Please join us this evening as the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally gathers for conversations over a drink. All are welcomed!
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start around 8pm.
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Over the weekend disgraced felon Lt. Col Oliver North was kicked out of the NRA after attempting unsuccessfully to expose insider financial corruption. Wayne LaPierre held on yesterday in a secret board session and named his work-wife to take North’s spot.
And now North and his committee are in meetings this week with NY AG where SDNY is sitting in. NRA got their records preservation orders from NY on Friday, before the board learned what North was up to.
We shouldn’t gloss that the NRA President is also the chairwoman for Stone Mountain Memorial Association.
The giant memorial to traitors to the United States. The place that must be preserved so no one will forget where the first modern Ku Klux Klan rally was held. The organization holds an annual ‘Confederate Memorial Day’ ceremony to celebrate the losers of a rebellion against the United States to protect slave holding.
If you have any not crazy NRA member friends you should make them aware that over the weekend the organization took a turn toward outright racism.
Venezuela may finally be on the verge of throwing out their socialist dictator. This is a good opportunity for the US to do nothing and see what Venezuelans decide to do with their country. Just because there’s trouble in one nation, it doesn’t necessarily mean the US should get involved. We have enough of our own problems.
One thing I can tell you as a history nerd.
When the U.S. gets involved in a Coup D’Etat in Central or South America it doesn’t end well.
A Republican source told The Daily Beast that lobbyist Jack Burkman and internet troll Jacob Wohl approached him last week to try to convince him to falsely accuse Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, of engaging him sexually while he was too drunk to consent. The source provided The Daily Beast with a surreptitious audio recording of the meeting, which corroborates his account. In it, Wohl appears to refer to Buttigieg as a “terminal threat” to President Donald Trump’s reelection next year.
A) How come the majority of fake news seems to come from trumpers?
B) Nice that they think Buttigieg is a big deal.
Warren/Buttigieg 2020.
Anybody Else 2020.
Makes it easy.
@3,4 Whatever credibility America once had as a beacon of light in a dark world has been substantially and perhaps irretrievably diminished by its current management.
Here ya go, doc. Your Jussie Smollett. For details, see #5 above.
From now on, whenever you say “Jussie Smollett,” we’re gonna say “Jacob Wohl.”
Jussie Smollett, Jacob Wohl. Jussie Smollet, Jacob Wohl. Jussie Smollett, Jacob Wohl. Jussie Smollet, Jacob Wohl. Jussie Smollett, Jacob Wohl. Jussie Smollet, Jacob Wohl …
“The way Biden wins this 20-way primary isn’t as a fresh face or as the most liberal candidate. He wins by convincing Democrats that the only thing that really matters is beating Trump — and that he is the best person in the race to do that.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I suppose that might be true from a purely tactical perspective, but voters (myself included) care about substance, too. Biden’s personality and leadership style hasn’t impressed me in the past, but he’s a JFK compared to Trump. He has D.C. savvy, long experience with foreign affairs, and very likely is the Democratic candidate best suited to repair relationships with our allies and oppose Russian aggression. While his policy ideas may not be the most exciting, most Americans can easily live with them, and most people find progress and change easier to swallow when it consists of many small steps instead of one giant leap. So far I like Competent Joe. And that, by the way, is what we’re going to call him — not Sleepy Joe, but Competent Joe. Those two words say it all — what our country needs, what it doesn’t have, and who we should nominate to right our listing ship. You won’t see family separations, tax cuts for the rich, secret subversive deals with Putin, revival of pre-existing conditions coverage exclusions, or assaults against entitlements under President Biden. That’s good enough for me.
I’ve had a look at that “Chicago DA subpoenaed over Jussie Smollet case” and as a guy who plays lawyer on the internet I’m confused.
In all the media stories there does not seem to be an active investigation, complaint or litigant except from the Judge who appears to have issued the subpoena.
So who issued the subpoena? Is it regular for a sitting or retired judge to initiate a proceeding? Would it be ethical for a retired judge to file a case and then issue subpoenas under his own authority as a judge? That seems pretty conflict of intrest-y. Could a retired judge file any kind of motion without a change of venue in a court where he has been a sitting and now Pro Tem judge?
There may be a reason why the non-fox, Breitbart, National Review wings of the news media aren’t really covering this.
It seems like a sham. It would appear that the judge is running his own case here WHILE presiding over the proceeding.
Motion for recusal, if refused ethics complaint, if granted motion to quash the subpoena (can a judge really issue a subpoena in a case where the same judge appears to be the plaintiff?)
“Electability” is a beltway trope that matters only to political journalists bound to the “horse race” narrative. Poll after poll of actual primary voters consistently reveals that it is issues, policy, and character that matter most… well, at least to the voters who can read and manage to wipe themselves, aka Democrats.
Republican primary voters consistently go with the coolest Odin’s Cross tattoos and which candidate they’d most like to stand (or squat) next to while peeing behind a dumpster.
