It is primary election day in Washington, Kansas, Michigan, and Missouri, and there is a congressional special election in Ohio. The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally will meet as usual tonight, but with election-watching added into the mix.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm. Feel free to show up earlier to watch returns from other states.
Can’t make it to Seattle? There are 253 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, seven in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
“Sorry HHTL butt your logic FAILS! Dorchester demographics demonstrate that the city prolly voted in higher numbers for #CrookedHillary!” – from previous open thread
Puffy you are dense. Sure deliberately and conveniently being dense. I see that you don’t want to address the real issue. You would rather take this discussion in a different direction, away from the fact that the man in question could have been and highly was a Hump Voter, regardless of the demographics of Dorchester and how they voted. As I explained – 50% of Dorchester is African American….and 50% white…so probably 25% Republican or a Hump Voter. 50% +25% = 75%. The balance = 25% racists, or 25% dumbfucks.
I am not disputing, suggesting, or stating otherwise. It remains, that you can’t say that that individual fuckface of a human was not a Repuke or someone that voted for The Hump.
Hopefully (or maybe not) there will be a Next Time for the Loon.
Ohio 12 special election today.
Win or lose, some really valuable data should emerge in time to affect strategies for Nov. It’s a nearly all-white district. So Roypublican’s recent screed of insults to African American voters probably will not factor. But the battle for Romney/Clinton voters and Obama/Trump voters, and the messaging and strategies in play will be tested.
I’m interested in turnout rates among college educated women, which exit polling should indicate by tomorrow. By late September commercial voter file data should emerge giving a more detailed image of turnout, especially with respect to past voting behavior.
I wouldn’t expect to see much reaction from Democrats, unless Balderson wins huge. But if O’Connor wins Republicans may have to throw away the playbook for “safe” districts like this one.
Hey dumbfucks, how d’ya like this ICE AGE we’re enjoying?
Nature doesn’t care what you believe, or give a damn for your ideology. Earth is getting hotter. Period.
@1 You can’t reason with a lunatic.
@2 Polls I’ve seen suggest there are no college-educated women left in the Republican column. Not surprisingly, they’ve all fled from the pussy-grabbing wife beaters.
Wherein Karl Rove likens Trump to “Stalin.”
I think that’s what makes turnout in these districts important.
I don’t really know how to judge the enthusiasm of “moderate” or “conservative” college educated white women in a country club Republican district like OH-12. Frankly, I’m still trying to figure out just what the fuck made them vote for PornSweat in the first place. I’m assuming they bought the full-meal-deal of lies – that there were “grave concerns” about Clinton, that PornSweat was an “outsider genius” and that PornSweat would “pivot” after the election.
If moderate and conservative college educated white women surge in turnout, while simultaneously moving away from the Toddler Torture Party in a district like OH-12, then a bunch more “lean Republican” districts will be up-for-grabs come November. And maybe even one or two Senate seats, etc.
as a guy who depends on the approval of network producers and media moguls for his paychecks Rove would be a whole lot more impressive if he’d call upon Republicans to “tone down” the Toddler Torture and “over the top” attacks on health insurance.
I’m just going to leave this here, since it seems to be of some interest to some people. Worth looking at with regard to the statutory criminal elements. Mueller’s had this for more than a year (emph. mine):
“Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.
The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.
This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump – helped along by Aras and Emin.”
“Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?”
(a) Prohibition It shall be unlawful for—
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1)* from a foreign national.
*(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party;
The earth has been warming since the Little Ice Age ended nearly 200 years ago.
What was that? Couldn’t hear you over the sound of your burning trailer.
@12 and some people, like the one @11, have been getting dumber since the last Ice Age – what to expect?
@10 The only thing that’s missing is what Russia got in return. But I’m sure that’ll come out. I’ll bet it’s more than having the care and feeding of a few orphans taken off their hands.
@11 As I said above, nature doesn’t care what you think, and living in denial won’t stop what it’s going to do to you.
Climate deniers are like kids playing with matches.
required for a Conspiracy charge. but not for the violation of 52 USC, 30121. As I’ve said before, it’s quite possible that with other communications captured by the FBI and/or other testimony the OSC has enough here to indict on other charges.
