The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally is meeting tonight. Please join us for some conversation over drinks.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm. We will be on the patio in the back. The kitchen isn’t open quite yet, but will be soon. Carry-in food is okay when the kitchen is closed.
Chapters of Drinking Liberally are re-opening all over the place. If you can’t make the Seattle chapter, find a chapter near you.
The women sure do.
The way Dumbfuck does sports requires mobility scooters, triple fudge, and an afternoon nap.
Part of what Senate Republicans had opposed but caved on earlier today was inclusion of language in the spending bill creating thousands of special immigration visas for Afghan interpreters who served honorably as translators for the U.S. military forces fighting against the Taliban terrorists.
A letter went out yesterday from Deputy AG Weinsheimer authorizing and directing the recipients, including former “Acting” AG Rosen, to cooperate and appear before House and Senate committees to give sworn and transcribed testimony in response to questions about any actions undertaken within the Department to assist with then President Trump’s efforts to overturn election results in several states, beginning and going forward from the date on which former Attorney General Barr resigned after having refused such assistance. The letter officially declines any assertion of executive privilege.
General Mills has announced the deeply discounted sale of Wheaties shipments if the boxes feature the likeness of Simone Biles.
Cheney and Kinsinger being lauded as heros in the media for standing up to Trump and the morally degenerate Republican leadership.
Trump has no Twitter account with which to respond.
McCarthy has no penis (Trump holds it for him in Florida, but allows McCarthy to visit it from time to time).
@ 3
… Senate Republicans had opposed but caved on earlier today was inclusion of language in the spending bill creating thousands of special immigration visas for Afghan interpreters …
I see. It’s the Republicans’ fault. It’s not, say, because there might have been some issues with the “creation of language” that should have been dealt with before the Biden administration agreed to let the Taliban begin beheading Afghan interpreters.
The truth is that Team Biden fucked up, hanged the Afghan support civilians out to dry, and then belatedly scrambled to ensure that they’d all be given the right to cast 10 federal, state, and local election votes each as soon as their visas were approved.
Somehow I don’t see any of that fitting on a tee shirt… or even a tweet.
There’s what you dig around for and copy-pasta.
And then there’s what everyone sees right in front of them.
Today they saw morally degenerate Senate Republicans fold and retreat to their spider holes after turning their backs on cops defending democracy and Afghans defending freedom.
Liberals here criticize corrupt republican politicians who can effect the nation
Conservatives here attack black girls.
Liberals are just better people.
Check it, Dumbfuck:
That’s AP. Not Mother Jones.
And once again you fuckers are on the wrong side of history.
God Bless the Vaccinated! American 🇺🇸 American 🇺🇸
God Bless!
And bless you too!
@ 10
I hear it had the code name “Genoa“.
That having been said, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised that it’s all true. There are horrible people on both sides of the political spectrum. The problem is that your ilk portrays the ones on my side as representative of everyone on my side, while portraying the ones on your side as representative of no one on your side.
And then you genuinely wonder why “basket of deplorables” cost you three SCOTUS seats.
Saw this somewhere else. It’s from the BLS:
For The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, this means that in June, Biden’s American meant people worked harder to earn less.
Meanwhile, I worked less and made more. Rumors that I’m all broken up over the Biden victory are untrue.
Why @ 15 did people work harder to earn less in June this year than they did in June last year?
Inflation, bitches. 5.3% increase in the CPI.
Think about that next time you profess not to give a shit about rising food and energy prices.
Think about that while you’re on your knees fellating Team Biden over a $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill.
CPI isn’t infrastructure, but it’s increasing very rapidly.
Everyone gets to work harder and take home less real pay @ 15 so that YLB and her children can avoid labor and be paid more for their laziness.
Heard at a lecture to junior medical students at the YLB College of Woke Medicine:
If it’s wrong to refer only to women as pregnant than it’s similarly wrong to refer only to women as dumb twats.
Only one end defends and excuses White Supremacists who beat Capitol police with spears and shovels while chanting the N-word in unison.
Those aren’t loving tourists. They are terrorists you love.
More success at the Woke Olympics:
Naomi Osaka ousted from Olympic tennis tournament in 3rd round by Marketa Vondrousova
Hey, don’t blame me. I’m not the one who crowned her Socially Woke Queen.
We have to get in line now behind all those millions of Suburban Security Moms spending their Biden Child Tax Credits.
@14 you really feel like that made us feel bad? And that’s not good enough of an apology, it was lame.
Traitors don’t denounce Jan. 6th and make believe it was nothing.
No blessings for you!
@15 how about that stock market!? 35,000! Biden is unbelievable!
The FuckHump failed. The GOP failed!
God Bless Biden!
I’d say!
I thought calling the greedy racist incel out on his punching down on black girls was the impetus to post more substantial criticisms but i see by 21 he cannot help himself and he back to denigrating women.
