It’s kick-off time for Washington state’s election season. So, join us tonight for an evening of electoral politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by even earlier and enjoy some dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 337 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
What are the republicans going to run on?
They have no accomplishments.
Bush was a total failure and republicans walked lock-step with him. He created the largest debt in history and then plunged the country into the deepest recession since the great depression.
They don’t even put up any viable alternatives to health care, banking reform or anything. What they do put up is so sophomoric and simple-minded it is a joke.
Republicans can’t even get a non-joke to run their national party and what leaders do they have? None.
The “tea-party” movement will fizzle out and all that will be left of those ignorant fools is the latent racism and libertarian loonacy.
What was the last major republican initiative nationally?
The only thing they stand for is the war in Iraq, anti-Mexican Arizona laws and coddling the health care, pharmaceutical and banking industries. the party of NO is making absolutely NO sense.
Beating something with nothing?
Spending entirely way beyond our means and increasing deficits?
Surely the congressional Republicans have a solution, right?
And they do! Steve Benen over at The Washington Monthly details it in THE BOEHNER BAILOUT
Liberal Democrats need not read it, unless they are looking for laughs.
So called conservative government spending obsessed teabaggers are warned off, because if you had a clue on how often the Republican party plays you for idiots and how little the Republican party actually walks the talk , your tears would flood us all in to oblivion.
cnr @ 1
But, you have to give them some credit for knowing how to say “no” forcefully and often. That counts for something, doesn’t it?
@1 “What are the republicans going to run on?”
Same things they always run on — hate, racism, fear, and lies.
@2 The last time voters trusted Republicans to reduce spending and deficits they signed America over to China as collateral.
@3 proud leftist 05/25/2010 at 6:30 pm,
Yes! It counts as a perfect score on an obstructionist pro corporate agenda.
@ 4
What, are you saying that’s not a platform?
Roger Rabbit can’t hop to DL tonight because he had dental surgery this afternoon and is still loopy from the NO2.
Damned right, the R guys always get that agenda right.
@7 Of course it’s a platform. It’s a stinking, lousy, un-American platform, but it’s their platform.
@8…the effects of NO2 typically dissipate after 1-5 mins….good to see Goebbels Rabbit is still up to his lying ways..
just keeping it real…
Such effects never dissipated for you following your wisdom tooth removal in 1976. That’s a long time to be loopy, but I’ll bet you’ve enjoyed the ride.
Go to Google. Search for find Chuck Norris and hit I’m feeling lucky.
@11 Dr. Dre 05/25/2010 at 6:46 pm,
You’re a real doctor???
Or maybe you always wanted to be a doctor, and just couldn’t make the cut??
@12…teh fail…still got my wisdom teeth..
Lobotomy is more like it.
@14…yep, im a real doctor…doctor of love… says the jobless internet stalker….
Dr Dre…
If you look closely into the picture of the arschloch guy with the left porn eye… you’ll see the Pink Neon VACANCY sign in it. That’s the real lobotomy sign!
Dr Dre…
1976, isn’t that when the Proud Goatist first visited the barn and tried something warm but not human?
Sometimes Karma is a BITCH!
“Naranjo had gotten the Massachusetts message: It’s never illegal to be illegal here. In fact sometimes it’s pretty damn good.
It lets you take advantage of Department of State Police General Order INV-17 – put into place by the Patrick administration – declaring it “inappropriate for state police to inquire about, or investigate a non-citizen’s immigration status.” No matter how many times a drunken, unlicensed, hit-and-run driver like Naranjo shouts “Go screw, coppers, I’m going back to Mexico,” our staties – and municipal cops for that matter – are under orders not to notice.”
Well when you are in the bluest of states and you have John Effin Kerry as your “senior” senator along with the whackjob of Devan Patrick as your guvnur, the next drunk illegal could kill!
19 – Hey Stupes! You at DL? Has Emily taken a pass at you yet?
You know you can brag to her just like you did with MWS about your West African ancestry and … uh.. those physiological matters..
Heh… We’re all waiting out here to see how it turns out. We’re rootin’ for you fiend. We’re in your corner..
