It’s Tuesday. And in Seattle that means Drinking Liberally. So please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at about 8pm.
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Fuck Repukes!
Bunch of Fascist Nazi traitorous fucks. They’ve destroyed this Country.
Not sure if this is gong on elsewhere and I’m just unaware, but someone pointed out to me that he has noticedmany black people, that he had seen at NYC’s Pride Parade, were wearing bullet proof vests.
Speaking of the Pride Parade. This year it went on for 12 1/2 hours. It didn’t finish till half past midnight – it was AWESOME!
Go Mayor Pete!
The parade sounds awesome, the vests do not.
Trust me, gman. ‘Just unaware” is The Fucking Moron.
You believe virtually nothing that is based in fact. You were born “just unaware” and have regressed from your neonatal state.
Hunter Biden is the Bristol Palin of 2020.
Ivanka Trump is the Paris Hilton of 2020.
Don Jr. is the LiAngelo Ball of 2020.
Eric Trump is the Ozzie Canseco of 2020.
So the President F*cking Hates My Girlfriend by Sue Bird, Seattle Storm
@4 and we all know you are fully aware that you fuck a horse. Also, we all know that you have never ever been right about anything in life.
Beyond being unaware that this might be a think happening all over, I actually did witness (fact based) an individual black male with a vest on, about 5 minutes after being told of it.
Ivanka Trump is a dumber than Bristol Palin.
@10. I”m always amazed at what the conservative racist incel knows to be true without actually being there. He knows there were no bullet proof vests without being there. He knows how much money Rabbit has in his bank account without being there He knows every black guy shot by a cop is guilty of something, even if they have not found what it is yet, without being there.
From today’s Woodpile Report:
” When the offense of driving while intoxicated first came into being, it was an additional charge should the driver have an accident, one that effectively settled culpability. So it was with the notion of “hate crime”. Should a person commit an actual crime against another, some motives could constitute an additional charge. It too effectively established guilt regardless of other facts. Then, just as driving while intoxicated became a free standing offense, so too are “hate crimes” becoming punishable in themselves.”
Wherein a GOP governor argues between the lines that America should be proud of its history of slavery.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Everyone knows Republicans want to repeal Social Security and the Civil Rights Act, and Trump intends to suspend the 22nd Amendment by Executive Order, but what’s less visible to most people (except blacks, who are onto their game) is that repealing the 13th Amendment is on their agenda, too.
@13 Should we call kidnapping Matthew Shepard, tying him to a barbed wire fence, beating him to a pulp, and then setting him on fire a “love crime” and give the perps gold stars?
@4 You were born a horse’s ass, and now you fuck horses’ asses.
@5 You mean Duncan Hunter is the Bristol Palin of 2019. ftfy
@12 That’s no more possible than exceeding the speed of light.
You all know how Doctor Dumbfuck found this blog, don’t you?
He thought it was horse anal porn.
@12 Doctor Dumbfuck knows for sure that Michael Brown shoplifted $5 of cigars and deserved to get shot for it. He was there and saw it happen! Well, vicariously, anyway.
Josh Hawley, my Republican senator from Missouri, called Nike “anti-American, pure and simple” for not selling shoes with a symbol that has been embraced by white nationalists and the American Nazi party.
I guess I know who his base is, and who he thinks is a real American.
I see that thunderstorms are predicted for DC on the 4th. Heh. God never did like fascists.
Repealing same sex marriage will also be on their agenda. Why? Because Bob is always wrong in life.
@22 one could only hope for a tornado to rip that wig off The Hump’s skull.
I have no idea where Teh Dumbfuck gets that shit. Nor do I care to find out. I’m frankly happy the nitwit provided no links. I’m not interested in monetizing hate. Whatever dick pills, goldbuggery, or sex aids he peddles, he’ll get not traffic help from me.
But I do feel obligated to pass along just how profoundly wrong that “analysis” is from a legal perspective.
Statutes in state criminal codes that specifically criminalize or otherwise single out criminal intent are not unusual in any way. Bias crimes statutes, or what douche nozzles refer to as “hate crimes” conform in virtually every way with most other statutes that recognize intent as an aggravating factor.
