Join us this evening for some hot political conversation over a cold, cold beer at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at about 8pm.
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I think it’s an important step forward in transparency that the GOP candidate has released his personal targeting criteria for sexual assault. Let’s hope all the other candidates follow his fine example.
The voters may not need to see a candidate’s taxes. But they need to know who the candidate considers rape-worthy. Goes to character and fitness for office.
A Republican is someone who gets his panties in a knot over Democratic consensual sex but sees absolutely nothing wrong with Republican rape.
“Hypocrisy” is every Republican’s middle name.
If most people have stopped listening to Republicans, it’s because that was one double standard too many. Also, tired of the endless lies and fabricated smears. The GOP has evolved into a flock of gutter snipes.
@ 2
Now tell us how liberals respond when the FBI materials on MLK are released in 2027.
I don’t know if this guy is a citizen or immigrant, but he doesn’t have to worry about being deported. He’s got guaranteed residency in the U.S. for the next 50 years. However, he will not enjoy Second Amendment privileges during that period.
A Republican is someone who believes anyone should be allowed to have a gun, no questions asked, and carry it anywhere, without a background check or permit, including into churches, schools, and daycares. And when babies are shot by guns in the wrong hands their solution for senseless gun violence is even more hopes and prayers.
@2. Once again the conservative racist incel is salivating over what he hopes is dirt on a black man. He’s never met a black man he has not felt is guilty of something . MLK is guilty of something, but republicans are guilty of nothing. Hypocrite.
If you live in rural county in a red state, it doesn’t matter that you and all your neighbors voted Republican, because those you’ve elected to represent you will fuck you over anyway.
Dumbfuck is hoping that 8 years from now we’ll all find out that MLK had a dark side. By then MLK will have been dead just short of 50 years.
Rape by an actual living President currently in office? Well can’t be troubled at all about that. Look at the Dow! What difference does it make? We got some judges.
Maybe he can get us all to watch Chappaquiddick?
Raise your hand if you voted for MLK?
Anyone? (sigh)
I think he was doing better when he was stuck on Paula Jones.
Now seems to be stuck on MLK. OfDumbfuck must have gone black on him. e
We got some judges.Like Gorsuch being assigned by RBG in Davis.
Melania’s press flack will replace Sarah Fuckabee Lieface while keeping her present duties.
Meanwhile, Drumpf’s border chief has quit. Apparently he remembers what happened to the apparatchiks who oversaw Hitler’s death camps and then claimed they were just following orders.
I’m waiting for Dumbfuck to tell us a 166-point drop in the Dow doesn’t mean anything, and Varian sliding along with the rest of the market doesn’t mean anything, either.
I guess it depends on your perspective. I’m happy to see stocks go down, because that means I can buy them cheaper. Also takes away one of Trump’s re-election talking points.
Duncan Hunter’s wife’s cooperation agreement is now beginning to bear fruit.
In a filing yesterday, the DOJ basically, and in painstaking detail, alleges that between 2009 right through the 2016 general election Duncan Hunter was routinely and regularly fucking five different staffers and lobbyists all across North America and using campaign funds to pay for all of it.
Dinner dates, take out, hotel and resort stays, air fare, ground transfers, ski trips, fishing trips, plenty of Astroglide, and mountains of white powder all charged to the campaign.
I suppose this filing should have been expected. When Duncan Hunter immediately sought to deflect blame for his corruption by tossing his wife under the bus he gave the DOJ a big opening with her lawyers. They may have teased some of the details of his sickening behavior but they kept it out of the court filings while they were negotiating cooperation from Margaret Hunter. Doing that would give her and her lawyers an opportunity to control the narrative somewhat and to place her cooperation in the most favorable light, which will be important later on when her lawyers need to argue sentencing for her plea.
Memo to Republican shitheels: if you plan to treat your wife like a doormat with campaign funds, maybe don’t put her in charge of the receipts. I’m told there are mobile phone apps that do a pretty good job. And they’re a lot less likely to burn your golf clubs in the gas grill out by the pool where all your shoes are floating.
My favorite part of the Hunter filing is this mysterious bit:
In addition to pursuing intimate personal relationships, Hunter improperly used campaign funds to pursue other clearly non-work related activity during get-togethers with his close personal friends. As with the evidence described above, the United States has offered to craft a factual stipulation that would eliminate the need to introduce this potentially sensitive
evidence at trial.
My guess: Dwarf Tossing
Either that or giant mountains of white powder.
GOP Wife Cheating Timeline:
JAN 2009 – Assume office.