I’m just pointing out how incredibly phony a year’s worth of “collusion/no collusion” claims have been right up to when PornSweat abandoned them the other day. Nothing has really changed with respect to any of these claims since Donnie Jr. admitted to the lies about the meeting and released the “full” email chain. These were the top people in the campaign at the time, agreeing to meet with a representative of the Russian state, for the stated purpose of arranging campaign assistance from that government. It’s all right there in black and white. The statute has been there in black and white all along too, easy enough to hold it up to the emails. But most of the major corporate media played along with the “confusion”.
I understand the media interest in not getting ahead of a story like this, where a potentially complicated criminal investigation is involved. But where was that caution when the WaPo and the NYT ran literally thousands of stories calling out “potential” criminal code violations involving Sec. Clinton’s emails or “grave concerns” about The Clinton Foundation doing horrible things like building health clinics and water treatment plants in the developing world?
Trump’s hate isn’t harmless, either to its innocent victims, or to the dumbfuck who embraces it.
Police Unions Are Jerks Dep’t
In this video, a Dayton, Ohio (white) cop pulls over a (black) driver for “making eye contact.”
In this video, the City of Dayton apologizes for the pullover.
In this video, the Dayton police union is outraged by the apology.
The union boss’s rationalization of why the cop was justified in pulling over the driver only makes things worse: “Out of state plates, time of day, a variety of factors* …,” none of which are lawful reasons for a traffic stop. What he’s saying is, “If we don’t like your looks, we’re gonna pull you over.”
* Driver is black
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I have no confidence in the Dayton, Ohio police union or its members. I don’t think I’ll visit there. Puddy better stay away from Dayton, too, for his own well being.**
** Here at HA, we’re all genuinely concerned for Puddy’s well being, including Steve. Especially Steve.
IPSOS polls fun questions…
Actual pornstar party of death to darkies doesn’t value the Constitution
Only 28% of self identified Republicans disagreed.
@20 Where was that poll conducted? Moscow? They apparently have a lot of Republicans there.
HHTL farted… 50% of Dorchester is African American….and 50% white…so probably 25% Republican or a Hump Voter. 50% +25% = 75%. The balance = 25% racists, or 25% dumbfucks.
Butt you moron 80% of the population voted for #CrookedHillary therefore your math is an EPIC FAYLE. Your math ASSumes every white person voted for Trump. Really? In Massachusetts? 80%+25% is 100% per HHTL! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And given that cities predominately vote for DUMMOCRETIN vs. the surrounding county, the value for #CrookedHillary is prolly way more! This jackASS claimed to be a Dorchester city resident! See how simple that was?
DAYUM you really are as stooooooooooooooopid as you protray yourself here!
Till Next Time!
senile idiot wabbit FART @4,
Apparently math is not your strong suit like picking stocks isn’t either!
Till Next Time!
@19 Making eye contact while black. What was he thinking? All I can say is that I hope my dear friend the loon has enough sense left in his skull to avoid making eye contact when hanging out with his white supremacist buddies. SAD!
Trump’s EPA wants to deregulate asbestos.
“Linda Reinstein, president and co-founder of the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization, said … ‘It is incredulous to know that the EPA has ignored the … global consensus that there is no safe level of asbestos exposure or controlled use of asbestos.'”
MAGA = Making Asbestos Great Again
@23 You just proved my point. Thanks.
HHTL farted… 50% of Dorchester is African American….and 50% white…so probably 25% Republican or a Hump Voter. 50% +25% = 75%. The balance = 25% racists, or 25% dumbfucks.
There are no his panics there HHTL? Really?
Till Next Time!
Senile idiot wabbit FART @26
You had no; have no; and will not have in the future; a point! Math is not your forte!
Till Next Time!
@25 So why does Trump care about asbestos? In his book, “Art of the Deal,” he called asbestos “100% safe,” but this goes way beyond that. Trump has ties to a Russian asbestos mining company that directly benefits Putin.
So, Trump is going to sacrifice Americans’ health to put dollars in Putin’s bank account. If you voted for Trump, this is what you voted for. If you support Trump, this is what you support.
Found at last! Found at last! A real-life occurrence of VOTER FRAUD!!!
