A cold front will grip the ENTIRE nation Tuesday night, as the President* takes to the stage and delivers a postponed state of the union address. Please join us as the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally debriefs, and fact checks the tsunami of effluvial matter likely to ensue. The “big chill” starts at 6pm, so stop by then if you care to watch it. Or, if you are participating in the boycott, stop by later.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We usually start at about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 264 chapters of Living Liberally, including 22 in Washington state, eight in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or start a new chapter in your community!
Yesterday a subpoena was served. A pretty important one, actually.
But it was probably more important that millions of American citizens interested in current events and concerned about the state of their democracy should discover a sleezy, discredited online conspiracy swamp staffed by Breitbart discards called Big League Politics.
Interesting headlines
“Companies Spent 140 Times More on Stock Buybacks than Wage Increases in 2018”
“Over 60 percent of voters — including half of Republicans — support Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax”
“The Tax-the-Rich Movement Keeps Growing ”
“Not ‘Left-Wing Fantasy’ But ‘Mainstream and Really Popular’: Poll Shows Enormous Public Support for Higher Taxes on Rich”
Just sayin, the 99% are not fans of massive income inequality.
Drumpf surely will brag about **his** economy. While. He. Can.
@1 The inaugural donors didn’t have to buy Trump. They already own him. A few of them even speak English — those are the ones they send here to keep an eye on their “investment.”
Being a security guard holding down a white shooter and waiting for the cops to arrive while black. I don’t know what he was thinking, but he’ll never do that again.
“‘Your man shot my man!’ Videos show anguish following police shooting of black security guard”
There’s a very distinct case to be made that the purpose of the fund was not to buy favor directly, but rather to serve as a laundry for some of the foreign sourced funds used to support the campaign and influence the election outcome.
To say that many of the people attracted to the campaign were “entrepreneurial” is at least an understatement. Most of the top political supporters were working without salary during most of the campaign.
Deleted by RedReformed
@3 that’s ok- PI will buy tons of stock with all the profits he’s making now (sarcasm).
@3 that’s ok- PI will buy tons of stock with all the profits he’s making now (sarcasm).
Sec. Clinton delets a bunch of very old emails and the GOP chants “Lock her up” for the next eight years.
Their Porn President delivers 5,000 children into the hands of organ harvesters and child pornographers and the GOP cants “Four more years”.*
This really is “the status quo” of Roypublicans now.
*And “Journalism” yawns, rolls over, and says “Wake me when Jim Webb II is the nominee”.
It seems the only security camera in the San Juan County courthouse that can swivel and zoom is the one in the District Court room that allows sheriff’s deputies to read defense attorneys’ and jurors’ notes and other documents.
Also, a sheriff’s detective of that county has been known to fuck a statutory rape victim. Must’ve been one horny little bitch.
Don’t count on GOP “law-and-order” voters to recall or defeat a sheriff like this. They love this shit and want more of it.
@6 “Most of the top political supporters were working without salary during most of the campaign.”
It’s my understanding that anybody who works for Trump in any capacity or role does so without pay, either voluntarily, or unintentionally.
The “Art of the Deal” principles apparently include not paying workers for their work.
Why should he pay any of them a salary when he can get Russians, Ukrainians, and Saudis to do it for him by merely promising to sell out our national interests?
Immigrants Are Terrorists Dep’t
“He was a penniless, traumatized … teenager with a fifth-grade education … [who] couldn’t speak more than a few words of English” when he arrived in the U.S.
Exactly the kind of person we need to keep out of our country! A liability on the welfare system! A future gang member!
Oops, not this one, he’s a U.S. Army general now.
Wherein a criminal tries to rob two black guys in an alley, then tells the police they robbed him.
Sorry, Steak Sauce, not an illegal alien. The bad guy in this case is a white U.S. citizen.
See? I can cherrypick anecdotes, too. It’s a popular game among children. Anyone with a third grade education can play.
Checked the numbers as of close of business today. Up at an annualized rate of 9.38%.
Discipline, diversity and delayed gratification.
@16 In other words, your stocks are up 0.93% since January 1. Either that or you don’t know what an “annualized rate” is.
@16 “Discipline, diversity and delayed gratification.”
Mostly luck this time around; or, depending on how you count, part of the way back from last year’s serial selloffs. How are you doing since Jan. 1, 2018? Break even yet?
The trumper old guy who posts on my HS freind face book account is reposing memes like crazy, In just the last few minutes….
The first is a checklist of how Democrats have all the same characteristics of Nazis. (both were socialist you know!)
The next is trying to scare the greedy by saying much how terrible the tax load and gas prices are in Germany and England! Gas is $7 a gallon! Income tax is 50% Be afraid!
The last is a Rush quote about how much establishment Washington is afraid the reformer trump and REAL VOTERS(TM) will never vote for the establishment again if they don’t fall in line behind trump.
I have given up responding or even reacting to him. It’s like trying to argue with a robot. It may be programmed to pause, but it doesn’t comprehend.
17 & 18,
Get somebody to show you how to use Excel’s XIRR function, rodent.
You forgot delusion. (See 18.)
Are you sure it isn’t a robot?
