Join us this evening for a night of political chat over a drink at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
The Seattle chapter meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm. We will be on the patio in the back. The kitchen is still closed, but feel free to carry in food. Note that a COVID vaccination card and ID are required to enter the Roanoke.
Chapters of Drinking Liberally are re-opening all over the place. If you can’t make the Seattle chapter, find another chapter near you.
God Bless this morning.
Proud Boys = Low Self Esteem Mouth Breathing Failures in life. Shoe fits, wear it!
Which one of these Democrat asswipes will be the Last Coward Standing?
Texas Democratic Legislators Fume at Colleagues Returning to Statehouse: ‘You All Threw Us Under the Bus!’
Because cowardice is not a good look. Everyone realizes that but YLB.
More damn fine police work:
Police just don’t do what you think they do.
Still not a quorum yet to advance texas republican apartheid.
More damn fine police work:
G-clown’s luv guv got around.
Two more women contacted AG’s Office with allegations against Gov. Cuomo
Y’all libbies gave him an Emmy for killin’ grannies. What’s next? A lifetime achievement Oscar for sexual assault?
This just in.
In researching Vaccine IDs, I found that bars and liquor stores enforce leftist AGE IDs and won’t let certain people in who don’t have AGE IDs or who’s AGE IDs are not up to their leftist agendas.
Police require drivers to have a “DRIVER’S PASSPORT” to drive on public roads. How Dare They!
God bless Raw Story.
Support for ‘desperate’ DeSantis sinks as COVID death toll surpasses his election margin of victory: columnist
DeathSantis will never be the dumbfuck traitor’s president.
Just a reminder that the dumbfuck traitor voted for a pussy grabbing, orange raging rapist man-baby for president and if he could, he’d vote for him again. Meanwhile, Democrats are showing Cuomo the door.
Sadly, our stupe traitor will be swinging from a rope long before he has the chance to cast that vote.
“The GOP approach has been … to shift the subject toward hot-button, racially tinged issues that trigger the cultural conservatism of most White non-college voters, a list that includes crime, ‘critical race theory’ and above all immigration.”
In other words, stoke racism.
@ 9
RawStory lends credibility to Rebekah Jones.
Moobs McScrote has no idea what the previous sentence is referring to. This is what happens when 100% of one’s news comes from RawStory.
Our dumbfuck traitor will give his raging orange man-baby his vote again, this time for him killing 600,000 Americans. Geez, I wonder how many grannies and grandaddies were murdered. 400,000? 500,000? Sad!
@3 Cowardice certainly isn’t a good look. And the GOP is full of cowards. None have the guts to criticize violent criminals who, a few short months ago, were chanting for their deaths and hunting them with nooses and zipties. Few will put on masks or admit getting shots, or say a good word about Dr. Fauci or his contemporaries, because they’re too scared of their own voters to defend the medical experts. Cowardice isn’t just rampant in the GOP; along with dishonesty, it defines the GOP.
What’s that got to do with police?
More Trump making you stupider.
I wonder how many grannies our stupid radiologist and his lackey in India killed with their fucking incompetence?
President Vegetable’s infrastructure bill just passed the Senate.
Gov. Cuomo just resigned.
Sure, genius.
But aren’t you conveniently forgetting about the well enumerated right to All-You-Can-Eat buffet that the Founders fought so bravely for?
@ 11
Concerns about crime are racist, according to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Concerns about immigration are racist, according to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit chooses to ignore the very next paragraph in the piece to which he linked:
Biden has plenty of control over inflation. He can refuse to sign bills that needlessly lard another few trillion onto the national debt.
Real wages decreased from June 2020 to June 2021 in this country, due to the erosion caused by inflation.. Democrats are responsible for that.
Told you Bob was going to be disappointed.
Like most of “conservatism’s” collapse into authoritarianism this was all foreseeable.
Another Democrat POS flushes himself down the toilet.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigns
Governor Letitia James has a nice ring to it. If she runs.
