Today is Primary Election Day in Washington state. So get that ballot in the mail or into a drop box and then stop by the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally for some election chat over drinks.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm. We will be on the patio in the back. The kitchen isn’t open yet but will be soon. Carry-in food is okay when the kitchen is closed. Note: The Roanoke Park Place Tavern will require proof of vaccination and a matching ID for admission to the bar.
Chapters of Drinking Liberally are re-opening all over the place. If you can’t make the Seattle chapter, find a chapter near you.
Cuomo – just another heterosexual pervert.
Gman @ 1 C’mon how many people you know or have known make or have made frequent visits to virology clinics? Look what happened to right wing scumbags like drumpf’s favorite attorney Roy Cohn.
Is that any way to live?
Peeps close to yours truly work in health care.
No significant drop in voter turnout in the OH-11 Democratic primary between last April and today’s special election.
This is a down indicator for Trump, and the GOP. They really need a significant decline in Democratic voter turnout to flip seats in the 2022 midterm. Today is another early indicator that base voter energy remains high among Democrats as we move into the midterms.
This POS should be tried for sedition, and sent to Gitmo if convicted.
Just glanced at King County Elections website. Don’t know how complete the returns are, but as of right now Prop 1 has 58.8%, and the top twos are:
County Exec – Constantine 53.5%, Nguyen 29.7%
Seattle Mayor – Harrell 38.2%, Gonzalez 28.6%
City Attorney – Davison 34.6%, Holmes 32.8%
Council #9 – Nelson 42%, Oliver 35%
5)Former Council President vs Current Council President.
@2. FreeDumb! Live dumb or die! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
@ 3
No significant drop in voter turnout in the OH-11 Democratic primary between last April and today’s special election.
This was an extremely high-profile special election. Sanders campaigned. Clyburn campaigned. This was such a high-profile election that a Jewish PAC dropped a million bucks into it.
By last April the DNC nominee had been established, if not yet formally nominated. Last April Marcia Fudge had zero competition in her primary.
QoS McHillbilly, if you want to turn yesterday into 2022 tea leaves, take a look at OH-15. Yes, there were two special elections yesterday.
Trump took OH-15 by 14 points in 2020. Yesterday in the GOP primary there were 50,000 votes cast. That was more than three times as many as the number of votes cast in the Democrat primary.
Yesterday’s turnouts were driven by a contested race in OH-11 and a much less contested race in OH-15. Try to make as little out of the turnout tea leaves as you can, QoS McHillbilly. ’cause otherwise OH-15 should make you shit yourself.
Team USA embarrassment and sometimes shot-putter Gwen Berry was 11th of 12 competitors once the viral cloud cleared in Tokyo.
Asked what’s next for her, Berry said she was finalizing a MMA contract and that within weeks she will be fighting in either a UFC octagon or in the coach section aisle of a Delta Airlines widebody.
In St. Louis County with an whopping 8% turnout, the ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE levy is passing 54.25% to 45.75%.
54.25% of us value education.
@ 10
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, with 8% turnout you can only prove that 4.3% of you support the levy. The other 95+% either don’t support it or don’t give a shit.
If you’re a Republican and unvaccinated and end up in the ER, then you should be intubated through the ass!
54.25% of the 8% who are motivated to vote ,value education. And it counts as a win.
Rudy Giuliani Is Reportedly Almost Broke And Trump’s Shutting Him Out
We told you he would abandon you when you were no longer useful.
Arkansas Governor Hutchinson regrets signing mask ban into law as state sees Delta surge
Just ask the republicans to change the law?
Crist leads the unpopular DeathSantis
Do you approve of the job Ron DeSantis is doing as Governor?
Yes: 43.7%
No: 48.5%
Unsure: 7.9%
If the election for Governor of Florida were held today, and the candidates were Republican Ron DeSantis and Democrat Charlie Crist, who would
you vote for?
Ron DeSantis: 43.8%
Charlie Crist: 45.3%
Undecided: 10.8%
DeathSantis will never be the dumbfuck traitor’s president.
@ 16
Moobs McScrote posts a theoretic poll. Crist won’t give up a Congressional seat for a state seat when he has had his ass handed to him so many times, now, in statewide elections.
Nikki Fried, OTOH, is running. In the same poll she’s losing to DeSantis.
Moobs the coward won’t show you that poll.
Remember the poll Moobs McScrote posted last year, about Lindsey Graham’s race?
The poll padded the Democrat’s results by intentionally oversampling black voters by several percentage points.
Moobs had no fucking idea because RawStory didn’t point it out to him.
When Moobs loses and his chest jiggles it makes me laugh.
In the Moobs poll @ 16, 17 only 67.9% of DEMOCRAT poll respondents said they would back Nikki Fried.
That chick right there? She’s a loser. And she will provide DeSantis the momentum he will use to take the ’24 GOP nomination and stomp the livin’ daylights of whichever Torricelli-esque DNC substitution for the unlikable Kamala Harris that might be found.
Bigot. Democrat. “Progressive”.
Rashida Tlaib Accused of ‘Antisemitic Dog Whistling’ in Detroit Remarks
That’s from Newsweek. Not from Fox.
Shit like this cost Marc Lamont Hill his gig with CNN. It should cost Tlaib, at minimum, her committee assignments.
Geez, looks like Kamala is more popular than your raging orange man-baby, McConnell and McCarthy.
Harris 43% Approval
Trump 41% Approval
McCarthy 24% Approval
McConnell 22% Approval
Such a stupe.
@ 21
Geez, looks like Kamala is more popular than your raging orange man-baby, McConnell and McCarthy.