They keep blaming Pelosi for the Capitol being unprepared for a riot they claim didn’t happen. Just a bunch of tourists. Hell, our own dumbfuck traitor described these “tourists” as nothing but “grandmothers”.
Jim Jordan squirms when asked if he talked to Trump about riots — and pivots to blaming Pelosi
Republican voters dying of Covid because they won’t inject the vaccine microchip for a hoax pandemic? It’s Biden’s fault!
McConnell ripped for ‘sweeping gaslighting’ after blaming Biden for GOP voters not getting vaccinated
God bless Raw Story!
The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist.
Four long years of Trumps America has worn and broken the American athletes. They don’t have desire to represent the white supremacists and inbred piglets and Karen’s and Chad’s. And the fox haters.
Wow HA HEROES.. rapey dimfuk is such a hateful misogynist freak..
teh kreepin’ freak of widbee had to be hatched from a rock..
i.e. coprolite.. how kreepee is that?
Inflation, bitches.
Cough.. cough.. bullshit.. cough…
Found a picture of the rock from which teh kreepee freek of widbee was hatched:
Born of anything but a woman – that’s our rapee dimfuk!
Heh.. you missed this part:
the world’s highest paid female athlete..
i.e. makes a lot more money than you. hence the unhinged resentment and hate.
Mark Adams wants to defund the FBI.
Honestly, all I saw was more bog-standard whaddaboutism.
He made up fake people to populate a fake story to discredit life-saving vaccine.
For lulz? To “own the libs”?
He’s done. They’re all done.
Prominent Democratic Fundraiser Ed Buck Guilty In Overdose Deaths Of Two Men
Let’s be honest about this. Those guys were asking for it. Literally. Ed Buck just happened to be in the general vicinity. Ten times.
And sure, some of his victims were/are black, but what are you gonna do? #BLM is only a weapon against the GOP.
This is subtle, and not the sort of thing the average Capitol rioter would research ahead of time, but in Florida the agriculture department issues concealed carry permits and the agricultural commissioner is a Democrat. She just suspended 22 permits.
@3 I don’t understand why they caved. It’s not like them to give in on something like that. Given how many American lives they’re sacrificing here at home, it’s surprising they agreed to save any Afghan lives.
@7 “had to follow relevant laws”
This is what you overlooked. Understandably so. After four years of Trump, reading that public officials are following the law feels strange to you.
Roping and herding cattle is the only “sport” Doc likes because it involves livestock and ropes. Plus, I’m pretty sure Doc get to wear his chaps (assless that is) while riding his horse and playing his sport. Here’s your theme song Doc!”
@14 “your ilk portrays the ones on my side as representative of everyone on my side”
Because they are; name an honest and decent Republican who hasn’t been run out of the party yet.
@ 2
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on “FB friends in CO”, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
@ 30 – 33
YLB laughing at pos rapey boob mcdimfook teh feckless, irrelevant widbee krackpipah, kreepah and “sugar daddy”
How important does one have to be, I muse, to be included in the screen names of not one but two fellow commenters?
This says two things, really:
1. How fucking pathetic is the online traffic to HASeattle if so few people visit here that the reason for those screen names is understood by everyone who does?
2. One need no further proof that I live rent-free inside the minds of at least two of the most prolific commenters on this site.
In both cases, SAD!
Whaddabout Ed Buck?
Whaddabout tan suit?
Whaddabout hair touching?
Whaddabout Space Lasers?
Potato. Potahto.
Fucking degenerate.
@36 He was dumb. He should’ve donated to Republicans, so he could buy his way out of this.
Rapey dimfuk is going through such a misogynist psychotic hate break…
it’s forgotten to ogle women’s beach volleyball and diving.
Sux to be teh kreepin’ freek of widbee…
@ 37
This is subtle…
Not if you have any fucking clue who Nikki Fried is, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Clearly you do not.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, it’s understandable that you thought that all those checks your wife wrote with “BBC” in the memo line were contributions to affiliates of Channel 9.
It’s inexcusable that with 100,000-plus comments on HA you have no fucking idea who Nikki Fried is. If you would STFU sometime and do some reading instead of bloviating, you might learn something.
Also not subtle: tweeting to the world that you did it.
You’re a fucking clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. An absolute fucking clown.
@46 Apparently it’s not too subtle for you. It was for them. You weren’t at the Capitol on Jan. 6, either. They were. It must be comforting to know there are at least 22 people on this planet dumber than you.
Today Jamie Raskin showed the world why his son committed suicide.
The poor kid died of embarrassment.
How important does one have to be, I muse, to be included in the screen names
And as teh babblin’ butthole used to gibe.. by the very act of responding, thank you for agreeing and acknowledging that you are:
rapey, feckless, irrelevant, etc..
You’ve more than earned it. Life is good.
