Please join us tonight for drinks, conversation, and, perhaps, ping pong at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm. You will most likely find us on the patio off the back of the pub. The kitchen isn’t open quite yet, but will be soon. Carry-in food is okay when the kitchen is closed.
Chapters of Drinking Liberally are re-opening all over the place. If you can’t make the Seattle chapter, find a chapter near you.
“The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) told CNN in May that more than 250 public health officials had left their jobs since the pandemic started — many of them against their will, and others under pressure from people opposed to public health efforts to control the pandemic.”
Why do we even try? Let the fuckers die. And don’t make me pay for their medical care through taxes or insurance premiums. That should come out of their assets and estates.
In this case another way of terming “abusing women physically” is to simply call it what it was: rape.
After Joe Biden got done crafting the new crime bill, someone had to sign it and lead the DOJ that put all those black men into prison for so long.
That someone is the namesake of the faculty position, “William J. Clinton Professor of Constitutional Law and Public Service.”
#MeToo is over. But the Maxwell document disclosures aren’t.
@ 1
Not stated in the article: Who fired her?
Not stated in Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s screed:
I don’t think it’s the children that got this underperforming chick fired.
@ 1, 3
Just because the shit-canned chick says she was fired because of the children doesn’t mean it’s true.
You see, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, all it takes is a little effort. Just a little. Effort that, for example, a competent attorney might make.
Here’s some backstory on the firing @ 1, 3, 4. She was credibly accused of being part of an effort to subvert parental authority and parental consent.
As if 14 year-olds possess the capacity to determine whether the vaccine side effect data or the incidence of clinically significant COVID-19 infection among unvaccinated teenagers should be considered when deciding whether to receive the vaccine. And which vaccine to receive.
I wonder if children above the age of 14 will be permitted to decide for themselves whether to be subjected to Critical Race Theory teaching in Tennessee public schools, according to the same Tennessee Supreme Court decision from 1987. What do you think Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit? Or do you need to read about it, first, for a change?
Too late.
Time to start calculating how badly y’all have hurt yourselves, libbies. Y’all chose poorly. Again.
The kids want the shots but the parents are trumpian anti vaxxers.
By “shots” @ 7, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, I assume you mean they want estrogen injections if they are male and androgen injections if they are female.
Because they will be able to make these decisions for themselves at age 14, too, if the same Supreme Court decision is misapplied WRT gender choice.
8 Straw man argument. That’s not what i said. You are lying. But what do you expect from a greedy racist incel who thinks Japanese internment justifies child labor and renegs on his bets and calls women especially black women “chicks”
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is a living, breathing argument that homosexuality may be an incapacitating mental illness.
Trust the science. Especially when the governor is facing a recall, when the science is least likely to be perverted for partisan purposes.
10 the greedy racist incel punches down when he has been bested.
11 so what?
re: allegations..
In this case another way of terming “abusing women physically” is to simply call it what it was: rape.
Something trolls like you fantasize about.. Here at HA.
Bill Clinton is just a simple way of deflecting that.
@2 For once we can agree on something: I would not name a law school professorship for Bill Clinton. There are plenty of other lawyers who are better role models and do not have a disciplinary record.
@3-5 “Not stated in the article: Who fired her?”
I didn’t say anything about “her.” My comment, and the portion of the article I quoted, is about “them.” So is my point.
You need to get your attention deficit disorder under control. Consider medication. Sometimes it can help.
@6 “Time to start calculating how badly y’all have hurt yourselves, libbies. Y’all chose poorly. Again.”
Sometimes Democrats do “choose poorly,” as you put it. But they don’t brag about their stupid mistakes or turn them into fundraising appeals.
They didn’t kill 600,000 Americans with neglect, misinformation, and outright lies, either. By historical measures, that qualifies as a genocide.
Liberals are human and can make mistakes. But they don’t work to be on the wrong side of everything, as you do.
@10 If we accepted the premise of your argument as valid, and I’m not saying we do, the natural response would be, “at least he has an excuse.”
@11 Unlike you, they’re doing the best they can, and they’re doing it for the public good.
@14 Actually, I think he envies Bill Clinton, and wishes he could get close enough to a woman to fondle one. I’d get tired of horses, too. They smell.
Now I know why it took so long to get my stimulus direct deposits. The asshole Trump installed at Social Security held them up.
Recalling now Teh Dumbfuck’s strident complaints that merely “grabbing them by the pussy” against their will does not meet HIS definition of “legitimate rape”.
