The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight. It’s pretty simple. We grab a drink and we chat about all things politics. Won’t you join us this evening?
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. Look for us in the back room of the pub beginning about 8pm.
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“Texas Governor Shocked Shooter Got Rifle In State With Spotty Background Checks”
I wonder if the racist snowflake in the white house will declare the trade war over next October so the stock market goes through roof just before the election?
Teachers in the Kennewick school district of Washington State are on strike after negotiations for higher pay failed to reach an agreement before school started Tuesday. Teachers in neighboring towns Pasco and Washington make up to $4000 more a year.
Reading the article, I fully expect greed conservatives to bitch and moan that the teachers would be paid too much.
Kennewick: household income $51k
Poverty rate 17%
Education grade 9
Richland: household income $71k
Poverty rate 9%
Education grade 15
Checks out.
Today is a good day to watch US Pundits pretend to know fuck all about British Parliament and Politics.
Elizabeth Warren has a new plan to reduce gun violence by 80 percent
Warren’s plan combines various policies, from universal background checks to licensing to police reform, to bring down US gun violence.
At least she’s trying to improve things, unlike the republican plan of thoughts and prayers
@5. Brexit issues?
“The most powerful man in the world prefers to portray himself as a martyr. President Donald Trump says he’s been beset on all sides by sinister forces that are oppressing him and depriving him of the authority he needs to deliver on his vision for America. Often, the villains in his narratives work for him. …
“Trump’s persecution complex is an essential part of his brand — one that resonates deeply with a political base that believes anti-Trump liberals run the federal government and the news media.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republican perpetual victimhood is, of course, a core element of GOP mythology. And Trump’s woes are mostly self-inflicted. The thing to remember is that it could be much worse: Throughout history, paranoid potentates typically resorted to mass killing to assuage their tender psyches. Not that this one wouldn’t if he could …
@5, @7 Yeah, Boris just lost his parliamentary majority, thanks to a defecting MP who apparently thinks chaos isn’t good policy.
Conservatives used to be merely anti-government bordering on anarchy.* Now they’re affirmatively pro-chaos.
E.g., who needs “law and order” when he has 30 assault rifles and 10,000 rounds of ammo stashed in his closet?
A rightwing martyr is someone who, metaphorically or literally, commits a genocide and then claims to be a victim of it.
A Republican is someone who thinks the solution to mass shootings is fewer restrictions on who can get guns. (The Odessa shooter failed a background check but got an AR-15 anyway.) And if “building” a deck, shed, or fence, he probably tries to drive screws with a hammer, too.
So Boris lost the vote to bring a bill before parliament to stop a ‘no deal’ Brexit from happening by introducing a delay of the Brexit deadline.
21 Conservative party MPs voted against ‘Party’ to seize control of the agenda from Boris.
In response Boris is threatening to burn it all down and dissolve Parliament calling for new elections which would likely not take place before the Oct. 19th deadline for ‘no deal’ has passed.
Boris insists Europe will only negotiate with a deadline hanging over the events though Europe has been very clear that the negotiating is over, the best deal is in the table (rejected by parliament) and Britain can leave or stay they really don’t care anymore.
Unclear at this point if Boris will have support but it appears the PM term of Boris is one of the shortest of the modern age though he could call for new elections and either defeat enough of the 21 ‘rebels’ with new MPs from his own party or get them back to reinstall him as PM after a new election.
We are living in weird times.
Our well regulated militia.
“Teen confesses to killing 5 family members in north Alabama, police say”
“The boy is accused of killing his father, 38-year-old John Sisk, his 35-year-old stepmother Mary Sisk, and his three siblings, according to the Limestone County sheriff’s office. The three child victims were a 6-month old boy, 5-year-old girl and 6-year-old boy, said Stephen Young, a sheriff’s office spokesman.”
“The gun used in the homicides was in the Sisk home illegally, Young said at a press conference on Tuesday afternoon.”
It just keeps getting worse. Hardly more than a day or even a few hours pass and there’s yet another one. The pleas of millions of Americans to our nation’s leaders to “do something” about it? Fuck.
@13 Well waddya know, in the British parliament, even conservatives have a conscience and care about what’s best for their country and people. Can’t say the same for Republican congressmen and senators here in the USA. It seems King George was right: The colonists can’t govern themselves.
long Live Ireland!!!
What can you do without the help of the fucks. They watch Fox News that has headlines of this nature.
Wife of former Marine to be deported to Mexico Friday, after 20 years in U.S.
I hope Temo votes differently next time.
Judging from the anger online today some people just learned a monopoly low-price retailer becoming the only viable business in a community over time is Capitalism AND not great for consumers.
It was also quite often corporate socialism giving the big box retailer free roads and untaxed parcels of land in the name of ‘growth.’
People who pointed that out in the pre-internet 80s & 90s when millions of kids couldn’t buy HipHop/Metal/Prince because their record stores had been crushed were called Commies. Or Anti-Progress. Or Ungrateful to the corporation that brought all the jobs. Or pot smoking Goths. Or guy who used to work at a record store who was too ‘edgy’ for WallMart employment. (Eds.Note. The record store where the writer worked summers in High School is still going in a lefty early ‘Buy Local’ ethos adopting community 30 years later.)
“What Walmart sells is everything you need. If they don’t carry it it must not be any good. You’re just a kid, what do you know?”
@18 Well, they can’t buy their ammo there anymore. Hey, it’s a private business! They can sell — or not sell — whatever they want.
Republicans oppose any restrictions whatsoever on guns, even background checks, and support laws like open carry and “stand your ground” that encourage people to use guns on strangers. Despite what the GOP and NRA claim, t\This doesn’t make you safer. Really, it doesn’t.