Kirsten Gillibrand has now taken down a US Senator and a governor of one of the largest US states.
All Kamala Harris has done is blow a mayor.
@4 Parking in Arizona while Hispanic. She’s lucky she wasn’t shot.
It’s a straightforward paradigm weighing economic interests against racial/ethnic resentment.
Yet both indices have been shifting against “conservatives” for a couple of decades. Demographics in particular have hurt them in this contest. As the influence and participation of Boomers continues to decline, and the influence and participation of Gen X and Millennials continues to increase, the potency of their “classic” arguments has cratered. Younger voters neither share Boomers’ resentments about “differences” nor their suspicions about economic interventions (which, after all is said and done, are really the same thing).
The simple challenge for Democrats in response is to find and deliver the right messaging on economic interests. And delivery is more than half that challenge.
Gotta give it to the dumbfuck traitor. He’s not afraid to look stupid.
This is funny. Worried about negative bias hurting diversity, the military removed photos from promotion packets.
This worsened diversity.
Navy’s Personnel Boss Says Getting Rid of Photos in Promotion Boards Hurt Diversity
In Joe Biden’s armed forces you can’t promote the woman unless there’s tangible evidence that you’re gonna want to fuck her.
I wonder how Newsom feels about Cuomo going down.
@6 Wherein the troll who regularly accuses me of hating police blames the Capitol riot on police.
I wonder how many Grannies and Granddaddies were killed by the spread of vaccine disinfo from fabricated “FB friends in CO”?
Never forget what a horrible liar Bob is.
@ 28
Wherein the troll who regularly accuses me of hating police blames the Capitol riot on police.
I accuse you of hating the police, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, because of your regular habit of spewing your hatred for police on HA, until you got called on it.
I blame the Capitol riot on the rioters, a substantial number of whom should do jail time and a good number of whom should do serious prison time. The thing is, the vast majority of those charged or under investigation did not participate in the riots, and the DOJ has now admitted the existence of exculpatory video evidence. They’re gonna have to share it, and it’s gonna be embarrassing to the DOJ.
I notice, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, that you referred to the January 6 incident as a “the Capitol riot” and not an insurrection. Good boy – I am making headway.
Not my luv gov – never really liked the guy, not necessarily for his politics, but more for his character. Once again, I know how to call a spade a spade, unlike you Bob.
Bob, go dust off and wash your skirt and knee pads.
“In my mind, I’ve never crossed the line with anyone.”
I’m sure the same is true for Joe Biden.
Hey but at least he was a firman kind of, instead of fanning the flames of COVID, like the Repuke Party.
Bob the only reason why your a one trick pony is because your guilt gets to you. There must be many reasons for your guilt. Your breeding will not help you.
As HA libbies mock the unvaccinated, they should keep in mind that the least-vaccinated demographic in the US is black Americans.
Tara chooses to ignore that she is unable to draw any causative correlation between the national debt and whatever inflation currently exists.
Because there is none.
At least in the near term, when you raise wages you have to raise prices. So aside from short term price gouging and supply disruptions, any lasting inflationary pressures are attributable to rises in wages and benefits.
“Labor costs, including taxes and benefits, now account for about 17% of sales, up from 12% eight years ago. But the extra labor has helped CRC to fill more orders, and sales rose nearly 50% in the first seven months of 2021 versus a year earlier. That allowed better use of equipment and other fixed assets—to a degree that surprised Mr. Braun.”
You can’t trust knee-jerk “conservative” principles to run anything successfully. For more see seven time bankrupted Donald J. Trump.
Pretty sure Cuomo’s goal was to fuck that executive assistant.
The luv guv is Hetero like you Bob, proving you people are fucked up, hypothetically sinners, and a bunch of failures. The men for doing what they do and the women for playing with the men.
And breeding still won’t save you and your ilk.
Nope, Trump isn’t responsible for someone that was that way before him.
