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I was born a poor black child.
Joe Biden Lied in 1987 with Claim He Marched in Civil Rights Movement
And when Biden made that false claim that he had marched in the Civil Rights Movement when in fact he had not done any such marching, his aides cringed, per the Times’ Flegenheimer.
“More than once, advisers had gently reminded Mr. Biden of the problem with this formulation: He had not actually marched during the civil rights movement,” Flegenheimer wrote. “And more than once, Mr. Biden assured them he understood — and kept telling the story anyway.”
It’s really stupid of you to back this guy, libbies. A pathological liar has absolutely no chance of becoming president. Unless the opponent is one, too.
You’re watching CNN.
The California State Bar has taken the first step to disbar Michael Avenatti
“The action by the CA State Bar is nothing more than a ‘pile-on’ and was entirely expected in light of the pending charges. I offered to cooperate with the Bar and instead they decided to issue a press release as a stunt. I look forward to being fully exonerated by the facts.”
I think CNN should give him as much air time to present his facts as it did gave him during the Kavanaugh hearings to present his lies.
@1 Britbart and 22 years ago. Its a scandal says the man obsessed with fake penises.
Warren or Pete are my first choices.
Pete didn’t lie about bone spurs. Warren didn’t like about being part native American.
Both have positive plans for America.
@ 3
It was 32 years ago. As in, not as long ago as when Kavanaugh was in high school.
Somehow elapsed time wasn’t a big deal to you several months ago, Red.
Goldy, from 2009-2016 you didn’t meet an executive order you didn’t like.
We are inches from autocracy. Folks understand that, right? …
What the fuck did you think pen and phone meant, anyway?
You would think that in a piece with this title he’d mention being a Jew.
Bernie Sanders: I Know Where I Came From. Does President Trump?
Not so much.
In Goldy’s sidebar, Jay Inslee wants a do-over in the GA gubernatorial election, which Abrams lost by 50,000 votes.
Moreover, in Kemp’s eight-year tenure as secretary of state, African-American voter registration has surged, increasing by 31 percent — this translates into 462,000 new voters, which is a higher total than for whites. And though the Atlanta Constitution, Georgia’s dominant newspaper, has parroted the Democrats’ claims, when it came time to actually find some of these voters who had been “suppressed” and “scared,” it ran into a bit of a problem. The voters purged from the rolls were either dead, no longer living in Georgia, or apathetic.
“The Atlanta Journal-Constitution tried last week to get in touch with 50 people randomly chosen from the list of 2017’s purged voters,” the paper reported. “Twenty clearly would be ineligible to vote in Georgia: 17 moved out of state, two were convicted of felonies and one had died. Most of the rest left a trail of address changes and disconnected telephone numbers.”
Teh Dumbfuck is still stuck on the assumption (widespread among certain angry, fearful, liver-spotted, white dudes) that the key to Dems taking out Trump lies with nominating Biden. In other words, someone more like them. Someone “better”. So, once again and true to form, like a good Trump voter and supporter, he’s looking for things that might disqualify his front runner.
That’s the big problem with polls taken a year out. They gather too many responses from people who will not be taking part in the process. JEB! knows.
As I’ve pointed out many times before. Biden’s strategy is Clinton’s strategy. In other words, a really, really, really bad strategy. Contrary to the beltway insider “wisdom”, he may be the least electable of the contenders. But that’s because at this point he appears to be wholly owned and underwritten by the same people who gave us Howard Schultz. And they want a candidate who will remain above it all, refuse to engage on RapeCages, FingerRape, and Obstruction. And one who will walk a high wire over taxation, regulation, employment, and monetary policy.
There is no “socially progressive, fiscally conservative” voter bloc out there. Say it with me now. They don’t exist. At least not in numbers large enough, and in the states where it counts, to make the difference. And to whatever extent such voters do exist, it’s mostly in the media. I’m sure that George Stephanopolous, Jeff Bezos, and Alec Baldwin might call themselves “socially progressive, fiscally conservative”. Who cares? They probably don’t even vote.
