Please join us tonight for an evening of fantasy, whimsy, and war-mongering as Fox Business Network hosts the fourth Republican Primary Debate. Shock and awwwwww (and maybe some drinking games) will prevail at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Our normal starting time is 8:00 pm, but this week we will start with the debate at 6:00 pm (PST).
Note: We should have sound and video for the debate. But the bar and restaurant has other customers, so the sound may not be as loud as you want, especially with the background of a busy tavern and peripheral conversations. If you are intent on hearing every word, I recommend you bring stuff to stream the audio.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities, Redmond, and Bellingham chapters also meet. The Bremerton, Spokane, and Kent chapters meet on Thursday. And next Monday, the Aberdeen and Yakima chapters meet.
There are 184 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or start—a chapter near you.
Trump joins the Starbucks idiocy. Pandering, anyone?
“Trump called for a boycott of Starbucks, because its new winter-themed cups do not feature snowflakes, or make any reference to Christmas, as they have in the past. ‘If I become president, we’re all going to be saying Merry Christmas again, that I can tell you.’ While Trump himself acknowledged the unique nature of the Republican electorate … ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Really? What’s he going to do, issue an executive order requiring us all to say “Merry Christmas?” Do you go to jail if you don’t comply? He’s right about one thing, though, the Republican electorate is unique …
Meanwhile, Christie has problems on the homefront:
“Chris Christie is running in fourth place in his home state of New Jersey — and voters there say their governor should drop out of the Republican presidential race and come home, a new poll shows. … 61% of New Jersey voters want Christie to exit the 2016 race, while 33% want him to see it through. The survey shows the damage of the ‘Bridgegate’ scandal.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And if you believe Christie had nothing to do with “Bridgegate,” and his top aides orchestrated it behind his back without his knowledge, then I’ve got a (closed) bridge to sell you. And the rutabaga truck is stuck in the middle of the bridge.
More proof the rich can afford to pay higher taxes. Honestly, some people have more money than they know what to do with.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The high-end art market is driven by ego, not intrinsic value. “I paid more for my Modigliani cost more than you paid for your Picasso, neener neener.” If Sotheby’s were a gangbanger bar, then guns would come out and shooting would start. Sotheby’s auctions are nothing more than little boys with big wallets rattling their gold chains at each other. These guys couldn’t tell the difference between a Van Gogh and a magazine cover.
What’s the point of having so much money that you spend $170 million on an art piece for lack of anything better to do with it? Of course, it never occurs to these people to feed the hungry, or anything like that. That’s why we need a safety net funded by taxes and run by government, not dependent on private charity.
CNN has graciously provided us with a cheat sheet for tonight’s show:
(1) The Forrest Gump candidate: “Questions about [Carson’s] biography will likely continue dog the candidate …”
(2) The grifter: “[Rubio] could get hit on a range of issues including his use of a Florida Republican Party charge card …”
(3) The twig of the Bush family tree: “The … dilemma for Bush … is whether he’s better off being himself … a self-described introvert … or trying to show that he can be an aggressive and combative candidate.” He tipped his hand earlier this week when he promised to kill Baby Hitler if he got the chance.
(4) The center ring clown: “[Trump’s] novelty may be starting to wear thin.”
While the average person mainly notices oil prices at the pump, oil pricing has many ripple effects throughout the economy, so it’s interesting that spokesmen for several oil majors told an international conference in Dubai yesterday they foresee depressed oil prices continuing for several more years. OPEC, many of whose members are hurting, is singing a different tune: they expect oil prices to rise in 2016. Not unless they cut production, which so far they’ve been unwilling to do. Until then, that’s just empty jawboning.
Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns oil stocks and will benefit from higher oil prices. Roger Rabbit also owns consumer stocks, and benefits from low oil prices. Serious capitalists like Roger Rabbit burn both ends of every candle.
In yesterday’s open thread Roger senile is attacking Dr Ben with this smelly pellet
“Carson’s plans to ‘monitor’ political speech on college campuses has to be near the top.”
Yeah Roger senile glad you brought that up. Here is what’s happening at the University of Missouri, Roger senile’s college… – Mizzou PD asks students to report ‘hateful and/or hurtful’ speech
You see Roger senile…
Full disclosure: You are just one dumb senile moron! The more you post the more evident it is to everyone here! The progressive libtards have been doing this for years. It’s called FASCISM! Screw the first amendment! Now it’s out in the open and Dr Ben identified it recently!
Meanwhile on the DUMMOCRETIN campaign front…
Very interesting Sgt Schultz! Seems the Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP) may hit a snag!
Meanwhile on the DUMMOCRETIN side…
Puddy guesses with the rotten egg stain on Politico’s face over their fake Ben Carson story last week… now they are getting “tough” on the reportage of Heilary’s emails and the FBI investigation!
