It’s election night in Washington state. So fill out your ballot, drop it off at the nearest ballot box, and then join us for an evening of electoral edification and political pontification at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. Look for us in the back room of the pub beginning about 8pm. Show up a little earlier to catch the 8pm ballot drop.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 265 chapters of Living Liberally, including 22 in Washington state, seven in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or start a new chapter for your community!
Hey Bob! Where are the mommies and daddies of your terrorist friends. They must be so proud of their heterosexual offspring. Or maybe they should have considered abortion at the time. Some people should have their dicks chopped off or vaginas sewn closed.
If not for events like those over the weekend, bottom-tier presidential candidates would get no press at all.
Like the Christchurch killer, Crusius espoused an anti-capitalist, anti-people radical green ideology. He rails against farming, oil drilling, plastic, paper towels and “consumer culture.” He sounds like Jay Inslee:
“My whole life, I have been preparing for a future that currently doesn’t exist.”
He justifies murder as “the logical step … to decrease the number of people in America using resources.”
“Beto exploits tragedy for sake of politics”
Doctor Dumbfuck exploits tragedy for the sake of snide.
After Republican takes a stand against GOP white supremacist ties, he is then asked by GOP to leave the party.
“GOP lawmaker who blasted party’s link to white supremacy faces backlash from fellow Republicans”
Hours after the El Paso massacre…
“Mitch McConnell campaign tweets image of tombstone with opponent’s name”
Hey, Dumbfuck, what kind of exploitation would you call that?
By now every Republican on the West coast outside of Bundyville has quietly scraped the TRUMP sticker off their truck windows. The big “not-so-secret” is that president peepee does not give a shit. He is not their President and he’s not trying to be.
He is running for President of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Florida. Other than that he’s just stoking partisanship. And he’s counting on these idiots to put party ahead of country for the sake of “crushing the libs”. This dissent is pretty widespread. But it’s been agreed upon in advance that the story that will be covered is “Disarray Among Democrats”.
Right now you can’t swing a dead pussy without hitting a “lifelong Republican voter” refusing to vote for Trump in 2020. But they’ll change that once they have a Democratic nominee they can go to work on. In the mean time it’s very important that dissenting Republican voters remain isolated and unrecognized. Otherwise their dissent might “grow legs” before the Russian bot-farms have a chance to do their thing.
This election is a set piece being stagged by the media on behalf of lobbyists who represent all of the media sponsors.–jDtHx_A5–/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/794701813831831470.jpg
At the same event (Fancy Farm picnic) his college organizers were caught mugging for the camera with a cardboard cutout of AOC, choking and licking, posted to ig with the caption “Break me off a piece of that”.
Squee and Bart approve.
Counties that hosted a 2016 Trump rally saw a 226% increase in hate crime.
@ 5
Hey, Dumbfuck, what kind of exploitation would you call that?
Democratic exploitation, Steve.
I see we’re back to the post-Gabby shooting idiocy, in which Democrats exploited it for what little gain they thought they might derive.
Remember the temporary outrage at stuff like crosshairs and certain words that might trigger people, Steve? Lasted a couple months, or perhaps a few.
Then it was back to business as usual, for both sides.
Now you are demonstrating your faux outrage at something that probably was a scheduled tweet.
You’re becoming a clown like the rest of the HA crew, Steve. I’m disappointed. Perhaps an oral calcium supplement will help you stiffen your spine a bit.
Trump @ 8 rally:
“post-Gabby shooting idiocy”
Were you doing an impression of the loon or is that the post-El Paso space your head is occupying? Asking for a concerned friend.
Standing by for a comment from Sen Kyrsten Sinema.
It really isn’t Teh Dumbfuck’s fault this is getting so much easier.
It’s baked in.
They were warned. Still they persisted.
FOX/GOP and Brian Kilmeade:
“Hispanic invasion of El Paso is not racist. It’s a fact!”
El Paso has been Hispanic for more than 400 years.
US invaded and took over in 1848.
FOX/GOP is like Mad Magazine for racists.
The attorneys general of rust belt states have demanded $45B in settlement from opioid manufacturers.
The money will be awarded to the Trump re-election campaign.
Naval Aviator and NASA Top Gun Mark Kelly has declined to comment until after the 2020 election.
“The money will be awarded to the Trump re-election campaign.”
Does this mean you’re finally going to pay El Paso?
“El Paso says Trump campaign owes city over $500K for February rally”
Nah. You’ll fucking stiff them. That’s how you fucks roll.
Trump’s lost his ambassador to Russia. And his top Russia expert. But he can still call his buddy Vlad if he has questions.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Rational people don’t want to work for this clown. And Doctor Dumbfuck is a clown for embracing him.