She’s more popular than Hitler, too, Moobs.
It’s favorability, not approval, being measured Moobs.
Moobs McScrote is crowing that Kamala Harris is two percentage points more favorable than a twice-impeached loser of the most recent presidential election, whose business is currently under federal criminal investigation.
GLWT in 2024, Moobs. You’re gonna need it.
“When Moobs loses and his chest jiggles it makes me laugh.”
Given the Republican predilection to project what they hate about themselves onto others, looks like the dumbfuck traitor has a personal problem he’s not talking about…gynecomastia!
Perhaps a man bra will help with that jiggling problem he’s afflicted with.
Such a stupe.
Kamala Harris’ favorability is four points lower than Hillary Clinton’s favorability the week before she lost to Trump in 2016, Moobs.
Think on your sins, both committed ones and contemplated ones.
How sad it is that Moobs McScrote is forced to spin a 43% favorability number into something positive.
Makes me wonder what he’ll do when she sinks into the 30s.
Maybe I should be wondering instead what First! Woman! President! Jill Biden will do when Kamala Harris’ favorability numbers sink into the 30s.
Rapepublicans need big drops in turnout among base Dems to win next year. How big, we don’t know. But they do need some significant drop.
So to prove that, Bob shows instead that rabidly pro-virus, FREEDUMB loving nihilists in the pro-rape party are still turning out in large numbers in Trump-safe districts. But that can’t save them.
It did not save them last November. It did not save them in January. It did not save them in Arizona, or Georgia, or Michigan, or Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania.
They’ve got a tide to turn, not a wave to ride. They’ve been on a solid losing streak since the Gang-Rape Confirmation. They’ll perhaps make up some ground with restricted ballot access and poll closing. They’ll make up some more with canceled registrations and ID requirements. But will that alone be enough? And can Rapepublicans risk splitting urban districts if it weakens their shrinking totals in suburban districts? OH-15 and OH-11 may not even exist in 2023.
Every single Congressional campaign from both parties is operating on the premise that there will be no significant drop in energy or turnout among base Trumpalos. These are the same people you see throwing scalding coffee at baristas over masking policies and driving Trump flags around state capitols firing Grizzly Gas at passersby to protest the “stolen” election. They continue to reflexively click-to-give to every two-bit long con the RNC offers. We are stuck with them until they slowly die off one by one.
The big question has been, how will moderates, liberals and progressives respond to winning the White House, the Senate, and the House? The concern was that, as in past years, having won many of these voters would turn away from political engagement. But so far the numbers indicate that people in the middle and to the left remain as engaged as before. I’m speculating, but I suspect this is partly because of the Trump Terror Attack on Congress, and the Delta surge. And perhaps it’s to some extent due to an early record of accomplishment by the Biden administration that stands in dramatic contrast to what came before.
@ 27
So to prove that, Bob shows instead that rabidly pro-virus, FREEDUMB loving nihilists in the pro-rape party are still turning out in large numbers in Trump-safe districts.
In @ 3 you used turnout numbers, which you stated (without data) did not decline significantly, in a blue-safe district in you effort to claim that the Democrat sky is not falling.
All I did was provide a contrast to what you posted, QoS McHillbilly. Same state, same date, opposite-spectrum district composition.
You fucking hypocrite.
Shorter QoS McHillbilly @ 27
“Bob, how dare you do @ 8 what I did @ 3.”
Whenever you read a news story about a state legislator kicking a kid in the nuts, then blaming it on “stress” and “mental health issues,” if you assume he’s a Republican, you’ll be right.
Re @9: Has anyone checked whether any of the athletes Doctor Dumbfuck mocks aren’t either (1) black, (2) female, (3) gay, or (4) some combination of the foregoing?
@11 I’ll bet the McCloskeys don’t give a shit.
@12 Sounds like a plan.
@16 Why is anyone still undecided?
@16 Why is anyone still undecided?
@17-19 Now that you’ve defended your party’s candidate against rampaging pollsters, would you like to defend his body count?
It’s quite obvious that Dumbfuck was seriously triggered by a poll that shows Crist leading DeathSantis and second poll showing Kamala to be more popular than his raging orange man-baby, and twice as popular as McConnell and McCarthy.
Must really suck.
Careful, Doctor. You keep talking like that and everybody in America will see you as a fucking traitor and there’ll be a race to see who can string you up, BLM or the Proud Boys.
@20 Sounds to me like she’s referring to Republicans in general.
Palestine is a complex problem. Israel isn’t an innocent victim. It’s a brutal military occupier. Otoh, it’s hard to feel sympathy for people who pursue their cause with terrorism and violence. The neutral position here seems to be that they deserve each other.
Tlaib, being Palestinian, isn’t of course neutral. She argues the Palestinian side. If that makes her “antisemitic,” then I guess she is. Otoh, if calling her “antisemitic” makes the ADL guy a name-caller, then it does. He doesn’t really expect her to argue Israel’s side of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, does he?
Maybe they deserve each other, too.
It’s women he hates most. It’s been that way since puberty and it’s gotten a lot worse since we informed him that being ass-fucked by a horse doesn’t count, which means he’s still a virgin. Sad!
It seems to me there will never be peace while the Palestinians remain a conquered, occupied, subjugated people. What people would put up with that? Nobody. Nor if Palestinian leaders continue to pursue the elimination of Israel. Who would accede to that? Certainly not the Israelis. For Israelis and Palestinians to get along, both need their own territory and self-determination. The two-state solution has always looked like the most logical path to enduring peace, but that’s still a long way off. The Palestinians have to convince Israel that if they get their freedom, they’ll live and let live.