We’re only mocking you and your fellow COVIDIOT insurrectionists in the Republican Party.
After all, as you’ve been so proud to point out for so many years, you vote more regularly in higher numbers. So your deaths have a disproportionate effect on electoral outcomes. We still urge you to stop killing yourselves this way.
But it’s not our fault if by doing so you are helping us win elections. Thanks, Herman Cain!
@ 35
…draw any causative correlation between the national debt and whatever inflation currently exists.
Because there is none.
The operative word in the preceding is “currently”.
The claim that there is no inflation is objectively false.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron even knows that inflation is increasing. Have you checked the price of MAD magazine lately?
The guy who minutes ago @ 29 referred to me as a “horrible liar” tells whoppers himself.
Objectively false. And you know it when you claim it, QoS McHillbilly.
@8 Don’t you realize the political right believes and insists that DRIVER’S PASSPORTS are optional?
P.S., this dude was a GOP legislator in New Hampshire.
@19 After gliding over the two biggest GOP race triggers, Doctor Dumbfuck blithely segues to inflation.
Republicans will find a way to make that racist, too.
@19 And, of course, Boob doesn’t miss a chance to describe child care as “needless” and inflation-causing. Because he doesn’t have any children, doesn’t have a job, and doesn’t need child care in order to work and support the family he doesn’t have.
We’ve had a vast amount of federal spending since 2008-2009. It didn’t cause inflation, other than asset inflation (e.g., pushing up the value of stocks), which enriched Boob, among others.
He didn’t complain about that inflation.
The greedy racist incel continues to live in the past. Must be why #MeToo and BlackPresidents and vice Presidents bothers him so much
CNN reports. Jul 5, 2019
The long-running humor publication Mad Magazine will effectively shut down this fall after a 67-year run. … while its parent company DC Entertainment will continue to publish reprint Mad books and other special collections to keep the trademark alive.
@21 Yep, another Democratic sexual harasser is out of office.
All the GOP sexual harassers are still in office, with one notable exception, which is just fine with Bob.
In fact, he celebrates the sexual harassers on the Supreme Court.
@30 I don’t hate police, not even bad cops, but I do criticize bad cops while vocally supporting good cops.
You support a party that tries to kill cops, and then votes against giving them medals.
Republicans aren’t the same as Democrats, and horse fuckers aren’t the same as cute, cuddly rabbits.
Another lie.
What DOJ has “now admitted” is the existence of a defense disco motion. Your pull-quote from the DOJ response (that you obtained from a twitter account????) is fraudulent, and has been falsified. The actual response makes clear that DOJ cannot fully respond to any generalized, or overly broad discovery demand because of the immense volume of media information involved.
Pursuant to the general rules of criminal discovery they’ve made the full data record available. Pursuant to Brady they’ve made any exculpatory data they’ve been able to identify available.
DOJ regulations are not ambivalent in this regard. Nor are federal judges inclined to be forgiving. DOJ may not respond by saying it has identified and delivered all such information if it has not been able to fully review and exhaustively examine all of that data. Much of the video and image information that has been produced as part of criminal filings so far is partial capture of images of persons often in the distant background. Thousands of camera devices recording hundreds of thousands of minutes/hours of image data of a complex scene containing thousands of persons is impossible to fully examine in exhaustive detail and still meet the legal deadline requirements for discovery. As the response also indicates, DOJ has made the full volume of data available for the defense to review.
Do your own fucking homework.
And stop lying.
Never forget for a minute what a disgraceful liar Bob is.
I’m glad Democrats got Cuomo to resign. I do wish current Republicans had the same values. This is not the republican party of my youth. Yes they were racist, but they seemed more moral and ethical back then.
Strawman fallacy.
Nowhere in my post did I claim that there is no inflation.
So, sadly another lie from Bob.
I merely pointed out that it is more likely due to short term price gouging and supply disruptions. And that any lasting inflationary effects are mostly due to increases in wages for workers, especially in low wage sectors. And that’s not a bad thing at all.