“A special prosecutor in Virginia is investigating whether staff for a GOP congressman turned in forged signatures to get a Democrat-turned-Independent on the ballot this fall.
“The investigation … will examine petitions collected by campaign staff for Rep. Scott Taylor (R-Va.) to get … Shaun Brown, on the ballot. Brown’s presence on the ballot could benefit Taylor by taking away votes from … his Democratic opponent this fall.
“Among the signatures turned in for Brown was one allegedly from R. Stuart Cake, a civic activist who died in April, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch. The signature was dated June 9. Eileen Eady’s name also showed up among the signatures. But she moved from Virginia to Nevada and has been voting in Nevada since 2014, she told the Times-Dispatch. Tony Flores, a Virginia Beach resident, told the Daily Press that his name, along with those of three of his friends, did not sign a petition for Brown, even though their names appeared on one.”
Don’t Republicans ever fact-check anything?
That, of course, is a facetious rhetorical question.
@28 Of course no one expects YOU to understand the point you made for me. That’s the whole point.
Polls have closed in Ohio.
Some early voting counts are in, including Franklin County. O’Connor is starting with a 10,000 vote lead.
Derp State! Satan! Satan!
Early returns from Ohio-12 (courtesy NYT):
O’Connor (D) – 22,842
Balderson (R) – 13,617
9 of 591 precincts reporting
As NYT points out, this election is only for the remainder of the current Congress, and “whoever loses will get a rematch in just three months” for a full term in the next Congress starting in January.
Ohio-12, continued
O’Connor (D) – 27,407
Balderson (R) – 20,596
53 of 591 precincts reporting
Ohio-12 Update
O’Connor (D) – 43,968
Balderson (R) – 37,754
186 of 591 precincts reporting
NATE SILVER @ 8:42 PM: “With a bunch more votes reported from Franklin County in OH-12, O’Connor is now winning the election day vote there by 31 points. Would be very good news for him if this holds up over more precincts.”
CNN seems to be getting returns slightly faster than NYT.
Ohio-12 Update
O’Connor (D) – 58,282
Balderson (R) – 52,295
297 of 591 precincts reporting; that’s about half the vote.
NATE SILVER @ 8:58 PM: “Betting markets, which *sometimes* are willing to venture out on a limb when others aren’t …. aren’t venturing out on a limb so far. They have O’Connor as a favorite, but only as a 56 percent favorite.” I presume that’s 56-44 odds, not a 56%-44% election result.
Meanwhile, in the Kansas GOP gubernatorial primary, Colyer leads Kolbach, 41% to 37%, with 9% of precincts reporting.
OH-12 will come down to which precincts turnout, and which voters in those precincts turnout. Numbers in some of the precincts that heavily favored Balderson are coming in weak when compared to the precincts expected to favor O’Connor. But the early precinct results can be misleading.
Meanwhile, “Newly released records show two former Trump campaign aides have formed a new lobbying firm representing foreign interests, and its headquarters are located in the Washington D.C. townhouse of former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. Jason Osborne and Michael Rubino, who both worked under Lewandowski on the Trump campaign, will be representing the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD), a Serbian nationalist party in Bosnia and Herzegovina that has been pushing a separatist movement in the country with support from Russia.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It seems the GOP has deep roots in Russian.
O’Connor (D) – 76,870
Balderson (R) – 75,579
442 of 591 precincts reporting; that’s about 3/4 of the vote.
Kobach still trails in Kansas.
O’Connor (D) – 85,678
Balderson (R) – 85,523
501 of 591 precincts reporting; that’s about 85% of the vote.
Kobach still trails in Kansas, but only by 98 votes; Hawley easily won the GOP Senate nom in Missouri to challenge McCaskill in November.
Just looking at the Delaware county results for OH-12 tells me there are a few thousand Trump voters going for O’Connor. No Republican should be fighting to a draw in those precincts. Those are wealthy, conservative, professionals who go to mega churches.
@22 “Your math ASSumes every white person voted for Trump.” – my god you are dumber than a bag of rocks.
And I see that you have butt on your mind. Maybe you should get some math lessons, or plainly just get some help in general….your sky daddy is letting us all down.