Doctor Dumbfuck likes things just the way they are. Like all Republicans, he revels in violence, and thinks subjugation and slavery are valid human relationships.
Uh, oh. They’re on to us, guys. Who blabbed?
Newt Gingrich hurls racist rant: Democrats want to ‘drown’ US with immigrants ‘to get rid of the rest of us’
God bless Raw Story.
And God bless Gman, a true American patriot.
@22 “a twice-impeached loser of the most recent presidential election, whose business is currently under federal criminal investigation”
Yup. Worse than Biden. But you voted for him anyway, because you’re a dumbfuck.
@25 “How sad it is … to spin a 43% favorability number into something positive.”
I assume you’re not trying to spin DeSantis’ 43% favorability into something positive.
@27 People tend to turn out to vote when the other side is pointing guns at them and threatening their lives.
@38 “there’ll be a race to see who can string you up, BLM or the Proud Boys”
Does anyone care who wins? A true capitalist will sell rope to both groups.
Bob did not. Instead Bob lied again.
Bob did not post anything showing declining D turnout.
Bob did something completely different.
Bob did another phony Whaddaboutism. Which is all Bob seems capable of anymore.
Somewhere, at some point, we’ll certainly see some evidence of turnout decline. We already have here and there, including some cases of decline among Trumpalos*.
But a few cases does not a trend make. And neither do the results in OH-11. And that is my point. Pro-Rape voters need significant declines in turnout among Democratic voters to flip Congress. So far we are not seeing that. So it’s little wonder Bob is so triggered and that she would prefer to argue about something completely different.
*Trump telling likely Trump voters in the days right before the most important special election in recent Senate history that the polls were rigged and the election was stolen sure helped. Thanks!
Yes! Precisely, Roger!
And that’s what is so amazing about this. The GQP/Pro-Rape Party has become so utterly dependent upon raw-meat rhetoric and calls for violent, armed uprisings over changes in local recycling programs that they can’t even stop it when it’s hurting them.
They’ve trained their base this way. And over time, the requirements have grown ever more extreme. Calling the incumbent Democrat a “wasteful hypocrite” can no longer be counted upon to motivate Crazy Uncle Liberty to rise out of his massage recliner and find his debit card. By 2021 she must be called a “Cannibal who dines on the adrenal glands of kidnapped baby beauty pageant winners“. And you can’t ask for money to help buy air time for more ads “like this one”. You have to ask for money “to buy guns and ammunition to slaughter the infidels”. This is what it takes to move the mouth breathers in 2021 and 2022 after four years of Trump conditioning.
So in order to raise money and turnout their own base, they must turnout ours as well.
There was one consistent turnout signal at the CD level among Democratic voters that we saw in Nov of 2020.
That was in Trump-lean or squishy swing districts with a Democratic incumbent, if the incumbent ran away from Biden v. Trump and fought to avoid mention of impeachment or the presidential race, and avoided confronting Trump’s inflammatory statements or tweets, turnout among D voters underperformed.
Not surprisingly, that was the strategy promoted by Cheri Bustos. And that’s why we lost seats. And that’s why she retired from chairing the DCCC.
Well, he is a big fan of Kaitlan so maybe he’s fine with it all….
I would add to the greedy racist incels list. 4) uppity and 5) liberal.
Another one bites the dust.
Texas GOP official mocked vaccines for months — now he’s dead from COVID-19
We need more of this, both dead Republicans and Raw Story links.
Steve, one look at that asshole and it obvious it was only a matter of time before he accidentally blew his own nutsack off and bled to death.
But COVID got him first, so WIN!
In May, Apley posted an invitation for a ‘mask burning’
Which only makes it much harder for poor sobbing Tara to blame tremendously popular President Joe Biden.
#owngoal again, and again, and again, and again,
Many thanks Steve – you are a true Patriot too. God bless you and all of us. All of us – even the FuckHumpsters and the Repukes that think they know God yet have no fucking clue.
Don’t forget – tomorrow I will be sitting in Section 116 at Yankee Stadium watching the Mariners. I’ve invited a former Seattleite to join me, he says he’s going to wear his Seahawks hat.
If I remember, I’ll live Blog what I’m wearing so you can look for me! Go Mariners!!
Let’s not forget – God Bless Rawstory!
Ohhhh….. fuck Prude Pence. Hang him.
Here’s some pretty fucking awesome news:
Among the sequelae arising from COVID-19 recovery are, as you know, lingering respiratory dysfunction, cardiac disease, and cognitive impairment.
But did you know the TrumPlague also causes permanent damage to reproductive systems, including damage to testicles and erectile dysfunction?
So future vacancies in the trailer park!
Kind of like Bob, he has no clue what my AGI is. Nor anything else in life.
I think he really thinks that he has some friends in Colorado.
Doesn’t that fall in line with my statement that “breeding will not save them”?
That is so cool, Gman! I’ll be watching on TV.
@57 “and cognitive impairment”
That makes you wonder if Bob’s had it.
Federal court slaps Trumper lawyers with Rule 11 sanctions.
They now have to reimburse the attorney fees incurred by “Facebook, Dominion Voting Systems, the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin, and the non-profit Center for Tech and Civic Life, all of which were named as defendants in the lawsuit.”
That’s a lot of attorney fees. Probably in the millions. It takes a lot of effort to get sanctioned like this, but these lawyers were up to the challenge. Maybe their tickets will be pulled, too.
@ 60
Don’t forget – tomorrow I will be sitting in Section 116 at Yankee Stadium watching the Mariners.