Same reason none of y’all HA libbies lauds the intellect of The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
lauds the intellect
RedReformed is an HA HERO… “greedy racist incel” is in popular usage here and RedReformed conceived that only too accurate moniker for you.
rapey dimfuk teh kreepah of widbee otoh has achieved a unique distinction at HA…
Heh. I love it when it goes blah, blah, blah about “Tiers” from BENEATH the slime at the bottom of the troll barrel.
@ 51
RedReformed is an HA HERO…
Putting HA’s stupidest commenter in a special category created without basis by HA’s second-stupidest commenter does The Even Bigger Fucking Moron no favors, Goldy’s Fangirl.
Goldy’s Fangirl.
As always you’re projecting…
“Goldy fanboi”… What’s there not to love about “Goldy” for you?
Don’t grab at yourself too hard at the sight of “Goldy” strapless, fanboi.
Rapey dimfuk is going though through such a misogynist psychotic hate break..
It even forgot in its babblings to sub out “Caitlyn” for “Bruce”.
It would never do that for Chelsea Manning..
teh freak is losin’ it.
Research shows labor unions help lower the risk of poverty
And yet republicans and conservatives like the greedy racist incel hates unions (unless it’s a police union). You would think they would support unions to help get people off welfare.
unless it’s a police union
The nutjob Kasich in Ohio tried taking on the police unions and got its miserable ass handed to it.
Heh. That was “defunding the police” way before the current thing that dimfuk and its ilk babbles about.
Walker in WI saw and left that alone. That freak even exempted public safety unions from “right to work”..
@48. The greedy racist incel knows all about this. His parents know their only good son committed suicide also rather than stay being the greedy racist incel ‘s brother. The horror was just to much.
@57 teh greedee racist incel’s brother was a registered nurse.. I bet incel’s incessant misogynist taunts together with other family dysfunction drove the brother to opiate abuse and probable accidental death..
And no, you can’t rule out suicide.
Project on yours truly that psychosis all you want, racist incel..
I’m not going anywhere.
Hey Moobs McScrote:
I found a white guy who directed hate toward someone of Asian heritage. I know you like stories like that, Moobs.
Wilmington lawmaker won’t run for reelection after anti-Asian slur in email draws backlash
Missing from the story is what he said.
Also missing from the story is his political affiliation. However, there’s a link to a different story that spills the beans:
PREVIOUS REPORTING: Democrats say they won’t tolerate Rep. Gerald Brady’s slur, but have not asked him to resign
Maybe instead they’ll ask him to wash their cars. Or handle their dry cleaning, so they don’t have to face any more “chink broads” than necessary. Dems are always creative with the way they punish their own. Just ask Virginia’s guv and lt. guv.
Why aren’t national police unions ‘speaking out on behalf’ of Capitol cops?
Let me google that for you….
“Reminds me of the NRA and Philando Castile.”
“The same police unions defending Derick Chauvin. Go figure….”
“Because police associations largely support the police that attempted the insurrection, not the ones that tried to stop it.”
“Too many of their members were in the group attacking.”
“Because they are Proud Boys at night and on the weekends.”
“The police unions endorsed Trump.”
“Nothing to see here. It’s not like cops killed an unarmed black man.”
Of the pages of officers whom the Plain View researchers could positively identify, about 1 in 5 of the current officers, and 2 in 5 of the retired officers, made public posts or comments that met that threshold — typically by displaying bias, applauding violence, scoffing at due process, or using dehumanizing language. The officers mocked Mexicans, women, and black people, celebrated the Confederate flag, and showed a man wearing a kaffiyeh scarf in the crosshairs of a gun.
The people who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday are getting support from the president of Chicago’s Fraternal Order of Police lodge.
Greedy racist incel, what did YOU learn from these links?
Rep. Gerald Brady will not seek reelection when his term ends in 2022
Born 1956.. Your generation dimfuk.. Just wore out his welcome. Same as you being put out to pasture.
So you could bloviate non-stop at HA.
This is not going to help bring down the black youth unemployment rate.
19-year-old Boston man arrested for sexually assaulting horse
They caught him so quickly because he used to work there. Black dude working in a stable in a mostly white area of Boston. Black dude decides to get his rocks off at the same place he used to work.
That’s YLB-level intelligence right there.
This from dimfuk:
19-year-old Boston man arrested for sexually assaulting horse
Everyone bear witness to the intelligence of dimfuk , HA’s resident horse “whisperer”, posting something like this.
@ 62
Born 1956.
When was Biden born?
Biden’s 7/11 and cabbie slur toward Indian immigrants OK to you ’cause he’s old?
How about all the creepy behavior to young girls?
Since age means something to you, YLB, let’s hear your Biden defense.
You are kidding right.