@24 Steve – please don’t give him any more help; it is best for everyone if he ignores your concerns and walks himself into some white supremacist GOP’ers. His Sky Daddy will see that he lives happily ever after.
O’Connor is up by 201 votes. But 99% of Franklin is in, and only 66% of Delaware (where Balderson leads by nearly 3000 votes). Still a major embarrassment for Republicans to win by so small (assuming they do) and even worse if O’Connor holds on and pulls it off.
O’Connor (D) – 94,936
Balderson (R) – 95,677
562 of 591 precincts
Balderson has taken the lead in O-12 for the first time, and with only 29 precincts left to count, his 741-vote lead is a significant deficit for O’Connor to make up. Don’t know what’s out there in absentees.
Even if Balderson ekes out a win, this is hardly a ringing endorsement for Trump in a district that’s been Republican since the 1980s that he carried by 11 points in 2016.
Kobach briefly took a 300-vote lead in Kansas, but Nate Silver pointed out there were no returns from the Kansas City suburbs yet. Those apparently are coming in now, because Colyer just jumped to a 3,000-vote lead over Kobach. If Kobach is running only neck-and-neck in the rural counties and Kansas City metro is voting against him, that’s not good for him.
HHTL farted… 50% of Dorchester is African American….and 50% white…so probably 25% Republican or a Hump Voter. 50% +25% = 75%. The balance = 25% racists, or 25% dumbfucks.
There are no his panics there HHTL? Really?
Till Next Time!
Now see how stupid that sounds.
@27 “There are no his panics there HHTL? Really?”
Hey dumbfuck, I’d suggest you see if Bob could help you with this but he’s equally as much a dumbfuck as you, so hey I don’t know…maybe Sky Daddy can help you with this.
@46 I think Ohio counts the absentee votes first. We’ll see …
Balderson (R) – 100,044
O’Connor (D) – 98,359
584 of 591 precincts
About a week ago, the Columbus Post-Dispatch reported that Democrats were outpacing Republicans in early (i.e. absentee) voting by 3 to 1, but “supporters of GOP state Sen. Troy Balderson of Zanesville had predicted that Republicans would close an early lead by Democrats because the GOP’s mass mailings of absentee ballot applications came after the Democrats.”
Nate Silver says, “Now all but 7 precincts reported in OH-12, and Balderson leads by 0.8 percentage points or about 1,500 votes. O’Connor will need help from provisional ballots, or he’ll need there to have been voting irregularities. Ohio tends to have a lot of provisional balloting, but it’s a longshot.”
The Republican’s lead looks safe to me, but no one’s called it. The networks says it’s “too close to call.” Still, it’s a humiliation for Trump and the R’s.
“Still a major embarrassment for Republicans to win by so small (assuming they do) and even worse if O’Connor holds on and pulls it off.”
Not if you account for the obvious effect of landscapers, pool cleaners, caddies, and cabana boys sneaking in under cover of darkness and casting illegal votes!
It’s like Trump’s a world leader or something.
The U.S. trumpeted rule changes by Germany’s Bundesbank to thwart terror financing as a victory in its bid to isolate Iran despite resistance from European allies.
Adjustments to the Bundesbank’s operating procedures gives Germany’s central bank more leeway to review transactions to prevent money laundering and weapons purchases. While the rules, which take effect on Aug. 25, don’t mention any country specifically, the U.S. Embassy in Germany said it will help put a financial squeeze on Iran.
“The recent decision of the German Bundesbank to tighten its rules will thwart Iran’s troubling effort to move planeloads of cash out of Germany,” the U.S. Embassy to Germany said in an emailed statement on Monday, coinciding with a rebuff by the European Union. “We are grateful to our German partners.”
The immediate effect is that about $400M US held in a German bank won’t be moved to Iran before the tighter sanctions bite in November.
The Republicans won O-12 by 80,000 votes in 2016, 90,000 votes in 2014, and 100,000 votes in 2012. Tonight they clung to it, if they did, by less than 2,000 votes. Still a lot of dumbfuck voters in Ohio, but maybe another 3 months of #winning will change some more minds.
In Kansas, Kobach trails by 1,500 with 50% in.
@45 Well well, Richard Pope is still with us. Running for anything this year, Richard? Or are you retired from public service now?
