Please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
The Seattle chapter of DL meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm. We will be on the patio in the back. The kitchen is still closed, but feel free to carry in food. Note that a COVID vaccination card and ID are required to enter the Roanoke.
Chapters of Drinking Liberally are re-opening all over the place. If you can’t make the Seattle chapter, find a chapter near you.
Hey Burka Bob, how ’bout this: “Our troops and US personnel have our thoughts and prayers as they make their way back to US soil.”
How does that work for you? Pretty good? Great.
That is what your ilk always offer victims of mass shootings in this country that are gunned down by one of their own.
Surprise, surprise, surprise. I’m sure he didn’t see this coming:
The always wrong wing klownservatic hysteria over masking and vaccine is of course rooted in very deep-seated racism.
It’s the “invaders” from south of the border that have the disease and should be “deloused”, masked, and given shots for “their” disease.
Klownservatics as usual are never the problem. It’s the “others”, the “less than” that is always the problem..
Klownservatic parents in TexASS ripped the masks of teachers right off their faces the day before school:
Their unhinged rage is disgusting.
And our unhinged, crazed, kreepee insane troll from widbee is totally down with the hysteria over “the others”.
Portland, OR (AP) — The conservative militant group Proud Boys today took to the streets of downtown Portland, Oregon to demonstrate for expanded immigration opportunities for Afghan migrants and refugees fleeing Taliban rule.
“This shall not stand, man”, shouted one of the Proud Boy demonstrators as he struggled with his sagging trouser waist laden with various weapons and canteens. A person who represented himself as their leader demanded that Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler appear and concede to the group’s demands.
“We won’t rest until all our brave Afghan comrades are safely housed here in Portland and surrounding communities. We call upon Mayor Ted Wheeler to turn over the Federal Courthouse for use as a refugee resettlement center. We will fight to the death if we have to” the man screamed before sitting down to catch his breath.
Later convoys of late model Mazda pickups accessorized with oversized rhino guards and roll cages paraded through quiet tree lined neighborhoods flying Afghan flags and blowing air horns.
Yo! YLB(leeder)
How about that “street czar” you all hired?
How’d that brilliant move turn out?
YOU voted for that!!
I don’t know why they wouldn’t be laughing at Biden’s expense. I mean, from their perspective, what part of Biden’s failure to protect American citizens isn’t fucking hilarious?
There’s a clear and present irony in that was named after former FEMA director Michael Brown’s incompetence in dealing with a crisis, and yet y’all are working overtime to protect Biden despite the fact that his incompetence is far greater than Brown’s ever was.
@5 Who’s this nut? (Don’t reply, I already know.)
@7 I didn’t know we’re Biden’s protection detail. Who are we protecting him from? You?
@ 4
A person who represented himself as their leader demanded that Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler appear and concede to the group’s demands.
I believe the correct word to use in this sentence is accede, wordsmith.
@10 Depends on your perspective.
@8 no worries. Too bored to bother with it.
This guy won today’s Vuelta stage. He’s lucky he wasn’t killed in that crash a year ago.
AP not what it used to be.
I’m told a lot of it is written by AI.
Like so many of your #hashtags about cock rings, laptops, and fingerings.
Middle Age Riot – Aug 16
Joe Biden: “The buck stops with me.”
Donald Trump: “It’s the media’s fault. It’s the Democrats’ fault. It’s China’s fault. It’s Fauci’s fault. It’s Pelosi’s fault. It’s Obama’s fault. It’s Hillary’s fault. It’s the voters’ fault. It’s God’s fault. It’s your fault.”
Democrats are just better than republicans.
The greedy racist incel indulging in lying. “ was named after former FEMA director Michael Brown’s incompetence in dealing with a crisis,”
The truth on the website:
“David “Goldy” Goldstein is an accidental activist who stumbled into politics in 2003 with a satirical statewide initiative to officially proclaim WA’s serial anti-tax initiative sponsor, Tim Eyman, “a horse’s ass.” ”
I don’t know why the greedy racist incel feels compelled to lie about something easily checked.