@17 Dr. Dre 05/25/2010 at 7:12 pm:
Translation: No, I am not an MD, but I’m a chronic masturbater.
@24…Mikey is projecting again….
Oh my another of your illegal friends in action HA Libtardos.
“A month later, a Marin County judge released Niroula, pending trial, when a hearing had to be postponed. The lead detective, records show, was unavailable while on honeymoon.” – Marin County… home of Nancy I hire Illegals to Keep Costs Down In My Vineyards Pelosi!
Well hopefully he preyed on libtardos.
@23…and Racist YLB returns to his racist roots….good to know some things never change.
24 – hahahahahahaha..
I’ll have to read the literature some time..
Lobotomy may remove certain self-regulatory mechanisms and let other drives run wild.
@27 and the bigot makes the most of his brain stem.. All higher functions are in epic fail..
That’s his “roots”…
Fool arschloch,
You have problems reading. Emily said she’d appear at DL when you are “scheduled” to appear. She should look for someone who is defined like this.
Puddy will start calling you goatsee.
does YLB wear a white hood when he works on his “database”?
Yawwwnnn.. I was more or less ordered to appear and as you well know I don’t take orders from right wing trolls.
But feel free to stand in for me.. I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear your blather on about the database while you work up to boasting about your superior “attributes”..
Shall I enlighten the bigot on what I’m talking about?
@31 Dr. Dre 05/25/2010 at 7:38 pm,
Why is database in quotes?
And what are your feelings about the congressional Republicans using (y)our tax money on their campaign to fool you?
you have as much chance of enlightening me as Kim Jong Il does playing center for the Lakers..
34 – Heh.. It’d be wasted on a lobotomy patient anyway..
@33….Democrats, republicans…eh, whats the diff..they all lie, cheat and steal…and they sure as hell dont have my best interest in mind…or the constitution for that matter.
its only partisan cum swallower’s that blame the “other side” constantly…
@35…..-nutsack adjustment-
‘cuz the lobotomy patient is sceered..
Check it out. (Stupes pay attention)…
$ b cols ‘-f=c -c=handle:matches~*webb -C’
| count |
| 1716 |
1 row in set
It’s my column search routine. It’s awesome..
Keep pissing the wind goatsee!
Puddy owns the goatsee.
Bark fool.
Roll over.
Keep trying to attack…
Damn that rocked! Stupes aka #2, one more time for your benefit:
$ b cols ‘-f=c -c=handle:matches~*puddybud -C’
| count |
| 24747 |
1 row in set
@36 Dr. Dre 05/25/2010 at 7:47 pm,
You on NO2? Meth? What???
How is the spending of taxpayer appropriated money to Republican congressman for the purposes of benefiting their campaign to retake the House of Representatives unconstitutional?
Of course, you believe Democrats steal, although they are not doing anything like THE BOEHNER BAILOUT.
But if you can drag your ass off of the rat chewed sofa to vote in November you’re going to vote for the party that tells you that there is too much GD government spending while it takes (y)our tax dollars and spends them to construct fabrications about what they would do (differently than from 2001 to 2007?) next time around. No?
hey, crooked nose jew bastards, how the hell are ya? havent talked to you money grubbing scum in a while.
42 – Heh. Long time no see jew hater.
Hey bigot, here’s a guy right up your alley.
Democrats = 70% good + 30% graft
Republicans = 30% good + 70% graft
@41…Mikey projecting again?
@44….and that is your opinion…
mine would be
Both: 5% good – 95% shit
@45 Dr. Dre 05/25/2010 at 8:15 pm,
Sure. I’m going to vote for Rossi because shorting the hell out of banks like WaMu made me a fortune the last time Republicans had a say in how the gubernment regulated.
I suspect you’ll vote straight “R” cuz as a doctor of love the prospect of bathroom stall Republicans gives you chills.
Is there some other reason a self proclaimed doctor of love votes the Republican ticket?
@47…still projecting?
your like a cat with no claws trying to climb and ice wall…flailing away..
In regards to Republican teabagger follies…
how about The Palin Touch: Endorsee Vaughn Ward of Idaho caught plagiarizing Obama’s speech ?