Most of the hundreds of thousands of beet-fueled botnets coordinated by Brad Parscale through C.A. are still in operation.
I suspect at least one of our regular trolls.
And just about every faithful Roypublican and EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE voter in TrailerMurica has been in regular contact with one over the past 30 months or so, whether they want to admit it or not. I guess that’s one way for them to keep the soul crushing loneliness at bay as they heal up between sessions in the barn with “that special someone”.
@20 You’re calculating your investment return from cashflow? Interesting.
Being a rabbit, I’m just a simpleton, so here’s how I do it. I start with the value of my stocks at today’s closing, and subtract their value as of Dec. 31’s close.* Then I add the dividends received since Jan. 1 to this number. This is how much money my stocks have earned this year (including unrealized capital gains/losses). I divide this number by the Dec. 31 number, which gives me a percentage. To get an annualized percentage, I divide this percentage by the number of days since Jan. 1 (36) and multiply by the number of days in a year (365, this not being a leap year).
* I haven’t bought or sold any stocks since Jan. 1, so I don’t have to adjust for that.
By way of illustration, using fictitious numbers, let’s say Doctor Dumbfuck’s stocks were worth $121.18 on Dec. 31 and they’re worth $126.35 today, plus he’s collect 50 cents of dividends this year. $126.35 – $121.18 + $0.50 = $5.67; dividing that by $121.18 gives you 4.7%. To annualize this amount, divide by 36 then multiply by 365 and you get 47.4%, which is really great! Too bad for him these numbers are fiction.
I really don’t see what irregular cash flows have to do with this, unless you’re putting more money into your stock account. You can get really spectacular returns by that method. For example, if you had $10.00 in your 401(k) on Jan. 1, and you put in another $10.00 on Jan. 31, you’ve doubled your money in one month!
Btw, PI, do you own Boeing? If not, you’re a dumbfuck (or just very unlucky in your stock selections). It has gained over $116 per share since Dec. 24.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns Boeing stock.)
Doctor Dumbfuck thinks I was bragging whenever I posted something like “I made $5,000 in the stock market today.” He doesn’t get it. Neither does PI, who clearly is bragging about how he’s doing in a game of chance that largely depends on luck. Both these guys are as clueless as could be.
My point has always been that workers get fucked over in this system. A dumbfuck who rants about raising restaurant workers’ pay to $15/hr. just can’t stand it when a rabbit who self-identifies as a lazy and unproductive leech makes over 40 times that much by doing absolutely nothing except eating, sleeping, pissing and shitting, and posting on HA all day (like the doctor does; he and I have more in common than he wants to admit).
Did I say this takes brains? No! How many times have I posted through the years that children can do this?
Do I claim to outperform the market (or some other benchmark)? No! I don’t have to. If the object is to not need a shitty job working for a crappy boss who pays Republican wages, all you need to do is make enough to cover your expenses, and the rate of return doesn’t matter. In fact, I would argue that capitalism, when coupled with the privileged tax treatment that capital gains and dividends enjoy, is such a cornocupia that even mediocre returns are good enough.
The whole point of everything I’ve ever posted about the stock market can be distilled down to this: “Everybody should be a capitalist. No one should work.”
The people who run this country for their own benefit try hard to dupe unwitting fools into working for a living. They sure don’t; if working is such a good deal, why do none of them work? They tell you “work hard and you’ll succeed,” or even more ridiculously, “hard work is its own reward.” Ever since the abolition of slavery, the owner class has resorted to bullshit propaganda like this to provide themselves with a labor supply, especially now when they’re throwing out the immigrants who do all the super-shitty work in this country.
The last thing they want is for you to become a capitalist and live a life of ease and luxury like them. They want you to do all the work, while they get all the money. They’re not into sharing. But that’s exactly what you should do! And the nice thing is you don’t need their permission to do it. Anybody can be a capitalist. Even me! How do you get capital? It’s easy, all you do is decide to be an investor instead of a consumer, by saving and investing instead of spending. Most of you stupid humans spend way more than you need to, and some of you don’t even know where it goes.
My suggestion is, don’t do any work, and help yourself to some of the free money they’ve been scooping up. Let them do their own work. If they want something done badly enough, trust me, they’ll do it themselves when they can’t get you to do it for nothing (or next to nothing) anymore.
Kinda like making them fight their own wars.
If capitalists had to do their own work and fight their own wars, trust me on this, both work and war would be abolished in no time.
Too bad Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t here right now to share in this conversation. He’d probably regale us with tales of his adventures in pork futures.
In making the case that an intoxicated woman is at fault for being raped, Rafael “Ted” Cruz made an interesting comparison about college women and
Because a train can take a moment to think, “Hey this guy is drunk. I haven’t asked for permission to electrocute him. But then again, I have this opportunity to electrocute him because he’s drunk. I guess it’s OK to Electrocute him.”
Side note, the comments by Rafael came during the confirmation of Neomi Rao who has written that “Drunk women are partially responsible for Date Rape.” She has desperately tried to walk that back in recent weeks.
She’s going through hearings to take the position last held by…
Wait for it….
Brett Kavanaugh.
When do the Tesla short sellers have to finalize their deals? Asking for a friend.