The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight for an evening of political conversation over drinks and dinner.
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Trevor Noah on Chief of Staff Search: “So many Americans don’t want this job, Trump might have to let a Mexican do it,”
Time in the barrel
On October 26, 2016 Republican Presidential Campaign adviser Rudy Giuliani appeared on television to make the following statement:
“I do think that all of these revelations about Hillary Clinton are beginning to have an impact. He’s got a surprise or two that you’re going to hear about in the next two days.”
Two days later, on October 28, 2016, then FBI Director James Comey sent a public letter to Congress alerting the members that the FBI had learned of the existence of additional, previously unpublished Clinton State Department emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop.
On November 4, 2016 Republican Presidential Campaign Adviser Rudy Giuliani appeared on television and in response to direct questioning about his advance notice of the FBI announcement responded:
“Did I hear about it?” You’re darn right I heard about it. And I can’t even repeat the language that I heard.”
Last Friday in his testimony before Congress under direct questioning, former FBI Director Comey acknowledged that an investigation was launched at the time to ascertain the identity of the FBI source who had disclosed the information to the campaign in violation of federal law. When asked about the fate of that investigation former FBI Director Comey responded that he had “no idea” what become of that investigation, if it was still ongoing, of if it had been stopped by whose order.
In April of this year Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington began official requests under FOIA, 5 U.S.C. § 552 in writing for the public records related to the leak and the subsequent investigation. As of yesterday the FBI had made absolutely no response. So yesterday CREW filed suit to force FBI release of the public records. Under FOIA a respondent agencies has twenty days to notify the requesting party of the agency’s determination of which if any records are protected by statute, and to make available any other records not protected by statute. Again, neither the DOJ nor the FBI has made any response whatsoever to these requests as of yesterday.
It should be emphasized here that, at the time of the felony leak and before the official notification of Congress, multiple persons employed by or associated with the Republican Presidential Campaign, including almost every immediate Trump family member, made reference to the information disclosed in the leak in various public appearances and interviews. It is widely assumed that Mr. Giuliani was the conduit for the leaked information into the inner circle of the campaign and family members. But as of this date it does not appear that Mr. Giuliani has ever been interviewed by investigators seeking to identify the agency source of the leak.
Invest in handcuffs and orange jumpsuits.
Ken Starr must be proud today:
Let’s here it for Rape U!!! The frat boy has a great future in the GOP. I hear Trump is looking for help, maybe the kid should apply.
Republicans need a new nominee to fill the position on the DC Circuit vacated by Associate Justice Rape VanBeerBong.
That dude is custom made for the job.
This is really who Republicans are now.
In an incredibly ill-advised (for Child Molesters) media opportunity, President RageDiaper invited the incoming Speaker of the House and the current and ongoing Minority Leader into the Oval Office for a brief negotiation on a CR to avoid a government shitdown. Of course it devolved into a pointless argument about the fake wall right in front of dozens of cameras and microphones.
But notable in the scrum was the way Minority Leader Schummer succeeded in baiting President RageDiaper into declaring multiple times how HE would be proud to shut down the federal government.
His exact words.
This is really who Republicans are now
#shitdown is coming.
Perhaps the other, most striking element of that Diaper Rage in the Oval debacle was the commanding performance given by Vice President Pence.
Compete and total silence. Absolutely nothing whatsoever to contribute to the debate. It was as if he were not even there. The Chauncey Gardner of the Klownsurvaturd Revolution.
Frankly, I’m longing to see someone put together a camera isolation on him over the duration of the encounter. It is sure to be priceless.
@6 Pence was just massively uncomfortable by being in a room with another woman that wasn’t his wife. He was probably afraid Trump would break out with more “locker room” talk and maybe go over and try to cop a feel of Pelosi because, you know, ““[a]nd when you’re a star, they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”
That is the crux of it all, Trump thinks he is above the law, and it shows in everything he does and says.
Dr. Dumbfuck and steak sauce defend this guy. So sad.
Just think another 5,000 point drop in the DJIA and it will be like nothing ever happened over the last two years.
I know Bob would be here today if we were at the 27,000 mark. It’s all about the economy. It’s his only reason for hanging around.
Well if that’s what Pence looks like when he’s aroused I can only imagine how crazy the Pence household must be whenever it’s business time!
Four hundred and nineteen years.
I wonder how many times an oral surgeon can rebuild an inmate’s teeth in 419 years?
I know someone who may find out.
Yes. This is really who Republicans are now.
In their post presser coverage two Fox News hosts LITERALLY said that Donald never said he would shut down the government over the wall.
7, 9:
Nancy Pelosi is a woman? Who knew!
@9 I wonder if Puffy called it Bizdnesssss tyyyyme!
Pence did, that is why he was scared stiff in his chair because he was afraid of a #MeToo moment.
Gotta hand it to Trump and Pence, they put on a real clown show today. Sadly, the mouth breathers eat that shit up.
When the shitdown happens and their Medicare stops, they’ll have to go back to eating clay.
It’s gonna get mighty desperate down at the trailer park when they find out there wont be anyone to drive out from Mt. Pilot with new batteries for their mobility scooters.
So drumpf wants to shut down the government over a fucking wall that Mexico is supposed to pay for?
Another day in the always wrong wing shit show.
Don’t worry.
Shitdown is coming. And knowing that it is, the market will price itself accordingly in anticipation. Consider those 5000 points gone.
@1 Priceless!
Yertle made grave threats and gave big markers to Collins, Murkowski, Tillis, Gardner, and many others two months (and a House landslide) ago for the Rape Van confirmation debacle.
And now he’ll be expected to hold them in line for the shitdown? I think we are going to learn a lot about the 2020 Senate races in the next couple of weeks.
A lot.
@2 If things keep going like this, the Federal Bureau of Prisons will have to devote an entire wing to housing former Trump lawyers.
@3 According to the NRA, the best solution to a frat boy with an unbridled dick is a girl with a gun. Then no more dick.
@5 Not to be overlooked:
“In the 450 cases of jihadist terrorism in the United States since 9/11 … not one involved a terrorist crossing the southern border into the United States.”
So much for Trump’s “10 terrorists.”
@12 In every organization and on every blog there’s always a dumb cluck who didn’t get the word.
@14 This is what happens when an amateur politician with no experience thinks he can bully professional politicians of long experience on live TV.
Credit to Pelosi.
At least four times she tried her best to close it down and move the debate to privacy. She understands that by taking the public position that he did in front of his adoring FOX News meathead viewers President FingerFuck now has absolutely no other options but to order the Code Red and shutdown the government.
And she alone, among the four of them, had the presence of mind to recognize how harmful, and ultimately pointless a government shutdown will be. Even though the shitdown will do immense harm to President RageDiaper and the Child Molesters, she put her duty to the people ahead of that.
President RussianPuppet went into that room planning to do it, intending to do it. And daring them to try and stop him. He sat in front of those cameras and he ordered the shitdown. Who knows why? Chaos. Distraction from Mueller. Who cares. It’s done now.
Ryan is a fucking lame duck cypher. And President PornAbortion owns McConnell. It’s done. They will not stop it. This is what Republicans want. Put in your sell orders now.
Looks like it’s going to be one of those things feel good day on Wall Street, right before the crash!