Get into a dispute with your neighbor because you say she’s a weirdo and you don’t want weirdos living in your neighborhood. Then escalate it to the point of going after her kids and you are guilty of perhaps simple assault on a minor. Your criminal intent as far as the facts tell us is limited to that one neighbor. Get into a dispute with your neighbor because you say she’s African American and you don’t want African Americans living in your neighborhood. Then escalate it to the point of going after her kids and you are still guilty of criminal assault on a minor. But your intent is demonstrably different. You said so. You said you were motivated by your desire to prevent African Americans living in your neighborhood.
The people, through their laws, are perfectly entitled to recognize that kind of intent as presenting a greater, and more sweeping generalized harm to society beyond the mere crime itself. Exactly the way they recognize the greater and more sweeping generalized harm to society in other statutes specifying criminal intent. This isn’t new or novel. Goes back many centuries.
The only thing that’s new or novel is society recognizing the need to protect itself from this particular kind of harm. And of course, that’s what Teh Dumbfuck and Ol’ Reemout object to. And that’s also why they get so hung up on using inaccurate terms like “hate crime”. Because you see, “hate” is really what this is all about for them. They perceive bias crime statutes denying them their special privilege to hate whenever, wherever, and whomever they like. And as far as the law is concerned they still have that right. But if they combine that hate with criminal acts that include a fact set demonstrating the described intent they are subject to greater criminal penalty.
So you see, it isn’t “hate” Republicans object to in bias crimes law. Lawmakers know they can’t stop racist idiot assholes and Republicans from hating. They aren’t trying. They’re just trying to prevent entire groups of our neighbors and fellow citizens from being driven out and marginalized by racist idiot assholes and Republicans. And that is the traditional privilege these shitstains are really crying out for. The fine American “conservative” tradition of gathering into an unruly, drunken, violent mob and going after “the minority”.
This much has been pretty fucking obvious for decades now. But it remains notable how these vicious, degenerate, bigots continue to believe they can gaslight America with these pathetic appeals to “tradition”, “the good ‘ol days”, and “common sense”. This is their “tradition”. That’s what they are crying out to preserve.
He promised to save the coal jobs.
He promised.
All that clean beautiful coal.
700 Wyoming coal miners are unemployed tonight after BlackJewel LLC could not find refinancing for $500M in debt so declared bankruptcy and ceases operations.
Huh, Banks dont want to bet on coal.
Free market, something, our way of life, something, Maga!
@21 “for not selling shoes with a symbol that has been embraced by white nationalists” and kowtowing to a black guy.
@25 Only Republicans object to hate crimes, because they’re the only ones who commit them and get prosecuted under those laws.
Republicans are having a sad.
USA 2 – England 1
“A North Carolina man is facing possible jail time over a threatening Twitter post about lynching a Muslim candidate for Virginia’s state Senate.
“Prosecutors say that when Joseph Cecil Vandevere decided in March 2018 to anonymously tweet a graphic image of a lynching to the Muslim candidate, he was actually using interstate communication to transmit a threat ― a felony. … Vandevere could face up to five years in prison for the charge, The Associated Press reports.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No, threatening to kill someone isn’t free speech protected by the First Amendment, as this Trumper just found out the hard way.
“Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress is claiming that the Democratic Party is a ‘godless’ organization that promotes policies that are ‘completely antithetical to the Christian faith’
“Jeffress, a longtime supporter of President Donald Trump, warned evangelicals at a conference in Washington, D.C., this weekend not to be ‘fooled’ when Democratic 2020 presidential candidates talk about their faith.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Better to be godless than a minister of Satan. Supporting Trump sure as hell isn’t Christian.
Aaaaand he’s one of the folks who took part in Duncan Hunter’s Satanic Wife Swappin’ Get Togethers®.
Entirely campaign related. Perfectly legitimate.
Even the bukkake!
Trump is now in a race with doctrinaire conservatives to see who can get to the 19th century first.
Gman’s behavior and comments are vile? But this is acceptable to Bob?
This is what demonstrates Bob’s bullshit nonsense, aside from the fact that he’s never ever ever right in life.
Facebook posts put Border Patrol on defensive at rough time (from @AP)