The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight for an evening of conversations over a drink. By now, we’ve gotten our Washington primary ballots in the mail, so some discussion will arise over local politics….
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? There are 252 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, seven in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
This is fascinating.
Trump launches extraordinary attack on Koch brothers after oil tycoons refuse to back Republican candidate
Now that the Koch’s have their tax cuts, judicial appointments and reduced regulations, trump is no long useful?
Huuuge amounts of money vs the trump base. I have no idea who’s gonna win .
From link posted @1 above
“Mr Trump has effectively taken over the Republican Party on almost every level, even after ignoring long-held conservative beliefs on government spending, free trade and foreign policy. The billionaire Kochs and their nationwide army of conservative activists….”
Where are all the Teabaggers farts? No Teabagger rallies to hold? I think they were really fueled by racists. The only rallies being held today are the white race is dying rally. Although the racists Nazis are mostly made up of the younger crowd….but they share the same racist values of the old fart Tea Bagger’s of the past.
Live Free or Die.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
With Liberty and Justice for All.
Can someone tell me why one should really care whether an individual’s life or the lives of Individuals as a whole is sacred, if we accept and practice bigotry and racism at any level?
Put yourself in the shoes of the individual who is affected by an act of bigotry and/or racism – and please explain to me why you would, or if you should, really care of your neighbor is wronged in any manner including death?
Isn’t what happened to the Jews by the Nazi really not about the actual killing of individuals but really of the injustice perpetrated by one group over the other? Isn’t it that, if allowed, that it creates the very downfall of a civil society?
It’s your call – Way more than people can blame Hillary for Trump.
Who is more right and who is more wrong. Google – Hamden (CT) Councilwoman Pledge of Allegiance.
Whether you opinion is that this woman is being disrespectful to her Country, I’d have to ask – are her opponents being more disrespectful for not abiding by – Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness……With Liberty and Justice For All….Live Free or Die?
“if you should, really care of your neighbor is wronged in any manner including death?”
@3 In the comments…
“If she does not have allegiance to this country and cannot be deported she needs to be taken out and shot.”
The 2nd most liked comment.
@4 This is her real offense: ” … believes that Trump’s immigration and climate change policies are bad … “
@4 and @5 – notice how one woman had to bring Obama’s name into. Saying that there was a lot she didn’t like about Obama, but she would never stoop so low to kneel – my words.
But she did stoop as low as to kneel – she became a racist, which doesn’t sound to me like the ideology of…..all men created equal….justice for all….Live free or die……..the cunt is just as disrespectful, even more so, than kneeling for the Anthem or reciting the pledge of Allegiance.
I’m sure Maria Butina pledges her allegiance to Putin – fucking people are a bunch of dumbfucks…it truly is disgusting these mother fuckers.
My favorite was:
Made my day. Thanks.
They’ve always been with us. But the truth is, they’ve always been losing. Over the long run these people always lose ground to us. They enjoy brief moments of Pyrrhic victory in which, sadly yes, a great many good people do suffer. However, take the just slightly longer view and it’s clear that they always lose ground. And the suffering of good people diminishes over time. But the only way that trend continues is for good people to continue to fight them and never stop.
Feeding the homeless while black. What was she thinking?? She could have been shot!
“Safeway calls cops on black mother for giving food to the homeless because they thought she was a shoplifter”
There is absolutely no doubt that our elections are still under attack:
“Facebook confirmed it has identified a coordinated political influence campaign believed to be working ahead of November’s midterm elections.
“The social media company announced on Tuesday it had detected and removed 32 fake accounts and pages from both Facebook and Instagram after idetifying ‘coordinated inauthentic behavior.'”
The question is whether Republicans will do anything about foreign interference aimed at helping them?
Fortunately for her, she understood her place and demonstrated proper cooperation, contrition, deference, and respect for the authority that confronted her. “These people” only make it worse for themselves when they play pavement lawyer and start giving attitude and “interfere” with officers by asserting their “rights”.
“Lesser” people must understand that any attempts to assert their “rights” will only lead to escalation leading to arrest, since only “highly suspicious” persons of color with very, very bad attitudes will ever assert their “rights”. For white male gun owners with Hulk Hogan mullets and Yosemite Sam mudflaps on their coal rollers, an assertion of “rights” is evidence of civic awareness. But where “these people” are concerned assertions of “rights” is strong evidence of a guilty mind and an obvious attempt to conceal wrong doing.