That is so cool, Gman! I’ll be watching on TV.
Let’s all look for G-clown, shall we? He’ll be the 100# overweight fuck sitting by himself in the third inning and dragged out by security in the sixth inning for propositioning the hot dog guy.
Shake the dust
Shake the dust
Triggered @63
Bob you know I could make the same comment with respect to you enlightening us with all your sports and concert memories and your wine drinking, right…. But I’m not as petty as you. Will you ever grow up?
“A bottle of whiskey estimated to be worth $5,800 that the Japanese government gave to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been reported missing.”
It’s probably in Pompeo.
By a margin of 60%-34%, the public thinks Trump running in 2024 would be “bad for the country.”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but it sure looks like a goodly percentage of the people who voted for him in 2016 and 2020 now think he’s “bad for the country.”
Doctor Dumbfuck is bad for the country, too.
Google is unbelievable. In looking for the song I posted above there is a bunch of search references to God and religion type results.
Yet Google says they don’t influence anything. What bullshit!
But don’t forget, we have a bunch of dumbfucks that do things that are bad for this country. Party first!
The FuckHump runs and it will be much closer than that split or he is even elected. With enough fear lingering and brainwashing, it’s very easy that they vote for him.
He poured it into a hooker’s asshole over Ireland aboard a NetJets flight to Paris.
Republicans claimed cutting off federal enhanced unemployment benefits would get people to go back to work. They were wrong.
“Twenty-six states announced their intent to end federal pandemic-era benefits starting in May. They officially pulled out in waves over June and July.
“UKG, a payroll and time-management firm, found that shifts among hourly workers in those states grew at about half the rate as states that continued the benefit — the opposite trend of what one might expect.”
And they don’t care. For them, fucking over workers and the unemployed is an end in itself.
“’Unemployment benefits were not the thing holding people back from going to work,’ according to Dave Gilbertson, a vice president at UKG. ‘There are other elements out there, particularly in their personal lives, making it really difficult to go back to work.'”
Like being dead.
Republicans will simply cheat with gerrymandering and voter suppression. If democracy doesn’t keep them in power, they will get rid of democracy to stay in power.
@ 75
By a margin of 60%-34%, the public thinks Trump running in 2024 would be “bad for the country.”
Republicans will simply cheat with gerrymandering and voter suppression.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron thinks that gerrymandering somehow alters presidential voting.. He must have bought audio recordings of Howard Zinn’s US History textbook narrated by Bobcat Goldthwait.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is dumber than YLB, by a hair.
Newsom is as lonely as G-clown will look sitting all by himself at the ballgame tonite before he is removed from the stadium for propositioning the hot dog guy.
[Deleted by author, duplicate post]
SurveyUSA poll finds 51% of likely CA voters will give Newsom thumbs-down.
Gerrymandering for control of Congress. Voter suppression and cheating for control the presidency.
Republican state legislators “you voters didn’t vote for the Republican president , the election must be corrupted somehow so we’re throwing out your vote and putting in our electors”
Am I wrong?
Who cares what the polls are in California. If Newsom loses, he can just lead an armed Rebellion, ignore the will of the people, stay in power and you have established you’d be fine with that. Unless you’re a hypocrite.
“Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen,”
There’s a reason Trump and the GOP donned body armor and summoned 8000 violent militants to the Capitol on Jan 6 and ordered them to attack Congress. Have you forgotten?
As dress rehearsals go, it was a shit show. But it appears to all of us that you traitors learned some valuable lessons for next time. Certainly having gerrymandered state and federal legislative districts in close states will play a key role if you actually manage to “send the results back to the states” the next time you conduct a riot during the EV count.
That was some piss poor gaslighting, Tara. You’ve done better than this. But I admit it must be getting harder for you with people like Ben Domenech out there saying the quiet part out loud every day.
You were right the first time. The gerrymandering plays a critical role in “conservatives” current last-ditch plans for getting control of the Executive branch.
“Conservatives” have been investing authority and power in the presidency since Woodrow Wilson. For nearly all of that time they’ve done so in the expectation that the electoral college grants them built-in advantage. But a century of consistent failure and corruption have left them so unpopular now that they can’t even reliably win states like Arizona or Georgia. They can see the writing on the wall as clearly as anyone. If all Texans have equal ballot access “conservatives” will lose 38 more EVs and the White House doors are slammed shut to them forever.
So their only long term strategy now is to revolutionize the election process by transferring selection of electors back to state legislatures. Gerrymandering is crucial to every part of that strategy.
It’s not a great poll for a bunch of reasons.
But the real point is that nearly every single Republican voter in California is intent upon casting a ballot in the recall and every one of them will vote Yes.
If (and it’s a soft “if”) an equal percentage of Democratic voters in California cast ballots Newsome is assured of winning. Easiest way to do that is to phone bank, door knock, and push notify the fuck out of every Democrat in the state that if they don’t fill out that ballot and put it into the mail Larry Elder becomes their new Governor. There are twice as many registered Democrats as Republicans. It’s not too hard of a lift. But still a lift.
The good news is that campaigning to simply remind voters to mail in their ballot falls completely outside of candidate spending limits and disclosures. So we are expecting a fairly huge air drop of money to be secretly dumped in the next few weeks. It’s Christmastime for media buyers. Tara is getting a lump of coal.
Georgia Republicans didn’t waste any time in using their new voter suppression law | Republicans have begun a legal process that could allow them to disenfranchise much of Atlanta.
There you go. The south getting rid of Democracy as we type to stay in power, and Manchin and Sinema are not going to let the Voting Rights Bill pass, so America as a Democracy will be over in 2022.
