It’s Tuesday! And that means the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets for an evening of libations-fueled political musings. Please stop by, if you can.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. Look for us in the back room of the pub beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? There are hundreds of chapters of Living Liberally, including dozens in Washington state, a bunch in Oregon and even a few in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or start a new chapter for your community!
Y’all libbies are so cool.
VIDEO: Fight Breaks Out At Bernie Sanders Rally In Colorado
With your edgy T-shirt slogans and your diverse leanings, all in support of a socialist.
It wasn’t immediately clear to CBS4’s crew what the two men were fighting about, but someone contacted CBS4 on Monday by phone and said he is a Sanders supporter and one of the people involved. He said his name is Tyler and that a person with a T-shirt on that read “Black Guns Matter” was with two other men and they were booing during the speech. When Tyler tried to capture video of the booing on his phone’s camera, the man shoved him through the barrier. Tyler then retaliated. It was that action which was captured by CBS4’s camera.
Most of all I love your willingness to call a black guy a “racist” because he wears a T-shirt with a slogan that defends firearm possession.
It’s almost as brave as Steve calling me a Putin stooge because it’s easier for him than defending his preferred party’s astonishingly poor choice to clear the decks for The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 in 2016.
What does a failed liberal do when the Nazi label doesn’t work?
Hey, try another baseless label.
Goldy Retweeted
Joan McCarter
Forget socialism, the threat to 2020 is Trump’s Stalinism …
Forget socialism, the threat to 2020 is Trump’s Stalinism
Impeached president Donald Trump has learned a lot from Russian President Vladimir Putin, and for someone who has a personality more akin to Josef Stalin—the narcissism, paranoia, messiah complex f…
Maybe that way nobody will notice that the Democrats are about to run a guy who cut his political teeth while actually immersed in the Soviet Union.
Hey Libbies – Dow 28,000 here we come!
When The Chardonnay Lady 3.0 wins the Democrat nomination after a nasty brokered convention, I hope she nominates Abrams for VP.
ABC News✔
Stacey Abrams “would be honored to run for vice president with the nominee” if asked.
“It would be doing a disservice to every woman of color, every woman of ambition…for me to say no,” she adds. “Of course I want it—of course I want to serve America.”
11:24 AM – Feb 17, 2020
Then both ends of the Democrat ticket will be held by women who can’t bear to admit that their last election was fairly lost.
Nothing would excite Steve more than a pair of candidates who deny reality the same way that he does.
What or who said anything about racism? Except you being a racist, homophobe, anti Semite Troll?
I’m pretty sure the word “sucked” was used because they knew gman would end up hearing about it.
Where Bloomberg really cleans up is with the self-described “moderate” Democrats and independents. In that Demographic he’s getting 29% support. But he doesn’t appear to be drawing from Biden’s pool of moderate voters because he’s still ringing up 23%. Bloomberg looks to have primarily sucked all the life out of Buttigieg’s campaign because Mayor Pete is only registering 8% with moderates and 7% with progressives.
Bloomberg made the debate in NV.
Enjoy the next few months, liberals, comforted by the knowledge that the DNC has learned its important lesson from gaming the 2016 primary season the same way that Nevada Democrats have learned their important lesson from observing the 2020 Iowa caucus.
The Boy Scouts of America filed for bankruptcy.
It really sucks that people in the organization are having to pay for the failure of leaders from 30 years ago.
For what it’s worth, the BSA has been changing their process to stop this.
I remember getting this training when I was chaperone at cub scout camp.
And of course, I found comments from trumpers blaming everyone they hate for this. “The gays are destroying the Boy Scouts. because we wouldn’t let them be leaders.” “The MeTo movement is trying to feminize boys.” “They destroyed it when they allowed girls to join” “As long as they still don’t allow atheists to corrupt the org.”
My son loved cub scouts, but when he transitioned to Boy scouts, it was a different mix of boys and leaders and the leaders had no problem with the teenagers being racists to American Indians. “That’s just boys being boys.” said the scout leader. My son left that troop soon after that and never went back.