APR 2009 to APR 2012 – Initiate extramarital affair paid for with campaign cash.
AUG 2012 – Initiate another extramarital affair paid for with campaign cash.
JAN 2015 – Another extramarital affair paid for with campaign cash.
OCT 2015 – Another extramarital affair paid for with campaign cash.
AUG 2016 – OCE recommends investigation.
SEP 2016 – ANOTHER extramarital affair paid for with campaign cash.*
Now just consider that all indicators are we are still months away from Peak GOP Stoopid.
*At some point this guy’s lawyer will have to seriously contemplate the “Silent Cry for Help” defense.
“Look at the Dow!”
Looks like Bob has put his Pom Poms down. Maybe tomorrow they’ll be back out. I think he picked them up just a little too quick. If he’d only not jump the gun, then maybe it finally will go above 27,000…..eventually one day, Wall Street needs buyers to scam.
Republicans can achieve “greatness” so long as they are given infinite time and are not asked to take on targets that move or are any larger than a Sobbing Guatemalan Toddler.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
A braggart and a poor slob who needs you to think he’s wealthy.
Joe Biden:
A braggard and a wealthy guy who needs you to think he’s poor.
Biden points out on the presidential campaign trail that he was often the poorest member of the United States Senate, and for at least a decade has referred to himself as “Middle Class Joe.” But since leaving office he has enjoyed an explosion of wealth, making millions of dollars largely from book deals and speaking fees that ranged to as much as $200,000 per speech, public documents show. – WaPo
According to the staffer (presumably fucked and dumped) who wrote the big words for him on his website, one of Duncan Hunters “principles” is “Preserving values for healthy families”.
Just gonna leave that there.
Except to make this prediction: Sometime between now and the general election in 2020 we will all be subjected to some lecturing and finger wagging about “principles” and “traditional family values” by the people who would vote to re-elect Duncan Hunter to Congress.
House Republican Leader McCarthy, responding to a question at a press avail about Trump saying his rape accuser is not his “type,”
I guess just too busy following AOC.
There’s a perfectly reasonable and logical explanation for why Duncan Hunter would have chosen to brazen this thing out, even when it was going to ruin him, even when the DOJ has all the receipts, even when cashing out with a plea and going lobby like his daddy would not only save him these lawyer espenses but would be guaranteed to make him Defense Contractor Rich, and even when his wife/campaign manager agreed to cooperate against him.
Yes, of course he’s a stupid motherfucker. But he at least has access to intelligent attorneys. No the real reason is he’s a lazy-assed stupid motherfucker. Doing lobbying work might certainly be lucrative, especially for the original Congressman Overdrawn himself. And you get to expense everything. But the problem is K Street is a pay-for-performance world. And a guy who spends most of his time playing video games and lining up side trim, has his highest and best value to defense contractors as a member facing defeat next year.
Maybe he likes very large black dildos?
More than 1,100 overdraft fees in just seven years.
This is the kind of thing normally only seen during competency hearings in cases of advanced dementia.
These are some profoundly stupid Republicans. And it must be pointed out that until this investigation came to light, they were rising stars in the whole TrumPatriot firmament.
Of course.
That Iranian leadership is pretty impressive, wish we had such leadership and integrity in this County’s leadership.
Congress? Duncan Hunter for Preznut.
It’s likely to be something like that. Once upon a time this kind of thing would seem shocking. But then the GOP nominated Trump and everything changed…
So far whatever the fuck it is, Hunter’s attorneys are willing to negotiate an agreement to stipulate under seal. And the way that shit works normally, it can’t be directly related to other criminal conduct not charged in the indictments. So we probably have to assume that the ADDITIONAL POTENTIALLY SENSITIVE CONDUCT is criminal only insofar as it relates to the charges of campaign finance. In other words, it’s “legal” but not related to the campaign so you can’t charge it to the campaign. So yeah, probably not mountains of white powder. And yet whatever it is, legal though it may be, it is considered by the prosecuting attorneys to be so potentially prejudicial that they are arguing a motion to keep it under seal. They still have to present it at trial, but pretty much stripped of all context. Just that “stuff took place” that had nothing to do with the campaign but he charged it to the campaign anyway. That’s likely to be confusing to the jury. And they’ll have to work out pre-trial how they can present it along with some agreed upon language, etc. But in practice this kind of thing is known to confuse jurors at least a little and that tends to weaken the prosecutor’s case. So whatever it is, it isn’t at all trivial and the U.S. Attorney is willing to potentially weaken his case over it.