What’s old is new again. This is the very same shit they pulled at the end of the 19th century at the dawning of Jim Crow.
Using the very same excuses too. “Clean elections”. “Accountability and election reform”. It was gaslighting then too.
And now Pompeo falls to WhiskeyGate.
Susan Collins isn’t the only one being disappointed by Trump.
Looks like Tucker Carlson is all-in for fascist dictators and fascism.
@75 They’re adopting the Hungary model of “let’s pretend to be a democracy under a fascist dictator.” See #88 link for details.
@76 “The Even Bigger Fucking Moron thinks that gerrymandering somehow alters presidential voting.. He must have bought audio recordings of Howard Zinn’s US History textbook narrated by Bobcat Goldthwait.”
Gerrymandered legislatures and a gerrymandered House majority have nothing to do with replacing presidential electors chosen by the people those appointed by gerrymandered legislatures in defiance of the will of the people?
Gerrymandering has everything to do with presidential elections. It’s central to the GOP’s plan for a fascist takeover of America and establishment of an apartheid society.
We were wrong that the GOP’s agenda is white supremacy. Its agenda is white supremacy and fascism.
@77 Granted, California could do better. Anybody who marries Kimberley Guilfoyle is less than perfect himself. But “better” is not to be found in your party’s lengthy, eclectic, and eccentric roster of aspirants loitering in the wings.
@80 “Am I wrong?”
No, you’re smarter and more clear-eyed than the dumbfuck.
@82 Ben Domenech the serial plagiarist? The same Ben Domenech who made up quotes? Who took money under the table to write favorably about a foreign government? And defended Roy Moore’s pedophilia? What a sack of shit.
My favorite quote this week:
Who knew?
Well, pretty much every single competent lawyer in America. And, I suspect, most of the attorneys who took part in bringing these sham LOLsuits. Now reach you mind far, far back into the mists of December 2020 and recall the network news appearances of worthless, delusional shitstains like Dersh who backed these fraudulent claims and argued for them to proceed. You’re going to want to keep that memory handy in the months and years ahead as the networks continue to invite the same incompetent play-actors in front of their cameras to tell you all about “the law” stuff. If any one of these teevee lawyer clowns were employed as associates by Big Law they’d find a stack of Banker boxes and a security guard waiting at their desk in the morning.
He is also the wife of Megs McCain.
So blame fucking Disney.
Contrary to popular belief in certain circles, continuation of employment regardless of one’s behavior and after repeated warnings is not a constitutional right.
Btw, if any of you have musician friends, I know where there’s an opening for a full-time, salaried position for a flutist.
What’s wrong with a police department touting job benefits? Companies do it all the time.
Except no company offers benefits like this one.
Apparently a lot of police trainers and recruits don’t realize the adjective “qualified” means “limited” when modifying the word “immunity.”
DoJ will open a “pattern-or-practice” investigation into “whether the Phoenix Police Department uses excessive force, whether it engages in discriminatory policing practices, whether the department violated the First Amendment by retaliating against protesters and whether the department discriminates against people with disabilities.”
In South Dakota, Native Americans aren’t supposed to drive new cars, but it’s okay for Asian-Americans to do so.
One of Georgia’s U.S. House members is traveling around the south on a tour of private speaking engagements urging people in the audience to assassinate public health nurses:
I mean, you can always try to blame this on President Biden. I just don’t think it’s going to work.
Encouraging people to shoot strangers who knock on your door doesn’t sound very “pro-life”.
It’s not very “pro-life”. Nor is it very “pro-Herschel”.
And maybe that’s the point.
Making wild threats of gun violence can only further poison the atmosphere for a Senate prospect like Walker with a past troubled by gun violence. It’s one thing for a female troll doll to crack jokes about gun slaughter. “Socially insecure” white guys kinda get a kick out of that. But it’s something else when the person playing with shooting up the neighborhood is a giant Black man (with all the usual accessories).
More bad news for Tara. Democrats continue to coalesce around a core vision of steady progress and deliverables. Republicans continue to splinter and commit ritual self-annihilation.
Hey my bad. I’m in Section 114B. Just ahead of First Base. Go Mariner!
@ 104
G-clown had originally invited a guest to attend the game with him, but Gaetan Dugas sent his regrets.
@105 Somebody’s jealous because he wasn’t invited.
I wouldn’t sit in a bleachers with you, either. Or anywhere else.
Doctor Dumbfuck is easy to spot in a stadium.
I like the cut of Axios’ jib.
Scoop: Inside a Kamala Harris crisis dinner
She was awful as a candidate. Y’all nominated her anyway. ’cause she’s black.
It can’t be Biden in 2024. It can’t be Kamala in 2024. So after turning your back on a black politician and a woman, who will it be? My money’s on Booker.
Ya know dimfuk…
You have to host a fundraiser in widbee for your black friend in MI, John James..
Perfect opportunity to pop the question to James:
“John, Mary Kay and I are looking to trade up our horsey property. Will you stand in for me?
We want the Best valuation..”
You can’t lose dimfuk.. Next fundraiser for John James: the blinding WHITE community of Orcas.. You gotta admit dimfuk – it’s great idea.
I moved over 1 section towards home plate, for fresher air. Now right in line, pretty much, with first base. About 15-18 rows up.
Bob doesn’t know my AGI! That’s all that really matters. White shirt, black glasses.
@110 Tied game Gman. Lot of baseball to play.
