We’re living in extraordinary times of peril and destiny. And that calls for a drink! Please join us this evening for our weekly meeting of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. It’ll be memorable.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. Look for us in the back room of the pub beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 266 chapters of Living Liberally, including 22 in Washington state, seven in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or start a new chapter for your community!
It’s not stupidity. One can’t be stupid enough not to know what is true. Rather it’s Nazi nationalism that drives the stupids.
To think that these same people brag about conquering Nazi Germany, and talk about Freedom are flushing it all down the toilet. I guess they really felt that it’s all a Turd.
Other than these 17 issues, the FISA application was still bullshit.
IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page
All this dishonest effort to prop up Hillary.
She still lost to him.
Drinking Liberally is an organization with chapters across the country. It gives like-minded, left-leaning individuals a place to talk politics, or whatever. You don’t need to be a policy expert and this isn’t a book club – just come and learn from peers, trade jokes, vent frustration and hang out in an environment where it’s not taboo to talk politics. Consumption of alcohol is not required and our location is all ages.
The stock market was rocked by the devastating impeachment articles introduced today by the Democrat party.
As of this writing the DJIA is in freefall, having declined 0.01%.
Which “issue” was the one that made George Papadopolous get White Gurl Wasted on $500 bottles of Bordeaux and brag about his Russian hacking to ANZUS security partners?
And which one called up Michael Flynn and asked him to arrange Russian sanctions relief in exchange for ButteryMales?
And which one built the DERPSTATE TIME MUSHEEN so Seth Rich could travel back to 2007 and leave a Black Ledger record of Manafort looting Ukraine?
And which one smeared sticky PORN LUBE all over a dirty hooker/stripper lady and wiped it up with $130,000 in illegal campaign cash?
Republicans are filth. This goes without saying. From time to time they are criminal filth. And every so often the are criminal filth engaging in espionage to damage US national security. Pissing and whining can’t change that.
It’s Every Republican You Know
Kinda blows up the idea that
Only Donald is holding the economy together.
RunninG around like a spurned paramour willing to do anything to get back together isn’t a good look.
Imagine if it was Obama.
@1 They’re not against Nazism, they’re only against someone else getting to be the Nazis.
@2 “All this dishonest effort to prop up Hillary.”
Sorry, the IG report doesn’t say that. It says the opposite. The bullshit is between your ears.
@4 We’re investing in America, not Trump or idiots like you. He and you are penny stocks for suckers. Even your horse laughs at you.
Bob, again today, blowing Putin and The lying corrupt Hump. Nothing new here. His lips must be getting chapped.
@5 “It’s Every Republican You Know”
And for Doctor Dumbfuck, it’s all vicarious, because he doesn’t even get a bottle of Two Buck Chuck for selling out his country. He gives his soul away. Satan is smiling, can’t wait to get this one.
Fewer racist cops makes the streets safer for minorities. It just does.
Not reading it today, probably not this week. Not enough time.
But when I do, I won’t be surprised to learn that whatever those 17 “issues” might be that IG Horowitz has included in his report, not a single one of them would be remotely close to sufficient to grant a petitioner an evidentiary hearing, much less result in a favorable ruling.
The motion to exclude is denied.
Now I’d surely love to hear these fucknutz pleading for an overhaul of the law to both tighten up warrant requirements and expand opportunities to challenge the evidence they collect. But that would mean a whole lot more browns and poors walking around all uppity and shit, asking for raises, and voting, and doing any number of things Republicans despise. So I’m not holding my breath.
@14 Republicans aren’t opposed to secret warrants and such. After all, they created these laws in the first place. They only oppose their use against them.
As we are writing this a bunch of Senate Republicans are busy doing just that as they conduct public hearings in support of a bill that will give police access to all your mobile app data through coded backdoors that can be exploited without a warrant.
A reasonable person would ask, which rules out all Republican members of the Press and Congress,
“You’ve been screaming about Christopher Steele’s phony dossier for about three years. Why did Ivanka Trump never mention what appears to be a close social relationship with the gentleman?”
There are people now running Getty and Page six images through facial recognition looking to see if Donald and Steele are next to each other. Better hope it’s not there. Dancing with Epstein is bad enough.
The White House and McConnell are already bickering over whether the Senate trial will be a streamlined affair to get the impeachment monkey off the GOP’s back as expeditiously as possible, or a circus designed to give Trump full scope to exhibit his talents as a stand-in for a screeching zoo monkey.
