Seattle’s Drinking Liberally will meet in person on Tuesday! Please join us for an evening of politics over a pint.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm. The kitchen isn’t currently open but will be soon. Carry-in food is cool when the kitchen is closed. Occupancy limits are still in place, so admission will be first come-first serve.
Evangelical clergy largely unified in urging their followers to get vaccinated.
Trump and GOP define right wing partisan loyalty and identity in terms of rejecting the pandemic as “fake”
Vaccine hesitancy highest among right wing evangelicals.
Ergo: right wing evangelicals are more partisan than they are religious.
So go right ahead and “Grab ’em by the pussy”. Jesus has got your back.
Hmmm.. MacKenzie Scott, formerly Mrs. Jeff Bezos, got 4 percent of Amazon stock in her divorce settlement..
She proceeded to give money away to a host of worthy causes, many of which are devoted to advancing racial justice.
She’s given away 8 freaking billion dollars so far and has promised to keep giving until “the safe is empty”.. Good on her.
And guess what? Her net worth has only GROWN since she started her philanthropy.. She’s worth 60 billion.
We’ve seen this before. Paul Allen pissed away billions on his pet projects yet he only got richer.
And klownservatics only want to cut their taxes.
Too bad for pos rapey dimfook.. MacKenzie remarried. To a guy who was making LESS than 40k a year. A chem teacher at Lakeside where MacKenzie sends her kids to school.
Institutions of white supremacy and white privilege lost out big time.
Grab’ems by the Pussy!!!!!!
If we all say it together then maybe they’ll have to explain to every owner of a vagina that it’s ok.
My kind of person!
@3 What’s the psychiatric term for trying to normalize abnormal behavior?
I’m thinking taboophobia …
@1 God was napping in 2016, but didn’t make that same mistake twice. Good on her.
Finally an Antifa POS is treated like the POS he is.
Portland man who pleaded guilty to setting fire near police precinct gets 5 years in prison
May he be raped in prison. Daily.
@ 5
What’s the psychiatric term for trying to normalize abnormal behavior?
Heh. Dimfuk is too silly..
“Progressive” just means wanting things to be better..
People have no health care or getting screwed by insurance companies. Fix it.
Infrastructure crumbling, getting unsafe. Fix it..
Education needed to compete in today’s economy.. Make it available and affordable.
Roads congested? People can’t get from A to B without road rage.. Create alternatives like light rail….
Of course klownservatics are opposed to making things better for the majority of people.. Only for themselves.. “Klownservaticism” is just a fig leaf over white privilege and white supremacy.
And the worst part for Tara is they always do get better.
Admitting to a fairly poor understanding of both fascism and the forces and circumstances that gave rise to it in the 1920s and 1930s, recently I’ve been doing as much reading about it as my spare time, and the incredible Biden/Harris recovery allow.
And the thing that really strikes me is how much more difficult it is for authoritarians to inculcate widespread support among more modern democratic societies where decent public education and abundant free media are available and normal. The fear mongering and scapegoating never fully take hold before people begin to catch on. Moreover, the average voter’s capacity to engage in even relatively simple critical analysis of multivariable problems is so much more advanced than a century ago.
Sure, people still succumb to bumper-sticker slogans and binary thinking initially. But over time, often before bias has a chance to set in, more people gain a more nuanced appreciation of the big questions. And most of the time they wind up rejecting authoritarian solutions in the long run. They begin to appreciate the advantages of a system rooted in the methodical exercise of law rather than the violent exercise of raw power. And this is especially true when they are given examples of the latter’s consistent failure, provided almost exclusively by Republicans (e.g. Bush/Cheney).
Think about the sweep of the rejection of the neo-cons in the modern Republican party. Groups like PNAC will never again obtain the kind of dominating influence they once wielded only a few years ago. And it’s really fundamentally difficult for Republicans to gin up any willingness among their base to “nuke the shit out of them”. Even the dumbest people among us have finally begun to figure out the scam of American Imperialism Inc.
And all of this is mostly do to enormous progress that has been made in bringing both education and media access to the masses in most of the world. The places where those institutions remain weakest are where our concerns ought to lie. And more than ever we should be mindful of the need to strengthen these institutions at home. But thanks to progressive success here in the U.S. any full embrace of fascism can only precede a long term political decline. Bon voyage, GOP.
@ 10
And the worst part for Tara is they always do get better.
So, wealth gap not a problem, then. Good to know.
@ 10
Bon voyage, GOP.
Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.
Remember the Democrat “permanent majority”? How long did that one last?
Last two elections, I recall, y’all libbies were gonna turn Texas red. What happened there?
That’s just for starters.
What could go wrong?
