It’s Tuesday evening, which means that the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally meets for an evening of politics under the influence. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm. Or stop by even earlier for dinner.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 332 chapters of Drinking Liberally sprinkled liberally across the globe.
Roger Rabbit hardly ever attends DL because it’s a long hop for hops.
Perhaps this new show could be of help with your OCD:
Good luck!
So here I am in Texas. Sen Cornhole screaming about Sotomayor and her activist positions, Gov Perry screaming secession and everyone else screaming, it seems, for the death penalty for petty theft. I am searching for a local WingNut blog so that I can become their Cynical/troll pain in the ass.
Life is good!
If anyone knows of a good Liberal blog here, let me know. Goldy?
3 – Texas actually has a strong liberal tradition (mostly centered around Austin.)
Good place to start on blogs is here (good blogroll):
And the blogroll at that burnt orange report also points to some interesting right wing blogs as well.
Have fun!
Hey MLF, I had a question for you on a previous thread.
If you get a chance, take a look. If not? Cool.
Best regards.
Right Stuff,
Despite your moniker, you do not seem rigidly ideological. That’s a good thing, usually. Open minds tend toward the good.
@7: So you commend RS for not being rigidly ideological while you are rigidly ideological?
Danger Will Robinson Danger, that does not compute!
Sotomayor: Looks like one of her “majority opinions” is Ricci vs DeStefano now being reviewed by SCOTUS.
In another thread the HA swineflu weasel crew thought the conservatives would lose big time if they voted against Sotomayor for her leftist views. Well to use the Chucky Schumer phrase…”far beyond the mainstream” is a great way to define Sotomayor. Evaluate her statement at Duke University below…
“Court of Appeals is where policy is made. And I know, I know this is on tape and I know I shouldn’t say that because we don’t make law, I know.” – Sotomayor Puddy thought the Congress is where law is made. Who changed the US Constitution?
Puddy remembers when Miguel Estrada was placed for nomination in 2001 you leftist pinheads went apoplectic over him. Estrada was nominated by GWB in May 2001, but Senate Democrats filibustered to block his approval. So Puddy thinks turn about is fair play. This is why you HA swineflu weasels are leftist pinheads. No memory!
But this is even funnier to remember. Puddy also remembers how the leftist pinheads (Congressional Black Caucii in particular) in Congress got the lace panties all twisted over Janice Brown for the Court of Appeals? Janice Brown, is a pro-life black judge who serves on the California Supreme Court. Well she is still on the CA Supreme Court. And guess who lost their battle on gay marriage to the CA? Leftist pinheads.
History may repeat itself again. Just have to wait and see.
As Puddy was reading the leftist blogs they claim Sotomayor is the first hispanic nominee to SCOTUS. Well what happened to Justice Benjamin Cardozo? What happened to Miguel Estrada?
You leftists are a bunch of liars.
Please. I’m begging you, Lambchop. Read before you type. Your chronic errors on elementary facts are embarrassing.
You’re not even fun to kick around anymore…
Better trolls please.
More about Sotomayor
Dabit vs. Merrill Lynch (2005), 395 F.3d 25 – Unanimously overturned by SCOTUS! – “The federal interest in overseeing securities market cases prevails, and that doing otherwise could give rise to wasteful, duplicative litigation.”
Knight vs. Commissioner (2006), 467 F.3d 149: In 2006 SCOTUS upheld Sotomayor’s decision but unanimously rejected the reasoning she adopted, saying that her approach “flies in the face of the statutory language.”
Tasini vs. New York Times, et al (1997), 972 F. Supp. 804: – The appellate court reversed District Judge Sotomayor’s decision, siding with the freelancers, and SCOTUS upheld the appellate decision (therefore rejecting Sotomayor’s original ruling).
Malesko v. Correctional Services Corp. (2000), 299 F.3d 374: Sotomayor, writing for the court in 2000, supported the right of an individual to sue a private corporation working on behalf of the federal government for alleged violations of that individual’s constitutional rights. SCOTUS reversed Sotomayor’s ruling.