Not a bad return for the first 22 hours:
$1.200 -$0.95
-$2,400.00 -20
$2.49 $4,981.18
Of course, it’s not nearly as impressive as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s 4.4% dividend return on invested funds.
I wonder if Huntsman lasted longer in the Trump administration than he did in the Obama administration.
“Rational people don’t want to work for this clown.”
@2 Here Doctor Dumbfuck tries to portray Inslee as a potential mass murderer. No need to ask how the dumbfuck became a laughingstock on this blog. It’s self-evident.
I just realized that Berkshire Hathway investors receive zero percent dividend return on their invested funds.
Gee, I hope Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit can warn Warren Buffett about that before it’s too late.
@21 To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen, you’re no Warren Buffett.
@3 Actually, I think it’s an erotic thing; he beats off to it.
It takes some nerve for Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron to show up in El Paso tomorrow. It’s not only his fault what fucking happened, he also fucking stiffed the city for a half million bucks for last February’s campaign rally. Of course, the plan might be to turn tomorrow into a campaign rally complete with chants of “SEND THEM BACK” and then he’ll leave, stiffing the city a second time. Who the fuck knows?
@4 Well yeah, when you repudiate your party’s core tenet and foremost policy prescription, you’re probably not going to remain a member in good standing of that party anymore.
Way to stay classy, Doctor, screaming “FUCK YOU” at a little girl. WTF is wrong with you?
“Man screams profanities at 9-year-old girl holding a ‘Do Something’ sign at Iowa gun violence vigil”
Oh yeah. He fell down and has to stay inside for a little while:
@9 “Then it was back to business as usual, for both sides.”
Seems to me nearly all the shooting of innocents is coming from your side.
You stepped in it again, Doc. Think before you post.
@9 “Then it was back to business as usual, for both sides.”
Seems to me nearly all the shooting of innocents is coming from your side. You stepped in it again, Doc. Think before you post.
Anticipate a wave of sudden illnesses among WhitePower! incumbents.
But if they aren’t out running, they aren’t out raising either.
A remarkable aspect of Trump’s seizure of the GOP has been his ability to co-opt Congressional incumbents, and in particular his campaign’s ability to leverage their efforts on his behalf. The numbers do not lie. And Trump’s fundraising has flourished where WhitePower! has well liked incumbents in safe seats. And without the NRA, they need this now more than ever.
This. Is. Not. Helping.
Another… #owngoal
@10 This is the first time in history you care what Palestinians think.
Steve King’s district. A man so odious and bloodthirsty even his own WhitePower! party will no longer caucus with him.
Probably his chief of staff doing the yelling. King himself would never dare.
@26 What do you expect from people with no class, i.e. Doctor Dumbfuck’s tribe?
Congratulations, Doc. Your Orange Leader is turning farmers into Democrats. Not that I disagree with that. It makes no sense for America’s biggest socialists to vote Republican. Unless, of course, the GOP is America’s true socialist party. A radiologist sucking on the Medicare teat comes to mind.
It’s only Tuesday.
We can ride this shit out easy.
The FAKE NEWS will get tired of going over the same old ground. And that’s when we step in to crank up the dial on mental health, video games, and urban gang violence.
The most important thing is to keep the guns out there and to keep our troops motivated and ready to act!
Libs are powerless. They never do anything.
@24 is Bob going? I’m sure he’ll want to so proudly say hello to his buddy terrorists.
I didn’t realize the Stallion had Medicare or tits.
WALL!!! Grift is under criminal investigation in FLA for fraud.
Kolfage was notified back in January that his We Build WALL!!! fake charity was violating state law by operating a GoFundMe without first registering with the state as a charity. By Feb Kolface has faked up some registration docs with the help of a Florida mall lawyer, but the state rejected them for clearly not complying with the state’s legal requirements. So after some more time passed a different mall lawyer from Texas stepped in and filed what turns out were fraudulent filings.
Florida state law requires no fewer than three board members for any charity to register with the state. And while Kolfage was on record in the media going way back claiming to have all kinds of top Trumpists helping him out and serving on his board, it turns out he was always just making that shit up. But with the help of his Texas mall lawyer he went ahead and claimed Kris Kobach and some douche nozzle named Dustin Stockton as board members. Yet the articles of incorporation he filed with the state list only one name: Kolfage. Kolfage himself has always been the only board member. And nobody else has ever been given any access to any oversight or auditing, or most importantly ANY OF THE MONEY!