Opinion: Clinton-era politics refuses to die. Joe Biden is its zombie that staggers on
This is why i want Mayor Pete and Warren more
But i will support the Democrats who wins the nomination.
while it isn’t a criminal violation, it certainly does meet the requirements for civil defamation of a public figure.
I think it’s time to bid farewell to “Big League Politics” and it’s former Brietbart backers.
Trump Campaign owes City of El Paso more than $470,000 for February rally
It’s as if Republicans are not going to pay back people who don’t vote for them.
Why regulation is necessary:
“Two whistleblowers at a pharmaceutical company responsible for one of the largest drug price increases in US history said the company bribed doctors and their staffs to increase sales, according to newly unsealed documents in federal court.
“The effort, the whistleblowers said in a lawsuit against the company, was part of an intentional ‘multi-tiered strategy’ by Questcor Pharmaceuticals, now Mallinckrodt, to boost sales of H.P. Acthar Gel, cheating the government out of millions of dollars.
“The price of the drug, best known for treating a rare infant seizure disorder, has increased almost 97,000%, from $40 a vial in 2000 to nearly $39,000 today.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Our economy, like our roads, needs traffic laws, traffic signs, and traffic cops. Anyone who thinks otherwise is naive. Businessmen are governed by the same natural impulses as thieves and magpies; given opportunity to steal, they will.
@10 I haven’t really been following the case, but off the top of my head, it looks more like a quasi-disciplinary oversight investigation under some statutory authorization than a judicial proceeding.
Why it was way back last week when the collective right wing media was having a freak out because a commonly used metaphors for getting fired, “Lose their head” or heads should roll was the most shocking death threat ever made by anyone.
How do they fell about e-mails getting sent to a University professor after Donald made up some shit about mothers and doctors murdering newborns?
I have to say, I’m actually quite surprised that Mueller felt compelled by circumstances to correct the White House lies about the SCO report. I should have thought that was rather obvious to anyone who can read.
@17 Doesn’t look like nothin to me.
Insufficient nuance.
Later, Barr and Mueller spoke by phone and while Mueller didn’t think Barr’s letter was inaccurate, the special counsel believed his report was more nuanced on the obstruction of justice issue, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller was frustrated by media coverage, and wanted more of the report to come out, those officials told CNN.
Hey, so more of the report came out. Problem solved.
@ 14
The municipalities of Wisconsin wish to thank Hillary Clinton for not stiffing them with unpaid campaign event hosting costs during the general 2016 election campaign.
I thought
was about as much “nuance” as the rage-Tweet party was capable of.
I guess they only do “nuance” when walking back the bullshit.
And since we’re on the topic of “nuance” –
And yes, that’s right. The Child Molesters stiffed the USA Freedom Kids too. Although I understand the president was very impressed with the tall one’s “chest”. She’s 13.
Red Refucked posted about an invoice @ 14 three days overdue.
I wonder if Red Refucked thought about googling Hillary unpaid campaign bills.
I’m betting he didn’t.
Cash-strapped Clinton Fails To Pay Bills – CBS News
Mar 31, 2008 – Hillary Rodham Clinton’s cash-strapped presidential campaign has … in unpaid bills she reported as debt and had not loaned her campaign $5 …
Hillary Clinton’s unpaid warriors –
Aug 8, 2014 – Washington (CNN) — Taj Magruder has never voted for Hillary Clinton. He has no connection to her paid staff. And he is not collecting a …
Police frustrated with Clinton campaign over unpaid bills – AOL News…campaign…unpaid-bills/21327449/
Mar 14, 2016 – Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton held a much larger campaign event in Marshalltown on January 26. On February 3, Chief Tupper sent …
An invoice three days overdue.
Was it worth it, Red Refucked?
“A lawsuit from Democratic members of Congress over Trump business earnings from foreign governments while President Donald Trump is in the White House can continue to move forward, a federal judge decided on Tuesday. The ruling, which firmly rebukes the President’s arguments, will empower Congress if they seek more information about payments received by Trump’s family businesses and other business details. Judge Emmet Sullivan’s opinion lands as House Democratic committees are seeking more details through subpoenas about Trump’s financial history.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sullivan was originally made a judge by Reagan. Just sayin’.
@19 All it means is any Democrat toward whom he makes a threatening gesture is now entitled to shoot him in self-defense, which, as you say, is nothin’. Now, a raccoon getting run over by a car, that’s something.
Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be History majors…
@24 I wonder how many of Trump’s tenants get three days of forbearance if they don’t pay the rent?
Only you care about Clinton. I dont care about Clinton.
However i do not agree Because a someone else may have done it, republicans get an endkess mulligan. And are never held accountable.
Are saying trump is cash strapped?
Hey everybody, gudwad is saying that trump is broke.