For those of ya who are relatively new to this cesspool, er, I mean blog, Richard is sorta famous:
O-12 final:
Balderson (R) – 101,566
O’Connor (D) – 99,800
Down in Oregon, a mare is in for a rough evening.
There are states other than OH.
MO, for instance.
McCaskill on Tuesday night extended a debate challenge to Hawley, calling on him to participate in four town hall-style debates before the general election.
That’s the incumbent extending a debate offer to the challenger.
Hey, but enjoy that Ohio loss, libbies.
@55 NYT has it
Troy Balderson Republican 101,574 50.2%
Danny O’Connor Democrat 99,820 49.3
Joe Manchik Green 1,127 0.6
Not sure where Balderson got 8 more votes and O’Connor 20. And I don’t see any news media calling it …
It’s like Trump is a world leader or something.
Mercedes Benz Parent Halts Deal With Iran After President Trump’s Sanction Threats
Within hours of Washington unveiling its first round of sanctions, German carmaker Daimler AG froze a plan to make Mercedes Benz trucks in Iran. That’s even after the European Union tried to salvage the Iran nuclear deal by pledging to protect firms from Trump’s assault.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if more companies were to follow Daimler out of Iran,” said Frank Biller, a automobile analyst based Stuttgart, Germany for Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg.
Wouldn’t surprise me, either.
Mo’ on MO:
Total votes in the Dem US Senate primary: 415,947
Total votes in the GOP primary: 548,084
Jus’ sayin’.
Crappy results for Republicans in Washington tonight:
WA 3: Jaime Herrera Beutler at only 40.77%
WA 5: Cathy McMorris Rodgers at only 47.52%, Lisa Brown 47.09%
WA 8: Dino Rossi at only 42.63% (in a district he carried by decent margins in 2004, 2008, and 2010)
Republicans are claiming victory in OH-12, but CNN says it’stoo close to call, and O’Connor isn’t conceding — for good reason:
“Where things stand: 100% of precincts have reported, but 100% of the votes have not been counted for the district. Currently, the Ohio Secretary of State reports there are 8,483 outstanding ballots that may be counted.
“Here are the latest numbers from Ohio’s Secretary of State: (Note: These numbers can change)
“Outstanding absentees: 5,048
“Outstanding provisionals: 3,435”
Patriot Prayer riot leader and ex-Senate candidate Joey Gibson is actually the #2 Republican vote getter in a field of 13 GOP candidates, which shows you how fucked up Washington GOP voters are.
Susie Hutchison, who apparently no longer claims to be “non-partisan,” won the honor of getting drubbed by Maria Cantwell in November.
Per Ohio SOS “By state law, outstanding provisionals and absentees are not tabulated before the 10th day following the Election.”
5,048 absentees and 3,435 provisionals
That’s why nobody is calling it…
…other than a Dumbfuck.
Looks like none of Washington’s Democratic congressman face serious opposition, but 2 of the 3 GOP seats are in play.
In Leg-35, Tim Sheldon is trailing his Democratic challenger, but will be on the November ballot, and maybe he can pick up enough Republican votes to survive.
Correction @64, should read 3 of the 4 GOP seats are in play. The only one that looks safe is Dan Newhouse in 4th Cong. Dist.; based on the primary results, the other three GOP-held districts look competitive.
@60 Aren’t you glad you’re not running as an “R” in Trump’s shadow, Richard? Smart move on your part. And Doctor Dumbfuck apparently sensed when to get the hell out of Dodge. He must have read the bumper stickers on his patients’ cars.
Non Ohio interesting results.
St. Louis Prosecutor who oversaw the Mike Brown investigation is looking for work after being defeated by Activist in the ensuing protests Wesley Bell.
Wesley Bell ran on criminal justice reform similar to Krasner’s takeover as Philly DA.
Want some background?….
Keep in mind that KingCounty is notoriously Democratic and slow to count. So look for Dino and Hutch numbers to drop to worrying levels for GOP over the next week as the late Eastside ballots are tabulated
“Hey, but enjoy that Ohio loss, libbies.”
Hey, but enjoy figuring out how to recreate Balderson’s five to one spending advantage in more than seventy other contested districts more moderate than OH-12.