These things have nothing whatsoever to do with government debt. And Bob’s lying is becoming more frequent and less skilled.
It’s now day 250, and Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter is still a criminal piece of shit who stole money to purchase hookers, mdma, and cocaine…
still blames his wife…
he is still pardoned…
and Bob still hasn’t said shit about it.
Yes, that can be an admirable trait in a sort of Napoleon Dynamite sense – brief, or perhaps even prolonged awkward stupidity placed in contrast with the unexpected over-performance.
For example, Trump.
But when it becomes consistent, performative, and unrelenting, and you wait and wait and wait for the moment of competence, or surprising subtlety, or at least sweetness and it never comes, then it’s just pitiful, embarrassing, and Kreeepy.
CNN kissed Michael Avenatti’s ass on the air.
CNN kissed Andrew Cuomo’s ass on the air.
Which felon’s ass will CNN kiss next, I wonder?
This is the USA Today sports columnist who wanted a fan shamed publicly and imprisoned. For yelling out “Dinger”.
@ 50
Bob still hasn’t said shit about it.
OK. He was pardoned. In order to accept a pardon one must admit guilt. Duncan Hunter is guilty and has admitted it.
Cuomo has yet to do that.
I urge you to stop watching CNN and relying in any way upon any such source for any kind of useful information.
If it helps you to watch FOX News with the sound on mute while quietly moaning and fapping away, carefully nursing ancient high school cheerleader resentments, I’m not judging. Just don’t read the chyrons.
Concerns about crime are racist,
Now do your ignorant and racist obsession with Chicago while Memphis, TN and Anchorage, AK have higher rates of violent crime.
I can only assume that you are so miserably misinformed owing to your lingering wounded resentment from watching boyhood hero Nixon marched into history’s dustbin of disgrace.
The dictum articulated by The Court in Burdick, whatever dimwitted comfort it may have provided to you and President Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, was limited to the present case.
No recipient of any presidential pardon is legally required or legally imputed to have admitted any guilt.
Republican Congressman Hunter’s admission of guilt took place following a sweeping criminal indictment before a federal judge in a public proceeding as part of a plea deal.
Hopefully Cuomo will be indicted very soon. A plea would only follow after.
President Vegetable’s infrastructure bill just passed the Senate.
The “bi-partisan” bill, yes.
19 Republicans voted for it. They apparently wanted long needed stuff for their States. Had to wait for a Dem majority and a halfway competent guy in the White House to get it.
These 19 Republicans apparently aren’t afraid of drumpf’s twitter mob..
Now that twitter took away the orange pos’ tweeter. I’m sure some “primary” mob action is in the cards.. some.. we’ll see.
Fucktard would have nothing to say if he didn’t lie.
I’d say his lying is becoming more frequent and more desperate. The dumbfuck has his tit caught in a treason wringer and the more the fucktard cranks out lies, the worse it gets for him.
Cuomo’s gone? Wow #meetoo worked as it was supposed to. Who knew?
Woe to the likes of teh widbee kreepah.
Skank whose husband exposes himself to little girls and who supports pedo sex trafficker Matt Gaetz has something say.
How about that! This skank is nearly as stupid and vile as our dumbfuck traitor.
Doctor Dumbfuck continually misrepresents my comments. That’s because what I say is very reasonable, and the only way he can criticize me is by lying about it. As Steve pointed out @59 above, he lies all the time, and not just about me; Doctor Dumbfuck is a pathological and compulsive liar. Well, all I can say is, I don’t do that to him. I’ve taken the high road throughout; i.e., I’ve never intentionally posted falsehoods about him the way he does to me. I believe him when he says he’s a retired radiologist who owns a Whidbey Island horse farm, a fancy horse trailer, and an F-350 pickup to pull it. I really believe he fucks that horse, too.
Good luck with that.