It is because he is a fucking idiot. Everyone here, except Burka Bob, knows who/what the blog was named for.
This just goes to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt he has zero credibility. We all know it by his posts but he had to drive a nail in his coffin to put any misgivings to rest.
Well done Burka Bob, well done!
@16 @17 He can’t post here about anything without telling some stupid low IQ lie, and he doesn’t have a single thought in his low IQ head that isn’t treasonous or about being ass-fucked by a horse.
Good, though, to see him profess concern for brown Muslim people. That’s a new development. Too bad it’s just low IQ horseshit spewn by a low IQ dumbfuck traitor.
Really, his only redeeming quality anymore is that the low IQ dumbfuck traitor is easily triggered. I like that about him.
@ 16, 17, 18
Man, when I fuck up I really fuck up. I own it.
My bad. Goldy got national press when he did his Michael Brown journalism. I misremembered, and holy shit did I do it bigly.
So have at it. Enjoy it.
Realize, of course, that I claimed that Biden’s incompetence is worse than Michael Brown’s was, and on that point I am unmoved. Along those lines, the person second in line for the presidency has developed a sudden interest in finding out why Biden fucked this up so badly. Perhaps it’s because she knows he should be twentyfifted and she also knows that Kamala will never, ever be up to the job. Which would mean Nancy might have to step in and run the country.
Geez, I hope Mitch isn’t about to be devoured. I’d be so….sad!
Trump has a tantrum over ‘stupid man’ Mitch McConnell: ‘I should have taken him out’
How did this thread ever last this long without a Raw Story link?
Don’t thank me. It’s my patriotic duty.
If I was Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit I would deny I wrote it.
If I was Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit I would deny I wrote it.
@ 20
How did this thread ever last this long without a Raw Story link?
My guess is you couldn’t get off the toilet any sooner, Moobs.
Why Bob Fights:
Seriously, watch all the way to 53:00 for the Easter Egg.
Bob, who wants a pointless wall built in Texas to keep out the Frito Bandito, would like to move these ANA police commanders into your neighborhood nextdoor to where your children sleep.
Hey, maybe all Afghanistan really needs is Frank Capra?
Over on Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has penned an op-ed claiming that Critical Race Theory permits him – even encourages him – to employ racist slurs in his writings. He specifically references without regret his prior use of the slurs eggplant, towelhead, and gook. He bases his opinion on a court case in Britain:
The amount of physical cash currency in whatever passes for the Afghan government now is down to nearly zero. I have read about two possibilities that might explain this.
1. The departing Afghan leader reportedly had a buncha cash with him. So maybe he raided the treasury before escaping to Pakistan or wherever.
2. The US government, knowing that a rapid collapse of the Afghan government was imminent, did not make the most recent cash transfer.
Either or both of these possibilities seems likely.
Anyway, whatever money we didn’t send as a cash advance we’ll end up sending as ransom payments. Either way, the Taliban will get paid. Maybe we’ll get to hear about more cash transfers on pallets, sent off in the dead of night when the Democrat administration hopes nobody is watching.
It’s a bit of a rabbit hole (apologies to RR) and you might not care to watch it all the way through. But there’s a comprehensive short doc film that attempts to explain the boy rape culture in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan here:
It’s a persistent medieval culture, regardless of what side you choose. Women are not permitted outside. They are essentially property. Normal sexual relations between men and women outside of a contracted bride purchase are forbidden and punishable with a death sentence or banishment. So they fuck the little boys instead. All the time. Everywhere. It is routine.
Frankly, as bad as the Taliban are, the one thing that might recommend them is that they were pretty effective at stopping the sexual slavery of young boys.
This is really just one of many peculiar and very troubling elements of traditional Afghan culture. Training ANA is nearly impossible. The recruits are forced into service mostly by poverty or as a criminal sentence. They are not merely illiterate. Some can not even count. They are innumerate. Very difficult to train. And they start nearly every day getting high as fuck. Literally just wasted on hash. They won’t move a fucking inch until they’ve had the minimum number of cups of chai. And who the fuck knows how many that is.
