Please join us this evening for the weekly meeting of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally, border wall edition. Who knows…we might be in a state of national emergency by the time our event starts. You’ll need a drink.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 260 chapters of Living Liberally, including 22 in Washington state, eight in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or you might consider starting your own chapter!
“He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting”
That says it all about the Trumpanzees. Greedy and selfish to an extreme, stupid, lying, arrogant in their fallaciousness, and just downright mean to everyone who isn’t just like them.
They’re assholes. That’s all they are. They like being assholes. They enjoy watching other people suffering. They voted for an asshole, and they’ll vote for him again because he’s the sort of asshole they can relate to as they’re the same people who sat in the back of their civics/social studies classes popping their bubblegum and throwing spit-wads at the teachers. They’re the people who see someone reading a book and go out of their way to go up and call them a faggot right to their face.
Fuck you, assholes. You don’t have any right whatsoever to rule the world on your paradigm. Most of you belong in prison anyway.
I got a copy of the trump Pravda speech.
“Real Americans (TM), check the locks on your doors and windows, and look for any brown people out on the street because more that 6,000 tortoises..uh…and terrorists, 37,000 MS-13 members, 300,000 human traffickers coming to abduct white girls, fentanyl-laced avocados, and free tacos spiked with razor blades are… At. This. Very. Moment. streaming across the undefended helpless border, raping and pillaging Springfield, MO, and Shelbyville! Lock Her Up. Make America Great Again. Me 2020.”
Andy Borowitz: “Pelosi Says She Will Skip Trump And Negotiate Directly With Putin”
@ 1
‘froggy, I am absolutely astonished that someone with your, um, unique worldview is unable to hold down a job.
No, really.
Some conservative bloggers are beginning to refer to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as “Mini Maduro”.
@ 3
Andy Borowitz: “Pelosi Says She Will Skip Trump And Negotiate Directly With Putin”
The road to peace runs through
DamascusMoscow.No reason to allow reality to intrude onto your good time, libbies.
Verified account
Can anyone on the internet find me a *single* human Republican (not an anonymous bot account) that was offended by AOC dancing.
This should not be hard, right?
This “scandal” was covered in Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, Reuters etc
So where’s the evidence?
9:41 AM – 5 Jan 2019
On Stephanie Miller, trump should provide free room and board at his hotels to the federal employees who need help since they are not being paid so he can have a vanity WALL.
Trump supporter complains shutdown is ‘not hurting the people he needs to be hurting’
Democrats want all of us to have healthcare, a good education, good wages, a home, leisure time….republicans want to hurt anyone who wants to take their money or privilege.
republicans want everyone to submit or perish.
@7. Funny, you have no problem with “people are say’n …” when it comes from fox news. Hypocrite.
@ 10
Please provide an example of something I have presented on HA that is hearsay sourced to Fox News.
Until then, consider the crap you have posted recently and realize that you are rapidly approaching third-tier territory. Once you made sense in some instances. No longer. What a waste.
@11. (Southern Belle accent) “Dahling, I’d first have to respect you, to care one little bit of what you think of me. “
@12 you should be honored by @11, he only threatens people by saying they are “approaching third-tier” if you are really pissing him off. It is version of screaming “FAKE NEWS.” Consider it a badge of honor.
Clearly Dumbfuck is having a bad day because he lost a horse betting on Alabama last night. It was the pretty one that never struggled much.
Wow. Teh Dumbfuck surpasses himself in monumentally stupid self-pwnership. Amazeballs.
The vast majority of the non-orange event horizon world assumed, quite rightly, that Ben Johnson’s post was meant to be both rhetorical and at least a bit facetious.
The man is obsessed with Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez. It’s half his timeline. Ben Johnson IS the evidence. The whole thing is so perversely meta and self-referencing it could only happen during the reign of Cheeto Jeezus.
Everything he touches, he diminishes.
Yes, this is really “the status quo” of Trumpublicans from now on.
P.S. Half of ALL Republucans are anonymous bot accounts now. You really need to keep up with your e-mail.
