Please join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by even earlier and enjoy some dinner.
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Yep, I hope he runs for Governor.
Hell, he’s a shoo-in after the ass McKenna has made of himself.
Jay Inslee 2012!!!
Our next governor, and a helluva guy. Always approachable, always attuned to what is happening. And, my Idaho father’s favorite Congress critter to watch on C-Span. Let’s see Rossi or McKenna try to beat Jay.
Our country badly needs financial reform, but Democrats will have to pass it without Republican participation or help. There’s just nothing constructive or beneficial about the Republican Party anymore. Why does anyone vote for them? I don’t understand it.
Roger @ 4: “Why does anyone vote for them? I don’t understand it.”
It is a baffling phenomenon until we remember that reason has never ruled this planet’s affairs. Those of us who believe in a rational order are doomed to be always on the outside.
jay inslee will put a milkshake in every pot.
Would his milkshake bring all the boys to the yard?
Sorry, couldn’t help that. For anyone that didn’t understand that…..
Someone’s Still Doing Well
The economy sucks, millions are unemployed, the stock market is sinking, and a Picasso painting just sold for $106.5 million.
Someone’s doing pretty well on the money taken away from workers over the last four decades.
Looks like Rep. Norm Dicks could end up as chair of the House Appropriations Committee.
Rep. David Obey the current chair is retiring and Dicks is #2 in seniority.
Eric Cantor says, “no one thinks the President is a domestic enemy”, and the Heritage Foundation audience boos. Michael Brown is invited on Fox to reveal that President Obama leaked the oil but his devilish plot somehow got out of hand. Peggy Noonan shares with us that Obama and the Dems conspire to open the border.
Republican leadership. Now indistinguishable from internet trolls.
Inslee discusses nothing in this sound bite.”Oh, we’re gonna do blah, blah, blah…”
He is one of the democratic party’s many water boys whose job is to deliver the party’s calculated, correct but losing vote on the big issue (against repeal of Glass Steagall 1999, against Bush II’s war powers…) but then go along with the corporate crowd funding war, privatizing public sector functions and defunding regulatory authority.
The talk of Inslee running for governor in 2012 turns me off. We need a leader not a water boy.
That would have been funny if it was a parody.
A quick dose of reality for you KLOWNS–
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Also, the Sanctuary City, far-left boycott Arizona Noise-machine is actually having a negative effect on this:
Thanks fools!
I told you about 5 years ago, when approx 49% of taxpayers feel they are overtaxed and not getting their money’s worth or feel cheated about handouts to illegals & YLB’s…it’s a Conservative Revolution coming your way.
My brother, a University Government Employee, never voted for a Republican in his life. Only member of our family who is a lefty…e-mailed me last week and has had it with the handouts & debt.
I asked him a simple question–
Tell me how your kids (my niece & Nephew) are going to payback the $16 TRLLION National Debt Obama is headed for in 2012?
And after you answer that, how are they going to payback the $110 TRILLION of unfunded liabilites where the cashflow game will crash in their lifetime.
His e-mail back–
Music to my eyes!
“Music to my eyes!”
Such a dumbfuck KLOWN. Could you possibly be more stupid? Sadly, the answer to that question is “yes”. And I’m sure your very next comment will prove this to be true.
Your brother? I somehow suspect that dumbfuckedness is generations-long DNA issue with the Klynical KLOWN Klan.
Just imagine! The KLOWN has a brother who’s actually dumber than the dumbfuck KLOWN himself. I mean, really, the KLOWN family get-togthers have to take “teh stupid” to new, previously unknown levels of stupidity. It’s too much, I tell you, it’s all just too much!
$16 TRLLION National Debt Obama is headed for in 2012?
Now who wrote that??? Some “leftist bastard”?
Nope. Published in the Murdoch papers:
Pre-empting the wingnut talking point(tm) that Puddy and/or Cynical and/or righton and/or their innumerable sockpuppets will suggest (if they haven’t already spewed out such nonsense):
Claim that alleged bomber is a registered Democrat collapses
The complete lie about Mr. Shahzad’s party affiliation was vomited out on RightPundits and GatewayPundit, and was (of course) repeated by Limbaugh. In reality, he wasn’t a registered voter.
The noise machine also
claimedlied, without a shred of evidence or veracity, that Shahzad contributed money to the Obama campaign and that his naturalization had been fast-tracked by Obama’s “lenient open door policy”.All of the above are lies, fabrications, falsehoods, misstatements. In fact, though the final step in his naturalization occurred a bit over a year ago, Shahzad got both an H1-B visa and a green card while Dubya was in office.
Stupes is a big fan of those. GatewayPundit at least.
Heh. Yet another disaster occurring on the dipwad they voted for twice’s watch.
N in Seattle spews:
Get ready for this one N in—
Lot’s of Democrat Voters aren’t registered!!