U.S. Army Embedded Training Teams sent to these outposts to train up and equip the ANA security and fighting forces are left to discover all of these peculiarities for themselves. The Pentagon and State Department strategists and planners officially deny/ignore the existence of these widespread and deeply inculcated practices. The obstacles that these practices present and the denial of them by the civilian and military leadership creates a crippling sense of discouragement for U.S. trainers.
If I’m honest here, there might be some possibility of standing up reliable security in the Taliban areas. But only if these cultural practices are recognized and incorporated into those plans. And that would be politically impossible for the U.S. For good reason. I can’t see how we could ever openly ask U.S. taxpayers to fund child sex slavery (even though that is exactly what we did in secret).
Trust me when I tell you that despite whatever Bob says, you do not want this guy immigrating to the United States to live on your street.
Jaguars cut Tebow yesterday.
‘froggy, make some room in that unemployment line for one more.
@ 28
Ah. I see the memo from the Biden team instructing that dehumanizing Afghans will reduce the pressure on Biden for abandoning them to their fates has gone out.
I might not want that dude living on or near my property, but Cuomosexual G-clown surely is OK with it.
I like Val Demings. It’s a shame she can’t replace some useless shit like Gillebrand or Whitehouse or Peters. Unfortunately she’s in Florida and will abandon her House seat for an unsuccessful run against Rubio. It won’t just be Democrats worse off. There will be one less member in the House of Representatives with some semblance of a spine.
Rubio and DeSantis both looking good.
Florida Senate – Rubio vs. Demings St. Pete Polls Rubio 48, Demings 46 Rubio +2
Florida Senate – Rubio vs. Demings Susquehanna Rubio 50, Demings 39 Rubio +11
Florida Governor – DeSantis vs. Crist Susquehanna DeSantis 46, Crist 43 DeSantis +3
Florida Governor – DeSantis vs. Fried Susquehanna DeSantis 50, Fried 40 DeSantis +10
President DeSantis. Get used to the sound of that, libbies.
Biden disapproval on Feb 1 was 34.0%
Biden disapproval today is 44.2%
This will worsen. Quickly.
538 on Biden’s slippage and why it probably is not temporary:
This tracks roughly with the realization by many that voting out Trump meant voting in the dumbfuckest Democrat imaginable.
@26. Without a link. The greedy racist incel is lying.
@ 34
The point, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, is not whether what I wrote was true. The point is that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has conducted himself in a manner that caused you to consider whether it was true.
Thanks for playing.
@19 We’re kinda surprised to see an HA troll acting like he’s never heard of Tim Eyman.
Cuomo pardoned Trump.
@19 “he should be twentyfifted”
I truly am not surprised to see a fucking idiot jumping on another fucking idiot’s clownwagon.
Almost as funny as MTG’s mask rants.
@26 Wherein a fucking idiot who links to, and quotes from, a story in the Guardian thinks he’s reading Handbill.
How the hell does anyone confuse Guardian with Handbill?
The troops don’t like cowardice or misbehavior before the enemy, whether it’s demonstrated by a lowly shit like Bowe Bergdahl, or by the Commander in Chief.
@30 It’s possible to get a Republican to complain about “dehumanizing” people, but you have to find the right people to dehumanize. Basically, those who are inhuman.
@31 Naturally we expect you to salivate over the prospect of a governor who feeds his state’s children into the Covid furnace becoming president so he can do it to the whole country, because you’re a dumbfuck.
@33 “This tracks roughly with the realization by many that voting out Trump meant voting in the dumbfuckest Democrat imaginable.”
And, if presented in 2024 with those same two choices, every single one of them will do it again.
@34 There’s a link, but not to Handbill.
@35 “The point, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, is not whether what I wrote was true. ”
Uh, that is the point.
NBC News:
The Biden team has a decision to make, and soon. It either admits the CIA told Biden what would happen and he disregarded it, or it claims that the national security team chose not to share with Biden the CIA’s blunt assessment, and throws Jake Sullivan & Co. under the bus.
See ya, Jake.
Remember, QoS McHillbilly wrote earlier this week that today is the last day anyone will care about the Biden disaster in Kabul.