Wherein one of Teh Dumbfuck’s most admired klownsuvaturd “intellectual” Shitlords, having “danced” repeatedly through a field of rakes, invites his loyal troop of hooting mouth breathers to comment on his burning question of the day: “Who put those rakes there?”
Stay gold, Pony Boy.
Hogg to Trump: 40,000 Americans dying annually from gun violence ‘a pretty damn good’ national emergency to start with
Hogg said Tuesday that gun control should be considered a “nonpartisan issue” considering “the fact that both Democrats and Republicans die from gun violence.”
“Bullets don’t discriminate and neither should our legislators,” he added.
Yeah, well, that would be logical.
After Promising More Jobs From Trump Tax Cuts, Report Shows AT&T Has ‘Done Just the Opposite’ by Slashing Over 10,000 Jobs in 2018
“AT&T continues to eliminate thousands of good, family-supporting jobs from coast to coast, and has cut more than 16,000 call center jobs in the past seven years alone,” the report notes. “Instead of investing in its workforce and transitioning to jobs of the future, AT&T is laying off American workers and relying increasingly on a global web of low-wage contractors to provide customer service and network maintenance.”
Sounds like off shoring to me. MOCGA Making Other Countries Great Again.
Best comment “If they didn’t want to get laid off they shouldn’t have worked for a company that did layoffs. Why didn’t they just work for their parents’ companies?”
@ 18
Red, you ignorant slut.
Here’s a significantly more balanced take on the issue:
An AT&T spokesman in an email to to The Hill on Monday reiterated a statement made last month, saying the company is investing “in good middle-class careers in areas where we’re seeing increasing customer demand for our products and services.”
The spokesman said the company has hired “87,000 people in the U.S. in the last three years alone, plus nearly 16,000 in the first 10 months” of 2018. “It’s important to note that most of our union-represented employees have a job offer guarantee that ensures they are offered another job with the company if their current job is eliminated.”
“In late 2017, with tax reform in mind, [AT&T] paid a special $1,000 bonus to our U.S. employees — all of our union-represented employees, non-management employees and front-line managers – totaling $200 million,” the spokesman said.”
The more customers can handle online by themselves, the fewer call center employees there need to be. Doesn’t mean the company isn’t growing in other areas.
Common Dreams is a shill site. You should know better.
Democrats behaving like Democrats.
Second Man Found Dead In West Hollywood Home Of Major Democratic Donor Ed Buck
A black man in his 50s was found dead early Monday at the West Hollywood apartment of Ed Buck, a prominent Democratic donor associated with a different death in his home last year.
In the first half of 2017, Buck raised nearly $30,000 in state races for California Democratic Reps. Ted Lieu and Pete Aguilar, Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.) and the Getting Things Done PAC.
Then their behaviors are covered up by other Democrats.
Jasmyne Cannickaa✔
If another young, Black gay man overdoses or worse dies at Democratic donor Ed Buck’s apartment it’s going to be the fault of the sheriff’s dept and L.A. District Atty for not stopping him when they had the opportunity to. #GemmelMoore #Justice4Gemmel
9:07 AM – Jul 28, 2018
@20 He obviously was killed by Trump’s plumbers squad when he stumbled on them rifling the Democrat’s home trying to find out how much the Democrats know about Trump’s black bag operations.
@4 I wouldn’t call what you used to do a “job.” And I certainly wouldn’t call what you do now a “job.” You are, and always have been, a useless leech just like me. You and I have more in common than you can bring yourself to admit.
@6 The Afghans thought it ran through the Salang Pass.
CWA estimated that AT&T has eliminated 10,700 jobs across the country, saying the cuts have come by way of closing or shrinking dozens of call centers. The union said AT&T is replacing U.S. workers with low-wage contractors overseas.
The spokesman said the company has hired “87,000 people in the U.S. in the last three years alone, plus nearly 16,000 in the first 10 months” of 2018. “It’s important to note that most of our union-represented employees have a job offer guarantee that ensures they are offered another job with the company if their current job is eliminated.”
For the same pay and benefits and hours?
Anyway, one or the other’s numbers don’t track. Time will tell who is lying.
@7 Well that’s interesting, because if you delve into this, you discover that a lot of the Republicans who criticized her dancing were hiding behind screen names and other devices of anonymity when they did so. It seems even they realized how ridiculous they looked to the point where they didn’t want to put their names on it.