This amounts to good professional practice for prosecutors because they have a powerful interest in protecting their prosecution from appeal. So keeping out that kind of stuff is not “altruistic” by any stretch. Just complicated. But for otherwise legal conduct to trigger that kind of motion, it has to be powerfully humiliating or embarrassing conduct, or something very likely to evoke prejudice in the minds of jurors.
Otherwise legal conduct that offends the sensibilities of potential jurors so much they would be unable to carry out their sworn duty. “(C)learly non-work related activity during get-togethers with his close personal friends”. On multiple occasions in the company of his close personal friends the accused engaged in non-work related activity that the U.S. Attorney considers very likely to offend the sensibilities of potential jurors.
Might not be black, but there’s probably a dildo in there somewhere.
My money is on trips to Pahrump where Duncan for California paid for all the underage prostitutes. And probably the Pizza. Same joint.
One of yesterday’s filings includes expenses for a “date” at a Motel 6 in Escondido.
I shit you not.
Motel 6.
Elizabeth Warren Wants to Replace Every Single Voting Machine to Make Elections ‘As Secure As Fort Knox’
Do you think republicans will fight this under the excuse there is no money after the tax giveaway to the 1%?
Speaking of my Money…
Today was a good day to have holdings in the region’s legacy employer.
Sure the total value of the shares has dropped in the last few months but I don’t see Embraer with a long range passenger Jet in Paris and still, the closing price is nearly 4 times the highest I ever paid for any of it.
I just started this today:
I would like it to trend. I would like it to trend for reasons both noble and a bit selfish. I would like it to trend so that by the time Duncan Hunter is running again next year he loses his primary to an overtly white supremacist Precinct Committee Officer with a history of sexual harassment complaints who owns a UPS store in El Cajon or equivalent. But I would also like it to trend because I’ve never made a hashtag that trended before and it’s kind of a bucket list thing for me.
Also, I think it has great potential for humor at the expense of Republicans which is sort of noble too, I guess.
So get on the TwitBox and let’s do this.
That’s awesome. I stayed at that Motel 6 when I went down for the Stone Brewing 20th party. I knew Greg when he was just a homebrewer with a dream. I’ve let my certification lapse but I used to be a Beer Competition Judge and many judgings were held at the original Stone warehouse Brewery in San Marcos.
Just the other side of the freeway, walking distance. With an In-n-Out along the way. Come to think of it that’s the last time I’ve had an In-N-Out (checks flights to Southern California for a weekend visit)
@15 no sex with a horse? Asking for a friend.
@13 If you’re using embezzled campaign funds to pay for your affairs, dragging your wife into your criminal activities probably isn’t a great idea, because she might — no, will — turn state’s evidence.
@18 “A braggart and a poor slob who needs you to think he’s wealthy.”
I don’t mind you posting stuff like this. After all, I post that you fuck horses.
@26 “it has to be powerfully humiliating or embarrassing conduct”
In other words, frat house behavior of the sort a recently confirmed Supreme Court justice is famous for.
Republicans don’t care what Duncan Hunter did. First of all, they believe campaign finance laws are just a nuisance and only exist to be broken. Second, the diverted campaign funds came from lobbyists who don’t care what their money is used for as long as they get what they paid for. Third, everyone they know also behaves this way, and just haven’t been caught yet. Fourth, Benghazi! BENNN-GAHHH-ZEEE!!!!
If you’re a billionaire, you’re rich. Being a millionaire means very little. Even a dumbfuck who fucks horses can be one of those.
Curious to know your impression of 3rd wave craft beers featuring wild/opportunistic yeasts or sour ferments.
I half way feel like these guys are cheating. But some of the products are very interesting and more complex. Many years ago before grad school I dabbled a bit before I came to my senses and realized how daunting it is to launch a business in the fucking beverage industry. Back then it was 24/7 cleaning and sanitation with Iodophor and caustic. Not to suggest that the new guys aren’t clean. But they play with L. bacillus and Brett like friendly pets. And I still remember the shitty meeting I had with my potential “investors” (all family and college buds) when I had to explain how the market projections based on a $5 retail price for 22 oz bottles meant we would lose money for at least twelve years. Even $7 wouldn’t pencil. Now these motherfuckers get $20. For “infected” beer (that tastes pretty damn good – sometimes). I know I’m just bitter (really no pun int). No I’m not. I never, ever wanted to be in hospitality and most of these guys are. I’m just really surprised how good the beer is. I would not have thought it possible. Can’t even imagine how complicated it must be to judge a comp these days.