Officials say makeshift morgue outside Florida hospital should ‘neither cause alarm nor speculation’
DeathSantis will never be the dumbfuck traitor’s president.
God bless Raw Story.
Heh. kreepah hiding in widbee is “brave”.. lmao..
Yours truly lives in Seattle. Not going anywhere. I’ll be carried out of here or my hometown in Cali. Big city.. w/ rough parts..
A washed up kreepee freek spending hours a day on HA and in hiding at its ex-urb safespace is a “good look”… lol..
Like I said @59, the fucktard would have nothing to say if he didn’t lie.
We all know that it’s bad cops you rail against, Roger, not good cops.
@58 The dumbfuck just can’t stand to admit that President Gets-Things-Done just did what Trump and his GOP Congress failed to do: Fix America’s crumbling highways and falling bridges.
Trumpublicans had higher priorities: Passing $2.1 trillion of tax cuts for billionaires (twice what this infrastructure bill costs), and pushing to spend tens of billions more on a border wall.
Didn’t Doctor Dumbfuck post some drivel in this thread about spending causing inflation? If it does, and he’s worried about it, wouldn’t he want Congress to repeal those billionaire tax cuts? After all, he’s not a billionaire, so he doesn’t get to pay zero taxes on an income of $100 million a year.
There’s some kind of volume calculation involved.
It seems like the more Republicans fuck up, steal from their own, rape pre-teens, needlessly spread deadly disease, bankrupt businesses, dump toxic pollutants, mock grieving Gold Star mothers, extort foreign officials, and generally shit the bed, the more Bob scrambles to find a corresponding volume of “equivalent” misdeeds by “libs”.
For most of his history I guess he was able to fill the bill with mere false equivalency by dredging up local water district officials and fringe activists. But it seems the volume of fuckery being produced by “modern conservatives” surpasses even that.
So like any shitty tin siding salesman, he’s turned to lying to reach quota.
@64 He’s afraid to visit Seattle. Antifa, you know. He feels much safer with his neighbors.
@56 “Concerns about crime are racist”
Funny how “crime” and “race” always go together, insinuated or implied if not overt, when a Republican opens his mouth.
In their world there’s no such thing as white crime, and certainly not sexual crime, either.
Their “crime concerns” are very selective.
@67 “There’s some kind of volume calculation involved.”
You mean like astronomers calculating the masses of stars, but with less scientific method?
He’s afraid to visit Seattle.
Heh. It admits to visiting a Seattle steak house to gorge on porter house and swill top shelf bourbon to promote a scam of some kind..
The booze helps it to work up the courage to slum at Jazz Alley or kreep up the hill to find “NEMOS”.. like the disney cartoon.
@53 This from the guy who openly advocates tying our soldiers to stakes and executing them by firing squad without any investigation, vetting of the charges against them, or fair or unfair trial.
He also voted — twice! — for a candidate who called for executing the Central Park Five after they were definitively exonerated.
Bob lacks credibility on this blog, but to be fair, not just because of his inconsistencies, although those are legion and egregious. His cred is in the toilet here for many other reasons, too.
Texas Supreme Court to Democrat fleabaggers: You’re fucking cowards and you deserve a couple of weeks in jail.
73. Texas Republicans we want our apartheid so we will hurt anyone who stops us
Texas Democrats were stupid to trust Texas republicans
What doc didn’t anticipate: Cuomo’s resignation means “the state’s three highest offices will all be held … by women.”
This is a really bad day for doc and his fellow women haters.
In California, Newsom’s leading GOP opponent is enthusiastically endorsed by a Capitol cop beater.
Didn’t Doc say something about cop haters earlier today? I forget what it was, though.
You know what I always say:
It takes a good guy with a bomb to stop a bad guy with a bomb… or a shotgun. Whatever.
Police just don’t do what you think they do.
Those same 19 Republicans would have gladly supported a Trump infrastructure bill for the exact same amount but with lots more money for useless shit like ICE/CBP.