But it turns out it’s a sliding scale standard. Of course.
So let’s be clear about this once and for all.
More than 74 million Republicans eagerly voted to make Donald J Trump President of the United States only a few weeks after he admitted to them in a national television address that he had “grabbed women by the pussy”.
If that is rape, then every single one of them voted to put a rapist in the White House.
That fact has a whole lot to do with how fucked up and irrational they’ve become since then. That kind of thing has a powerful dehumanizing effect on people. It’s why the Nazis and Soviets put so much effort into involving regular citizens, neighbors, coworkers, and family members into reporting their fellow citizens to the state and involving them in the brutal atrocities. In order to implement a totalitarian society it is necessary to dissociate citizens from their own communities and dehumanize them. One way of doing that is to get them to agree to the dehumanizing violence.
The “conservative” totalitarian state Republicans dream of is one where women in particular are to be reduced in status and made dependent upon men for security, safety, and well being. Reinforcing and ultimately celebrating rape-culture in America follows quite naturally. It dovetails into every aspect of “conservative” culture wars themes.
The rape fantasies are very real.
Remember a few months ago when Tara was warning us all about “Four More Years”?
Her perfect record remains unbroken.
It’s much worse. Much.
Tennessee Republicans have enacted a halt to ALL vaccine programs aimed at children.
Everything. Measles. Mumps. Chicken pox. TDAP. Meningitis.
And or course Teh Dumbfuck’s humiliation is much worse.
They more or less shit themselves after Chelsea Clinton made a mean Tweet about them last Friday. That resulted in a total fucking angry meltdown culminating in the firing on Monday.
So yes. This is…
… another…
… #owngoal
Kill a kid, own a lib.
The Tennessee Department of Health will halt all adolescent vaccine outreach – not just for coronavirus, but all diseases – amid pressure from Republican state lawmakers, according to an internal report and agency emails obtained by the Tennessean.
America loves our president!
The Hill/HarrisX 59% Approve 41% Disapprove
God bless America!
“Tennessee Department of Health halts all vaccine outreach to kids – not just for COVID-19, but all diseases – amid pressure from GOP. Staff ordered to remove the agency logo from any documents providing vaccine info to the public”
This is insane.
Tennessee just wants to “cull the herd.” It is plain and simple. We can hear the banjos from here.
Remember, Republicans only care about kids when they are in womb, the couldn’t give a damn after they are born (unless they are born-again).
This is what five years of uninhibited support for a degenerate hand rapist has brought them to.
A population of people as wedded to moralizing as Republicans are incapable of withstanding that kind of cognitive dissonance without it causing widespread dissociative fugue.
Breeding (Heterosexuality) will not save you. Your Penis is not your brain. If anything, your brain is your ass.
Send all Tennesseans to Whidbey Island.
Breeding will not save them.
Republicans who voted against the Covid relief bill in March voted to defund police.
Lookee here — video of Doctor Dumbfuck necking with several of his many girlfriends!
@22 Speaking of “reporting their fellow citizens to the state,” some people are more than happy to.
In this case, at least four “fellow citizens” did.
Tucker Carlson is urging Republicans to pass legislation to put surveillance cameras in middle school classrooms so guys like Matt Gaetz and his “Wingman!” can watch your pre-teen daughter without her knowing about it.
Following the Jan 6th terror attack on The Capitol, Republicans have plans to bring the insurrection you YOU!
The same people who brought you the Jan 6 “Stop the Steal” event and turned it into a terrorist attack are now coming to your hometown with the same mobs recruited locally. “Based Stickman”, The 3%ers, “KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN!!!”, Oath Keepers, and “Q Shaman” are now on call and ready to parachute into a local Congressional town hall event in your community this summer.
Are you ready?
RINO alert!! RINO alert!!
‘You FRAUD!’ Trump supporters rage after Kevin McCarthy tells Fox News Biden was ‘legitimately elected’
God bless Raw Story.
Locked, loaded, and ready to nuke Walmart FEMA camps from orbit.
Seriously, though, is there another way forward? We know the destination – American freedom and democracy restored. How do we get there without incarcerating and executing an awful lot of treasonous fucking Americans? And if that’s the only way to get there, are you ready?
Small (Stupid) Government.
What a fucking moron DeSuckAss is.
Hubba Hubba Hubba! Grab’em by the Pussy!
I think the naked woman who forced Trump’s Border Patrol goons to flee Portland last summer is an inspiration and an example to us all. She appears to have discovered fascism’s greatest point of vulnerability.
