Please join us tonight for an evening of drinks, conversation, and political prognostication at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
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Republicans can’t live in a world without hungry children, so they’ll do anything to make sure children go hungry.
And if you work hard and you stay in school and you follow the rules you can one day become Prime Minister if the United Kingston.
So Mulvaney and sad pussy TeaBaggers had to fold because Trump refused to match domestic program cuts with any defense cuts. In fact, he held out for defense spending increases. If you give billionaires a giant tax cut and you increase spending on slaughtering brown people overseas, you get lots and lots of red ink.
It’s a shame they are piling up so much debt without building anything for future generations other than a giant blood and horror machine. But this is what happens whenever Republicans are put in charge. Oceans of red ink and blood.
There’s absolutely nobody lazier or less reliable than a wealthy Republican campaign donor:
Republicans will advance her nomination despite her lack of qualifications, disregard for her job performance, and unwillingness to do any work because that’s what Republicans believe in.
@5 I dunno. Having somebody who knows what they’re doing working for Trump might not be a good thing.
Donald really doesn’t want yountonsee his taxes
What’s the old saying about having nothing to hide?
Fox ‘News’ Ainsley Earhardt: “If you’re working at a McDonald’s or a small little restaurant where you’re making tips, … if you’re nice to the people, you make a lot of money”
Ainsley has never been in a MacDonalds which suggest is pretty damned unAmeican.
She’s also unaware of Sunday Christian Taliban taking up an eight top after services and leaving a CD of last week’s sermon as a tip.
DIRTY Fucking Atheistic Leftist Snowflake Crybaby POORS should not be working on The Sabbath in the first place!
It’s already fully one hour past the COB in Washington DC and not once today – NOT ONE SINGLE TIME! – has Nancy Pelosi spoken out to condemn female genital mutilation.
THIS is how you get more Trump!
When Fox ‘News’ Brian Kilmeade accidentally gives up the game it’s worse than he thinks.
People are calling it a Freudian slip but the correction is just as bad.
What is American Culture, Brian? You mean to say not necessarily just white culture but what is it? Do you eat Pizza or Pasta or are you a keto freak? That’s not American culture. Ever have Sushi. Not American.
Quick show of hands, before say the 1990s how many had had Thai food in America. Now you can’t swing a dead Republican without getting a little Pad See Ew on the red burial tie.
We love our high performance German automobiles or our high efficiency Asian ones.
Hoo boy do we fucking love tacos.
At one point last year there was a pasty limey who had 9 songs in the top forty in the U.S. AT THE SAME TIME! The next biggest musical act in these United States is a first generation American from the Bronx of Trinidadian and Dominican descent. But apparently she’s not American culture. Only on the radio somewhere in these United States at every minute of every day but NOT American Culture. She’s something ‘other.’
From where I sit I could go eat Vietnamese, Mexican, Thai, Chinese, Indian or fried bar food without my FitBit (not made in the USA) noticing I’d really gone anywhere.
So it wasn’t accidental. To Kilmeade, the whole crew at Fox and Donald American culture is White people but not any of the things white people actually like. Just White people. Just PBJ with the crusts cut off on whiter than ghost wonder bread and a coke.
And yes, even accidentally saying white but shifting to the culture….that’s fucking racist!
It’s a helluva gamble.
Re-branding as The Party of Whiteness could work. The numbers are obviously there. In the end, whether or not it works will depend on white people and how they respond.
The GOP is predicting that driving racial identity at the same time as peak partisanship will move most white voters over to their side. It remains to be seen if most white voters really want to be seen that way. But it’s for that reason that Republicans work so hard to portray the shift in terms of “angry leftists unfairly labeling” and “playing the race card”, etc. They intend to recruit progressives online and on social media to do lots of that work for them.
That’s why we need to keep dragging tnem back to what they have become. The Party of Whiteness. The Party of White Racial Identity. Of course that is racist. But it must be remembered that a lot of the white voters the GOP is targeting here consider the term “racist” in fairly abstract terms. Many of them, as relatively privileged more affluent whites raised in largely seggregated and fairly affluent communities, really don’t have any concrete metaphor for “racism” other than movie characatures and historical figures.
So they struggle when it comes to understanding where and how to apply that word. And that makes it much easier for the GOP to push back against it charging “race baiting”, “unfair”, etc. They may be persuaded that “angry” Democrats are just throwing around a mean label to score political points.
But that forgets that this racism has always been there. And the only thing that has really changed lately is this very open embrace of whiteness by the GOP, and the party’s choice to very closely associate whiteness with Americanness. That’s a huge shift in ideology. And that’s what is more likely to turn away many white voters.
Who would have ever thought – heterosexuals being the downfall to civilization. Wake up you morons.
Maybe Puffy wasn’t hung from a tree, maybe he just went back to his Country! You know – he is so concerned with making the World a better place, without the Homos, that maybe he felt he would start with the Country he came from – just as his dear leader would have suggested to him
So far Mueller hearing consists of Dems walking him through dozens of instances of obstruction in his report and members of White Defense Party rooting through social media entrails looking for political bias.
Criminal trials often look not dissimilar. Prosecution witnesses are often friends, colleagues, rival criminals and even co-defendants in the underlying crimes. So following a prosecution examination under direct detailing testimony about criminal acts they were witness to, the defense will respond under cross seeking to discredit the witness by exploring bias, etc. It can seem sexy, since it’s often soap opera bullshit – cheating, lying, bad business deals, rivalry, etc.
But unless the cross produces testimony that directly rebutts the prosecution testimony about criminal acts, the effect tends to be weak. And these are often pretty sketchy people to start with. In this case however the witnesses being challenged are all career law eforcement, most highly decorated.
Since most people did not read the report, many are going to be getting this testimony about its contents for the first time. Probably we get increased calls for impeachment while Senate Republicans will cling to charges of bias to justify nullification of the law.