@27 Yes, I understand why Republicans want everyone to be ignorant of history. It’s better for Trump’s agenda if “Buchenwald” doesn’t mean anything to anyone. And what good is a liberal arts education in medical school? Doctors are just glorified mechanics anyway.
The republicans put out lots of Venezuela press releases in support of the uprisings, but failed to do ANY of it in Spanish or distribute them in any way inside the Venezuela borders.
If a republican talks in a forest, and no Venezuelans can hear it, did it really happen?
@29 He’s ribbing you about Hillary campaigning in Arizona instead of Wisconsin. Kinda like when his parents cheered Hitler’s appointment as chancellor — “See? We really showed you!”
@31 Yeah, they did; they just weren’t part of it, that’s all.
“Two people are dead after a shooting on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, according to Mecklenburg Emergency Medical Service Agency. Two other people are being treated for life-threatening injuries, and two more people have non-life threatening injuries, the agency said.
One person is in custody ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another day, another NRA-sponsored terrorist attack. I guess it’s something we’ll just have to get used to.
@ 29
Are saying trump is cash strapped?
I’m saying an artificial due date for payment is just that – artificial.
Show me an inked agreement for the Trump campaign to cover costs and it’s a different story. There’s an inked agreement for the rent on the venue facility and that bill was paid, BTW.
The problem with most municipalities is they don’t have inked agreements with the campaigns. How much revenue did the municipality take in with all of the hotels, meals, etc that the event created?
You’re a shill and a clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. A bill three days overdue from an expected pay date is a nothingburger and you know it.
Remember the Minneapolis by a cop with an itchy trigger finger who gunned down an Australian woman who had called 911 for help? He’s going to prison. He deserves to.
He keeps wanting to bring up Wisconsin
Special Election, AD64, Racine (near where FoxCon was supposed to go)
Dem Hold
Democrat Pedro Rodriguez with 24.9% margin of victory for the open seat.
The district went for Hillary by 10.4%
“US Navy sailors were instructed by the ship’s senior enlisted sailor to ‘clap like we’re at a strip club’ for Vice President Mike Pence’s arrival aboard the USS Harry S. Truman on Tuesday. The ship’s public information officer confirmed to CNN the comments were made prior to Pence’s arrival aboard the Truman in Norfolk, Virginia, and called the statement ‘inappropriate.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Actually, I think it fits quite well.
@35 Thanks for the info. Now we know you’re also a deadbeat on top of your other qualities.
Thoughts and prayers because we are held helpless to do anything else. Thoughts and prayers.
Comments from the internet.
Who the fuck takes an IOU from Donald Trump?-
> Not Americans banks.
Don’t worry El Paso, trump will pay the bill after he has dragged it out in court for so long that the city government will be willing to settle for him paying only 30% of what is owed.
> I bet Mar-A-Lago gets a check right away whenever Trump goes there.
USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills
Read: City of El Paso donates $470,000 to the Trump reelection campaign
He’s the President, according to Republicans, he does not have to pay for anything or follow any laws.
Mexico will pay for it
Mueller’s letter to Barr. Biggest loser? Doctor Dumbfuck.
@24. By republican logic, it’s wrong when Hillary does not pay her debts, but not wrong when trump does not pay her debts.
Once again…Hypocrite and a weasel.
Ermm, well, it’s a very good thing he kills workplace accident victims for a living rather than represent them against their employers.
Because that is not how the law of contracts works.
And as for the people president sundowner stiffs, it really couldn’t happen to more deserving folks.
“But, but, but….
I thought Barr’s summary was the end of it. All the talking heads said so.
I feel so used.”
Best line from closing:
…including dangerous lingere.
A bra strap can kill 27 ways.
Action beats reaction… and visible panty lines.
Take it away Rep. Nadler.
This would be where Devin Nunes says….
“Lying to Congress is a felony.”
I take it Dumbfuck’s comment about “history majors” @27 is a reference to the fact the UNC shooter was a history major before he dropped out. So in Dumbfuck’s pea brain this makes all history majors shooters.
Well, I have news for Dumbfuck — the UNC shooter also is registered to vote as a Libertarian. So by Dumbfuck’s “logic” — if you want to call it that — guess who that makes a shooter, too?
The UNC shooter also is autistic, but I won’t go into that …
@47 Yep, being a shill for Trump isn’t a crime (if it was, Doctor Dumbfuck would be behind bars), but lying to Congress is. And if Barr didn’t lie to Congress, he sure did go right up to the yellow line of the legal definition of perjury.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: U.S. Hands Tax Cuts To Wealthy While Housing Cuts Leave Kids with Lead Poisoning, Sewage In Apartments
Do we priorities public utilities and the health of all our citizens while bending the wealth curve down slightly, or do we priority wealth at the cost of citizens?
I know how Progressive Democrats choose.
+32.00% for the period January 1, 2018 through May 1, 2019.
I took a bit of money off the table on April 29, 2019. I’d advise other investors to consider doing the same in their shorter term portfilios.