A couple of months ago DeSantis signed SB1 which makes it perfectly legal for any Florida motorist to run down and kill any protester blocking a state highway.
I’m on my way! Gonna use miles to upgrade to an H2.
@40 They seem to want their own country, and since unoccupied land is in short supply, whose land can we expropriate to provide survivors of the Biden Holocaust with a homeland where they’ll be safe from soshulizm? Mooslim land will do, but I’d rather take it from Fake Christians.
@41 Here’s his chance to teargas some protesters. Just what he’s been waiting for.
They already have a few “model” countries to choose from: Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Kentucky to name a few. Those states are already run by their rabid tribe and they akin the the “shitholes” that their orange saint once referred to.
42, 44 you don’t understand that was the “run over black protestors” law. It doesn’t apply to anyone else. ”
Only the ‘right’ protestors should be run over.”
You know if someone hit republican protesters, Florida government would not enforce their own law and the driver would be punished the same way a black woman is punished if she tries to use “stand your ground”. For you conservatives this means that unlike Zimmerman who went free the black woman will spend years in jail
“We’ve been over this.
You don’t have standing:”
“The federal Fair Employment and Housing Act offers legal protection to specified categories of citizens against discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in the workplace. Police are not among the specified categories. Nor are bricklayers. Nor are stamp collectors. Nor are cat fanciers. etc.
Undoubtedly you were told this when you attempted to pursue your complaint through your normal HR process. What? You never made any formal complaint to your employer? All you’ve done so far is circulate a petition online among your fellow police?
I see. Okay. Thanks for dropping by. Pat here can show you to the elevator lobby. Please help yourself to a complimentary water bottle on your way out. Good luck.”
@ 49
It’s kabuki theater.. As it will be when some of the 16 artists chosen for the temporary artistry sue the City of Palo Alto because the art is only temporary.
It’s not about proving standing. It’s about laying a historic groundwork for the claim that stress and harassment caused by the provocative art is grounds for compensated early retirement. You know how public unions behave, QoS McHillbilly. If they were transit union members demanding early retirement because of the the stress and harassment created by a thin blue line mural in a train tunnel you’d offer your full-throated support.
The Vicious Troll’s credibility goes out the window when he can’t even denounce what happen on January 6th.
His whole response of comparing it to anti-fa / BLM uprising is complete bullshit and his way of ignoring January 6th – pathetic soul. Demented actually and traitorous.
Undoubtedly, as a “diehard Trump supporter” you’re okay with that.
I for one resent paying taxes to fund already overburdened civil court systems to put on low quality entertainment productions. Lawyers, judges, and court administrators are bad at it. It’s just not very entertaining. It costs everyone lots of money. And there are much better products available on streaming services or even down at the local community theater.
The really good news is that California has a pretty strong anti-SLAPP law. So this groundless attempt at “laying a historic groundwork for the claim that stress and harassment caused by the provocative art is grounds for compensated early retirement” is going to cost the union a bunch of extra money.
Because police do not have standing to sue under the cited law. (This is not a question of fact for a jury. It’s a question of settled law for a judge in pretrial. Standing is determined by statute, not by juries. There’s nothing to “prove” here. Get out of the deep end before you drown.)
Because the named plaintiffs took no meaningful action prior to filing to bring their claims to the attention of the defendants, as required under the cited law.
And because police have done such a terrible job of covering themselves in neck-kneeling disgrace and disrepute in the past twelve months that locally elected judges and government attorneys are eager to make an example of them.
Tara you aren’t even thinking straight yet this morning. All of the purported fact set that you are trying to advance would relate to disability claims under state disability laws and collective bargaining agreements. That might even be a better legal avenue. But it would not be a smart move politically (or theatrically).
If being urged to “love each other” can result in disabling emotional injury to most police officers it would prompt the average municipal taxpayer to wonder “what good can they possibly be at protecting the rest of us?”
I keep telling you, police just don’t do what you think they do.
You really should believe me.
@50 “It’s kabuki theater.. As it will be when some of the 16 artists chosen for the temporary artistry sue the City of Palo Alto because the art is only temporary.”
The police lawsuit is real. The artists’ lawsuit exists only in your imagination.
Analogies exist.
@51 He never had any credibility to go out a window, no matter how many windows you have.
@52 “Tara you aren’t even thinking straight yet this morning.”
In other words, today is another day just like all the preceding days.