@ 8,9
My younger brother didn’t have an easy time growing up in the early ’80s. He turned out to be bisexual and I suppose that struggle with his sexuality might have had something to do with it.
Anyway, once he ran away from home. When my parents tracked him down he was hiding in the home of his Scoutmaster, who had taken him in but did not call my parents.
My brother learned to smoke weed on Boy Scout camping trips. He was expelled from high school when marijuana was found in his locker.
He became a RN after failed attempts to be accepted into medical school – a 3.2 GPA won’t do it. In the mid-90s he overdosed on morphine, and died.
If BSA dies, I’m OK with it. I think my parents, were they alive today, would be OK with it.
It all just came out of nowhere!
“Y’all libbies are so cool.”
You’re coming off as being not cool and yet trying so hard to be cool.
“It’s almost as brave as Steve calling me a Putin stooge because it’s easier for him than defending his preferred party’s astonishingly poor choice to clear the decks for The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 in 2016.”
I call you a Putin stooge because you’ve posted over 4,000+ pro-Putin hash tags and didn’t get a single fucking ruble for your treason.
That makes you a Putin stooge and a dumbfuck.
hey Bob – what do you think? That Coronavirus getting better?
I’m not cheering it on, contrarily I think I take it a bit more seriously and I only bring it up because you seem to fluff it off and gauge the World’s (or your) future on your wallet (Stock Market).
How’s that Stock Market today? 28,000 Baby?
Just think most of the BSA leaders were married with children.
What the fuck are a bunch of married men abusing boys for?
Come out of the closet already you fucks.
@10. I’m sorry for the loss of your brother.
@10 I remember the 1980s. It was still a fucked up time to not be 100% straight and a lot of families didn’t have the mental tools, or were too bigoted or didn’t even try to accept a son who didn’t conform.
There was a lot that you didn’t include in your story.
When your brother ran away, was his home life so miserable that the scout leader thought he was doing the right thing by not immediately return the teenage to that toxic environment?
You imply that it was ONLY because the scouts allowed your brother to smoke illegal weed, ruin his life, and eventually kill himself, and if he had not been in the BSA, he would still be here today. Back then, one of the reasons I knew people risked weed and getting kicked out of school, was to escape something really bad, like a horrible environment.
@ 16
I’m sure you’re correct, on all insinuations. It was a Democrat household, for starters.
#WallStreetPete now with a 2% chance to secure the Democrat nomination.
@17 back in the that time I don’t think it mattered whether Dem. or Rep. Household.
Times have evolved. And it would be great if Professional Sports (the Leagues and Fans) didn’t make it so hard for an openly gay person to participate. If it were more accepting back then, it could have saved your brother, just knowing that acceptance of him for who he was wasn’t any different from anyone else, if that played a role in his decision to take his own life.
I am too sorry for your loss of your brother.
I never considered what political orientation your family was. that’s your obsession. Being un-accepting crossed all political lines back then. Back then, making life toxic for the non straights was just what too many families did, regardless of their politics. I did not know a gay man who came out during that time, who didn’t at least worry that that their family would kick them out and disown them, just for admitting who they loved. i knew several who were disowned.
I’m sorry for your loss. The senseless death of a brother must have been hard to come to terms with.
@20 At that time I don’t think any of it was based on political lines. More about religion and just culture. It didn’t matter whether Republican or Democrat. And I don’t even think religion played a role back then as much as it does today.
Culture with respect to individuals respecting others, period.
“I am too sorry for your loss of your brother.”
Indeed, same here, Doctor. A huge loss. So hard on any living parents as well, losing a son or daughter under any circumstances, but with some losses its a lot harder than others, reconciling one’s own role in a such sad, tragic outcome. I see my ex’s suicide of her oldest son as just a more abrupt way of taking one’s life as, say your brother’s path.
There but for the grace of God… the kind of common ground people with petty political squabbles can share that still means something.
Two of the guys I work with, both estimators, are kind of complete opposites and kind of get along the friendliest.