No doubt all teabaggers understand and acknowledge that former half-term governor, Sarah Mooselini Palin is a soshuulist plant. How else can one explain her obvious endorsement of ObamaMao’s soshuulist principles? In Idaho! One of her many collegiate alma mater states!
Stupes where’d you go man?
I was about to brag about the posix regex that’s passed through from the command line through the ruby task manager gem to the ruby data management gem to the ruby c-extension down to the compiled c-based data management library to linux glibc.
That regex (*puddybud) is how all the variations on your handle are picked up. C’mon dude, ya gotta love it!
Wow goatsee,
That’s a productive use of time. What will you say to God when He asks about what you did with your life goatsee?
Yeah #2, at least as productive as somewhere in the neighborhood of 26 thousand comments (conservative estimate) since late Apr 2005 or earlier.
All of which I HIGHLY RECOMMEND by the way to the likes of emily and her friends..
Yeah goatsee, Puddy was earning a living while you were doing what goatsee?
Pissing into the wind!
You see goatsee, when you work for yourself, you can comment when you want. You on the other hand you are a bean taco, full of FARTS!
53 – Yawwwn… I’ll leave you to chat up Emily. I hope she’s not too sceeered of the database. I’m sure you’ll calm her fears – you got the IT skillz my man!
However, it doesn’t seem like you made it there. What happed Stupes? The fambly tied you down?
I’ll leave you with one last query, one “database on the brain” thang.. Your “brain” that is..
$ b cols ‘-f=c -c=handle:matches~*puddybud,body:strinc~tctmgr -C’
| count |
| 86 |
Doesn’t seem like a big number but think about it. In 86 comments you harped on “tctmgr”..
86 times..
out of 26 thousand plus..
Then you got bored and changed up. And you’re still harping on it.. Just in a different form. Been that way since last summer..
Gonna be interesting leading up to November.
8 Too bad you cant figure out a way to floss your tooth. Maybe you could use your ponytail. By the way, you were loopy before your visit to the dentist.
@11 You don’t take NO2 with a chaser? Idiot!
@56 I have only one tooth, but it’s a big one. You have only one dick, and it’s a little one. hahaha time try and make sense you nutcase.
What will you say to God when He asks about what you did with your life
re my comment at 49, turns out there was a bit of an upset in last night’s Idaho primary.
Top GOP recruit Vaughn Ward loses in Idaho primary
Another recruited and endorsed Republican candidate repudiated by the voters. Helmet-Hair-Hamlet should be worried.
I heard of a sure fire way to cap the oil gusher in the gulf.
“Obama will come out in support of the well, and the Republicans will obstruct it.”
Bu dum BUM!
Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week. Please tip your servers.
Till that day..
96 degrees farenheit in new England. Must be global cooling!
When you map the temp over time, you can see the temp is going going up. This is why we must not waste government funds on science. It gets in the way of the climate change deniers.
and….the chinese and indians, the two biggest polluters on the planet, are more than happy to “go green”.
and, can you guess the last names of the guys who have shovel ready companies ready to profit from cap and trade? look it up
Hey, it is Woman of bias:
Welcome back, Nazi sympathizer.
Oh, per capita we pollute about twice as much as anyone else on the planert.
But I don’t expect you to actually understand things like numbers and statistics. That would be too much for your little brain to handle.
So go on hating all “others” – it is much easier and you don’t need to have or use brain cells to do it.
By the way, look up the term xenophobic -it is you to a T.
hey, jew bastard, how the hell are ya. yeah, i wasnr around for a while, they found a tumor in my brain but in a good place for surgery so i’m doin fine. glad to be back
@68…ya, we also produce twice as much and work twice as hard(well most everyone accept YLB)….
You don’t suppose that we can still work hard without polluting? Don’t work that brain to hard!
@71…just rub your magic dust all over the place so skittles will fall out of the sky and we can all live in some foggy utopia ala Star Trek TNG…
If you think the US pollutes, you should take a trip to India, China, or Eastern Europe/Russia and check them out….
dont work that nutsack too hard…
When you map the temp over time, you can see the temp is going going up. This is why we must not waste government funds on science. It gets in the way of the climate change deniers.