Either way, the GOP’s only defense of Trump’s high crimes will consist of “we have more votes.”
They’re bickering over whether Trump’s re-election or McConnell’s interest in getting vulnerable senators re-elected will take precedence. This has nothing to do with America’s best interests. The sad fact is Republicans don’t do anything for the good of the country anymore. Even in dealing with each other, everything they do is in bad faith. Their only guiding principle is naked partisanship.
@ 17
“You’ve been screaming about Christopher Steele’s phony dossier for about three years. Why did Ivanka Trump never mention what appears to be a close social relationship with the gentleman?”
Irrelevance, perhaps?
According to the report, Steele said “if anything he was ‘favorably disposed’ toward the Trump family before he began his research because he had visited a Trump family member at Trump Tower and ‘been friendly’ with [the family member] for some years.”
He told investigators their relationship was “personal” and said he had once given that person a Scottish family tartan.
Not particularly close, perhaps? After all, “close” was your terminology, not the report’s, QoS McHillbilly.
“Bob, again today, blowing Putin and The lying corrupt Hump.”
Actually, the lying corrupt Hump is blowing Sergey Lavrov in the Oval Office today.
“Trump To Meet Russia’s Lavrov At White House Tuesday”
Emphasis on the word “small”.
Small group of Democrats floats censure instead of impeachment
The group of about 10 Trump-district lawmakers included Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.), Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.), Anthony Brindisi (D-N.Y.), and Ben McAdams (D-Utah.).
The idea of censure, according to the lawmakers, is to offer a competing alternative to impeachment that could attract at least some Republican support on the floor. It would also help Democrats avoid a lengthy impeachment trial in the Senate, which some in this group fear could tilt public opinion toward the GOP in the final months before the 2020 election.
Pelosi’s got a lot to think about. For one thing, a long Senate trial hurts Warren and (but really, who cares?) Booker and Klobuchar by pulling them off the campaign trail just as the early primaries get under way. A long Senate trial permits the GOP to fund-raise continuously, and feature one debunked allegation after another as the Democrat managers flail with the glove on the other hand for the Senate trial.
Cut. Run. Even Obama will be whispering to Pelosi that the trial helps Biden and Sanders, even if it also helps Mayor Pete.
Here are the names of the 14 current U.S. senators who, as members of either the House or Senate, voted for the obstruction articles of mpeachment against Bill Clinton:
Roy Blunt (R-MO)
Richard Burr (R-NC)
Michael Crapo (R-ID)
Michael Enzi (R-WY)
Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
Charles Grassley (R-IA)
James Inhofe (R-OK)
Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Jerry Moran (R-KS)
Robert Portman (R-OH)
Pat Roberts (R-KS)
Richard Shelby (R-AL)
John Thune (R-SD)
Each is eligible to attain permanent status as a world-class hypocrite in the weeks ahead.
@20 Irrelevance and hypocrisy aren’t the same thing, dummy.
I’ll tell you what’s irrelevant: Hillary Clinton is irrelevant. But that’s all we hear about from you and Trump.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not necessarily calling you a hypocrite (although I reserve that option), because I still harbor some doubts about whether you have the mental acuity needed to recognize and form a hypocritical intent.
@22 Yeah, I wouldn’t fool around with censure. That would be like toying with the idea of probation for a serial rapist.
@22 “Cut. Run. Even Obama will be whispering to Pelosi that the trial helps Biden and Sanders, even if it also helps Mayor Pete.”
Of course you’re a big enough dumbfuck to think this is just politics, and is just about seeking political advantage. Of course you are. We don’t expect anything but dumbfuckery from you. Dumbfucks are gonna be dumbfucks. Even your horse laughs at you.
Who drafted the talking points. Why did the President send Bob Barr our to lie to the American public?
@20 & @22 I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m considering letting you off rather lightly on the grounds you’re too stupid to know better.
Not close? It’s clear to everybody that IVanka was out there palin around with terrorists.
Did they ever fist bump? Enquiring minds™ want to know
@27 Because he no longer trusts his other personal lawyer.
He has so many. And he mows through them like a Drunken Child Molester in a bus crowded with Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers.
Did you mean the one serving in Ottisville? Or the other one just released to home detention? Or the un-indicted co-conspirator one awaiting indictment?
Probably not as much as what you should be thinking about.
@32 You’re asking him to think? That’s beyond his means. Even his horse laughs at him.