By about this time next year the Democratic Party will have a presumed nominee. And whoever that nominee is, they will have to have a strategy to win in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. One year out, during the “Pepsi Challenge” phase, it’s very easy to win hearts and minds with $40,000 dental veneers, an open shirt collar, and mugging with a sauce covered pork chop. But those superficial appeals are very easily swept aside with a little good ‘ol ButteryMales/PizzaCannibal/SecretMuslim.
When it comes to turning out swing state voters in the general election the Democrats have a simple choice. And it’s a choice they have to make if they are to have any hope of winning. They either go socially conservative, or they go fiscally progressive. Unless the Republicans decide to nominate the corpse of Bush 41, it’s pointless to try and recreate the Clinton victory of ’92. A high wire act wont work. Trump will knock that candidate off and drag them down into the mud with him.
The 2020 general election is a pig wrestling match. Democrats need a candidate willing to get plenty muddy when it counts. Despite the hype, despite the bluster, despite the media framing, when in the last two decades has Joe Biden ever done that? When has he confronted an opponent head on about issues? His most recent comments “confronting” the Poosey President:
“”The President’s comments are beneath the dignity of the office.
I’m not going to get down in the mud wrestling with this fellow. I’m not going to do it. I don’t want to get into it. Everybody already knows who he is.”
He’s right about one thing: Those voters in MI, PA, and WI know who president RapeCage is. The problem is that they really don’t know who Joe Biden is. It’s still early. But we are already seeing evidence of a Biden repeat of 2008. He’s great campaigner backed by a shitty team of people more interested in cultivating the media and their own careers than getting him elected. If that continues he may be in for yet another surprise early next year.
1987 = 30 years ago, Thank you man obsessed with fake penises, that makes your attempt at outrage even more feeble. I never mentioned Kavanaugh , but apparently he was top of your mind. I find it puzzling that walking in a march is as bad or worse as raping an unwilling girl, in your mind.
I did mention faked bone spurs however.
@1 “It’s really stupid of you to back this guy, libbies.”
Sez the Trump shill who fucks horses and didn’t short GE …
The dumbfuck is posting early today. He must’ve got kicked out of the barn last night.
Another crack appears in the GOP’s obstruction wall:
“The White House has instructed former White House staffers Hope Hicks and Annie Donaldson not to comply with the House Judiciary Committee’s subpoenas …. But … Hicks said she will still hand over documents related to Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, according to the House Judiciary Committee.”
Why should she go to jail for him, when he wouldn’t do the same for her?
Another day, another right-wing dumbfuck yapping about how LGBTQ Americans should all be killed.
“Alabama mayor defiant after he’s caught ranting about ‘killing’ LGBT Americans”
From link @13: “‘We live in a society where homosexuals lecture us on morals, transvestites lecture us on human biology, baby killers lecture us on human rights and socialists lecture us on economics,’ he fumed.”
That’s what happens when you’re so ignorant and incompetent that you fuck up everything you touch.
It really says something when gays know more about morals, transvestites know more about human biology, baby killers know more about human rights, and socialists know more about economics than you do.
Nature hates a vacuum, and they’re just filling the void left by him and his ilk.
Go Pete!!!!!!
Why does Bob worry who libbies back or don’t back and not worry about his party, he makes it sound like he’s a Democrat. Do you think he’s ashamed of being a Repuke.
Speaking of economics, the Dow is +450 points today after the Fed boss hinted at a rate cut to buoy the faltering economy.
In other words, the Trump economy is so weak it needs artificial resuscitation to keep breathing.
That’s probably not a good move. Lower interest rates penalize savers and investors, encourage more borrowing, and only pull forward future growth, merely postponing the inevitable.
Companies will build up inventories, consumers will become more overextended, and the Fed will be left with less ammunition to fight the next recession when it arrives.
We know monetary policy is a blunt and relatively ineffective tool and that fiscal policy is a far more powerful instrument of stimulus, but even Trump’s borrow-and-spend approach to fiscal policy can’t sustain growth above 1%, so now his non-economist political flunky on the Federal Reserve is proposing to reverse interest rate normalization to keep growth from going below 0%, which it very likely will do anyway because of structural factors and fundamentals.
And. Because. Republican. Economic. Policies. Don’t. Work.