I dunno. Seems like more than “frat house”. But that probably depends on the frat.
Remember it really can’t be criminal conduct by itself. So that probably leaves out the date-rapey “youthful antics” of Bart, Timmy, Squi, PJ or Judge. Rape is still rape, even if it happens at a “get-together” among “close friends”. Not gonna be strippers or porn. Not illegal and not something a U.S. Attorney would burden his prosecution over. That kinda shit has been trotted out many times before in federal criminal prosecutions and it never earned anyone an appeal.
Satanic cult shit would get you there for sure. Protected conduct under the First Amendment. Yet almost guaranteed to turn a jury against the defendant. Cross dressing, swinging, orgy stuff might do it too. Bottom line, whatever it is, it’s going to be something perfectly legal, but generally regarded as extremely “exotic” and/or non-conforming. Very non-conforming.
Might be the old GOP classic, zoophilia. Perfectly legal to fuck animals in The District and merely a misdemeanor in Cali.
That’s kinda sad, actually.
“That’s kinda sad, actually.”
Tell me about it.
I’m kind of looking forward to the great shakeout. Lots of breweries are doing fine but not noticeably different beers. If you opened in the last few years with a really nice IPA and not much else no one will remember you in a couple years. There’s a bunch of the new wave places that managed to raise the capital and get open with a nice taproom but the brewing talent and creativity just isn’t on board.
So people are shooting for interesting and most of them barely know what they’re doing so end up with a sour as lemon juice product they then try to cover with spices and fruit.
I’ve played with Brett and even made a really good fake Lambic with Lacto and other beasty microbes but the lambic fermented and funked for 18 months and cellared another year. It’s really hard to get it right. I’ve dumped gallons of that kind of stuff and had way more fails than successes.
Off hand locally the only people I really trust to drop $15 or more on an untasted funky beer are Urban Family and Holy Mountain. I’d add Cloudburst but they don’t bottle so you get to taste anything first at the brewery.
On the Eastside Black Raven is solid with experimentals and Post Doc has some great Brett beers but the fruit sours are not good.
We used to joke at judging, “Just because you picked up a wild yeast or infection doesn’t make it a saison.”
Oh, and once you’ve sold to ABInBev your products are dead to me. Though I can’t really blame someone for building a decent brewery, investing a decade into it and then taking the early retirement when they come calling. If you want to keep working 60 hours a week because you love brewing go for it. Or if you want to drink beers on your deck watching the sunset and not have to worry about the bottling line do that.
Less than an hour ago news breaks that Mueller will testify in public House Hearings
The first rage tweet came just 18 minutes later.
Kind of like the senior center when “Wheel” gets preempted.
Also interesting,
Tiffany Cabán is the next DA for the Borough of Queens.
In a very Blue electorate with not a single GOPer on the ballot a Latina former public defender who campaigned for decriminalizing sex workers, against the school to prison pipeline for minorities and the notion of policing being seen as a revenue generator through fees and fines for minor infractions beat an establishment moderate Democrat. She’s 31 and has many more races she can win.
AOC campaigned for her in the final days.
Face it Rs. AOC is really popular in her district and is going to be there a LONG, LONG time. She has an economics degree and she’s going to be calling out your 50 year failed experiment after most of you are dead.
@44 “She has an economics degree”
The GOP idiots think of her as a “waitress.” Sure, she waited tables. Lots of very bright people who became lawyers, doctors, and Ph.D.s did. Not everyone has families who can put them through college and grad or professional school. But Republicans typecast her as a “waitress” because (a) they’re stupid and (b) coming from a background of privilege, they have no concept of working your way through college.
Now let’s take a look at AOC’s c.v.: A Department of Defense lab run by MIT named an asteroid after her because of her work in the field of microbiology while still a high school student. While in college, she interned in Sen. Ted Kennedy’s office, working on foreign affairs and immigration. She graduated cum laude with dual majors in economics and international relations. After graduation, she worked for nonprofits, started a book publishing firm, and traveled across America talking to ordinary people to get a sense of what this country is all about.
“Waitress” indeed. This woman accomplished more by age 18 than those fuckers will in their lifetimes, and never stopped. She’s going to be a U.S. Senator in the not-distant future, and might not stop there, either. All these stupes have is their self-inflicted obeisant servitude to, ahem, Trump (cough-cough).
Guns in America: For every criminal killed in self-defense, 34 innocent people die
>> Just so alt right milita can shoot state police
There is a path!
A path from my crotch to your face, that is!