One of them is a Republican, and a Trump supporter, although I don’t believe he always agrees with what The Hump does. He is married and an has two grown kids that I know of. He is in his late 50’s or early 60’s, if I had to guess.
The other is a Democrat in his mid 40’s, I think, because what he expresses isn’t positive with regard to The Hump. He is gay, but not open about it, but I know that others know. And although he may know the same about me, he and I have never discussed or let on that we know that each of us is gay – I guess it really doesn’t matter. For me I’m not attracted to him, he actually drives me up a wall – a couple of weeks ago I asked to relocate my seating arrangement just to get away from him; he is always fidgeting and slamming his desk drawers and making noises while he eats. One time he complained that one of our co-workers, a young woman, used hand cream that he thought didn’t smell good, and he told her that there was office etiquette with respect to the use of hand cream in. They actually made the girl to stop using it, which was unbelievable.
But I digress, not even sure where I left off…
There are others that know that this guy is gay but I don’t know if the Republican guy knows.
They get along and bullshit, even though they have political difference, and like each other. The Republican guy initiates more of the discuss, and he brings his daughter’s baked goods into the office specifically for this other guy.
Their similarity is that neither one likes to work that much. But this is NYC, a different place with respect to people liking to work and also being friendly to a more diverse social group.
Free Stuff Dep’t
“At one event at a brewery in Richmond, Virginia, a group of gun rights supporters showed up, telling NBC News they despised Bloomberg but had come for the free beer.”
They’re not above taking it.
The rap on Bloomberg is he’s aloof. (Well, lots of other raps, too.)
But if we must hold our noses and vote for a billionaire dedicated to preserving Wall Street’s gains, which billionaire is a no-brainer.
So Doctor Dumbfuck, of course, will vote for the pussy-grabbing Kremlin tool, because he has no brain.
Nominating Bloomberg (ugh) would test the character of Republican voters, because he’s a DINO many of them could vote for — if they have enough character to unbridle themselves from the stinking outhouse that is Trump.
In theory, this could pry loose several of the states that Trump won in 2016 and maybe some red ones, too.
But I’ll bet damn few Republican voters would cross over from Trump to Bloomberg, and not just because of the “D,” but because Trump is not out of sync with the GOP base. They are what Trump is, and Trump is what they are.
@21 “your diverse leanings”
Exactly! As Will Rogers famously said decades ago, “I belong to no organized political party; I’m a Democrat.”
We’re not a homogenous clump of overfed middle-aged white people like the GOP that reminds you of past-due-date cheese going bad in the fridge.
We don’t make our followers toe an ideological line, as the GOP does.
Unlike the GOP, we allow debate and dissent; and we let our supporters choose our nominee, instead of conducting sham primaries with only one candidate on the ballot like in communist, banana republic, and shithole countries.
You might call the Democratic Party a “controlled riot” — we’re raucous, noisy, and rambunctious, like a flock of seagulls in a fast food parking lot.
We’re America’s fast-casual party; we’re capable of nominating anybody from a Sanders to a Bloomberg, with lots of menu choices between; whereas the GOP is a greasy-spoon where you can order anything you like but what you’ll get is a tasteless cardboard cheeseburger and a diet Pepsi.
You say that is if it’s something to be lamented rather than celebrated, which is so predictable coming from a Republican like you. Diversity is our trademark; narrow-mindedness is yours.
I’d rather be us than you.
@1 While you’re on the subject of people’s behavior at Sanders rallies, why don’t you also share your thoughts about people’s behavior at Trump rallies?
You won’t, of course, because you’re a hypocrite and you come here to troll, not discuss. You’re here to pound on a garbage can lid, not solve anything. You’re like the guy outside an abortion doctor’s office, Bible in hand, who overtalks you and starts loudly quoting Scripture if you try to debate with him. In short, you’re just noise.
@2 Trump, Hitler, and Stalin all have a lot in common, so it’s not surprising that some people consider the Republican, Nazi, and Communist labels interchangeable.