Empire Healthchoice Assurance, Inc. vs. McVeigh (2005), 396 F.3d 136: In 2005, Sotomayor ruled against a health insurance company that sued the estate of a deceased federal employee who received $157,000 in insurance benefits as the result of an injury. The Supreme Court upheld Sotomayor’s ruling
Riverkeeper, Inc. vs. EPA (2007), 475 F.3d 83: Sotomayor, writing for a three-judge panel, ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency may not engage in a cost-benefit analysis in implementing a rule that the “best technology available” must be used to limit the environmental impact of power plants on nearby aquatic life. The Supreme Court reversed Sotomayor’s ruling
Ricci v. DeStefano (2008), 530 F.3d 87: Sotomayor was part of a three-judge panel that ruled in February 2008 to uphold a lower court decision supporting the City of New Haven’s decision to throw out the results of an exam to determine promotions within the city’s fire department. Only one Hispanic and no African-American firefighters qualified for promotion based on the exam; the City subsequently decided not to certify the results and issued no promotions. In June 2008, Sotomayor was part of a 7-6 majority to deny a rehearing of the case by the full court. SCOTUS heard oral arguments in April 2009.
Another Total Jerk, show us the factual errors as you put it.
Goldy you need to screen your NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat Swineflu Weasel crew.
BTW Another Total Jerk since you are so dumb…Justice Cardozo’s cousin, poet Emma Lazarus’ wrote the poem “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” which resides on the Statue of Liberty.
But you are tooooooooooooooo stupid to know historical facts. You are rigidly ideological.
BTW it was the NY Slimes, the paper in deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep debt who claimed Sotomayor would be the first his panic justice.
My wife is very proud of me. Sometimes, like back in the JCH days, she would get a bit protective.
Teresa loves me. She sometimes makes a bigger deal out of it than what it was. Serving has to be something that you love. You should not be looking for money, rank or accolades. If you are…. you are in the wrong profession. You do it, I was once told, “because you can. If you don’t, who will?”
As for water boarding, which is illegal in this country and for good reason, there is some training in the “this could happen to you if you are captured” class. All I will say is that I lasted about the same amount of time as ManCow, if that. I would have confessed to anything. Water being poured down your nose and mouth is an exptremely frightening and painful experience.
Right Stuff, I have been scared twice in my life. Once was when my son was in a motorcycle accident. The other was when the water started flowing. And remember, I was among friends. I knew going in I would not be severely injured or killed. It didn’t matter. (Personal note: I now know what scares me: Not being in control.)
I used your link, found what I was looking for. I swear that I don’t live in the USA anymore. Texas is truly a whole different country.
Thank you.
Puddy @ 10 spews:
Quoting Judge Sotomayor:
Court of Appeals is where policy is made. And I know, I know this is on tape and I know I shouldn’t say that because we don’t make law, I know.
An entirely uncontroversial statement to make in the context in which she made it. Perhaps Puddy can explain exactly what the Supreme Court was doing when it ruled that a junior high school can strip search a 13 year-old girl, without notifying her parents, in search of one pill of prescription-strength ibuprofen? How is that not making policy?
Puddy @ 11 spews:
As Puddy was reading the leftist blogs they claim Sotomayor is the first hispanic nominee to SCOTUS. Well what happened to Justice Benjamin Cardozo? What happened to Miguel Estrada?
Justice Cardozo was a Sephardic Jew of Portuguese descent. Josh Marshall ran through all of this yesterday.
Miguel Estrada was never nominated to the Supreme Court. Democrats filibustered his nomination to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.
Last time: please, Lambchop, check your facts before you type.
Note: the errors Don Joe pointed out aren’t the only ones.
David Kurtz points out what Bush 41 said about Clarence Thomas.
Guess “empathy” is only a good thing when Republicans have it.
Where is the SCOTUS 13 year old strip search decision?
Not on Slate.
Not on ACLU.
Not on NY Slimes.
Not on Digg.
Does a school have the right to enforce no drugs policy? If the drugs are for personal use okay. We know in today’s litigious society, the school will be sued if someone takes a pill from another person and gets sick. You can thank the ACLU for that policy.
Yes, Estrada was Court of Appeals. Puddy got that wrong.
Talking Points Memo? Give me a break.
Notice no attack on her jurist record of strikedowns
The conservatives shreak from the rafters about Supreme Court nominees being too Liberal, partisan & activist. And how this is a terrible thing for the Constitution, judicial system and country. But if Obama were to nominate the most rigid and rabid right-wing, neo-con, super-partisan, their higher moral ground arguments would vanish. They’d all cream their jeans while praising what a great selection had been made.