Hey Bob, maybe if they were responsible beings and wore a full body condom, latex of course, while mining that coal then they wouldn’t become such a burden to society. Why? Why would they do this? Don’t they know the risk?
Stupid cops don’t make us safer, they make us poorer, because we have to pay the legal judgments resulting from their stupidity. They don’t even lose their jobs, so they could do it to us again.
If you can spare a few bucks, please make a donation to your local animal shelter.
So I wonder if the Richard Jewell movie is going to cover that the actual bomber was a 30 year old Evangelical who was angry about the gays and abortion so he killed someone in the 179th trimester (not including the one who heard the bomb from a safe distance and died of a heart attack) and wounded 111 post-born children?
Every single Democrat US senator voted against the confirmation of a gay Filipino to the Ninth Circuit today.
He was confirmed, anyway.
One-fifth of the federal judiciary is Trump-nominated.
We could not have done it without Hillary Clinton. Or Steve!
Hey YLB, any chance you can help out this chick? Y’all have so much in common.
Alyssa Milano
Verified account
I had a bad panic attack last night. Any specialists out there know why my anxiety is so much worse right after my period? Which hormone is depleted? #Anxiety
12:27 PM – 8 Dec 2019
Hey Steve, ya got the stomach for another Clinton campaign?
Tom Bevan✔
Harvard-Harris, top 5 current 2020 field among Democratic voters:
Biden 29
Sanders 16
Warren 13
Buttigieg 8
Bloomberg 7
If Hillary Clinton and John Kerry get in race?
Clinton 21
Biden 20
Sanders 12
Warren 9
Buttigieg & Kerry 5https://harvardharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/HHP_November2019_Topline_RegisteredVoters.pdf …
8:08 AM – Dec 9, 2019
Yesterday a photo was released of Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein in attendance at the 18th birthday of one of Prince Andrew’s daughters.
Which begs the question: If Hillary runs again, what photo of Bill Clinton is likely to emerge before the election?
Y’all know Trump’s got it. Jus’ waitin’ for the right time is all…
Speaking of criminal sexual deviance among Democrats:
Ed Mole
Every Democrat voted against a nominee rated ‘Not Qualified” by the American Bar Association.
Cz-252 @ 43
Pull your head out of your ass.
Bumatay received a unanimous “qualified” rating by the ABA.
The Senate committee heard from five federal judicial nominees in a hearing Wednesday, including VanDyke; the other four nominees were given “well qualified” or “qualified” ratings by the ABA standing committee. Patrick Bumatay, another 9th Circuit nominee appearing at the Wednesday hearing, was unanimously rated “qualified.”
Acknowledge your error and that will be the end of it.
I say again: Every Democrat US senator voted against a gay Filipino nominee rated qualified by the ABA.
I want this guy to be my mechanic.
After shop burglarized, owner kidnaps suspected thief and smashes hands with hammer: JPSO
Nothin’ wrong with swift justice.
@39 So the doctor is such a dumbfuck he’s asking YLB a medical question? Figures.
@40 & @41 And here’s the dumbfuck doctor fantasizing about Hillary running again. I wonder what fantasies went through his mind about his female patients? This may be part of why they put him in the basement radiology lab out of sight and sound of the patients.
@43 Ya gotta expect that to a dumbfuck who knows nothing about law, judicial appointments are about ideology and identity, and real qualifications have nothing to do with it.
@44 Since you think a merely “qualified” rating is sufficient for a lifetime appointment to a federal appellate court, next time you need major surgery, you should ask for the surgeon who got “C” grades in medical school. You know, the guy they usually assign to wart removals.
@45 Your vigilante got his bail set at 7 1/2 times the burglar’s bail, and he’s probably going to get way more prison time, too, since kidnapping someone at gunpoint is way more serious than burglary.
Huh. So my close friends since childhood Jessica Goldman and Michael Freedman woke up this morning Americans and will wake up tomorrow as Judaisms.
Fuck You Kid Rock! You piece of shit.
Take this – you turd, sorry ass mother fucker.
“Three months before he died, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker issued a scathing critique against President Donald Trump and the ‘movement to undermine Americans’ faith in our government and its policies and institutions.’