Get out your check book, Dumbfuck. Looks like we know how you’ll be spending your tax cut. Hey, but enjoy that too.
@70 So Dumbfuck thinks OH-12 is over? Nobody else does.
“…based on the primary results, the other three GOP-held districts look competitive.”
Don’t be so sure. All they have to do is raise a five to one spending advantage and they are almost guaranteed a statistical tie. That’s a message the Republican donor class is sure to find attractive this cycle.
Three members of Trump’s Mar-O-Lago golf club, none of whom are veterans or government officials, are making the Department of Veterans Affairs’ policy decisions. That’s illegal.
‘Right To Work’ Suffers Crushing Defeat In Missouri
“Labor groups won a landmark victory Tuesday as Missourians voted by referendum to overturn the state’s new right-to-work law, an embarrassing rejection for the state’s Republican lawmakers.”
The New York Times reported the results as 441,695 for and 903,006 against “right to work”.
If Hillary had outspent Trump 5-to-1 she probably would have pulled it off.
Outspending him 2-to-1 wasn’t enough, of course.
Dino Lossi is in deep trouble. Assuming late trends in King County mail counts hold….
But as of now:
D votes in WA08 50,245
R votes in WA08 47,428
If you add every single vote for someone who stated “Prefers (Something other than D or R) to the R column you get
D votes in WA 08 50,285
R votes in WA 08 50,393
King County will trickle in over the next week or so and that will likely tighten if several cycles of history hold
WA08 has sent a Republican to the House since it’s creation in 1983. Dino notching yet another loss in his belt will change that.
@75 I mean, like, they annihiliated it. I guess more people are getting tired of working for Republican wages.
@ 75, 78
The “no” campaign outspent “yes” groups by an eight-to-one margin ahead of the vote, according to an analysis by the Missouri Times.
Give Janus a couple of years and there won’t be public union money going into those types of campaigns.
Lemme get this straight: It’s problematic if Republicans outspend 5-to-1 for something, but no big deal if Democrats outspend 8-to-1 for something different.
Got it.
@77 That greasy little real estate salesman is the perfect candidate to lose it for them. When his crooked boss got out of prison, Dino couldn’t wait to work for him again. He epitomizes the swamp creatures who populate the GOP candidate lists. They can’t get any decent human being to run on their platform or pander to their shirtless, racist, bigoted, Confederate flag-waving voters.
@79 … “if Republicans outspend 5-to-1 for something,” you end up with three guys in a smoke-filled back room at Mar-O-Lago making policy for America’s 22 million veterans.
… “if Democrats outspend 8-to-1,” it’s because the GOP’s credit is so bad they can no longer borrow $500 from a payday lender.
Other things that make me happy
Fake Democrat Rodney Tom, makin’ the comeback, gettin’ GOP endorsements – Ass handed to him.
Chad! – Getting creamed by Ramos
Appleby – Sent out a pretty racist mailer about non-whites including gang members being allowed in YOUR KIDS! schools 33% in A DDR Primary.
Manka “The vote that Matters” in State Senate 68/32
Primila “Drives the GOP Nuts” Jayapal, 81%?!?!
Spokane (LD06) may be sending a GOP Rep packing. Maybe even all 3.
sidenote on @82
One of the people who got more votes than the R in traditionally Republican WALD6 is a woman who is a former Park Ranger (tree hugger) and Director for WA Health Care for All (medicare for all)
But GOP insists the leftists have no message that resonates and Health care is a winning issue for them. Oh, and the little ladies should not persist. #grabembythepussy
Sidenote on @ 83
You were the buttmunch who declared that Hillary Clinton had an ‘absolute lock’ on 252 Electoral votes.
I see you have learned little from your embarrassment.
Other side note to @82 and @77
I’m not sure it can be overstated how big a problem for the GOP having an Indian American Woman down ticket is for Dino.
When, say The Stranger in their endorsements talks about how popular Dino is and how he won the district both times running for Governor they don’t take into account that the 8th is a hell of a lot less white conservative in 2018 than it was in 2008 when he last won it.
