It’s election night! So, please join us tonight for an evening of electoral politics the way God intended it: over a pint of ale. We meet at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.. The fun officially starts at 8:00 pm, but earlier works too.
The polls have closed in tonight’s three primary states. A teabagger has upset the mainstream Republicans in Kentucky. Pennsylvania has a very exciting Democratic primary Senate race that too close to call.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 341 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
When the votes are tallied in PA-12 (Special election for Murtha’s seat) there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
On Wednesday you’re going to read all about Rand Paul (Teabagger-KY) and his big win. What you won’t hear much about is how he came in 3rd and the Senate minority leader endorsed candidate came in 4th.
Let me introduce to you the next Senator from Kentucky, Jack Conway.
Will you all celebrate another lying Dem, Richard Blumenthal, Dem, Conn.?
more good work from the crummiest Congress ever
Senators load financial overhaul with irrelevancies
Story | Senate approves GAO audit of Fed’s bailout record
Comments (6) | Recommend (12)
By David Lightman | McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., wants the government to finish building the 700-mile fence between the U.S. and Mexico. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., wants to end the health insurance industry’s antitrust protection. West Virginia’s two senators want help with mine and oil rig safety.
They all want to add these things to the financial regulatory overhaul bill that’s moving through the Senate, even though their ideas have little or nothing to do with oversight of financial markets.
Senators have proposed 326 amendments to the bill, whose chief purpose is to revamp the system that’s regulated financial institutions since the Great Depression, but failed to prevent the current deep recession
Read more:
Critz Defeats Burns, Will Succeed Murtha
Michael SteeleNobody Could Have Predicted@1 and 2, Mike: I keyed on that too. And surfing around, the media is so clueless.
It’s consistent across the board (PA, KY, AR)! D turnout swamps R turnout and the best D candidates won (we’ll see in AR). Even better, the “best” R candidates in terms of D interests won as well.
Couldn’t have been a better day for the Ds and 2010.
@6 Zotz on 05/18/2010 at 7:59 pm,
Only one rational thing to do on a night like this.
Sit back and drink a cup of steaming hot tea.Drink Liberally!
Specter conceded…Sestak wins!
@7: I wish I was there! It’s a long ways though (2 hour drive each way) — and there’d be drinkin’!
Of course he lies, he cut his political teeth in the Nixon Admin.
@10: Huh? He’s pretty young for Nixon. Enlighten me, please.
he was an aide to Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who in turn worked for Nixon. Arguably his boss was a Dem (moynihan) Thanks for reminding me!
goldy, will you pay me the $$ i subsidized your bus fare by? if fares cover only 20% of the variable costs, and you paid about $2 each way, then you owe me about $8 each way.
Happy to accept payment in beer. I’ll be the normal looking guy.
I just caught the Nixon thing, hadn’t look at anything beyond it. It looks like Blumenthal’s done some good work, too bad he had to go stretching the truth.
Blumenthal’s rich, he’s 64 or 65, it’s time for him to go play golf somewhere.
“Misspoke” is the new ” i did not inhale”
On the whole, a pretty good primary night for progressives.
Good night all!
Means just what it’s always meant and it’s time for Blumenthal to hit the talk shows and the links.
The baby boomers haven’t done a very good job running the show and it’s past time for them to step aside anyway.
And please STUF about ‘Nam and the 60’s!
Damned good night for leftists. Daaammmnned good night. The right gets all the media attention, but the electoral power is on the left. I can’t believe the Rs failed to take that Congressional seat in PA. The only district in the nation in 2008 that went from Kerry to McCain. Yikes, wingies, you must be sucking your thumbs about that race.
Re #1, 2, and 6: Last night was indeed a good night for America. The media narrative is going to have to undergo a few changes…