“’Nihilistic forces are dismantling policies to protect our air, water, and climate,’ Volcker wrote … ‘And they seek to discredit the pillars of our democracy: voting rights and fair elections, the rule of law, the free press, the separation of powers, the belief in science, and the concept of truth itself.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Those “nihilistic forces” have a name: The Republican Party, which has unmoored itself from our nation’s founding principles of democracy and representative government, and now seeks to impose a dictatorship of a minority based on a strong sense of grievance and which sees itself as racially superior. If this sounds familiar, it should, because our fathers and grandfathers fought and defeated such an ideology that wrought havoc on the world. They thought they’d rid the world of it forever, but now it’s back, and it’s their own progeny who are bringing it back.
How’s the women’s vote outreach going?
“(Warren) opened that fresh mouth of hers and it stopped”
Donald on using Pocahontas 12/10/2019
Because kitchen, sandwich, up on her like a dog…
And the winner of Time’s Person of the Year is … Greta Thunberg.
That’s what Bob loves about The Hump Cake, the treasonous shithead he is. Aside from the undermining of America that he contributes too, all because he’s got a horse.
@56 For further reading, see
by yours truly.
To watch shithead’s horse laugh at him, see this video:
“For further reading, see”
“The only question is whether they have the integrity and courage to do it.”
They have neither integrity nor courage. Republicans are required to leave such qualities in the locker room when they play ball for Team Putin.
Looks like the New Jersey cop killers were far-right, anti-Semitic, anti-government types who deliberately targeted a Jewish deli.
Not exactly Dumbfuck’s tribe, but much closer to his than ours.
Now we know what George W. Bush said to Hillary Clinton at Trump’s inauguration.
Scroll down to “2.”
They’re Not Stupid, and They’re Not Spineless. They’re Evil. Let’s Keep That Straight.
“They KNOW they’re lying. They know Trump is lying.
They do NOT believe the idiotic conspiracy nonsense they babble about.
They are FULLY AWARE of what they are doing.
They simply don’t care. Whatever it takes for them to win, they will do. They will gleefully feed the hatreds, fears, and irrational beliefs of the Republican base. They will feed the base non-stop bullshit 24/7, if that’s what it takes to get these people to vote against their own interests, even against their own children’s futures.”
Liberals are being forced to be polarized. We tried to be tolerant and fair, but that’s like bringing new testament values to a gun fight with conservatives.
I imagine that anybody who actually managed to cheat his way through a Honduran medical college would have a fairly decent understanding of the kind of intention coupled with detachment required to smash the bones in the hands of an adult male with a hammer. That he would gleefully valorize that speaks volumes about what it takes to be a Republican these days. I suppose we should feel lucky this person didn’t see the reboot of Death Wish. No doubt he had plenty of brake fluid available.
Not exactly Dumbfuck’s tribe…
Maybe not. But probably the kind of person you get a whole lot more of when you invite angry vigilantes to kidnap their enemies and smash their bones with hammers.
People who think our criminal justice system is too lenient are people who know less than nothing about our criminal justice system.
More importantly, Steve has it in him to support her one more time.
Newt Gingrich
Verified account
If Hillary runs she becomes the william jennings bryan of our time. He lost three times 1896, 1900, 1908.Hillary has it in her to lose a third time.The bitterness from other candidates would be intense-the Clinton-Epstein stories would be overwhelming. Hillary please make our day
12:04 AM – 11 Dec 2019
“Donald Trump Jr. blasted Time on Twitter for choosing teen climate activist Greta Thunberg as Person of the Year.
Trump Jr. suggested the pro-democracy protesters who have rocked Hong Kong should have been given the title instead.
‘Time leaves out the Hong Kong Protesters fighting for their lives and freedoms to push a teen being used as a marketing gimmick,’ he tweeted. ‘How dare you?'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Okay, so Time magazine, like most print publications, is struggling and if he wants to dictate its editorial content, then buy the damn thing. Not sure it’s for sale by its current owner (Marc Benioff, founder of Salesforce.com), but you know, everything is for sale if the offer is attractive enough. He’s Donald Trump’s son, so getting the money should be no problem, because we all know the Trumps are richer than sin. Then, after he puts his money where his mouth is, he can tell the editors to print whatever he likes. Until then, Donny Boy, fuck off. It’s not your magazine.
Republicans are more enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton than they are about #FatNixon.
Can’t blame ’em, really.
@65 And here we see Teh Dumbfuck turning to Newt for both a history lesson and political wisdom, because that’s where dumbfuckery takes a person.
