The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets this evening for conversations, politics, and conspiracies over a drink. You might say, “It’s Mueller time!”
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
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The TSA screening lines should be fantastic for the Atlanta superbowl game in 3 weeks.
Ajit Pai Refuses to Brief Congress About Why Bounty Hunters Can Buy Cell Phone Location Data
The Chairman’s staff said the selling of location data is not a ‘threat to the safety of human life or property, that the FCC will address during the Trump shutdown.’
“cell phone providers and location aggregators have allowed real-time smartphone location data to be sold to bounty hunters, landlords, and used car salesman, among others”
We’ve all had that friend. Good job, good money doing at least a little better than his friend set. Too cheap to ever offer to buy a round and throws a party with the cheapest food and $2 buck chuck but wants to make sure everyone knows he sprung for the booze..
Carl, I’m a little late in posting this, with regard to yesterday’s post. People just don stand in the wrong spot, they do the stupidity’s things period!
Besides being in a work meeting yesterday that made absolutely no sense, and fixe s nothing, but I just watch a girl serve herself some hot sauce at Shakeshack and spilled it all over the place. She not only didn’t clean up after herself but she left the bottle cap off and the bottle teetering on the edge of the countertop.
@3 100 football players ate 1,000 hamburgers? The host must have been filching a few on the side. But that’s okay, because he paid for them.
The DNC put up with Jesse Hymietown Jackson. The DNC puts up with Al Crown Heights Sharpton.
But the Women’s March crew is a step beyond the pale?
Democratic National Committee drops partnership with Women’s March
When you’re too anti-Semitic for the DNC to stomach, you probably should have killed six million fewer Jews. Give or take.
Would it shock you to learn the number purchased was exaggerated. Yesterday he told a reporter 300. Another reporter 500.
I’ll concede it was the biggest pile of McDonalds burgers in a White House Ceremony BY FAR! Historic numbers. Why the media has to print fake photos of the size of the pile. SAD!
godwin, I’m not steeped in your pool of hatred and rage and do not understand your dog whistles. Please explain Hymietown , Crown Heights and the six million fewer Jews reference? You think the women’s march organizers killed six million people? When, Where? They personally did it? Please elaborate.
Clearly the purpose of the Clemson invite to the White House was to piss off the libbies.
Hunter Walker
Verified account
18h18 hours ago
Some of the Clemson players are singing Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless The USA” as they wait for Trump.
Mission @ 3,4,5 accomplished, bitches.
Too bad Trump didn’t invite gman.
He’d have been only too pleased to toss as many salads as the Clemson team would offer him.
CNN’s Erin Burnett Slams Trump for Joking First Lady Could ‘Make Salads’: That’s Sexist
5:41 PM – Jan 14, 2019
@ 8
Please explain Hymietown , Crown Heights and the six million fewer Jews reference?
Red, I’m not your remedial historian.
I’m also not surprised you need one. Explains much. So much.
Wherin another balding, limp, deeply regretful Trumpublican voter confuses blatant mockery and hysterical LOLrolling gales of laughter with being “pissed off”.
If someone laughing at him and mocking him looks like anger to Teh Dumbfuck he must spend most of his days apologizing to OfDumbfuck… and her bull.
Yes. We’re laughing at y’all.
Lord Single Malt
Donald Trump is serving Big Macs in the WH to Clemson players.
Do you know what Big Mac sauce is? It’s basically Russian dressing.
If this doesn’t prove collusion, I don’t know what does. Mueller has a slam dunk now.
8:18 PM – Jan 14, 2019
Goldy secretly relieved he won’t have to suffer the indignity of watching his beloved Eagles feted by President Donald Trump. Although he now has two dozen useless Cheez Whiz tweets.
Hey, I wonder if Red needs me to explain this one, too.
Probably no truth to the rumor that all of that fast food was ordered via computer kiosks and assembled by robots.
@9. godin, Why would inviting football players to the white house piss of libs? Please explain?
Inviting people to the white house and then serving them luke warm fast food is what is pissing off libs. Did trump think football players could use knives and forks? Did trump think they would steal the silverware?
As far as singing “God Bless The USA”, it’s a cloying patriotic song, but why would you think it would annoy liberals? We want God to bless the US. It would be better than being cursed by God.
@11 Coward.
@ 17
We want God to bless the US. It would be better than being cursed by God.
You realize that since you don’t believe in God, neither of these can occur if your beliefs are correct, yes?
You’re fine with God blessing the USA as long as there’s a Democrat in the White House to take credit for it.
@ 18
You’re part of a 20-against-1 posting onslaught surrounded by your boyfriends, I’m on the receiving end of it, and I’m the coward. Sure. Whatever.
Why let a perfectly good public humiliation go to waste, eh Teh Dumbfuck?