Call it racial politics but people in LD45 that also live in WA08 are showing up in big numbers to vote for the person who is just like them. And she’s peeling off women too. We’ll see if there’s enough rural support for soybean tariffs and home foreclosures for Dino to overcome what is a very different landscape than the last time he carried the area.
I can assure you his campaign manager and GOP moneymen are pretty nervous right now.
(Full disclosure, in my social life I cross paths with Dino on a somewhat regular basis.)
Meanwhile, the knuckle dragger fringe is claiming Alex Jones’ free speech is being denied…..
The way it works in their world, Apple, YouTube, and Spotify are the government.
But never mind that.
Free Speech in the minds of the InfoWars consumer:
If a person shoots video and delivers it to a TV station, the station is required to air it.
If someone types and article and sends it to their local paper, the paper is required to print it.
If someone shows up at CNN headquarters and demands to be interviewed, CNN is required to put them on air.
If someone requests services from a business that offends the business owner’s beliefs, the business is not required to serve the customer.
Consistency, not a moral value.
@67 Trump has screwed over the common people.
You would say that anyway, but he really really has. That isn’t what the voters who counted — the ones who swung to Trump — wanted.
Trying to gut health care — total bullshit. Trying to making unkind cuts in social welfare programs — total bullshit. Tax law changes — not so bad, but nothing to cheer about. Immigration — needless cruelty. Promoting confidence — totally the opposite.
The economy is actually quite strong — but he has pissed off most people too much for them to even notice.
So if prominent members of Trump’s golf club decide government policy, that’s fucking illegal. But if the members aren’t so prominent, it is just plain illegal? :)
@ 73: Three prominent members of the Mar-O-Lago golf club, none of whom are military veterans or government officials, are deciding the Department of Veterans Affairs policies. That’s fucking illegal.
@74: Three members of Trump’s Mar-O-Lago golf club, none of whom are veterans or government officials, are making the Department of Veterans Affairs’ policy decisions. That’s illegal.
Bob is using terms like buttmunch. He and Puffy have to layoff watching that gay porn. Curiosity killed the cat.
“If Hillary had outspent Trump 5-to-1 she probably would have pulled it off.”
Great point, Doc!
Now all you and Piddles have to do is convince those 5000 key donors that with just another $500 million you can put a new flux capacitor in the Delorean and send that freak back to 2016.
I’m in.
While Dumbfuck and the Freak are working on getting the Delorean going again, Dino better study the precinct turnout numbers from OH-12.
Suburban turnout rates were twice the rural turnout. All that money spent, all that television and radio, and the bastards stayed in their trailers. The money calls this morning are going to be awk-ward.
“Rep. Chris Collins, R-N.Y., has been arrested on insider trading charges lodged by the Justice Department, law enforcement officials said Wednesday morning. An indictment obtained from a federal grand jury also charges Collins’ son, Cameron Collins, as well as the father of his fiancee, Stephen Zarsky.”
Republican = crook
If you feel like things are stacked against you, you’re right — they are. If you think it’s the system, it is — it’s rigged against you. “Middle class life is now 30 percent more expensive than it was 20 years ago,” relative to incomes.
And if you believed Trump could fix it, well, you hired a fox to repair your henhouse and guard your remaining eggs. The stark proof of that is his tax bill: Billionaires got the tax cuts, and you got the debt.
As long as Dumbfuck is into hard numbers….
WA05 – Jaime Herrara Buetler
Democratic Votes 58035
Republican Votes 57335
No fake party labels in this Primary
JHB won the district 60-40 in 2012, 45 Won it 49-42
Break out the checkbooks. Gonna take a lot of cash for GOP to save this seat. Or maybe they’ll read the tea leaves and shore up Cathy in Spokane, the star of the GOP show and leave Jaime to her own fundraising. Cathy did better but not out of danger better so she’ll also need the cash.
After the Primary it’s not unlikely that the WA House delegation will move from 6-4 D-R to 8-2.
Somewhat longer odds but not out of reach for that to be 9-1 with Newhouse having no friends to fly home with for the weekend.