Right now, U.S. economy policy is being run by quacks based on bunk theories. So don’t expect much in the way of results. Sooner or later, their house of cards will come crashing down. They can postpone this for a while, but not forever. With any kind of decent luck, reality will catch up with them before the 2020 election, and the voters won’t be fooled into believing GOP “voodoo economics” (their phrase, not mine) works. You and I know it doesn’t.
And then, as usual, Democrats will have to come in and clean up the mess they left behind.
@17 Anything is possible with the help of Russian intelligence services. They’ve very good at subversion. the “Manchurian Candidate” (1962) wasn’t fantasy; it was prescient, and merely ahead of its time.
GOP, on record in favor of Pedophilia.
“I vacation in Baton Rouge all the time. Love it there. Pretty, Pretty girls. Why?” – Roy Moore.
@8. Gooooooo Pete!
Not a fake, like most of the rest.
Vote for Pete! If he loses, the rest don’t have a chance then. I’m sure Pete can mud wrestle!
@13. Not a problem…. not like heterosexuals shouldn’t be killed either; works both ways. I’m sure Bob would agree with me.
I wonder if Pete and gman have ever tapped the same ass.
Not at the same time, of course.
The market did so well today I bet even Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit came out ahead.
“I’ve given amazing leadership…” said his boss.
Ex-school deputy Scot Peterson arrested on charges of neglect of duty in Parkland massacre
The Coward of Broward seems almost too easy.
Makes texting your penis look so innocent in comparison.
@22 at the same time would have been a pleasure. But it’s not like a horses’ ass, I would think. Maybe you could tell us?
@22 It’s your ass, so you should know.
@24 Seems like a stretch to charge a cop for something he didn’t do. Cowardice generally isn’t a crime outside of the military. It should get him fired, yes, but thrown in jail?
@23 All it takes is the Fed to hint at a rate cut, dumbfuck. That’ll get you back, oh, about half of what Trump’s Mexico tariff threat cost you.
@ 28
Seems like a stretch to charge a cop for something he didn’t do.
Sez the self-appointed representative of the HA pussy crowd dying to impeach the president for non-obstruction over non-collusion.
@30 “non-obstruction”
You ain’t a lawyer, but if you want to pursue this argument, take it up with the 800-plus former federal prosecutors, many of them Republicans, who say he committed obstruction.
They’ll probably laugh in your face.
And while Mueller, who knows a whale of a lot more about this than you do, wasn’t explicit about it, he virtually invited Congress to impeach him, so take it up with him too.
He’d probably roll his eyes.
@ 31
I wonder if the face-laughing would be as loud and the eye-rolling would be as pronounced as when you claimed that a guy shot several times in the front of his body while bull-rushing a cop fell under the Fleeing Felon Doctrine, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Would it be like that?
“Craig Northcott, a district attorney in Tennessee’s Coffee County, a rural county between Nashville and Chattanooga, … [said] he would not enforce domestic violence laws for people in same-sex marriages because he does not believe in same-sex marriage. …
“‘DAs have what’s called prosecutorial discretion …,’ Northcott said. ‘We can choose to prosecute anything, we can choose not to prosecute anything, up to and including murder …. It’s our choice, unfettered.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Skipping over questions of abuse of prosecutorial discretion, a subset of prosecutorial misconduct, a logical corollary of his argument is that a liberal prosecutor could refuse to prosecute people for trying to literally smack sense into Republicans. After all, if beating up homosexuals isn’t a crime, then why should beating up Republicans be a crime?
So to be clear, in case Doctor Dumbfuck misquotes me again, I’m not advocating either of those behaviors. To the contrary, I think this guy is unprofessional and his argument is full of shit. I’m not for anybody beating up anyone else. There are better ways to deprogram Republicans, but why bother? It’s enough to defeat them at the ballot box, and after that we don’t care where they slink off to.
Has anyone here ever wondered how a radiologist in the San Juan Islands stumbled across a blog calling itself The answer seems obvious to me. He must have been trolling the internet looking for homosexual horse porn.