@20. Democrats behaving like Democrats… in your fantasies. Projecting again.
“Investigators reopened the case last year after Moore’s friends and family raised concerns that his political connections might have contributed to the decision. Prosecutors declined to bring charges in July, saying there was insufficient evidence.”
They double checked, they found nothing, again. But I’m sure they will keep looking.
“Then their behaviors are covered up by other Democrats.” That’s a bold assumption. Prove it. Don’t just use the fox news “people are say’n it was a cover up….” Bring some proof, otherwise it’s just a pizza gate lesbian sex ring of space aliens of your fever dreams.
Where the GOP legislature is trying to stop a voter initiative…
“Corri Moore, 42, was one of the first people downtown to register to vote today. He said he lost his right to vote about 14 years ago for a felony charge of driving with a suspended license. He most regrets not getting to be a part of the historic 2008 election of Barack Obama.”
He’s going to be voting in 2020 and it won’t be GOP. Several hundred thousand more just like him.
Given the headlines, If Ed Buck is found guilty, I hope he goes to jail. Still, I wonder, godwin, you think he’ll get a sweetheart deal like republican Alex Acosta gave to sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein?
And before you go there….Epstein’s donations to the Democratic Party halted in 2004.
I think they didn’t want to put their names on it because they must have recognized how they were being baited into it.
But some bait is irresistible. Hate/fear of the vajayjay is at the core of Trumpublican/Incel/MRM troll DNA. They can’t help themselves.
Just like Teh Dumbfuck.
With the notable exception that he seems to be very proud to have stomped on that same rake over, and over, and over, and over again.
@ 26
This from The Advocate”
Buck, a white man in his 60s, was investigated previously by authorities after the death of Gemmel Moore, who died of a methamphetamine overdose in Buck’s home in July 2017. Since Moore’s death was classified as an accidental overdose, numerous young black gay men have alleged that Buck has a fetish for shooting drugs into black men he picks up off the street or on hookup sites. Moore had written about Buck injecting him with dangerous drugs before his death.
“I’ve become addicted to drugs and the worst one at that,” Moore wrote in his journal in December 2016. “Ed Buck is the one to thank. He gave me my first injection of crystal meth.”
Perhaps with the second death under similar circumstances, the first death will be looked into with greater care.
Buck has not been arrested. However, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said it is reopening the investigation into Moore’s death in light of the latest fatality.
With any luck Ed Buck will be facing a manslaughter charge on the first death and a murder charge on the second one just about the time the 2020 general election season begins.
Try “Prove it.” then.
-Michael Cohen, Esq., 86067-054, FCI Fairton
@ 28
Given the headlines, If Ed Buck is found guilty, I hope he goes to jail.
Anything less, and you’ll continue to defend him. You wanted proof of Democrats behaving like Democrats?
You’re my proof.
-Paul Manafort, 02715-031, FCI Petersburg
-Lt. Gen (ret) Michael Flynn, 02522-090, FCI Cumberland
-Alex van der Zwaan, 59825-050, FCI Otisville
-Maria Butina, 41963-054, FCI Allenwood
-George Papadopoulos, 64812-053, FCI Loretto
-Richard Pinedo, 92733-098, FCI Coleman Low
Gods you are twisted little partisan hack.
Until today, I had never heard of Ed Buck. If he killed people, he should go to jail. I’m not going to waste brain cells thinking about him. If that’s proof of something in your feeble little mind, so be it.
If you are trying to snidely imply ” Democrats behaving like Democrats” means democrats kill black men, you are scum.
Or maybe you when you typed “Then their behaviors are covered up by other Democrats.” to imply the local democrats hid his crimes. No proof of that other than fox news “people are say’n…” and you are scum.
Are you projecting what your republicans do, like Alex Acosta, so Dems must be doing it too?
The Republican Presidential Campaign Chairman admits to travelling overseas to meet with a GRU agent to pass along hacked 2016 campaign data and arrange for the lifting of sanctions in exchange for more hacking and other campaign assistance.
Is collusion? Is hard to say?