Michael Brown’s legacy keeps on giving.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Ultimately, Michael Brown’s story isn’t about whether he was a petty thief or assaulted ex-cop Darren Wilson. It’s about the deeply rooted white corruption and exploitation of residents in majority-black communities like Ferguson that caused his death to be perceived as a lynching. Brown’s death was just the match that lit the fire. The bullets Wilson fired into Brown’s body set off an uprising that turned into a revolution, and revolutions spare no one. Whether McCulloch did the right thing under the law is beside the point. He was a face of the old order, and the old order is no more.
They’ll shore up WA-05 because she’s in the leadership and that’s how that rolls. She has lists and reports Herrera Buetler doesn’t get to see and she gets her calls returned.
But they’ll also pour outside money into 03. The question is only how much?
Strategically WA-03 is the better target for Dems, locally and nationally. Consolidating control of the I-5 corridor and associated media markets, local orgs, and grassroots puts statewide contests for U.S. Senate, Gov, etc. further out of reach for the Child Molesters (in two states) and would leave the two remaining in WA (assuming 08 flips) isolated and weakened. I also think the district demographics are more favorable in the current cycle.
This would be a good time for the dry side Dems in your state to take one for the team.
In this morning’s election wrapups, there’s not much for Republicans to cheer about.
@84 She probably did until your candidate overtly sought the aid and assistance of a hostile foreign power. And despite Putin’s best efforts, she outpolled the Manchurian candidate by 2.9 million votes.
And I’ll betcha you voted for Russia, not America, in that election. At the very least, you’ve been carrying water for the Party of Putin ever since.
As a follow up to 97 I must add:
Herrera Buetler, an incumbent, barely outraised the Dems. Concerned that they won’t have enough money to defend 70 vulnerable seats, Republican CLF was on a call this morning telling these people loud and clear they won’t get any help if they don’t start raising more money right away.
I suspect they’ll wait and see how things shape up in the weeks ahead. But if the numbers don’t improve CLF and other national funders are going to look for ways to cut their losses. This opportunity may not repeat itself. At some point, Roypublicans might actually shake off the DTs, come to their senses, and stop needlessly torturing children, starting trade wars, and wiping out their own voter’s health insurance. This would be an excellent time for more progressives than ever to get involved, financially and otherwise.
@85 “in my social life I cross paths with Dino on a somewhat regular basis”
That must involve a lot of handwashing.
Even more record for the GOP to run on. Party of fiscal responsibility. Rising tide lifts all boats!
@87 “That isn’t what the voters … who swung to Trump — wanted.”
Well, that narrows the explanations for their votes, doesn’t it? Not many possibilities besides stupidity, because Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do.
“The economy is actually quite strong — but he has pissed off most people too much for them to even notice.”
Anyone paying attention can’t miss that his predecessor turned an economy on the brink of a Second Great Depression and staggering under 10% unemployment into a healthy full employment economy, but most Republicans are too blinded by partisan and racial animus to assign credit where it’s due.
Of course, that doesn’t mean everything is hunky-dory — see #93 above — but the Trump/GOP prescriptions are only making things better for the 1% at the expense of the 99%.
@89 If they’re doing this online, I would think there’s a potentiality of them hooking up with each other.
“Trade wars are easy to win”
The Element Electronics plant in Winnsboro, one of the biggest employers in Fairfield County, said unless its parts are removed from the tariff list, it will be forced to close down and layoff 126 people.
Soooooooooooooooooooooo, now we know Bruce Ohr from DOJ/FBI was coordinating the Chris Steele FAKE NEWS dossier in 2016.
So this Paul Manafort trial is covering 2012-2014 bidness transactions? And you DUMMOCRETINS are screaming that this affects the 2016 elections how?
Dianne Feinstein had a Chinese spy as her driver for 20 years and thats A-OK to the FBI director Comey!
“And you DUMMOCRETINS are screaming that this affects the 2016 elections how?”
Got nothing to do with us. Your Republican President Vladimir AbortionGrabber dreamed this up all on his own.
No Democrat forced the appointment of a Special Prosecutor.
We cant. We are powerless. We don’t approve the appointments, the budgets, the continuation and expansion over more than a year. We have no say in any part of it. So quit your bitching to us about the scandals you bring on yourselves and that you alone insist on wallowing in. You’re being played here, for sure. But not by us you simpletons. And frankly it’s fucking pathetic.