Seems the libtards promoted college FASCISM are now scared of the baby they created…
Free speech has lost to the mighty $$$ on college campii. And we see that the same progressive libtards have pushed this narrative for so long now their own jobs are in jeopardy!
Sux being a libtard! You eat your own!
Oh my Puddy doesn’t need to add commentary here… The Mizzou students are attacking a photog and who is cheering this? Their own progressive libtard media professor and they don’t even know it!
Oh my! Pass the popcorn Martha… libtard anarchy and fascism is on display!
Seems 4% of the UW faculty is against unionization?
Now why is that Dr Darryl and Dr Steve? Puddy has been told on HA DUMMOCRETINS that unions are the greatest thing America has ever beheld!
Dr Ben Carson responded to Donald Trump jumping on the libtard bandwagon only to be proven wrong… Dr Ben Carson asked, “What does it say about people who immediately jump on the bandwagon when they hear something bad rather than waiting and finding out what the truth is? I would not be anxious to have a Commander-in-Chief who acts like that.”
” Puddy has been told on HA DUMMOCRETINS that unions are the greatest thing America has ever beheld!”
Guess that explains the other 96%!
“… rather than waiting and finding out what the truth is”
Don’t hold your breath while you’re waiting, though.
Wouldn’t be prudent.
@6 Are you in favor of that? Students turning each other in to the campus cops for saying something they don’t like, so the university can take disciplinary action? Your favorite presidential candidate wants to make that a model for the entire nation. And you call ME a fascist??!!
Washington doesn’t have a pension problem. In fact, our pension system is overfunded. (Scroll down to interactive chart.)
So, wingnuts who love to slash other people’s salaries and pensions will have to find some other way to pick on our state’s public servants.
@12 This from the kneejerk lyncher who doesn’t believe Bowe Bergdahl should get a trial before the mob hangs him.
Golly Roger senile… you are one interminable moron. Your pellet… Your favorite presidential candidate wants to make that a model for the entire nation. And you call ME a fascist??!!
You still can’t get what Dr Ben has called for! And YES! We whom think right are calling you a FASCIST! Dr Ben calls for the monitoring of the FASCIST speech found on universities! The Missouri student body is being held up for them being FASCIST! The students were upset that U of M, your alma mater, didn’t react to the Hands Up Don’t Shoot lie like you reacted to Roger senile! Now we see how U of M has reacted!
You need something for that memory issue you have!
Looks like the Appeals Court Rules Against Obama Immigration Plan. I guess the President does NOT (as he said himself) have the ability to change laws…
I love the Constitution, especially when it is upheld!
To lib the racist unscientist. You need to change from where you post lib. You farted useless vaues… The money statement
You see lib the racist unscientist… This is the outcome when truth is told to health care workers that their dues are going to DUMMOCRETIN causes… http://www.myfreedomfoundation.....g-seiu-925
Can’t tell the truth to an employee about what the SEIU is really up to. We already know what they did back in 2010 with intimidation tactics in other places in America. Puddy posted it. Just grow some BALLS and ask the crazed clueless databaze deala for a replay!
I’m sure tonight is going to be about how bad the Media is…..bad Media, bad Media.
Not like we need to focus on the economy and investing in our infrastructure and being less like a Nazi state. More importantly, let’s get rid of the Media – if we don’t get rid of the media we can’t pull the wool over everyone’s eyes, just the pathetic few. Censorship! That’s what we should be talking about……oh, you mean there is a thing called freedom of speech? How about we just r around the edge and just call the media a bunch of fucks.
@9 we all know you love free speech when it denigrates everyone but yourself…..oh, but no one can say the N word……because Puffy doesn’t like it.
I’m sure if that President was doing the equivalent of denying someone marriage rights because their religious beliefs (not rights to discriminate) then you would be eating this shit up and lapping it up; you would be loving it, if they protested and didn’t play, if they were defending him for his religious beliefs….
you are a fucking moron.
UW faculty are employees of the State of Washington.
Family Child Care workers are employees of private, state subsidized providers. Pretty huge difference. Yet still, over half of these private employees choose to affiliate with the union
Libatards – we eat are own….
Man, Puffy just projects, projects and projects… fuck your own.
@12 sounds like Carson was speaking of you. You know jumping on Ben Bergdahl. Guilty!
And the SEIU looks for their easy pickings in UW professors eh lib the racist unscientist… All for politics eh lib the racist unscientist? Extracting $1000.year per perfessa to scream about issues most UW perfessas already jock strap?
Since you are one lazy person… Let Puddy help you out… http://www.myfreedomfoundation.....50-percent
Oh well lib the racist unscientist… Yes your connection locations haven’t changed over the years so closeted noplay is really lib the racist unscientist! You can continue to fool the DUMMOCRETINS here!
I was horrified to hear Hillary Clinton say she wants to “reform” the VA. Sorry, but I have zero trust she would do the right thing.