Okay, so Time magazine, like most print publications, is struggling
Kinda like saying “AM radio is struggling”. It’s getting smaller. But that doesn’t mean it’s losing money per se.
Magazine publication was a ridiculously profitable enterprise at one time. And those customary levels of profit created expectations that are simply no longer sustainable. These are companies that in the heyday would fly their entire staff to Hawaiian resorts for the holidays.
All legacy publications are having to trim their sails to survive now that distribution control is no longer a competitive advantage. But if they aren’t run by idiots they can still be more profitable than most other businesses of their size and scale. Why do you suppose the Kochs bought it?
You’ll see the same thing happening to cable television networks soon enough. At least most of them are responding to the future by attempting to adapt. Print media pretended they were a public institution instead of a business. And few of them ever were willing to admit what business they were really in until it was too late. But for the Kochs to splash out $600 million suggests they have plans.
@69 The Kochs didn’t buy it. They financed Meredith Corporation’s acquisition in 2013 of a bundle of magazines that included Time, then Meredith (a publicly traded company) promptly sold Time to its current owner.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owned Meredith stock from 2012 to 2014, and made a 60% profit on it in 2 years.)
Glad everyone in Goldy’s Twitter sidebar enjoyed the hyperventilation of Judaism as a nationality.
Turns out, that’s not what the EO states.
(((Yair Rosenberg)))
Verified account
So the text of the actual executive order on anti-Semitism does not seem to be nearly as problematic as was reported. They could have changed it, but it does not appear to define Jews as a nationality. Here’s the relevant section: https://jewishinsider.com/2019/12/exclusive-a-first-look-at-the-language-of-trumps-executive-order-on-antisemitism/ …
7:38 AM – 11 Dec 2019
Hey y’all, remember when Goldy was (((Goldy)))?
The value of Goldy’s heritage is in his ability to use it as a punchline.
Today all Goldy’s buds were aghast at a Trump EO none of them had actually read.
They could have spent their time criticizing the Black Hebrew Israelites. But they could have done that back in January, too, when a group of ’em harassed Nick Sandmann’s friends. Nah. They went after the teenage boy instead.
So brave, Goldy’s friends.
@71 Care to argue the EO does not aggravate the Israel-Palestinian conflict?
Don’t get me wrong, the Palestinians aren’t good guys, and there can’t be peace until they renounce violence and give up their goal of destroying Israel. Until then, the Israelis have a right to defend themselves. But the Israelis aren’t peace-seeking good guys, either. Their policies go beyond self-defense and amount to invasion and expropriation of Palestinian lands. All they’ll get from that is more war. The U.S. and other outside parties need to keep trying to knock some sense into both parties, not encourage or underwrite aggression by one against the other. Trump is going about it the wrong way, and you’re a dolt for blindly supporting his politically motivated partiality toward Israel. Or maybe you just don’t care any more than him about whether the bloodshed continues without end.
@72 “They could have spent their time criticizing the Black Hebrew Israelites. But they could have done that back in January, too, when a group of ’em harassed Nick Sandmann’s friends. Nah. They went after the teenage boy instead.”
Does anyone really need it explained to them that the Black Hebrew Israelites you’re referring to, whom the SPLC has classified as a hate group, are fringe extremists? Don’t their actions and words kind of speak for themselves? Neither Goldy nor anyone else finds it necessary to post a catalog of every wacko fringe group in the country; but if it’s a list you’re looking for, he’ll direct you to the SPLC website.
“when a group of ’em harassed Nick Sandmann’s friends, and then Nick Sandmann went after a Native American who had nothing to do with ’em.”
There, ftfy, idiot.
Of course, Doctor Dumbfuck loves that photo of Nick Sandmann, probably even framed it and hung it in the barn, because the kid is wearing a red MAGA hat and a shit-eating stupid smirk on his face. That’s Teh Dumbfuck’s kind of teenager.
Yang made the debate.
Hey, y’all, guess what’s still a problem?
Cory Booker✔
There are more billionaires than Black people who’ve made the December debate stage—that’s a problem.
7:47 AM – Dec 4, 2019
Looks like Senate Child Molester leadership are preparing to schedule an impeachment trial without calling on a single witness.
This is just part of why I continue to argue that the House should bring every single conceivable chargeable instance as a separate article of impeachment to be voted upon. Make Senate Child Molesters take twenty or thirty votes to drive the point home.
They aren’t even considering any of the charges. It’s what the criminal courts call jury nullification.