When the best they can come up with to distract from their own corruption and incompetence is to redirect attention toward the sadly flacid impotence and diminished stature of #Arby’sFeasts…
it’s Mueller Time!
My friends, never forget we are living through an awesome era. We get to witness in real time this historic unraveling and ideological collapse of klownsurvaturdism.
Tremendous thanks to Teh Dumbfuck for keeping it all front and center every day.
@20. you are afraid to document your dog whistles in @6 because it will make you look bad to the liberals here?
@19 did you repent to God for missing Xmas Eve services last year? If not, why would you care about any God? Do you care about God like you care about all you other fellow humans?
“When you’re too anti-Semitic for the DNC to stomach, you probably should have killed six million fewer Jews. Give or take”
So fucking lame, even for a dumbfuck.
While I’m not certain of the current numbers, in 2017 there were 28 Jewish members of Congress who were Democrats, and only 2 Republicans.
In presidential elections since 1968, Jews have voted 71% Democrat, 25% Republican. Trump got 24%.
“Jews will not replace us!
Why they’re investigating:
Clint Watts lays it all down in language even Dr. Dumbfuck could probably understand.
One less Trump thug infiltrating the State Dep’t.
@6 “Hymietown”
Nice. Doctor White Supremacist is flashing his bigot colors.
@7 Nothing shocks me. I know what stupid humans are capable of.
@15 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck celebrates unemployment and hopes for more.
@20 Feeling picked on, eh? You’re surrounded by anonymity and that’s all you need, although it would help if you had some brains too.
@23 You have to be liberal to care about your fellow human beings. Empathy disqualifies you from being a clownservaturd.
Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron will have a sad!
“Senate Republicans split from Trump admin and vote to keep sanctions on businesses linked to Russian oligarch”
“Probably no truth to the rumor that all of that fast food was ordered via computer kiosks and assembled by robots.”
What nationality were those robots? Mexican or Russian?
“…., I’m on the receiving end of it.”
Looks like you like being the bottom. You pig slut.
How often does the wife put on the strap on? You don’t force her to shave her chest while she does, do you?
Looks like Trump’s base is beginning to crumble. Putting in 80 hours and getting a paycheck that says $0.00 brings clarity to one’s choices.
Hmmm…..There’s video of Clemson players making fun of the food One could speculate the singing is ironic
Kind of the way I use it…..
Young people are pretty snarky. They grew up with the internet
trump: I’m going to make a wall of burgers and have taco bell pay for it. They won’t? Then I”m going make the players starve until Chuck and Nancy bill the players for the wall of burgers.
FYI. Fake Quote. It’s shocking that conservatives spread lies. /s
Now thanks to you and Clemson’s PIO, all across trailerbilly Murica 63 million beer drunk Uncle Ricos are sobbing and rage-fapping in their hot tubs.
@ 38
Keeping alive the awesome White House trip for another news cycle.
Trevor Lawrence✔
I never said this by the way… I don’t know where it came from.
However the trip to the White House was awesome! …
10:28 AM – Jan 15, 2019
Nice goin’, Red. Was it worth it?
“Nice goin’, Red. Was it worth it?”
Yes. I see you keep trying to change the subject.
I’m glad he enjoyed visiting the White House. It looks like a grand old impressive building even if the celebration meal was cheap ass.
Doesn’t change the fact that conservative media have been trumpeting a totally made up tweet that made the prez look less bad and attacked liberals.
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My religious views are pretty well on display.
That said, the time I shook the hand of, was blessed by, and shot an interview with John Paul II was awesome.
True story
About that video of the players making fun of the food…
They kept it going for another cycle eh…
WaPo, “The White House made a big point about the President paying for Clemson’s burgers, but apparently “it’s a longstanding practice that a president pays for meals for himself, his family and personal guests.””
If they keep it going for a third day some enterprising reporter will find the undocumented worker that helped prepare the burgers.
For a fourth and we’ll find out the particular franchise the food was purchased from is owned by one of Donald’s Russian buddies.
State of the Union,
No cheering Rs. No Standing Os.
Just a sad angry man reading from a teleprompter in the Oval office.
#trumpshutdown #youbuiltthat
Pelosi throws a 102MPH fastball.
Michelin 3-star restaurant invites Clemson Tigers to dine after Trump fast-food meal
“I could care less about college football. But I’m personally inviting the Clemson Tigers team and coaches to Chicago to experience what an actual celebration dinner should be. ”
Michael Strahan Invites Clemson For Lobster After Trump’s Fast-Food Buffet
“We gonna take care of you,” Strahan, a Hall of Famer who played for the New York Giants, said on the show. “We gonna give you the proper meal that you deserve because that was one great game, a great accomplishment.””
The house of carbs, so much winning.
‘We Are Outraged’: People Want to Know Why ICE Almost Deported U.S. Marine Born in Michigan
Conservatives, do you think this an outrage to do to a Vet?