@111 yeah, unfortunately I will probably leave early. I’ll try to get the person I’m with to tat as late as possible
I’m 2nd row from top of section 115, in front of concrete wall
Last game I was at it was the same, tied up at 2, then i left early and it was tied at 5 and then went into extra innings and yanks won. I think it was against TexAss
Top of the 6th, still tied 2-2.
God bless America, the Mariners, the dog days of summer, and Gman!
Biden signed a bill today awarding Congressional Gold Medals to the hero cops who defended the Capitol on January 6.
21 cop-hating Republicans voted against it.
I O Let’s go. I O Let’s go.
Can they do it!
@108 “She was awful as a candidate. Y’all nominated her anyway. ’cause she’s black.”
Trump was far, far worse as a candidate and a president. Y’all nominated and elected him anyway, because you’re a bunch of racist dumbfucks who want to replace our democracy with a fascist regime.
Think on your sins.
Ok, no worries.
What’s the score?
Nice home run!
Nice view of Joey Gallo shakin his ass
Nice home run!
Nice view of Joey Gallo shakin his ass
Damned Yankees!
Gonna leave, hopefully they win!
Sorry guys. God Bless the Mariners. God Bless Seattle.
We’ll have to let things play out more, I suppose.
But the mere fact that there are 21 House Republicans who can vote against such a measure, and essentially suffer no disapprobation or other consequence from within their own party as a result just shows how utterly broken the Republican Party is.
And don’t get me started on the media. Turn the tables and the media howling would be deafening. The very next microphone moment in front of any Democratic Party leader would consist of nothing but. This won’t register a blip.
Because it’s what has become normal for them and it’s what’s expected now. They hate America. That’s no longer a curiosity. It’s just settled wisdom. And it can’t generate views or clicks. But don’t forget for an instant that it also means the people who elect and re-elect them also hate America.
Y’all tried to assassinate Pence. ’cause he’s faithful to the law.
One of many things the dumbfuck traitor doesn’t want to talk about.
Wonderful news!
A reddit has been created especially for ‘nothers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of FREEDUMB:
Before Republican “patriots” donn their red trucker hats and FUCK YOUR FEELINGS tee shirts to head out to smash taco stands they first need to pick up one of these:
What’s so encouraging about this is not just that Trump can’t spell. But that he has surrounded himself by a team who not only can’t spell, but who simply don’t give a shit and are fundamentally too lazy to bother trying.
@ 128
Y’all tried to assassinate Pence.
One of many things the dumbfuck traitor doesn’t want to talk about.
Um, OK. Let’s talk. First of all, Moobs, what weaponry was used in the “assassination” attempt?
Second, why did the SWAT team let the inside, upstairs protesters/rioters through without attempting to prevent their passage?
We can go from there.
“We’re Spreading
Our Wings… something”The Ride. The Roar. The Rally. The Respirator. (not a 100% perfect study – use at your own risk!)
Criminal complaint has been filed against a Democrat governor in New York state.
Meanwhile, QoS McHillbilly hits back, hard, with @ 129 and @ 130.
I wonder which of these Chris Cuomo will lead with later today?
Shorter 131:
Just tourists!™
You invited us!™
Character is destiny, Tara.
@ 132
Chicago Mayor Delays New COVID-19 Restrictions As Lollapalooza Begins
You’re increasingly the hypocritical pussy, QoS McHillbilly.
This shit happens in blue states, too.
The Arkansas legislature had only two items on its agenda:
1. Repealing its ban on mask mandates, so schools could protect kids; and
2. “legislation aimed at preventing the state from resuming supplemental unemployment insurance payments to 69,000 people in the state.”
Guess which one they passed, and which one they didn’t?
I recommend flying over, or driving around, Arkansas. It’s one of the least vaccinated and germiest states. There’s no hospital beds available. They probably don’t even have anybody who’ll pick up your body. Avoid Arkansas.
In Florida, a child asked by his/her school to wear a mask is being “bullied, harassed, assaulted, [and/or] threatened …”
Avoid Florida. It’s not safe for your kids to attend school there. If you must live in Florida for job or other reasons, send your kids to relatives in a state where the governor isn’t trying to kill off everyone under age 12.
I would guess this one will cost the taxpayers of Valencia County, New Mexico, somewhere between $750,000 and $1.2million.
On the other hand, where are the police when people do need the crap kicked out of them?
@135 “This shit happens in blue states, too.”
Yeah, stupid people are found everywhere, but it’s not the same. In blue states, they’re pariahs. In red states, they’re elected.
@133 “Criminal complaint has been filed against a Democrat governor in New York state.”
If he was a Republican, your party would put him on the Supreme Court.
@129 Updated version of Darwin Awards?
Just as wrong and just as regrettable there, too.
Given the logistics and financial commitments involved, even the Sturgis organizers can be forgiven for having made the decision to move forward way back in April, when they could not have foreseen that you would be staging mask burnings and that your church pastor would be ordering you to decline to vaccinate.
But having made those commitments and sold tickets and bookings it might not hurt to revize guidance once the event draws near.
“To enter, concert-goers must provide a printed copy of their COVID vaccine card, vaccine record or negative coronavirus test within 72 hours of entering. “
Meade County – 37%
Cook County – 69%
Or not.
Don’t forget that the shining beacon of truth and transparency that is Sarah Huckabee Sanders wants to be the governor of the State of Arkansas.
I’m sure the rubes there will elect her just because of her orbit in the Trumpian dystopia.
Even more reason to avoid the place.
“Persons with COVID-19 reported attending densely packed indoor and outdoor events at venues that included bars, restaurants, guest houses, and rental homes.”
