of likely Rapepublican primary support before the campaign even begins… then punches a female reporter on camera.
So Warnock should win reelection without too much trouble.
@ 42
God bless Raw Story.
God bless the links that you can follow when you read RawStory.
This is the WI rep’s brother, responding to a “thoughts and prayers tweet” by another GOP rep.
Funny and profane and spot-on. I actually agree with y’all that people deserve what they get with this disease. Where we diverge is that I think the same in a lot of other situations as well, whereas y’all want the ability to fuck up to your heart’s content until there’s a consequence or three, and then y’all want the government to step in, make it right, and pay for the re-election of the idiots who made it possible for y’all to fuck up in the first place. Summer o’ Love, bitches.
@ 46
I read there’s no way Walker loses the primary. After which there’s no way he wins the general.
Except for Ventura and Ahnold and Franken, I’m inclined to believe it.
A “Reagan Dem” from the OC who has spent her career harshly attacking the party, and nearly every single one of its core constituencies, especially in California. I can’t wait. Should turn out the public school teachers, state and municipal employees, latinos under 60, SEIU, and BLM. Thanks.
Chris Cuomo is a fucking asshole, too. But I digress.
@ 49
Should turn out the public school teachers, state and municipal employees, latinos under 60, SEIU, and BLM.
Yeah, ’cause otherwise all those union members were gonna stay home. That’s what they do when they see their gravy train threatened, after all. Isn’t that right, QoS McHillbilly.
Last I checked it was the Hispanic demographic that is most strongly in favor of recalling Newsom.
Especially after he chokes a campaign staffer for wearing a Penn State hoodie.
The sound you are hearing is $100,000,000 in campaign funding being flushed.
Exclusive — Larry Elder Dares Joe Biden to Campaign for Gavin Newsom
I don’t see Biden doing it, either. Biden gets weary from a trip from DC to Delaware these days.
Check the tape, Bobby.
That’s what killed Davis.
For a guy who has pinned so much on predicting a California recall, you don’t seem to know much about the history or really even how it works.
Polarization is not your best friend here. The best thing Larry Elder has going for him is that, as polarizing as he may be, he’s not that recognizable outside of your KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN/JOO SPACE LASER/AM HATE RADIO bubble. Lining up polarizing figures to endorse him in a statewide ad campaign is chef’s kiss. My guess is they’ll test the ad in social media and then pull it. But I hope I’m wrong. Because anything that increases polarization also increases turnout. And turnout is how you lose.
@ 54
Yeah, politics haven’t changed much in nearly two decades.
Competent Democrats with a national profile:
Elizabeth Warren
Cory Booker
Mayor Pete
Amy Klobuchar
Who else?
Of them, who is most likely to be confirmed by a 50:50 Senate with no VP to break a tie?
1. Klobuchar
2. Booker (based on familiarity to other senators)
3. Mayor Pete
4. I assume Warren not confirmable although she’s the most competent of the group, which is sort of a shame until one considers that she did it to herself.
Changed plenty. Not in your favor, Bobby.
The days of Nixon/Reagan Republican dominance are so long gone now as to be mythological. That’s a big part of Newsom’s challenge. Not that many California voters perceive the risk of a guy like Larry Elder becoming their next governor. It doesn’t seem “possible” to them.
And they also don’t have the reasons to care. Unlike 2002 they are flush with cash. Gasoline is relatively cheap. And their car tabs aren’t being tripled. The “reasons” that fueled qualifying the recall for the ballot have melted away significantly Summer of Delta heatwave and fires. Californians have bigger fears than mask mandates and gym closures.
@ 57
Changed plenty. Not in your favor, Bobby.
I beg to differ. Last year in the early phases of The Wuhan both Cuomo and Newsom were lauded for their handling of all of it. Their skills were “presidential”, in case nobody could really coalesce around a senile incompetent idiot as their nominee. Remember that?
Now Cuomo’s a disgraced former politician after being hounded out of office and Newsom has, like, a 51:49 chance of surviving a politically fatal recall event.
I’d say that’s change in the GOP’s favor. Change We Can Believe In.
2022 will be here before we know it.
‘Nother… any minute now.
Also one of the lawyers representing the emotionally disturbed violent gun-toting teen.
Thoughts and prayers.
They’re exactly, precisely, 100% entirely identical in every way.
Because you typed their names in the same sentence?
New York and California. Have you been?????
WTF Bobby. Just dumber and dumber, and dumberer with each post and unbroken string of political losses.
Remember to subtract 400 from whatever number Blinken claims are Americans evacuated from Kabul.
Certainly not in the way that you or Stephen Miller do.
I do recall that the stanning for Cuomo was driven entirely by the perception among “Third Way Democrats” that Cuomo was a corrupt Democrat authoritarian with a well demonstrated ability to get into vicious political mud fights and therefore a perfect nominee to pit against your Orange Insurrectionist.
Instead the least confrontational of potential nominees beat your guy’s ass, flipping back every single state and a few more in the bargain. No bamboo fibers or JOO SPACE LASER required.
Confidential to YLB: Parking is free at national parks and at WA state parks today if you can afford to drive to one, girlfriend.
I haven’t started calling him a low IQ stupe for nothing.
Speaking of low IQ, the low IQ stupe is terribly triggered the last couple of days..
Remember the days when the low IQ stupe traitor would diss low sample registered voter polls as inaccurate? As of yesterday they’re the low IQ stupe’s lifeline. That is, as long as they give him the results he desperately needs to hear to keep the low IQ stupe traitor from jumping off a bridge.
Politico/Morning Consult Approve 50, Disapprove 48
Down only 1 point from two weeks ago. Twice the sample of RV than USA Today/Suffolk.
WTF does that mean? Bush 43 and Dick Cheney were Putin-lovin’ fascist traitors too?
Another GQP pedophile busted.
‘He is a perverted narcissistic sex offender’: Minnesota GOP strategist paid teen girls with cash, gifts for sex, prosecutors say
That’s one thing that actually hasn’t changed much in the last 20 years.
Some of the people on Joe Biden’s National Security Council and the West Wing coms staff have learned one or two very valuable lessons about the Department of Defense reports that they rely upon. Lessons they have learned the hard way.
But in the end, however much the Pentagon has lied, and however poorly the White House messaging has prepared Americans for our departure from Afghanistan, Biden will be remembered first as the president who brought it to an end – an end that was destined to be sad, and frustrating – but an end that was literally being demanded by American voters across the political spectrum.
His poll numbers will recover nicely. And in plenty of time to continue Poor Bobby’s unbroken string of defeats. Poor Bobby’s devotion to flogging this story is opportunistic, to be sure. But it also happens to coincide with a disastrous decline in Republican polling numbers and overall confidence.
Everywhere you look, all across Red Murica, “conservatives” and leading Rape Fantasists are killing themselves by their own hand (‘nother). There is no more powerful indicator of their nihilistic malaise. For the first time since they began pushing the “First Vegetable” narrative during the 2020 campaign they finally have a thin reed of traction. But it coincides with a gloriously explosive real world demonstration of Republican incompetence in every single corner of Red Murica in the form of over capacity ICUs, and growing body piles.
Parking is free at national parks and at WA state parks today if you can afford to drive to one…
Heh.. As if dimfuk never in its existence took advantage of free stuff..
How much did it “pay” for its white privilege? It’d pay a handsome sum indeed to maintain the lie that its white privilege never existed.
yawwwnnn.. what a bore.
@67 So far, no Americans have been killed during the evacuation, and that’s an absolute disaster for Bob and his fellow Republicans.