Trump’s coziness with Russia and affection for Putin aren’t random accidents of history. He aspires to be what Putin is, and Putin is what what Russia was when Putin was cutting his KGB teeth in East Berlin.
Reagan went to Berlin to tell Gorbachev to tear down a wall. Putin and Trump are building new walls. The GOP isn’t Reagan’s party anymore. His ideological enemies have repurposed it for their own uses.
@3 Stocks aren’t cheap enough yet. By sitting tight, I’m betting Trump and his lackeys can’t rescue the stock market.
Corporate buybacks have dipped to their lowest level since 2013. That means the major buyer of stocks is leaving the market.
This should be interesting.
If this were The Gong Show you know what follows.
@4 “Then both ends of the Democrat ticket will be held by women who can’t bear to admit that their last election was fairly lost.”
Of course you think throwing tens of thousands of legitimate voters off the rolls right before an election and systematically suppressing the black vote is “fair.”
This time, I won’t say it’s because you’re a dumbfuck, because you know better. Well, indirectly it is. It’s because you’re a Republican, and you’re a Republican because you’re a dumbfuck.
Let’s posit that Bloomberg wins the nomination, then picks Hillary as his running mate, and they beat Trump.
Nose holding aside, the Trumpublican reaction to that would be lovely, just lovely, the entertainment extravaganza of the century, worthy of its own special-category Oscar!
And then let’s suppose 78-year-old Bloomberg doesn’t make it to 82, and guess what, will Hillary ever be president! Doctor Dumbfuck’s reaction to that would be lovely, just lovely …
Face, meet crate of eggs …
I’m not saying that’s the outcome I want, but the mere possibility is worth laying in a largish supply of popcorn for.
@7 “Enjoy the next few months, liberals, comforted by the knowledge that the DNC has learned its important lesson from gaming the 2016 primary season the same way that Nevada Democrats have learned their important lesson from observing the 2020 Iowa caucus.”
Yeah, Republicans won’t have these problems; they’ve found a way not to, which has nothing to do with organizing skills.
@10 So what did your family tragedy teach you?
Tolerance and compassion for people whose biology doesn’t neatly fit into ignorant and outdated social norms? Or do you despise your late brother’s chromosomes and blame the Boy Scouts for the morphine overdose that killed him?
Here’s your chance to show us you’re not really a dumbfuck, but only a troll pretending to be a dumbfuck.
@12 “It’s almost as brave as Steve calling me a Putin stooge because it’s easier for him than defending his preferred party’s astonishingly poor choice to clear the decks for The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 in 2016.”
Well, Steve, I find it astonishing that Doctor Dumbfuck can bleat about the Democrats’ “poor choice” of Hillary but has nothing to say about his preferred party’s choice to clear their decks for someone far, far worse. I guess that’s what we have to expect from a dumbfuck.
@15 Me, too, but I’m curious whether he learned anything from his family’s tragedy, or it just turned a bigot into a bitter bigot.
@16 All the gay people I’ve known, who come to mind, are/were in stable relationships and none ever exploited children.
Pedophiles exist in every demographic group. Even the Amish have them. Not surprisingly, they gravitate to social institutions, most notoriously the Catholic priesthood, that provide them with access to children, a cover, and refuge from consequences.
Neither the Church nor the Boy Scouts can be said to be perpetrators, but allowing themselves to be used in this way got them into legal hot water. These are negligence, not intentional tort, cases. But their negligence was inexcusable.
How many times did Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit vote for Ed Mole?
@16 All the gay people I’ve known, who come to mind, are/were in stable relationships and none ever exploited children.
Sometimes people, especially older folks, talk about “the good old days.” The entire Republican Party (old, white) is backward-looking. Well, the good old days were filled with chasing the secretary around the desk, fondling boys, bullying and hazing, segregation and freely using the “n” word, stuffing women into male-defined roles, etc., and all of this was socially accepted. How can anyone in their right mind want any of that again?