True to form and reputation, Reagan appointee Judge Ellis is moving quickly and efficiently through jury selection in the criminal trial of the Republican Presidential Campaign Manager, accused of money laundering and bank fraud.
Don’t count on this trial being sexy or exciting. Money laundering and bank fraud cases are paper trials. Documents and records will be the principal witnesses against the accused. A number of banking and financial officials have been granted limited immunity in order to testify about the various documents. But even in cross examination, it’s unlikely there will be any drama or confrontation. Those people are there to tell the jury that the various fraudulent documents were provided to them by the accused and that the false sworn statements contained in the documents were made by the accused. And their grant of limited immunity is there merely to serve as certainty that they are not suspected of participating in the fraud.
The government’s case will probably consist of: Here are a bunch of documents provided to banks, tax officials, accounting firms, and government agencies by the accused that include sworn statements. Here are a bunch of other documents showing that those sworn statements are false. Here are a bunch of records of statements and other communications by the accused showing that he knew the sworn statements were false and harmful at the time he made them.
The defense of these kinds of charges typically consists of casting doubt on whether the accused “knew” at the time of making the false representation that it would lead to financial harm (even if it did not), whether the representation was made with reckless indifference to its truth or falsity, or whether the overall method of the representation leads to an inference of fraudulent intent. Ultimately that results in a lot of arguing over the meaning of words and phrases in documents.
It also helps explain why your last home loan was forty pages long, and why closing on it required a half hour of signing.
A militia shoots his pregnant girlfriend and her mother before using the gun to disband the well organized group with self inflicted gunshots.
The girlfriend is currently alive the mom is not still alive.
The link @12 didn’t work for me – here is another link, hopefully that works.
At least the heat is better today.
@10 Didn’t she know it’s now a crime to find hungry strangers?
@14 You mean it’s cooler today. Thanks to smoke from California wildfires.
12, 13,
Florida Man comes through again!
16 – The smoke is coming from fires in Siberia, too, not just California.
That is a lot of lightbulbs. Did our GE watchers see the stock go up?
@3 While individuals can be moral often crowds of people are immoral, and governments are clearly amoral. Democracy can be amoral and a tyranny of the majority. Government is a poor way to deal with bigotry, particularly when Democracy must allow thought and speech that is bigoted, and even actions that are prejudicial. Should not the government be able to seize children to fill vital jobs for the state such as fighter pilot or teacher from their parents? Perhaps we must charge the parents and children with a thought crime to enable the seizure.
Also one of a nations job is to keep out the other, to keep out the foreigner and their ideas, and not allow that corruption in. We did that so well with communism that suddenly Mr. Romnay’s policy of the 1980’s is popular with the very democrats who rejected those policies in 2008, and they see communists everywhere again.
@3 Then again Marx offers a view that invalidates your basic view point here. His world is a material world. He states that all of what you are stating has more to do with economics than morality. That if you get the economics and political structure right bigotry and this injustice goes away. Lenin certainly tried, but it’s far easier to see he rather failed in getting rid of bigotry and the like. Mao did not have those issues as he already had a pretty hegemonic society. And the communist party is still in charge even if the economic policy sees all the possibilities as grey.
@ ED McD @ 11:
He did it to himself.
He was just too fucking greedy and stupid to think the whole thing through. He’s but a typical example of the Republican Party.
@4 School children and councilmembers cannot be compelled to do the pledge of allegiance. The council does not have to do the pledge. She does take an oath of office that she must abide by. Still the pledge has been controversial since its first utterance. Also I don’t know why we are so into it after all the NAZIS loved pledges and kow towing to the Fuhrer and all that. Looking at that perhaps it’s U-American. And Virginia there was not always a pledge. And certainly before the civil war one was not a citizen of he US but of the state they resided or were from. In fact shouldn’t we have 50 pledges (and one for Puerto Rico, Guam, ect). Pledging allegiance to Louie Louie here in Washington could be a lot of fun.