“The heightened tariffs against China … are expected to cost the average U.S. family $831 per year. Add in the recent threat of a 5 percent tariff on goods from Mexico and family budgets will have to absorb another $130 or so of rising prices, for a total annual tariff cost of around $1,000 per household. That’s … roughly the same size as the average tax benefit households got from the 2018 Republican tax cuts ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You didn’t think Trump would let you keep that tax cut, did you? Cutting taxes for wage earners isn’t what Republicans do. But the millionaires and billionaires will get to keep theirs, because the GOP exists to coddle the rich, and somebody has to pay for their tax cuts. That “somebody,” of course, is you.
Well, the Democrats are nothing if not toothless.
House Democrats are eyeing a move to censure President Trump as a possible alternative to impeaching a president they have accused of gross wrongdoing while in office.
A censure resolution — essentially a public reprimand — lacks the teeth of impeachment’s intrinsic threat to remove a sitting president.
A censure resolution is to impeachment as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is to erectile function.
I thought they might vote for representation by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Majority of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign workers say they want to unionize
majority of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s 2020 campaign staff has said it wants union representation.
Nonmanagement campaign employees authorized the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 2320 to represent them in negotiations with campaign leadership, according to Steven Soule, the local’s business manager.
@36 Democrats are doing the best they can to uphold the Constitution and rule of law, but they can’t do it alone. If you want more than censure of this criminal, then you have to get GOP senators to put loyalty to our country ahead of loyalty to their party and uphold their oaths to uphold the Constitution, which at present is asking too much of your degenerate party, so barring a change of heart by those weasels, America’s voters — those with functioning brains — will have to take matters into their own hands, which it appears they’re prepared to do.
@37 At least her employees are citizens or legals.
Apparently it’s okay for violent rightwingers to engage in threatening speech, so …
… it’s certainly okay to argue “liberals must arm” for self-defense against the violent rightwingers who are threatening to put them in “concentration camps” and “execute” them, Doctor Dumbfuck’s idiotic opinions notwithstanding.
@ 38
If you want more than censure of this criminal, then you have to get GOP senators…
No. You don’t.
Impeachment is more than censure, and impeachment in this Congress requires nothing of the GOP and does not even involve the Senate, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Do we need to have another lesson in “How a Bill Becomes a Law”?
A pussy we know has finally at long last achieved Peak Wingnut Projection.
“the HA pussy crowd”
I think part of the idea is they are looking for a process that allows them to put the GOP on trial, without and endgame that has Mitch McConnel handing them an acquittal.
The problem with impeachment is where it goes. Make no mistake, if it goes to the Senate they will control a brief process to a) put the House on trial for daring to consider the question; b) put the DOJ on trial for daring to start the investigation; c) conduct a splashy show trial the purpose of which is to totally exonerate themselves, their dictator, and their perverted supporters. They will carefully manage every aspect of it for maximum political impact, using it to reinvent the criminal history and to energize their voting base.
Teh Dumbfuck is just frustrated that so far, the Dirtbag Left is still losing this battle. Because right now if they moved directly to impeachment in the House, Democrats would get killed first in the Senate, and then next in the 2020 general election. This isn’t about reaching across the aisle. It isn’t about putting the past behind us. This is about being smarter. A GOP Senate impeachment trial is a potential disaster.
Only 23,000 jobs in May. Not coal jobs, all jobs. There must not be anyone left in Guatemala for the Trump Organization to hire.
Like I said, the economy is slowing.
@41 You know fucking well what I mean. I’m not going to argue over petty semantics with you.
@43 “A GOP Senate impeachment trial is a potential disaster.”
Of course it is, because as things stand now, there isn’t one single solitary GOP Senator who will do their job or honor their oath of office. That’s my point.
And the dumbfuck doctor applauds this state of affairs, because dumbfucks are gonna dumbfuck.
@ 44
Like I said, the economy is slowing.
The economy is approaching closer to full employment.
Imagine Steve chastising President Hillary Clinton for not overseeing a stock market increase similar to the one under Obama. Growth has been sustained and the unemployment rate is at lows not seen in decades – 50 years according to the NYT. At some point it is harder to put people into jobs because
1) in a mobile society there will always be some people who are “unemployed” according to the definition used even if they are moving from one job to another
2) some people – Deathfrogg, call your office – are unemployable and don’t deserve a job.
The NYT, a week ago:
Not much concern that the economy is stalling out in this piece.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.