@40 Didn’t know the guy. Whether I voted for him, or would have, is a red herring because nobody knew then what he was up to. When it became known, his own party disowned him and forced him to resign from public office.
Trump, otoh, is an utterly known quantity. Republicans not only don’t shun him, they embrace him. That’s the difference between us and them.
And you’re no different; you’re still shilling for him. I’m so glad I’m me, not you, because it really sucks to be you.
Democrats gambled on Hillary, and lost. Bigly.
Prosecutors say ‘extensive gambling’ led to Mass. State Rep. David Nangle’s bank and wire fraud charges
Massachusetts State Rep. David Nangle, who is accused of using campaign funds to pay for personal expenses, had “regular cash flow problems as a result of extensive gambling,” federal prosecutors said in court records.
The Democratic state representative was arrested Tuesday on several charges of wire fraud, bank fraud, filing false tax returns and making false statements to a bank.
Democrats, what did your electoral tragedy teach you?
@43 “Democrats gambled on Hillary, and lost.”
No. She got nearly 3 million more votes than Trump. He got the White House only because of the aberrant electoral college system. And he surpasses Nixon as the most unpopular president ever.
That’s some “winning” you’re bragging up, dumbfuck.
@43 Poor Doctor Dumbfuck has to scour state legislatures to find a crooked Democrat while the rancid stink of rampant corruption daily streams from the very top of his party. It sucks to be him.
@31 Why leave it to imagination, when we have YouTube?
“They peaked early.”
You could say the same thing about the Republican Party. They peaked about in, oh, 1865. Ever since, they’ve gradually been evolving into what they are today: radioactive chickenheads.
Now here’s an example of an act that didn’t get gonged:
(But notice the interesting judges’ scores)
I’ll guess Doctor Dumbfuck’s act would last less than 10 seconds on the Gong Show because he’s neither good nor entertaining in a bad way. He’s the worst kind of boring that gets exceptionally bad acts peremptorily bonged.
30 Shorter racist incel Rodger rabbit why are you hoarding giraffes?
@48 To sell them for a profit to a bigger fool, of course. Why would I feed them and clean up their shit any longer than I had to?
Wow a state rep who reads like trump with out the cover of republican senators to shield him.
Latest NBC/WSJ national poll of likely Democratic primary voters:
Sanders, 27%, unchanged
Biden, 15%, down 11 points
Bloomberg, 14%, up 5 points
Warren, 14%, down 1 point
Buttigieg, 13%, up 6 points
Klobuchar, 7%, up 2 points
Steyer, 2%, unchanged
Tulsi Gabbard, 1%, down 1 point
Roger Rabbit Math:
Progressives, 41%, down 1 point
Moderates, 49%, up 2 points
Nobodies, 3%, down 1 point
@51 thanks for that news.
Gooooooo Pete!!
Wherein 1.9% growth is better than 4.4% growth, 191k jobs is more than 227k jobs, and Obama’s success at pulling the economy out of the Great Recession and averting another Great Depression was “horrible.” Also, deficits mattered then, but don’t now.
Or maybe Peter Navarro is just full of shit, like he always is.
Do you really want another president who buys people’s silence?
@52 The math is interesting: Biden -11%; Bloomberg +5% + Buttigeig +6% = +11%
It’s probably not accurate to conclude all the voters turning away from Biden are going to either Bloomberg or Buttigieg (in which case Klobuchar would be getting none of Biden’s support), but it suggests a general shift among Democratic moderates’ preferences.
Bloomberg hasn’t gotten much scrutiny or criticism yet, and neither his record nor his personality are all that great (although even with his baggage he’s immeasurably better than Trump), so his gains could reverse or hit a ceiling.
If moderates cool on him, that leaves them with Buttigieg or Klobuchar, but so far Klobuchar isn’t catching fire the way Buttigieg is, and Nate Silver considers her a longshot. So I guess there are two real questions: Can Biden stage a comeback? and if not, then can Buttigieg beat out Bloomberg for moderates’ support? Super Tuesday should provide some clarity; tonight and Saturday not as much.