Anyways I don’t car if the council woman takes a knee or strips naked in a patriotic fever. She may not be on the council long or after the next election. Maybe our pledge really is we don’t take no stinking pledges…but that would kinda be a pledge too. Sigh.
And then there’s Devin Nunes.
He’s in contention for the Stupidest Congressman In History prize.
@5 Are those things in her oath of office? You are assuming she is the lone Democrat on a town council in Connecticut? Not that either of those issues you point come under her purvey as a city council member. If those are her concerns she should run for Senate or the House of Representatives, probably replacing another Democrat who in theory are opposed to those things as it’s is in the Democratic playbook, and according to RR all Democrats take an oath of party loyalty, and are perfect little Dems and would never do anything evil or wrong or undemocratic..says so in the allegiance they say every morning to a framed copy of the party platform.
@8 Reading the story this cold have happened to a white person. It probably has. It’s entirely possible that there is a jerk involved who is a bigot, the only behavior that she did which a knowledgeable shop lifter would not do is sit in her in the parking lot after coming out of the store. So why the cops approaching her in this way may have nothing to do with race, but the militarization of our police, and the inability to use common sense, and let Bob the friendly neighborhood cop just go talk to the woman.
@9 Under attack from Democratic and Republican operatives who do dirty tricks on line all the time. including right here on HA. Heaven forbid if a Russian did it. Lot of finger pointing with no actual proof or a statement stating some objective the Russians have in these mid terms. If it’s just to hurt the Democratic process they have been doing that in some generic since before the fall of communism. The Russians tried to influence the 2008 and 2012 elections possible in Barrack Obamas favor. They have in previous elections. Barrack Obama could have done stuff back in 2008 to fight this scourge, maybe fuck even more in the Russian elections. That is ultimately the only way you are going to get Putin to step back on this election tampering is to directly fuck with him in his upcoming election or the elections of the Duma. WE apparently have not done that for decades or have been totally ineffectual, or frankly the Russians think he is a great leader their gift from god who is going to make mother Russia great again. (PS Putin is a Siberian tiger lover so he isn’t all bad.)
@10 This is not a race thing. If you assert your rights even when white even when totally in the right you are throwing a red flag up to the majority of cops and risk arrest. Talk to any defense attorney. Of course any defense attorney just wants the person to keep their mouth shut. And just asserting your right not to speak however politely whatever color or creed you are is likely to get you arrested. Arrest starts when you believe you cannot leave, whether you ask or not. If you believe that you should ask if you can leave and you are probably not going to get a polite response, or an answer. You are probably going to have to ask again and insist the officer answer the question. Once you ask am I free to go, go.
Note this is not meant as any legal advice, just for discussion. Nor am I an attorney.
@11 Money laundering can be a bit more exciting. After all it sometimes does involve the actual laundering of money. Even if the laundering is all on paper an interesting witness can make or break the governments case. Whose side is Gsa Gsa Gabor on? What are the male jury members paying attention too?
@12 is that the cliff notes version of “For Whom the Bell Tolls”?
Or the “Grapes of Wrath”?
@15 For rabbits it is a crime against nature to find hungry strangers. And when a rabbit does that they are usually removed from the gene pool of rabbits.
Yay for Bob Ferguson!
Our Washington AG has obtained a TRO from a local federal judge against a stupid decision by the Trump administration to let a Texas firm distribute downloadable plans for untraceable 3D-printed handguns.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans think everyone, including criminals and children, should have unfettered access to guns. How stupid can they get? GOP = synonym for stupidity
@18 Laze from Hawaii?
Seems to be a rural / urban divide.
@31 If I cross paths with a hungry lion, I’ll point him in your direction. I’m just an hors d’oevre. You’re a meal.
@2 According to most political scientists it is not dumb if it gets the politician elected or reelected.
If an atheist attends Baptist, Catholic, Jewish services keeping quiet about being an atheist maybe hypocritical, but far from dumb. Just as not answering the question or in fact lying and professing a belief in a all powerful God. It maybe odd why all ten thousand copies of his book: “Satan and Me” have all disappeared including the Library of Congresses copy. Still has a long way to go before George Washinton’s remaining overdues are returned.
@36 “According to most political scientists it is not dumb if it gets the politician elected or reelected.”
Your capacity for shallow and superficial thinking is breathtaking.