Clown posse.
Don Joe, what is the definition of Hispanic?
Wikipedia says – Hispanic (Spanish: hispano, hispánico) is a term that historically denoted a relationship to the ancient Hispania (geographically coinciding with the Iberian Peninsula). Looks like Spain and Portugal.
During the modern era, it took on a more limited meaning, relating to the contemporary nation of Spain.
Still more recently, the term is used to describe the culture and people of countries formerly ruled by Spain, usually with a majority of the population having Spanish ancestry and speaking the Spanish language. These include Mexico, the majority of the Central and South American countries, and most of the Greater Antilles. There are also Spanish influences in the African nation of Equatorial Guinea,[1] and the cultures of the Spanish East Indies’ nations and territories, the Philippines, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands.[2]
Just quit while you’re an ass. Seriously.
Puddy @ 22 spews:
Where is the SCOTUS 13 year old strip search decision?
My bad. It was the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Though, Puddy still avoids the substance of the question. Was the Court setting policy or not?
Talking Points Memo? Give me a break.
Puddy clearly didn’t follow the link, because the article cites sources, including the wikipedia.
Or, maybe Puddy did follow the link, because Puddy later cites Wikipedia regarding the “historical” meaning of “Hispanic,” but stops short of citing the entire relevant section of the article. The Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry strikes again.
Notice no attack on her jurist record of strikedowns
Judge Sotomayor has written some 370 opinions as an Appellate Court judge, and we can count the number of reversals on one hand. We should thank Puddy for pointing out such an outstanding record.
3. My Left Foot spews:
Hey, you cranky old fart…thanks, I think.
Since your posting, that means your ticker is tickin’…hopefully your health is improving.
Now back to business…
Sotomayor is tough on crime. That’s good.
However, her recent racist decision about the white firefighters and her comment that a Latina woman could reach a better decision than a white man definitely deserve scrutiny.
If that’s all there is and she explains them reasonably…she will be confirmed easily. HOWEVER, if there are more examples of racism in her past decisions, speeches or papers…that’s not good.
MLF, how would you feel if she had said a Christian White Male would reach a better decision than a Jew??
Not good…and I’d be right there with you screaming outrage.
So why is this any different?
It’s not.
Let’s have a fair and open process on Sotomayor. Get everything on the table and allow her time to respond and be questioned.
It’s the way it has been done for every other Supreme Court Justice.
Why should she get a pass simply because of race & gender?
Answer…she shouldn’t.
Excellent research and recall on Sotomayor. These are the things that should be made public, have her explained and questioned on each. Jamming her thru because of Race/Gender would be wrong…..flying in the face of what you Leftists claim to believe.
Keep the info flowin’ Puddy.
We are having our house painted.
Prep work is almost done.
Also getting the rest of our dead Pine trees removed. Lots of firewood…but a big mess and sad to see them all go. I hate Pine Beetles! You should see all the Pine Beetle kill throughout Montana. If any of you drive I-90 thru Montana this summer, look for all the “rusty” dead Pine Trees.
@10 Well well, what do we have here, a Bushlicker lecturing us on separation of powers … that’s funny, in the sick twisted way that all unintended wingnut ironies are funny.
@28 Doesn’t matter what you cockroaches dig up on Sotomayor. After putting an embarrassment like Scalia on the court, you cunts have no creds to complain about anything we do.
Here is a Montana Grade School Field Trip good one:
Teacher: “ok children, what sounds did you here on the Farm Field trip yesterday.
Timmy: “Moooooooooooooo.”
Jenny: “Oink, Oink.”
Betty: “Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay”
Steve: “baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
Goldy: “Get off the fuckin’ tractor you little shit!”
Don Joe: What a tard. If a ruling made sense, why take it to the SCOTUS. If the ruling didn’t make sense it gets appealed.
You on the other hand are a moron cuz of the rulings appealed she was rejected on more than she upheld. And, one of the ones not rejected, her reasoning was rejected. What a idiot.
Don Joe: Here is the Wikipedia entry on Justice Cardoza.
It was last modified May 27th.
Oh yes Don Joe: Here is more from Puddy’s Partial Punditry as the Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition… So much for your sorry ASS!