I still don’t know who I’ll vote for on March 10, but it probably won’t make much difference; I expect Washington’s delegates to overwhelmingly go to Sanders. He’s very popular here.
Indiana Republicans would rather continue letting 15-year-olds marry than repeal their state’s unconstitutional gay marriage ban.
No data available on how many of them married their sisters.
You’d do better with that if you cross checked your assumptions with the approval ratings of the various candidates among Democratic voters. Among the candidates, Sanders’ favorability rating is highest among all voters while his unfavorability rating is tied for second lowest. Those kinds of polls are far from predictive of anything. But they do point out that the way party support breaks has more to do with the candidates themselves, than with labels applied by the media. Surely a big part of that broad level of favorability enjoyed by Sanders is owing to his overall familiarity when compared to most of the field – the big exception being Biden.
My point is only to say that as the primary season progresses, especially as we get into March, the sorting of primary voters into two clearly defined “wings” is probably more of a media myth than anything else. It’s a more convenient narrative frame for them, especially in that it allows them to largely ignore the issues and the candidate’s messages and focus instead on tiresome horse race analogies and middle school lunchroom food fights.
Sorry but I don’t think the woman has any empathy for the LGBTQ community. She talked about The Hump not having any empathy for anyone. But she can’t even get the letters LGBTQ out of her mouth.
I don’t think she will be the nominee, but if she should happen to be – I think I’d rather stay home an not vote. I need her to say and speak about inclusiveness that includes the LGBTQ Community. I think she has a problem with it.
@55 I’m not sure – I think Klobuchar may surprise people. But again, she ins’t getting my vote unless I hear her stance on protecting the LGBT community from religious bigotry. She’s too conservative socially.
My god – she seems too connected to Senator Graham….she shouldn’t be bringing that fucks name up. She mine as well be a Republican.
Mitch McConell won’t let it be debated….maybe she should ask Graham to fuck over McConell?
I could only watch the first seven minutes of this. I think theses guys would vote or want to be able to vote for a drag queen. Seven minutes go by and they haven’t made one point, other than Pete’s not gay enough because he doesn’t have a lisp or walk with his hand to the side in an upturned fashion prancing around the stage in a tutu.
Makes me want to be straight.
Bob have fun with this. If you can get thru more than 7 minutes of it maybe you can tell me what I missed and should know,
That you, Putin and the GOP will lie, cheat and steal in order to end American democracy.
@62 It taught me that America isn’t as good a country as I thought it was, and today’s Americans — or a substantial number of htem — aren’t as good people as I hoped they were.
Sure, America has had dark times before — the slaughter of Indians, slavery and the Civil War, segregation and KKK terror, McCarthyism, Nixon, etc.
But you hope for progress, things getting better, people learning from experience. … Nope. Too much to hope for. It is what it is.
We can only hope and pray that a better man or woman wins the 2020 election.
The anti-Sanders movement within the Democratic Party is largely an illusion; in truth, he’s popular with most Democrats, even those who prefer another candidate. But …
“While ordinary voters don’t exhibit much hostility toward Sanders, party leaders do. When Seth Masket of the University of Denver interviewed Democratic activists … he found that almost two-thirds said they feared a Sanders nomination. The only candidate who elicited a more negative response was Tulsi Gabbard ….”
But it still impresses Bob. In fact he has a special skirt she wares to celebrate each milestone.
The only candidate who elicited a more negative response was Tulsi Gabbard ….”
Oh look! Bot-farm’s favorite Democrat.
Is this perhaps a pattern?/s
Seems Democrats “electoral tragedy” of 2016 taught us all something.
My white boomer acquaintances who say they are democrats socially and republican when it comes to money, love Bloomberg.
If you didn’t know, Larry Klayman is suing Roger Stone for defamation because “why not”, and the plaintiff took deps last week. Now Klayman has posted the videos on his website.
Good stuff. Plenty of squirming. Klayman even digs him about his “lifestyle”.
Take a look before he has to take it down.
“WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange plans to claim during an extradition hearing that the Trump administration offered him a pardon if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign, a lawyer for Assange said Wednesday.”
Bribery, if true.
This Stone deposition is the bomb! I love this shit.
I love it when these always wrong wing nutjobs EAT EACH OTHER!
Did you catch the part where Stone – on the record– accuses Klayman of molesting his own children?
Oh yeah.. That was the BEST! It keeps getting better. Klayman goes line by line on what Stone said about him on Infowars..
Calls Klayman “garbage”… America’s worst lawyer..
Says Klayman has an IQ of 70..
Oh man this shit is good! Almost 6 hours of popcorn poppin’ fun!
We’re all gonna be treated to lots of various reporting on a Knight Foundation study into eligible non-voters showing that a majority of eligible non-voters lean RapeFantasy.
Nothing wrong with the data or the study. That’s been a known phenomenon for quite some time. It’s precisely what informed Bannon’s primary strategy for Trump, and largely what they are running with right now.
But what the Knight Foundation report neglects to observe is that, just like regular voters, eligible non-voters are a very diverse group. And one of the most important features of the groups of eligible non-voters is that the eligible non-voters most inclined to register and take part lean Democratic.
The large group of eligible non-voters who so strongly lean RapeFantasy are…. wait for it… white… low income… low education… predominantly rural… toothless… prison tatted… semi-toothless ignorant unemployed drunks who play video games, surf porn, watch a ton of television, including lots of FOX, but have virtually no clue about government, civics, politics, etc. They are the Deplorables. And Trump turned some of ’em out, for sure. But the numbers are just daunting.
The signal response is terrible with these morons. They have to be absolutely hammered over the head with only the most blisteringly negative messaging for months to get even a tiny percentage of them to stop “watching their stories” long enough to register and vote. Having a coordinated foreign campaign of hacking and bot-farm media to back it all up helps. But remember for all the effort they got just a tiny uptick in a few states.
But while that large Bubba-bolus of trailer trash skews the “average” behavior of eligible non-voters as they appear in a report like the Knight Foundation’s, there are very large, very reachable, and very responsive groups of eligible non-voters who lean Democratic that are not being turned out. And they can be. They are more educated, more aware of current events, and for more open to engagement by targeted outreach. Done right the response rate to recruitment is five times higher. So that a proper numerical analysis concludes that, of eligible non-voters you can actually get to vote, the majority do indeed lean very progressive and Democratic. It’s not as if people on the right have been fighting to restrict ballot access, suppress turnout, close polling places, and disenfranchise voters because they don’t know what’s good for them. And it’s not as if the Trump admin has veered away from that fine Republican tradition either.
“A campaign finance watchdog has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging Pete Buttigieg’s campaign illegally coordinated advertising with a super PAC. …
“The nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center, which works to lessen the influence of money in politics, said in its complaint filed Tuesday that ‘there is reason to believe that VoteVets made, and the Buttigieg campaign accepted, over $639,000 in illegal and excessive in-kind contributions in the form of coordinated communications.’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yawn. So what? Republicans ignore campaign laws, so why should I care about Democratic campaign violations? Several of Scotty Walker’s associate went to jail for violating campaign laws but that didn’t stop Republican voters from electing him. Several of Trump’s campaign associates have gone to prison but that doesn’t stop Republicans from voting for him. Why should the Democrats hobble themselves by following rules all the Republicans ignore? If one side decides campaign laws don’t matter, then they don’t matter for anybody. Why should one side follow the rules when the other side doesn’t? Fuck that. This won’t stop me from voting for Buttigieg in the primary if that’s who I want to vote for.
@68 Well, that case is a loser, if there ever was one. Klayman is incapable of being defamed.
Just got my property tax notice: It’s a 9.4% increase from last year and 17.7% higher than 2 years ago, in no small part because the spineless Democrats in the legislature caved to Republican demands for “compromise” on school funding by raising King County property taxes to pay for tax cuts in eastern Washington. Thanks, Democrats. We can always count on you to make peace with the Republicans by fucking your constituents.