The BLM movement was never about the GOP, it is about equality and justice and not brutalizing a victim because their race. It’s the GOP that made it about themselves because they couldn’t help themselves but be on the wrong side of an equation.
@ 64
HA libbies have proven they don’t know what treason is, what fascism is, what sedition is, or what racism is, YLB. Why the fuck would they have any idea what bestiality is? So I linked to an example.
There are photos and video. The dumbass really should have disconnected that last security camera.
let’s hear your Biden defense.
Heh. I was never much of a fan of foot-in-mouth, Senator from MBNA Joe Biden
But he repaired the blue wall, from his basement. During a pandemic where everything was improvised. He sounded the right notes much of the time.
Ok that was generous. He had a LOT of help..
From his idiot moron of an opponent with an R next to its name.
Biden’s welcome was far from being worn out with ENOUGH people – like MANY MILLIONS MORE people than the 10 million MORE people that his idiot opponent (with an R next to its name) managed to turn into greater fools.
Gerald Brady is going bye bye soon enough. Relax Herr Dicktor, retired.
HA libbies have proven they don’t know what treason is, what fascism is, what sedition is, or what racism is
It gets even better. The projection is OFF THE CHARTS…
“Intelligent” indeed.
Dimfuk you signed up to be a troll..
You’re stuck with whatever we shovel your way..
That has NOTHING to do with what HA “libbies” know or don’t know.
It has EVERYTHING to do with how you’ve decided to comport yourself here. There’s right wingers who’ve come here that I couldn’t in good conscience treat like a troll. Even as I disagreed with just about everything they had to say.
That said, please continue with your master golden years stroke off.
So Tara,
you want fewer people to vaccinate, right?
I mean that’s why you made up the story about expired vaccines and your fake FB friends in CO, right? You want to promote the idea that the vaccines are no good. That they don’t work. They might even be dangerous. Making up stories like that one would help convince people to refuse to vaccinate.
But what for?
Are you just into people dying? Or is that just an irrelevant consequence of another objective?
What objective would that be? And what would it have to do with Ed Buck, or Jackson Z. Kelley?
We answer that question, and I think maybe you run out reasons to be here. Or anywhere.
And, deny you the pleasure of watching?
Blue lives Matter. But not theses kinds of police!! These are Blu Lives
“The United States hereby reports that the Department has declined to issue a certification because it cannot conclude that Brooks was acting within the scope of his office or employment as a Member of Congress at the time of the incident out of which the claims in this case arose,”
Wow. Okay. I did not see that coming.
That to me is a big shift in institutional perspective for DOJ.
Bad news for Brooks, and maybe for a few others, including some in the White House at the time. I wouldn’t say “open season”.
Crisis actors. I probably should have seen this coming.
Unhinged conservatives lash out at Capitol police ‘crisis actors’ who testified before Jan. 6 commission
@59 Doesn’t matter who they are, or which letter is after their names, they have to go.
When they’re Ds, they go (see @62); when they’re Rs, the wagons circle around them. Ds and Rs aren’t the same.
@65 “Since age means something to you, YLB, let’s hear your Biden defense.”
He’s better than the cretin you voted for.
@66 “It’s the GOP that made it about themselves because they couldn’t help themselves but be on the wrong side of an equation.”
Plus they’re the main perpetrators of racism in this country.
@67 “HA libbies have proven they don’t know what treason is, what fascism is, what sedition is, or what racism is, YLB.”
And your tribe doesn’t know what Marxism, socialism, or communism is, so we’re even.
We tossed Al Franken.
“Family values conservatives” protected David Vitter.
Case closed.
Bob’s an angry, hate-filled degenerate in search of a reason to hate. Nothing more.
And increasingly unhinged. It’s been a pleasure watching him deteriorate that way.
I’m sure today was a struggle for him.
I can only imagine how Trump reacted.
It’s going to get worse. But they were warned.
And they did all this entirely to themselves.
Fuck ’em.
@82 Trouble is, they’re doing it to the rest of us, too.
One step at a time. We evicted Trump, flipped a couple of states and retook Congress. The economy is roaring back with higher wages, better benefits, and child poverty has been cut in half.
In six months.
That last one can’t be overstated. While we have been enjoying the spectacle of Republicans blowing themselves up, Biden and Democrats have wrought fundamental changes to the economy that can never be reversed. And these are changes that will echo down through succeeding generations and elections in ways not unlike The New Deal.
In response the GQP offers “the hair touching” and made-up stories about vaccines, space lasers and laptops. It’s performance art.
Just enjoy the show.
Trump went all-in for Susan Wright in TX-6.
And lost.
Without twitter he’s not the same.
An awful lot of Republican incumbents have signed on in expectation that Trump’s vocal support can produce a winning margin in close races in spite of his toxic baggage.
The earliest signs indicate that the toxic baggage is growing heavier. While Trump’s capacity to drive energy and turnout is dropping fast.