Oh, Christ:
6 of Sotomayor’s decisions have been reviewed by the SC. 3 upheld, 3 reversed. The average reversal rate is around 70-75%. She’s at 50%. This is an indication that she is entirely within the judicial mainstream.
And, finally, Lambchop, Janice Rogers Brown is not on the California Supreme Court.
Too damn funny, indeed.
I’m finished with you. Here endeth the lesson. You’re dismissed… with prejudice.
Don Joe:
Regarding Talking Points Memo, Puddy tries to stay away from libtard suggested places on this blog. Puddy remembers the Phony Soldiers attack by Talking Points Memo in 2007 just like Trig is Bristol’s baby attack of the Daily Kos. Both were dead wrong!
Nope you dope! Puddy stays far away…
You are right Another Total Jerk. Janice Rogers Brown was finally approved. Puddy forgot.
Which makes the CA Supreme Vote on Prop 8 even more POWERFUL.
Another Total Jerk you’ll be back. Your EGO won’t let you stop.
It consumes you.
It drives you.
It makes you.
Goodness Another Total Jerk, Puddy put the cases on record above. CNN reporting is held higher than Talking Points Memo.
WASHINGTON (CNN) — It’s not just lawyers who face a tough audience in the nine members of the U.S. Supreme Court. Federal judges themselves frequently have a difficult time in persuading the nation’s high court on matters of law, as Judge Sonia Sotomayor can personally attest.
Over the course of almost 17 years on the federal bench, Sotomayor has written opinions on at least eight cases that the Supreme Court later reviewed on appeal, according to a CNN analysis of Sotomayor’s cases. Of those cases, six were either overturned or sent back to the lower court for further consideration. One case was upheld, but Sotomayor’s legal reasoning was panned in the opinion signed by entire court. An eighth case is still being deliberated.
Sotomayor issued seven of the rulings while serving in her current post on the U.S. Court of Appeals; the eighth ruling stemmed from a case she presided over as a district court judge in 1997.
In three of the cases where Sotomayor was overturned, the newest Supreme Court nominee had the same or similar position as the jurist she hopes to replace, Justice David Souter.
So for the moron AKA Another Total Jerk, where did Puddy stray from the truth? NOWHERE Fool!
Who said: “I am not a champion of lost causes, but of causes not yet won.” – Norman Thomas
Who used that quote in their Princeton University yearbook? Sonia Sotomayor. – From CBS News last night.
Who is Norman Thomas? Norman was the presidential nominee of the Socialist Party from 1928-1948. How Typical. Oh yeah, he’s the granddad of Newsweek’s Evan Thomas.
Puddy @ 32 spews:
If a ruling made sense, why take it to the SCOTUS. If the ruling didn’t make sense it gets appealed.
Precisely. Now, how many of Judge Sotomayor’s decisions made sense enough that they were either never appealed to the Supreme Court or were appealed to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court denied cert?
By the way, here’s some information in the Supreme Court’s overall reversal rate.
Puddy @ 33 spews:
Here is the Wikipedia entry on Justice Cardoza
First of all, it’s Cardozo, not Cardoza.
Second, the Wikipedia entry on Justice Cardozo has the word “hispanic” in it in one location. A footnote that links to this AP article, which opens with:
Puddy @ 34 spews:
Here is more from Puddy’s Partial Punditry as the Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition
OMG, I think Puddy might actually start to understand exactly what “Partial Punditry” means. After I’ve cited a number of sources, including sources that Puddy has already pointed to, saying, essentially, that the definition of “hispanic” is, at best, rather fluid when it comes to people of Portuguese descent, Puddy finds one source, and a source that is itself not entirely conclusive, and declares victory for himself.
Yup. I don’t think I could have come up with a more classic example where Puddy chooses to ignore mountains of evidence that happens to disagree with his conclusion for the sake of one piece of evidence that well, kinda sorta, backs him up. Partial Punditry indeed.
Once again Don Joe proves he can’t read let alone comprehend…
Using the Wiki article
With all four of his grandparents being from the Iberian Peninsula, Cardozo is the only Supreme Court justice to be of Hispanic (Latino, Ibero-American) descent.
Cardozo was the first Hispanic (Latino, Ibero-American) and second person of Jewish descent, after Louis Brandeis, to be appointed to the Supreme Court.