No excuse for this. Barnstable County is governed by Democrats who put tourism ahead of public health. And even though these Cape Cod events are tiny in comparison to 700,000 attending Sturgis, state health directors ought to be able to step in and implement mandatory restrictions. But they’re mostly too busy avoiding pipe bombs and sniper bullets.
I’m not the one who wrote that, stupe. But if you fucks chanting “Hang Mike Pence” had caught him, and you came close, I imagine you would have dragged him outside and used the scaffold that you traitors had built out on the Capitol lawn to “hang Mike Pence”. Hmm, 4x4s. Looks sturdy enough. Strong rope, too, tied in a hangman’s noose.
We have not seen evidence that Capitol Police granted rioters access to the building or that they were “in on” the breach, as some posts claim.
Footage that appeared to show some officers allowing rioters past barricades was misrepresented online. The journalist who shot the video said the officers backed off the barricade because they were “completely outnumbered.”
Other videos taken at different entrances back that up, and show rioters quickly overwhelming police barricades and eventually forcing officers to retreat.
Officers being suspended was first reported early January, no updates since February.
King County Sheriff instructs Sheriff’s Dept employees to no longer come in to work at the County Courthouse in Seattle because….wait for it……it’s been deemed unsafe due to all the homeless drug zombies attacking people outside AND inside the courthouse! ONLY IN SEATTLE!
Hey YLB, YOU voted for that!
God Bless Cori Bush.
@ 147
YLB fellated for that
@146 “Second, why did the SWAT team let the inside, upstairs protesters/rioters through without attempting to prevent their passage?”
This sounds like a complaint they didn’t shoot more of them.
First plea deal for assaulting police by a Capitol rioter:
“Scott Fairlamb, whose father was a New Jersey trooper and whose brother was on Michelle Obama’s Secret Service detail, pleaded guilty to two counts: one of obstruction of an official proceeding, and one of assaulting an officer.
“Both counts are felonies, and the plea agreement states that the sentencing guidelines call for between 41 months minimum and 51 months maximum imprisonment. Fairlamb’s lawyer can argue for less prison time at sentencing.
“Fairlamb’s attorney, Harley Breite, told HuffPost earlier this week that his client wanted to ‘assume responsibility for the things that he did’ and ‘make amends for them and move on with his life.’ Fairlamb has been incarcerated since his arrest in January. …
“An associate of Fairlamb told HuffPost … ‘I feel for his wife, family, employees and community, but I have zero empathy for him …. He’s had too many chances over the years to correct his pattern of bullying behavior ― all while portraying himself as a ‘good guy with a Batman cape’ in his hometown.'”
Remorse notwithstanding, this asswipe needs and deserves a lengthy timeout to acquire some self-awareness and reflect on his sins.
Shorter dumbfuck, “What insurrection? Cori Bush!”
Steve, don’t miss the gun being flashed @134.
Tara did.
“Conservatives” still claim there were no “real” weapons present.
Until there are.
Then they claim none were used.
Until there are.
Then they just claim “ANITFA” and “Crisis Actor“.
Lather.Gaslight. Rinse. Repeat.147,
This must be true!
Because her “FB friends in CO” said so!
Today in history:
Estimated 120,000 killed by the blast, many more from radiation and after effects.
Neutron Don Trump: “Hold my beer!” I can kill more and leave the infrastructure intact.
All that tactical gear they’re wearing was a nice touch. Of course, no violent intent was revealed by those wearing that kind of gear. Just patriotic costumes, I’m sure. Bullet-proof vests…suitable attire for a peaceful tour of our nation’s Capitol.
Things don’t look good for the East Coast, especially Florida.
Since Florida is nothing but low-lying swamp land, they will suffer the impact of climate change sooner than the rest of us. Forget “drain the swamp”, it is more like “Flood the swamp.” Time is not on their side.
Hey YLB, YOU voted for that!
Heh.. Little maxpile stroked its popgun while one finger typing that..
Lock up the popgun after you satisfy yourself little maxpile
Don’t want bad things to happen.
And dimuk@149 is an old hand when it comes to fellatio..
John James is next on its list… Fundraising, fellatio and then favor? See @109
@157 Drain the swamp is now “dike the swamp.” Needless to say, they’ll want blue-state taxpayers to pay for it.
Those red-state leeches. Make them stand on their own two feet. Don’t give them a penny of government aid because that is socialism at it’s finest! It isn’t like hurricanes come through every damn year. Why do we give them a handout, especially when they bitch non-stop about socialism?
Ron DeathSantis has a “market-based solution” for sea level rise.
Suddenly I don’t feeeeeeeeel like pumps are real infrastructure.
All I got to say is that there’s probably not many children of a gay couple, if any, that would treat their kids like these Repukes treat them (badly).
Gggggeeeeeeer Money!
Infant with Covid-19 has to be flown 150 miles to an ICU because no local beds are available. Who pays for that?
This is in Texas, where the governor says people know “what the standards are” (there are none), “what practices they want to adopt to help protect themselves” (anti-vax and anti-mask predominate) and, he adds, “This is time for individual responsibility.”
How and why did this baby get Covid-19? Will those responsible exercise “individual responsibility” by stepping up and paying her hospital and air transportation bills?
Don’t hold your breath.
“Individual responsibility” is what Republicans pay lip service to and run away from.
Black people shopping for a home in a white neighborhood — what were they thinking? They’re lucky they weren’t shot!
Four police cars, seven officers, who did “zero diligence,” and fror the real estate agent and is clients, “It flipped from we’re showing a house to we need to make it out of here alive,” Brown said. “I trusted that we were in danger, very serious danger.”