I think he’s wrong, but one never knows. 13 hours to go.
There’s never time to do it correctly. There’s always time to do it over.
Shame is.a powerful tool. I note that First Vegetable Joe Biden is back in the White House. This was possible because they told him he was going home to Delaware.
I suppose better late than never.
It’s a persistent medieval culture, regardless of what side you choose. Women are not permitted outside. They are essentially property. Normal sexual relations between men and women outside of a contracted bride purchase are forbidden and punishable with a death sentence or banishment.
The ideal klownservatic culture.. If “the culture” at large means women have freedoms like they take for granted here, the klowservatics among us (dimfuk) call them:
bitch, dumb twat, cunt etc..
This is who they are, this is what they do.
If even you can no longer “get it up” by Tuesday night, then I’m bound to be right.
Checking around on newsreader I’m seeing Rick Scott, mask mandates, delta coverage, booster shots, retail sales drops, and Haitian earthquake/flooding all creeping above the fold.
Impressive considering Congress is in recess.
When the greedy racist incel does not provide a link then you know he is lying. That’s the point, thanks for playing
The Taliban committing to safe passage for Americans is the worst news that our low IQ dumbbfuck traitor could have possibly heard.
You see, the stupe traitor has very high hopes that a lot of Americans will be killed soon so he can post low IQ snide about their deaths on the internet.
Just something democracy-hating fascist traitors like our low IQ stupe like to do these days for kicks. That and premature ball-spiking. Our low IQ stupe traitor is really on a roll today with the latter.
@ 53
The Taliban committing to safe passage for Americans is the worst news…
Moobs McScrote chooses this week to begin taking the Taliban at its word.
A piece from Politico’s European arm begins thusly:
It gets worse.
Spoiler: As long as First Vegetable Joe Biden is president, it can’t be.
This is what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit wanted to happen to Trump-supporting Americans left behind in Kabul.
Where’s Kamala?
I don’t take their word for it. I merely said it was their commitment to do so. You, being a low IQ stupe traitor wanting Americans to die for snide, obviously hope they will not keep their commtment.
Keep your fingers crossed, stupe. There’s still a chance Americans will die for you.
Where’s Kamala?
Hiding from articles like this:
LA Times
Kamala Harris has touted her role on Afghanistan policy. Now, she owns it too
Especially when both president and vice president are incompetent.
Y’all thought I was joshin’ when I said she was hidin’ from articles like this. I wasn’t.
Based upon his history of insensitivity toward those with Asian heritage, I feel compelled to warn Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit to avoid using the slur “gook” this week. Or any week.
After nearly six years of his being a member of a treasonous fascist cult that worships a raging orange man-baby, a cult in which even the slightest deviation from utmost devotion to Dear Leader results in being devoured by other cult members, I can see why our low IQ stupe is completely baffled by seeing progessive people and media criticizing our president and not being eaten alive.
Moobs @ 53 and 58
If the Taliban is to be believed that they will permit Americans safe passage, and if the Taliban has shown themselves by past behavior to be trustworthy, Moobs, why was it necessary for Biden to warn them?
Biden Warns Taliban Not to Attack Americans Leaving Afghanistan
Why would their lives be in danger, Moobs?
It’s a fucking Aaron Sorkin courtroom scene playing out in real life.
Moobs is cornered and needs to trust the Taliban. Moobs needs this fiasco not to get any worse. Trusting the Taliban is all he’s got.
5,000-10,000 Americans is an awful lot to risk on trust in the Taliban. I hope it works out. Even if it does, Biden’s mask has slipped, and Kamala is cowering rather than stepping up.
Americans are learning what they elected.
Nikki Haley, who like DeathSantis, will never be our low IQ stupe’s president, and whose raging orange man-baby negotiated with the Taliban to leave Afghanistan, is very upset with Biden for negotiating with the Taliban.
Good grief! Such a stupe. And a low IQ one at that.
I can’t stop laughing.
The low IQ stupe traitor can’t imagine his raging orange man-baby doing that. Neither can I.