The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets this evening for a bit of conversation over a cocktail. And, you know…we’ll all receive our “angry mob” checks from George Soros. Hey…there are just 28 days until the midterm elections!
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? No prob…there are 254 chapters of Living Liberally, including 22 in Washington state, seven in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
I know it’s a little early for this, but for Friday night I have a request:
A Scary Time for Boys by Lynzy Lab.
I second QoS McHillbilly’s request.
It would be the first time Darryl has posted a video of someone who looks like a girl who truly is a girl.
I don’t know how YLB is gonna handle it. At least it’s still free.
Yertle’s Ride-or-Die Confirmation Gamble™ may have blown up in his face, but you’ve gotta give him credit for selling it to his members and voters. Between attacking and blaming “the filthy lying hoors” and declaring that Rapey McPrivilege’s “treatment” has “aroused” Roypublican voters the media have been supremely compliant.
Damn you, math! (Jump to page 20)
-An 18 point RV enthusiasm gap in favor of a No vote.
-An 11 point gap among all RVs in favor of a No vote.
-A 26 point gap among self described “moderates” in favor of a No.
-A 21 point gap among college grads in favor of No. (Even a 5 point gap in favor of No among non-coll)
-A 20 point gap among women in favor of No.
These gaps will persist and open up if we use every opportunity to remind everyone everywhere that these white men of supreme privilege are calling sexual assault victims “filthy lying hoors” in order to protect one of their own. They are relying on a giant pile of pure bullshit combined with laziness to promote Quaaludes McRapeVan’s innocence and character.
Hey, y’all HA libbies, remember when y’all had the White House, the House by a comfortable margin, and 60 Senate votes and it wasn’t enough to keep you from feeling the way you feel today?
Good times, good times.
Sky-high deductibles are simply the name we give for the things we choose to do together.
@ 3
These gaps will persist and open up if we use every opportunity to remind everyone everywhere…
Personally, QoS McHillbilly, I hope that you do. Of course, Heidi Heitkamp hopes that you do not.
Pretty please? For me?
Hey, QoS McHillbilly, about those gaps and persistence thereof…
Right after 9/11 George W. Bush had a Gallup approval rating of 90%.
Traumatic events tend to skew public opinion over the short term. The gaps disfavoring BK won’t last any longer than ‘froggy’s next job. In fact, those gaps will very likely evaporate before ‘froggy finds his next job.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom,
It’s in there now. Thanks you!
What Teh Dumbfuck hears right before he gets in there and cleans up after Ofdumbfuck’s bull.
Tell it to a victim of sexual assault. A third of all women. Including the women who take them to the ER, coax them through a lifetime of recovery, and talk them down every few years for the rest of their lives and it’s pretty much all of them.
Geezus. Your white male hard-on sure didn’t last very long this time. Not even 24 hrs after the swearing in and you dude bros are already gone soft and surrendering. That is not good for Yertle. He needs you to hang in there longer than this (to say nothing of all the Ofdumbfucks, Ofyertles, and Ofdude-bros).
Like a midget standing next to a Smart Car.
How do you know when you’ve passed beyond Teh Orange Event Horizon?
When what you regard as your most potent political arguments consistently turn out to be nothing more than laughingstock meme generators.
@3 Until now, most Americans — including many Democrats — held an image of Yertle as a “soft-spoken gentleman from Kentucky” who shepherded GOP legislation and nominees through the Senate processes.
Not any more. The Kavanaugh nomination fight exposed him for the evil, Machiavellian, power-centric subversive he is; and Paul Begala is now calling him out as one of the most destructive senators ever.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If Kentucky voters can’t do any better than him, their statehood should be revoked..
@4 And here we have Doctor Dumbfuck extoling the good ol’ days when 45 million Americans had no health insurance, medical bills were the leading cause of personal bankruptcy, and even if you did have insurance, you had to sue your carrier to get them to pay for any medical service costing more than $25. That’s why we call him a dumbfuck.
Babysitting white kids while black. What on earth was he thinking?? He could have been shot!
“White woman calls the cops on black Georgia man for babysitting two white kids”
Hey Doc, that’s one hell of The Hump Wall Street erectile dysfunction
Today’s typical Republican is a doddering old white male who spends his retirement mocking Gold Star mothers and sexual assault victims, and fucks horses and goats because his wife won’t let him touch her.
The big news story today is Nikki Haley’s resignation. Even if you don’t like her, this isn’t a good thing, because it removes one of the few remaining restraints on the warmongering of Bolton and his ilk. There’s speculation, of course, about why she’s quitting. She may have been pushed out, or alternatively, CNN suggests that she and her husband simply can’t live on income of only $270,000 a year.
CNN also says, “While Trump’s approval ratings are in bad shape with the broad electorate, he is among the most popular Republican presidents ever among Republican voters.” That tells you all there is to know about the character of today’s Republican voters.
Wherein Trump’s EPA boss, a former coal lobbyist, is caught being a racist in social media:
“Andrew Wheeler … repeatedly engaged with inflammatory content on his personal Facebook and Twitter accounts over the past five years, including some in the past month. The previously-unreported interactions include liking a racist image of former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama on Facebook and retweeting an infamous ‘Pizzagate’ conspiracy theorist.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, nothing will happen, because Trump likes racists, and is a racist himself. If you are, too, then vote Republican in next month’s elections, because the Democrats don’t want you.
Thanks, Darryl!
Wherein #BlowhardMom’s rant derails when #NeverSoloDate says he doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
So The Hump is tossing about Ivnaka as a qualified (or the most) individual to replace Niki Haley. But he says people would say it’s nepotism.
Well first, yeah it’s nepotism, but you are going to go ahead and do it anyways. Like everything else you first test the waters before you make any decisions. And you know you really don’t have to worry whether it is nepotism or not because you’ll come up with some unrelated nonequivalent example to counter it, and you know that your following could really give two fucks.
But one, you are insulting your wife, the one you married, and you are telling the world how you don’t value her by saying that Ivanka is more qualified when Melania could be just as qualified, even if she weren’t it shows how much you value your daughter more than you own wife and don’t care to disrespect your wife. And you put your daughter before you wife.
Second, if this happens I have to go onto Facebook, at the risk of loosing every person that is a friend de-friending me, but who gives a shit. They need to know that if they voted for The Hump that the Hump could even persuade them to suck on his nutsack and that they would take care of that request willingly.
And then I tell each woman who voted for the Hump that they should wise up because either they are too pretty not for him to not want to grab their pussy, or they are too ugly enough that the Hump wouldn’t even want to go near them in reality. They need to know this – sorry. And I’m willing to more than communicate that to them. Hump 2020 – Enjoying his Balls in your Mouth!
I hope it’s true.
It would effectively incinerate whatever “statesmanship” cred Haley hopped to earn by obsequiously seving the insane autocrat.
Everything he touches is cheapened and degraded.
“The Trump administration plans to take the website offline for hours at a time for maintenance during the coming Obamacare enrollment season, The Hill reported on Tuesday. … Healthcare advocacy groups [claim] the administration is trying to prevent people from signing up for Obamacare …. Since the ACA passage in 2010, Republicans have … plotted to sabotage it with administrative schemes.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans don’t want poor people to have health insurance. They want them to die. How can we afford more tax cuts for billionaires if everybody gets health care?
New deportation horror: Children separated from their families are being put up for adoption without notice to their parents.