Golly Don Joe and his partial punditry said:
Wrong again fool!
And there are more on-line dictionaries which claim Portuguese. So Puddy chose Merriam-Webster. But Don Joe doesn’t want to talk about that. Of course, it’s like throwing water on his barely lit fire.
Regarding his “mountains of evidence”, the term his panic changed over the years.
From Wikipedia –
The 1970 Census was the first time that a “Hispanic” identifier was used and data collected with the question. The definition of “Hispanic” has been modified in each successive census. The 2000 Census asked if the person was “Spanish/Hispanic/Latino”.[13]
The U.S. Office of Management and Budget currently defines “Hispanic or Latino” as “a person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race”.[14] This definition excludes people of Portuguese origins, such as Portuguese Americans or Brazilian Americans. However, they are included in some government agencies’ definitions. For example, the U.S. Department of Transportation defines Hispanic to include, “persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, Central or South American, or others Spanish or Portuguese culture or origin, regardless of race.”[15] This definition has been adopted by the Small Business Administration as well as many federal, state, and municipal agencies for the purposes of awarding government contracts to minority owned businesses. Still, other government agencies adopt definitions that exclude people from Spain. Some others include people from Brazil, but not Spain or Portugal.
But don’t facts stop you Don Joe. Oh no keep plugging away at nuthin…
Puddy @ 44 spews:
A whole bunch of stuff without a single link. Hm… Wonder why. Let’s see, now.
Here’s the Wikipedia entry from April 24. Note, not a single mention of the word “hispanic” in the entire article.
Here’s the Wikipedia entry as I type this comment. Note, only one instance of the word “hispanic,” and that’s exactly the one I mentioned in my comment 43.
So, where does Puddy get all that extra text that’s not found in either versions of the Wikipedia article on Justice Cardozo? I’m guessing it’s from some other edit of the page, and that there are some wingnuts out there trying to get the word “Hispanic” into the Wikipedia article which keeps getting edited out by those who are actually concerned about the article’s accuracy.
All of this is, yet again, an example of the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry. Puddy doesn’t ever tell us all the relevant facts.
But, here’s the funny part. Puddy spews:
But don’t facts stop you Don Joe. Oh no keep plugging away at nuthin…
All this about whether or not Justice Cardozo was Hispanic. Where’s Puddy’s response to the points I’d made about the number of times Judge Sotomayor has been reversed by the Supreme Court? At 42, Don Joe made mincemeat out of Puddy’s attempt to slime Judge Sotomayor.
So, who’s “plugging away at nuthin”? Yup. Puddy himself.
LMAO!!! Poor Stupes. He has the gall to name-call ATJ.
ATJ exposed Stupes cruelly as a fool who couldn’t remember HIS OWN LIES.
Where was the “bubble memory” then fiend?
THe big HorsesASS Don Joe misses again. is the main link. So much for his “eviseration”
Don Joe forgets to say the rejection rate is based on the accepted cases. Right now of the accepted Sotomayor cases is six out of 8 cases (75%) rejected or sent back for reconsideration. One case agreed to she was REJECTED for her legal logic. If the New Haven firemen case gets rejected she’ll be 7 out of 9 or 77%.
Looks like par for the course. But that fact is lost on Don Joe.
Also as always the clueless wonder never brings anything, just comments on others attack tries.
Getting reversed by this Supreme Court should be an honor for any judge. Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito wouldn’t know a constitutional principle from a hedgehog. Sotomayor’s reversal rate would only matter if we had a decent Supreme Court. We don’t. We have an ideologically-inclined Court (with exceptions, of course) that cares more about serving wingnuttery than the law. You wouldn’t understand that, though.
Here’s the Wikipedia entry as I type this comment. It now contains the following sentence
Notice how this is very different from the text the Puddy quoted in his comment @ 44. Notice how I’m not hiding facts the way Puddy has.
Don Joe forgets to say the rejection rate is based on the accepted cases.
First of all, Puddy neglects to say why it would be necessary for me to point out anything when I linked to the original article.
Second, if Puddy is going to chastise me for not mentioning facts in that article, then why doesn’t Puddy mention this:
Puddy seems to think that it’s option 2, because way back at comment 32, Puddy said:
If a ruling made sense, why take it to the SCOTUS. If the ruling didn’t make sense it gets appealed.