If any of our WhitePower! Douche-Trolls came on here bragging about getting filthy rich ripping off other stupid, mouth breathing trailerbillies I’d believe them in an instant.
But for some strange inexplicable reason I have a difficult time crediting their claims to wise investing and genius insight.
I know. Weird, right?
Not for nothin’, Uday, Qusay, Kolfage, Bannon and a host of other WALL!! hustler luminaries visited El P only hours before the carnage.
Anything for the grift, baby!
Toomey is demanding a slowdown on gun safety.
As the GOP “rogue” point person on gun safety legislation, and in the face of refusal from pretty much every other WhitePower! Senator to return from Hooker/Porn Vacation to help prevent another massacre of brown folks, Toomey says “right now is not a good time” for saving human lives.
While the House stands ready to return immediately to enact wise gun safety legislation, Toomey claims that he needs more time to convince other WhitePower! Senators or “we risk losing ground”.
Translation: “I’m a WhitePower! Senator from a fairly progressive state whose only hold on office depends on maintaining an absurd myth that I’m not a Russian stooge who sells out his own country for blow jobs. I have no intention of even trying to overcome other WhitePower! Senator’s objections to gun safety or their lust for the blood of brown people. But I’m worried that a vote right now will hurt them and may help cost us our WhitePower! majority in the Senate. I like the cool offices with views and dining rooms and shit. I don’t want to be in the minority. And I don’t want to have to explain any of this shit to my voters at home.”
Of course your reliable fallback MSM will omit any mention of these conflicts as they report on Senator Toomey’s bullshit.
WhitePower! in-law (slightly beer-drunk) during 4th of July celebrations: “The Hispanics are taking over. It’s not just immigration. It’s everything. Pretty soon they’re going to demand we change the names of cities and towns and shit.”
Queen Calafia is a fictional warrior queen featured in a popular sixteenth century novel by Castillian author Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo. Spanish explorer Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo, mistaking Baja and the rest of the coast northward for an island, named the area after the fictional island where the queen ruled, California.
Next up: The etymology of Texas
A Republican politician is someone who has discovered it’s possible to make a career of being repulsive.
Share of black Dem voters supporting
Creepy Joe 47%
Willie’s ex-squeeze 1%
Spartacus < 1%
Why are black Democrat voters so anti-black?
Not nearly as good as the Weiner/Abedin stuff.
Is Ilhan Omar having an affair with this Dem strategist? The man she was holding hands with at a secluded eatery is Tim Mynett, who has constantly been by her side, left his physician wife and was paid $250K by her campaign
Perhaps you and the rest of WhitePower! Murika were just completely fucking wrong about why they supported Two-Term President Obama.
They’re a whole lot smarter than you guys.
Then again, who isn’t?
@ 42
A Republican politician is someone who has discovered it’s possible to make a career of being repulsive.
Hillary Clinton is someone who has discovered that being repulsive is eventually career-limiting.
Ba dup bup.
Speaks volumes that Teh Dumbfuck and WhitePower! Murika’s idea of an “intimate dinner” is a daytime charity fundraiser and awards gala at Meydenbauer.
Now do the PizzaGate bit.
-Spoken in the voice of Jemaine Clement doing his best Barry White:
Whenever it’s “business time” for Dumbfucks, and I really wants to show OfDumbfuck an oh so special time, you know baby I’m booking a numbered ten top with auction paddles in a room with 700 other guests. Oooooh… baby baby…
He has a constitutional right to be a racist piece of shit, and the Texas Rangers have a constitutional right to ban him from their ballpark for life.
@46 Your revulsion seems highly selective.
@43 What’s the share of Dem black voters supporting your Orange Buffoon?
So will the adults finally be running seattle again? Or have the good people of seattle not yet had enough of that socialist-SJW lovin they been getting the last few years…you know that kind of love, the love that smells like a night of passion in some drugged out heroin zombie’s RV……..
What’s it gonna be seattle?
@ 51
Trump’s share of black voters was greater than Hillary thought there would be.
If I’m forced to hazard a wild guess, I’d go with the highest per square foot market values in the Pacific Northwest.
Don’t worry. You’ll always have Asotin County.
Hillary’s share was a whole lot less.
Better hope lightning strikes twice.
Roy Moore sure as fuck did.
Cool that Donald kept that White supremacy and race card playing tamped down for….looks at watch…27 hours.
LINK Transit in Wenatchee had a sales tax increase on the ballot. Thought the .2% increase would fail. It’s name, it’s location, and it’s investment in electric buses should have been factors in it’s defeat. Instead, it appears to have passed, the 50% no vote in Douglas County was offsetby 58% yes vite in Chelan, which had more voters.
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