It taught us that a Obama still bested Trump, when it comes to comparisons of electoral vote margins despite what Trump continues to claim.
You keep hanging your hat on the electoral margin win as I guess that is all you really have.
I feel bad for your horse.
That certainly seems to be the heart of Stone’s def strategy!
Of course Klayman’s only real purpose was to kick the motherfucker while he’s down. I have no idea who’s paying Stone’s legal expenses. But, along with the DOJ, Klayman is just making sure Stone sells the last of his Brioni suits and diamond studded nipple clamps before this is over. And obviously enjoying the opportunity to use the deps as a way of twisting the knife.
Marc Rich never served a day of the sentence he was given. He was hanging out in Switzerland and avoided jail time entirely. Blagojevich gets convicted and serves time, and Trump pardons him.
Rich’s ex-wife gives a lot of bucks to Clinton and gets a pardon, yet Trump’s pardon of Blagoievich gets MSNBC’s panties in a wad. Do you people actually pay attention to what comes out of the mouths of your elitist media personnel? Why do you so blatantly support criminals like Clinton and his mafia when he pardons a criminal who avoided serving his time and attack Trump for pardoning Blagojevich, who actually SERVED some of his time?
Nobody here supporting Clinton you twit.
He was an obviously more successful, more popular, and far more publicly spirited President than your beloved party leader. But he was also a creep who ruined he presidency and his legacy by fucking around with one of his staffers.
We’ve all moved on. You people just can’t let go of him.
It’s truly sad to watch.
Enjoyed these comment from the debate
“50% chance bloomberg just quits next commercial break and leaves.”
“Warren’s name has been branded onto Bloomberg’s ass.”
I wished america wasn’t afraid of Strong Women. I love me some Elizabeth Warren
“I’d like to talk about who we’re running against,” Warren said, “a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians. I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.”
“Democrats are not going to win if we have a nominee who has a history of hiding his tax returns, of harassing women, and of supporting racist policies like redlining and stop and frisk.”
Warren said she would support whoever becomes the nominee, but added, “Understand this, Democrats take a huge risk if we just substitute one arrogant billionaire for another. This country has worked for the rich for a long time and left everyone else in the dirt. It is time to have a president who will be on the side of working families and be willing get out there and fight for them. That is why I am in this race and that is why I will beat Donald Trump.”
@79 “Marc Rich never served a day of the sentence he was given. He was hanging out in Switzerland and avoided jail time entirely.”
Whose fault is that? He fled to a country with no extradition treaty with the U.S. to avoid facing justice.
“Blagojevich gets convicted and serves time, and Trump pardons him.”
Serving time doesn’t entitle anyone to a pardon.
“Rich’s ex-wife gives a lot of bucks to Clinton and gets a pardon …. ”
See answer above and @80.
“Why do you so blatantly support criminals like Clinton and his mafia ….”
You call Clinton a “criminal,” but what has he been convicted of? Nothing, even though Republicans have spent over $100 million of taxpayer money trying to get him and Hillary. Clinton’s “mafia?” What the hell are you talking about? This is rightwing conspiracy theory nonsense. But if you want to pursue that line of argument, then the odds of Trump being an actual mobster are far higher than the odds of Clinton being one.
” … when he pardons a criminal who avoided serving his time and attack Trump for pardoning Blagojevich, who actually SERVED some of his time?”
Get your facts straight: No one here is defending the Rich pardon. The liberals posting here have much bigger issues with Trump than his Blagojevich pardon; but let’s say, for the sake of argument, that we criticize it — and then you criticize us because Clinton pardoned Rich. My answer is one questionable pardon doesn’t justify another.
People like you come on this blog and look like jackasses because you just repeat the blather of rightwing talk-radio jackasses without thinking about what you’re saying. It’s easy to rip your arguments apart, as I just did, because they’re incredibly weak arguments — no facts, no logic, just blowing hot air. You’re nothing but a hot-air popcorn popper.