Former Trump officials help Biden with Putin summit prep
I’m available to help if called upon. First order is to try to prevent Biden from speaking gibberish.
Actually, no.
I do remember “four more years of Trump” being repeated about five thousand times only a few months ago.
Haven’t checked in lately. How’s that going?
Turn Texas “red”? More day drinking I guess.
But also the mistake itself belies the real transformation.
It’s not so much that Texas becomes “blue” as that Texas becomes more diverse, younger, more urban, and more educated. That process continues apace as it has for a couple of decades. In prior generations and cycles Texas’ relatively binary alignment of voters shifted back and forth only very slowly, if at all. And the most significant of those shifts centered around the civil rights movement, the launching of The Southern Strategy.
The Democratic Party’s embrace of civil rights alongside the Republican Party’s embrace of apartheid led indirectly to Republicans winning eight of the next fourteen nationwide elections. But it also prefigured the electoral trap that Republicans find themselves in today where they can no longer really hold out hope to win the popular vote. And their only hope for winning the electoral college vote relies on combining state level election fraud with state level winner-take-all laws. And both of those are on life support.
Quote of the Day
“We are fucked … they are coming for us.” — Proud Boys, Feb. 1, 2021
Arizona and Georgia. Texas is next. That is, unless you’re successful in your goal to put an end to American democracy and replacing it with the minority-party fascist rule under a raging orange man-baby dictator you and Putin crave so much. Without that, I’d say your future is looking really fucking bleak, you stupid dumbfuck traitor.
@7 Good, another violent revolutionary is off the streets. Get them all off the streets: Antifa, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, QAnon, KKK, neo-Nazis, vigilantes, car terrorists, all of ’em. Get the violent racist cops off the streets, too.
@8 I can see why they stuck you in radiology.
@13 Prominently missing from that lineup is … Trump.
Biden’s team probably figures he’s “kompromat.”
Don’t forget for an instant that somebody carried out the planning, fund raising, scheduling, promotion, and organizing on these meatheads behalf.
They are simply too stupid to have done anything effectively on their own. Consider their leader, Tarrio. Two days before the GOP Terror Attack, while himself serving as a cooperating witness in an unrelated FBI criminal investigation, he is narc’d out by a mole in his own close protection team, and busted for carrying a ton of illegal weapons into the District. He then narcs on himself, revealing to the rest of his members his pre-existing cooperation agreement with the FBI. And now he reveals that he has testified before a federal grand jury against other PBs.
Somebody pays for all the website support, the promotions. the airfares, the lawyers. And the same people are doing the planning and organizing on behalf of the dumbest criminals ever. These shitheads are Idiocracy come to life. Without adult supervision they’d have accidentally stabbed themselves and caught themselves on fire months ago.
And the Darwin Award for June goes to…
It might seem like Spring Break in Florida, but it’s really a “protest”.
Woman killed after car drives into protesters in Minneapolis
Play games in the street at night, take your chances.
Winston Boogie Smith would have laughed at @ 21 this chick.
@ 20
Don’t forget for an instant that somebody carried out the planning, fund raising, scheduling, promotion, and organizing on these meatheads behalf.
If you read backwards you can decipher the Proud Boys’ organizational chart.
With fired-from-his-only-real-job-literally-cleaning-up-chicken-shit Rico Tarrio at the top, I think we can safely assume any adult planning was outsourced.
Character really is destiny.
Play games of treason with patriots, take your chances.
Andy Borowitz
Was watching the finale of Season 4 of the Handmaids Tale. Thought since the Canadians, Americans and tge ICC flipped Commander Waterford, June was going to kill him. By the end, hes traded to Gillead for 22 members of tge resistance. THen handed over to June and her friends in No Mans Land. Lets just say if Joseph fiennes is back in season 5, it will only be flashbacks.
Personally, I had been hoping after Waterford had been captured, he would be airlifted to Anchorage to stand trial. Unfortunately, since his arrest in Episode of 11 of Season 3, took place on Canadian soil, it was an ICC warrant being served. I know it’s a fictional tv show, based on a book, but the events of January 6th reminded me of the violent overthrow of the U.S. Government in the book and show. In a way, June/OfFred and her friends carried out the sentence for someone who violated Article III, Section 3 of the US Constitution. The exchange reminded me of Bridge of Spies, but no Snipers, plus in real life, Canadian Snipers have carried out some of the longest ranged sniper shots.
Juneteenth passed the Senate!
Ron Johnson was unable to block it this time, and Moscow Mitch decided it was a bad time to invest in another filibuster. So it passes the Senate over GOP objections and moves over to the House (where two whole Republicans signed on to co-sponsor), hopefully to be fast tracked for signing on the very day of celebration!
Another tremendous Biden/Harris progressive milestone.