SEIU is staging minimum wage protests in 270 cities today; and, as usual, wingnut commenters are hating on workers for wanting a living wage.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The most common complaint from Cheap Labor Conservatives about minimum wage laws is that government should stay out of it and let the free market determine wages. That sure isn’t the tune they sang back in slavery days. There was nothing “free” about the slave economy. It was maintained with laws and government force. That was the ONLY way they could get people to work for $0 an hour. Slaves weren’t allowed to quit. They would have if they could have. And we all know which side of the slavery issue the Cheap Labor Conservatives of that era were on, don’t we? So all this whining about government interference with free market wages is dripping with the ultimate hypocrisy.
In a free market, wages are based on what employers are willing to pay and workers are willing to accept. All these workers are doing is communicating what they’re willing to accept. Why does anyone have a problem with that? But the wingnuts are going batshit over it. They apparently think a “free market” should be a one-sided affair under which only employers have a say about wages. Of course, that isn’t freedom, it’s merely slavery under a different name.
“What does it say about people who
immediately jump on the bandwagonmake up scientific theories when they hear somethingbadin a bible rather thanwaiting and finding out what the truthweigh the evidence of Egyptology experts’ combined centuries of research? I would not be anxious to have a Commander-in-Chief who acts like that.”@18 “We whom think right are calling you a FASCIST!”
Yawn. I prefer to be disparaged as a CAPITALIST if you don’t mind. It’s more honest, too, because I’m actually guilty of that.
@19 I was never really worried about Obama turning into a dictator, despite all the hysterical shrieking from the freaky right. But then, I’m a lawyer who knows something about constitutional law, whereas they don’t know shit from shinola about basic civics or anything else. That’s what homeschooling has done to our national literacy. The way things are going, Afghanistan will soon have better reading comprehension scores than the good ol’ USA.
I highly recomment this book for a look at fools and money and the quest for “status.”
Not as wine nerdy as you may think but people were defrauded millions of dollars seeking out super old wine from “found” cellars throughout France. Bill Koch (yes that Koch) makes an apperance as the guy who got pissed off enough at being ripped off that he paid for the investigation and lawsuit that brought the whole thing down.
One good thing that came out of last week’s election is that all the Koch-backed wingnuts who were trying to turn Colorado’s public schools into brainwashing institutes were thrown off the school boards. Every damned last one of ’em. Every single one of those goons facing recall got dumped, and every single one of those incumbents facing reelection lost. They’re ALL gone!!! Now things can return to normal in Colorado schools.
The way things are going, Afghanistan will soon have better reading comprehension scores than the good ol’ USA.
Probably already there based on the NEA and AFT not caring about the students and only in it for the power and DUMMOCRETIN control.
Oh you question that statement? Well Puddy has delivered the link four times to the crazed clueless cretin databaze! Grow some balls and ask it for a crazed replay!
@34 Yeah, I heard about that. Can’t think of a nicer bunch of assholes for it to happen to. They buy fake art, too. A fool and his ill-gotten lucre are soon parted … free market, baby, free market!
@36 So now homeschooling is unionized? When did that happen? Provide a link, please.
Just wait, in a few years we’re going to have a tidal wave of homeschooled kids hitting the job market in states like Texas who will be unemployable because they can’t pass a basic aptitude test. (How do you employ someone who can’t do arithmetic?) Then the wingnuts responsible for this mess will demand that taxpayers pay for hugely expensive remedial education programs so their children don’t become lifetime welfare wards of the state. And, of course, they’ll be looking for someone to blame …
Roger senile,
Where did Puddy mention home schooling?
I’m sure this has the GOP worried. How are they going to populate that island if all the women are on contraceptives. Will they ask the gays to reproduce? Or will they style for lots of rabbits?
Long-Term Birth Control Use Soars For American Women
@40 That was the context of my Afghanistan remark, jackass. Do you know what a context is? Of course you don’t. Your reading comprehension never made it past Dick and Jane.
I don’t think I can watch the debate tonight.
But I have a confession to make to all – about 6 years ago I attacked my grandmother with a hammer, and then about 6 years later, after visiting the Egyptian Pyramids to see Joseph’s grain, I stabbed my aunt and uncle.
But then about 1 year later, I went to prison and I found God, so now I am thinking of becoming a football player so I can point to the sky.
Roger senile,
Did the PuddyAnswer have anything in it regarding home schooling? No! Why? Because home schooling isn’t the problem. Morons you jock strap are!
16,400,000 children and only 1,773,000 are home schooled. Only 11 % are home schooled Roger senile!
FACTS suck don’t they?
In other news…
A tweet by Shawn King.
White child killed by black police = Arrests in 72 hours
Black child killed by white police (Tamir) = 8,800 hours later…. still investigating
It’s injustice.
@45. Not this country. Pay attention to what’s happening in this one.