I suspect that we are already well beyond “Prove it”.
The Trumpublican Party is aggressively staking out the principle that the law’s condemnation does not apply to them at even the highest levels.
Yet simultaneously Teh Dumbfuck pleads for the law’s full condemnation to be applied to every corrupt toll taker, meter reader, or skeevy local donor if they ever voted for the black guy.
Once you open the barn door wide enough to allow the fat pig who gropes his own daughter to waddle through, you have to expect a few wolves to follow.
Yeah, presenting an intelligence officer of a foreign nation an inducement of financial impact to their nation to be offered by a candidate for President if elected but not negotiated by the current president.
Remember when Dumbfuck and Piddles we’re fond of tossing the word treason around. I mean it’s not the legal textbook definition but hard to imagine what you’d call negotiating with a hostile foreign government behind the back of the sitting government if not treason. Youthful Indescretion maybe?
It seems to be a pattern that for godwin,
Democrats have to fully prove without a speck of doubt that they never ever broke the law and any infraction no matter how slight or long ago shows they are corrupt,
Republicans must be held blameless IF there is a speck of doubt that they broke the law and any infraction no matter how major or recent must ignored.
Legally it’s not treason. Legally there’s no such thing as collusion either. But let’s not forget that it was Trumpublicans themselves who came up with that term and continue to embrace it. If this isn’t it, then the term is meaningless, legally or otherwise.
With this latest filing I’m pretty satisfied that a bunch of people involved in the Republican Presidential Campaign at the highest level broke a whole bunch of federal laws. Not just Gates and Manafort. And if President PeePee is among them, then the Congress has an obligation to open hearings.
Oh there will be hearings…
Donald will scream witch hunt while Rep Cummings reads quotes from the plea agreements of the campaign manager and advisors and Don Jr. and more and simply ask, is what you swore in this signed document true?
Not enough Sicilians on the campaign so Vincenzo Pantangeli can just stand in the back and get them all to disavow their plea agreements.
Side note, denying the plea agreement before Congress would lead to the presiding judge reconsidering prison sentencing.
Buy a hat and hold the fuck on to it.
I think it’s worse than that.
You can reasonably argue, and many do, that some federal prosecutions are either over broad or punitive. And we should not applaud any U.S. Attorney’s office just because they are going after a Republican. Moreover, and regardless of partisanship, when it can be shown that such an office is unfairly targeting a political figure to damage them politically that should be stopped.
In the criminal courts the scales are tilted in favor of the accused. As they should be. And in FBI investigations and the rules and regulations that govern US Attorneys, the bias is in favor of protecting the rights of all citizens, even at the expense of obtaining evidence. But that should not negate the purpose of seeking the truth.
The fundamental premise that Trumpublicans are declaring is that any and all federal investigations of any and all Republicans are politically motivated by default, and therefor invalid. Even when every single allegation of political bias they’ve ever produced has turned out to be utter nonsense. Even when they directly oversee and control every single one of these offices and these investigations. Even when nearly every single credible instance of politically motivated federal prosecution in recent years has proven to be motivated by bias in favor of Republicans.
The effect of such a principle, by design, is that anyone who puts an (R) after their name immediately obtains some shield of additional protection against accountability, at least politically. I certainly don’t agree with this. And I’m not about to argue that we should advocate for similar treatment for Democrats accused of corruption or other crimes. Not just for political gain.
I’m just insisting that every time one of these lying, perverted, treasonous, hypocritical pieces of shit proceeds yet again to pissing and crying their pooor widdle eyes out and shitting themselves with phony outrage over any alleged criminal misdeed they first clean up their own fucking mess.
It’s the one thing they can honestly say really is YUUUUGE!
Maybe they might start in Charlottesville.
Yertle reared his ugly head today to bitch about Democrats and their desire to have a “partisan tantrum”: “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blasted Democrats this afternoon for engaging in partisanship politics rather than working on a deal to reopen the government.”
Wait, Yertle is claiming someone is playing “partisan politics”? Seriously? The man is the definition of “partisan politics”. Merrick Garland ring a bell? Yeah, I thought so.
Grifters gotta grift.