In comment 42. I agreed with that sentiment, and asked Puddy:
Now, how many of Judge Sotomayor’s decisions made sense enough that they were either never appealed to the Supreme Court or were appealed to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court denied cert?
Puddy hasn’t answered that question. Maybe he’s been too busy cherry-picking specific edits of Justice Cardozo’s Wikipedia entry to answer my question, but I doubt it. Puddy just doesn’t care to share all of the facts with us.
My Left Foot.
“Teresa loves me. She sometimes makes a bigger deal out of it than what it was. Serving has to be something that you love.”
The answer of a true quiet professional. Your humility is very admirable.
Thank you for your answer and I certainly respect your comments and understand the weight of experience behind them.
Best wishes to you and your family in Texas.
“7. proud leftist spews:
Right Stuff,
Despite your moniker, you do not seem rigidly ideological. That’s a good thing, usually. Open minds tend toward the good.
05/26/2009 at 11:25 pm ”
My moniker has to do with this
I loved this book when I first read it, oh the many moons ago, but it has stuck with me…
“just make sure you don’t screw the pooch”
That’s the genesis of the moniker..
@ 51
Ah. Then you will know what I mean when I say, “But, it’s upside down!”
“spam in a can”
I still think that the scene with Conrad (was it Conrad?) waddling behind the orderly with the red cowboy boots out into the hall and into the elevator on his way to radiology is one of the funniest pieces of prose ever written.
What a bunch of crap…
BULSHITTIUM! Puddy wasn’t hiding any facts. If Don Joe could search he’d see there were three Wiki Links for Justice Ben with one a redirect. What a moron!
Regarding his original article Puddy doesn’t read anything referred to by a libtard swineflu weasel from Talking Points Memo. They were up front leading the false charges on Phony Soldiers and Barack the Magic Negro. Why would Puddy venture into their filthy lurid domain? Nope You Dope! What a moron!
Regarding his other question which Don Joe claims Puddy must answer… Fool, Puddy doesn’t know why the SCOTUS makes it’s rulings to review or not review en banc. Not my call. What a moron!
Puddy @ 55 spews:
Puddy should start prefacing all of his comments with “BULSHITTIUM[sic]”, because we can be rather certain that whatever Puddy posts is loaded with bullshit.
Did Puddy disclose the fact that the Wikipedia page he cited has a source has undergone a number of edits regarding Justice Cardozo’s ethnic background? No. I had to point that out.
Moreover, this is really all about Puddy’s claim back at 14 that:
You leftists are a bunch of liars.
Well, gosh, one can reasonably argue, as the evidence of the variety of edits of the Wikipedia entry shows, that Justice Cardozo was not hispanic. Therefore, Puddy’s claim that people on the left are all lying about the hispanic issue is dismissed with prejudice. Epic fail.
Puddy further spews:
Regarding his original article Puddy doesn’t read anything referred to by a libtard swineflu weasel from Talking Points Memo.
Well, of course. That’s the point. Puddy chooses not to be fully informed, which is what gives rise to the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry. It’s good to see Puddy admit this. Why Puddy thinks that anyone else ought to be impressed by Puddy’s self-imposed ignorance is a question only Puddy can answer.
Lastly, Puddy spews:
Fool, Puddy doesn’t know why the SCOTUS makes it’s rulings to review or not review en banc. Not my call.
I never asked Puddy to explain why the Supreme Court decides or doesn’t decide to review cases from lower courts. I asked Puddy:
Puddy fails to grasp the difference between questions that begin with “How many” and questions that begin with “Why,” and then wants to call other people, “Fool!”
“BULSHITIUM[sic]” indeed.
I think my favorite was
“This isn’t about p***y, this is about monkey!”
Good stuff
@ 57
I knew I could find it somewhere.
I think that’s one of the funnies parts.
There are so many good quotes and sayings in the book. One of my favorites. ( obviously )
Thanks for finding that.
@ 59
I think that’s one of the funnies parts.
I read it out loud to my kids (15 and 18–not exactly “kids” any more) today. Well, I tried reading it out loud. By the time I got to “scuttling like a crab after red cowboy boots,” we were all laughing so hard we had tears in our eyes.
All right, that’s it. Now I’m going to have to pull out the movie and watch it again!!!
I just never gets old.