If only he hadn’t turned his back and left the room sobbing like a bitch.
@77 I had an very positive experience with a county sheriff last year. We even ended up corresponding. Of course, I’m white. Makes a difference.
And by not saying shit about speaks volumes. Must because he’s ashamed to talk about it, and he’s only solution for his shame is to pretend he cares about Justice or equality.
This is for Doc, because he is a liar and having a bad day. Choke-fap to your hearts content: What ever happened to Six Sigma?”
County Sheriff like this one:
It’s a fucking biblical miracle is what it is. Every single employee who responded to the very same fake incident called in by a drunk Pierce County Sheriff “accidentally” failed to remember to try to almost manage to turn on their BWC to record the drunk Sheriff.
Exonerations all around. And decorations for bravery too!
Police just don’t do what you think they do.
Should be broadly interpreted as “I was passed out in my basement man-cave in front of Skinimax porn on my 72″ surrounded by empty Heineken bottles…”
More than 40 units respond.
“Don’t call me paper boy. I’m a paper man, goddamit!”
Remember Trump’s escalator ride? All the people clapping? They were each paid $50 to clap.
I’m a mercenary at heart, and would stoop to applauding Trump if someone paid me to do it, but I’d want more. A lot more.
Wasn’t that in New York?
Did he pay scale and record each performer’s SAG-AFTRA number?
82)Well, Pierce County is a charter county, they could return the job to an appointed position. I believe the TNT Editorial Board is pushing for such a charter amendment.
Like YLB wants to be vajazzled and have somebody else foot the bill for it.
14 days is just long enough for brother Chris to return from “vacay” with a super-duper plan to keep big brother Andrew in office.
@ 82
Every single employee who responded …
This is false. Read it again, QoS McHillbilly.
I’ll admit it’s a better story if it was true. But it’s false.
wants to be vajazzled
looks who’s limp @86 and wishes it was bequeathed just one sex cruise boatload of limbaugh’s little blue pills.
affirm clinic widbee kreepah.. buy out the store. It’s your only hope.
Jennifer Rubin is too fugly to ever be sexually harassed by anybody.
Rubin writes about Cuomo the way YLB writes about Goldy.
@87 Axe meets turkey, Republican laps it up.
@91 Doc’s got talent. He manages to be sexist and insulting to women at the same time.
He has to fuck stallions because even female horses won’t have him. If Doc was a horse, he’d be a gay horse.
There’s nothing wrong with horses or gays, of course. Doc is another story.
Oh gosh! I’m just so, so sorry.
I really had no idea.
So of the 40 different patrol units who responded there were some responding units who managed to remember to not physically deactivate the Axons. That’s great news.
So school me Sensei. How many? 30? No? 20? Did half leave their BWCs on? What about 10? Were there 10?
5? Were there 5?
No worries, Bob. Not waiting.
Dumbfuck must have heard somewhere that stupidity makes me cry.
YLB writes about Goldy.
Indian name Itstrokesitselfbleeding @91 wanks bigly over Goldy.
@81 business is a bunch of hokus pokus.
Managers only care about they’re paycheck and bonus. They could really give a shit about anything else.
@82 white privileged. Happens to gay people all the time.
Bob doesn’t want to be paid….he’s just hoping that one day he’ll be able to brush off the dust on the skirt and grab his Pom Poms.
My god, I don’t even notice what’s happening behind her when listening to her talk. What an annoying bitch. A fraud, fake, and phony little pony….looks like she ended up getting the axe, thank god. Imagine having to listening to her for 4 years. But the fun that would have been had too.
God Bless the Palin axe!
It begins.
What’s that mean? That you’re finally going to grow a brain or something?
What a stupid fucking bore.
It means Bob is counting it in his win column.
He may be disappointed again.
That’s become something of a pattern for him.
The above could make a great Rawstory article.
Bob is on a one man mission to show the libs. His track record is terrible, but cheers (sarcasm) to Bob!