Sue the shit out of them. And the person who called them.
Explain that.
Are you suing the individual police officers?
Then you have to point us to the precise case already adjudicated in that federal circuit that specifies the exact constitutional right that was violated with precisely similar circumstances. If no such case exists, then for all legal purposes, under qualified immunity doctrine, no such right exists. Nor will it, until such a case is allowed to go to trial in that circuit.
Is this a Monell claim? You’ll need to show us the official city policy or settled and acknowledged city practice that guided the officers in their actions last Sunday. Without that, you can’t sue the city either.
Yelling about suing may seem satisfying in a distant and abstract way. But in most of the United States, for most African Americans, there is simply no legal recourse for this kind of routine abuse and profiling under qualified immunity doctrine as it stands right now.
The real solution is to do away with policing in the U.S. as we know it. Not to do away with police altogether. But to end the systems and practices as they’ve been in place for the last fifty years.
The option to dial 911 and obtain a response should not have been available in these circumstances. Was there a break-in? Nope. Was there an alarm? Nope. Any victim? Nope. Any actual report of criminal activity that was witnessed by anyone? Nope. Was there any violence or unrest of any kind? Nope.
Then no police response should be dispatched.
NYC Butcher closes after employees quit, after CEO removed BLM and LGBT banners. 40 employees quit, 5 stores closed.
Can’t link to it but I think it’s if you want to Google it.
The Power of the people without a Fucking Insurrection. Repukes don’t have any balls.
Ron DeSantis brings a whole new meaning to “I’d kill to be President of the United States.”
“Does this look too Nazi?” asked no Donald Trump ever.
Middle Age Riot Aug 4
Why is Donald Trump so terrified of his tax returns being released? He can’t be afraid of what his supporters might think. If they don’t care that he’s a racist, a misogynist, a rapist, a vulgarian, a liar, a traitor, and a seditionist, why would they care that he’s a tax cheat?
Middle Age Riot Aug 3
When racists say “I have black friends,” they mean Candace Owens.
Fascinating interview of Frank Luntz.
@171 He’s afraid of what prosecutors would think.
@173 just as I thought the RINO’s are the Trumpsters…..I think Bob is a RINO – he’s not a true Repuke.
What Luntz fails to say, atleast to the point that I have watched so far, is that these angry “New” Repukes (RINO’s) were outspoken and upset because of why? Because of Mitch and the rest of the Tea Party and Repuke establishment that drummed up the fear and the 8 years of fucking over Obama. They worked up the racist RINO’s.
Put the fucking blame where it is – with the fucking morons that have lost control of their “Party”.
The Sheep FuckHumpsters could believe that the Fuckheads were capable of the riot – 26:30 mark.
Build the Barrier! Build the Barrier! Build the Barrier! hahahahah!
Is that why Bob put the Skirt and Pom Poms away?
He should have know better?!
One – he either knew……or the idiot is just a complete fuck that can make a profit owning a fucking Casino.
Cops are the enemy. It was ugly Bob. No hugs and kisses?
Meanwhile Bob want’s to examine for balistical evidence.
The standing ovations for the cops 2 months prior is know as “I is a proud racist clapper”
yeah…..duhhhhh. The riot was a culmination of the fasist movement.
yeah…..duhhhh…..nobody could have predicted that it would have happened January 6th……but we all knew that one day it would happen, right? Duhhhh!
That’s what fear mongering and the idea of Big Bad Government and not tyring to govern gets you!
A good interview, but to make it all about The FuckHump and the The Repukilan Party is a grave mistatke but the Luntz and PBS. The Title of the inteview shouldn’t be The FuckHumps America…..this The Repukes America. I mean Luntz should do a fucus group on DeFuckFace of Florida.
Bunch of idiots……McDouchebag and the others for not knowing that this would happen.
Luntz is trying to protect the Repukes….but alot of points made are on target. Towards the end he’s just protecting the Fuckers.
Do you do what your voters that elected you want to do or do you do the right thing…..Party First!
Party First!
God Bless Steve…….Fuck Pence
50% of 50% is 25%. The minority. Fuck You.
Republican against Trump proved he’s unfit.
Luntz fells a bit guilty. This isn’t revenge….it’s not letting criminals get away with crimes. If this is revenge, then so is locking up a murder.
@185 Luntz is a pollster. He reflects what he sees and hears in focus groups, etc. In this case, the Trumpsters who replaced traditional “well coiffed” Republicans who “wore suits that fit.”
I think he’s being honest about what he observed. Basically a lot of alienation. People who don’t trust the elites, government, elections, science, vaccines, etc. No surprises there; we all know that’s the prevalent mindset on the other side.
He doesn’t go into the root causes of their alienation, such as the GOP culture of victimhood and grievance-stoking, or mention how it was engineered and manipulated by the deliberate lying of rightwing propaganda.
He soft-pedals the GOP House votes against certifying, claiming they weren’t rejecting Biden’s victory, but only wanted to “send it back to the states” for investigation. This interview occurred before Arizona showed what that looks like, but even then the bad faith was palpable, and he doesn’t mention it.
He claims nobody saw the riot coming, including the participants. He portrays it as a crowd that got out of hand. This interview was on January 12, just 6 days later, and he seems unaware or oblivious to the role of the Oathkeepers and Proud Boys. Even so, I don’t see how anyone who watched news videos of rioters decked out in helmets and vests, tactical gear, gas masks, and equipped with bear spray could miss the obvious evidence of preparation.
I think he’s sincere, but tried not to see these things, so didn’t see them.