“Trump fundraises off prime-time address”
“We need to raise $500,000 in ONE DAY. I want to know who stood with me when it mattered most so I’ve asked my team to send me a list of EVERY AMERICAN PATRIOT who donates to the Official Secure the Border Fund,” read the email written in Trump’s name.
“Please make a special contribution of $5 by 9 PM EST to our Official Secure the Border Fund to have your name sent to me after my speech,”
@46 Deal to reopen the government? House Democrats just put one on his desk. If he won’t let his own party’s senators vote on it, that’s his problem.
Lookee who was indicted today! Trump’s and Putin’s lawyers are falling like dominoes. I wonder if Rudy is next?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Pretty soon Trump won’t be able to get anybody but Larry Klayman.
Watched the last bit of Trump’s speech, yikes, that wasn’t a good projection for the world to see. I’m sure the rest of the world is laughing at him (and us).
Gad, the POTUS can’t even read from the teleprompter without looking like a fool, although it probably plays with with his mouth-breathing knuckled-dragging base.
@49 “Pretty soon Trump won’t be able to get anybody but Larry Klayman.” I doubt it. Trump’s ego will finally kick in and he will represent himself. Why? Because he thinks he is above the law and he thinks he can pardon himself.
@ 50- He was terrible reading his material. It killed him he couldn’t revert to his old crowd-pleasing lines.
“although it probably plays with with his mouth-breathing knuckled-dragging base”
Alas, the base wanted martial law and the arrests of over 60,000 Democrats and RINOs. SAD!
“U.S. Customs and Border Protection encountered only six immigrants at ports of entry on the U.S-Mexico border in the first half of fiscal year 2018 whose names were on a federal government list of known or suspected terrorists ….
“The low number contradicts statements by Trump administration officials, including White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, who said Friday that CBP stopped nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists from crossing the southern border in fiscal year 2018.
“Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen told reporters on Monday the exact number… was classified ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, I see why they want to keep it classified.
Nope. Nothing’s happening. Donald isn’t weak on polling.
There was a special election in VA SD33 while Donald was having his big day. The district is pretty safe D with the last 4 elections averaging in a D margin in the low teens.
Today, +39.6.
You don’t get that kind of surge without regular R voters crossing over or just staying home in huge numbers.
@5 labels and the GOP – Brother P-touch Motherfuckers is what they are.
How quick Boob disappears, after someone shoving a sock in his mouth, even if his foot is in it.
Donald tonight
“Be afraid. Terrorists are pouring across the southern border. They’re bringing heroin. Your kids are ODing. They’re stealing your jobs. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing disease. Some of them are fine people. I have the solution.”
President PeePee (Stephen Miller) landed this one:
“Some have suggested a barrier is immoral. Then why do wealthy politicians build walls, fences, and gates around their homes? They don’t build walls because they hate the people on the outside, but because they love the people on the inside.”
WALL!! isn’t immoral. It’s just dumb. Please don’t call WALL!! immoral. Call Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers® immoral. Call the Trumpublican policy on immigration (there isn’t one) immoral. WALL!! isn’t immoral. WALL!! isn’t even real. Calling it “immoral” plays into the ridiculous fiction that WALL!! is even a real thing. It isn’t.
There’s nothing these sadistic perverts would love more than to get into a public debate with Democrats about the “morality” of WALL!! Because that concedes the central weakness at the heart of the modern Trumpublican immigration debate. WALL!! has never been real. It was a rhetorical device created by his speech writers four years ago to focus his rambling, extemporaneous, spittle flecked stump speeches on immigration. They had to give the stupid, undisciplined motherfucker a simple, cartoon metaphor that helped him train his attention better. Nobody ever intended it to become a policy goal over which they would break the government and fracture their party.
Remember, this administration has spent less than 10% of the funds already appropriated for border security. They don’t want border security. A secure border combined with rational and humane immigration and enforcement policy deprives them of this political fight that they are absolutely depending on to turn out voters in 2020.
To win this fight, destroying Trumpublican turnout, further fracturing the party and gaining the Senate in 2020 will depend on Democrats being smarter than Stephen Miller about the rhetoric. That shouldn’t be very difficult.