@32 Hmmm there is a gun in “To Kill a Mockingbird”. Maybe we should ban that as well.
A militia engaged in a divorce and custody battle shot and killed a woman and a six year old before disbanding the well ordered group with self inflicted gunshots.
Ypunalmost get the feeling militias are killing lots of people and occasionally stopping a crime.
@37 In political science it is a question that has yet to be answered. It is neither superficial or shallow. There is a dilemma as to how some politicians get elected and reelected. (And it brings up the question of how any politician gets elected, an how important the norms are.) There are politicians that have managed to get elected to Congress with out or only having a high school diploma. Some have been very successful, and they are more interesting to study than the norm.
It also brings up the question whether Nunn is actually stupid or is being stupid on purpose, because he knows his base, and the voters in his district. Which is what is important. It will also come up should not blue wave not actually occur.
The character Sheldon Cooper on the Big Bang would be a great person to have in Congress and would bring some great expertise in science to congress, but he is totally unelectable, because voters could not relate to him. Being a Republican or Democrat would not help him. Where as Nunes is very reselectable in his district in the Democratic bastion of California. It would be nearly earth shattering if a non Democrat wins the Senate. Which is the same side of the coin as Nunes, but becomes interesting when voters surprise us. Happens…very rarely. Why?
American politicians should master tying their shoes or wear cowboy boots, never moccasins unless they are running for tribal council then it depends on the tribe and venue.
“Your capacity for shallow and superficial thinking is breathtaking.”
Shortbus never fails to astonish but that was some real bat shit craziness spewed there.
But maybe Shortbus has been sniffing glue, or maybe he’s been sniffing roses, or maybe he was sniffing roses that were dipped in glue. But then maybe the glue was unscented so he really was just sniffing the rose and not the glue. I’m sure Obama sniffed things too. Obama did sniff cannabis. Maybe that cannabis was really just oregano. You know many people tried smoking oregano, even the Russians back in the 18th century smoked oregano. You know it was all legal back then, maybe it even should be legal now throughout the US. And you know it should be real legal and not fake legal like just for the medicinal purpose. Pot is pot, sometimes. There are times where pot is not just pot but a cookie or a brownie. And sometimes that brownie might even taste a bit like fudge. Fudgepacker (opps the Loon was starting to channel me) is in the dictionary. The dictionary has lots of words in it. I’m going to see if I can use every single one of them words; the fancy and the not so fancy words.
God help Us! Where is Sky Daddy when you need him?
“North Korea provided only a single dog tag to help identify the 55 cases of remains that were given to US officials on Friday, a US defense official told CNN. … ‘We don’t know who’s in those boxes …’ Mattis added ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Right, we don’t know who’s in those boxes, and they can buy dogtags on eBay. #artofthedeal
@38 Now that is just baldfaced trolling. Press “Ignore” button.
@40 History tells us Hitler’s party was elected by a frustrated working class that fell for his promises to make Germany great again. The other social sciences struggle to explain how anybody could be so stupid.
“If you assert your rights even when white even when totally in the right you are throwing a red flag up to the majority of cops and risk arrest.
If the only “legal” justification for an arrest is a peaceful yet emphatic assetion of a constitutional right then the arrest is unlawful. There are litigation practices in many large cities that are gainfully focused on depriving you of your tax dollars because of such arrests. Refusal to surrender a constitutional protection may not form the basis for probable cause. It can’t even be mentioned in a criminal court by the prosecution.
Three Democrats join the GOP in confirming Trump’s 40 year-old nominee to the 11th Circuit Court.
The U.S. Senate voted narrowly on Tuesday to confirm Britt Grant to Atlanta’s 11th U.S. Circuit, greenlighting the Georgia Supreme Court justice for a lifetime position on the powerful federal appeals court that frequently takes on hotly contested issues such as gun rights and the death penalty.–regional-govt–politics/senate-confirms-georgia-judge-powerful-federal-court/Gk4G1F4HYtYLrgPvwJg0sO/
I cannot express my appreciation to former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid often enough.
Couldn’t have done it without you either, Hillary.
@46 No props for Putin?
Hey shitstain stooooooooooooooooooooooooopid solution steve,
Why didn’t you include this idiot and her factLESS commentary in your raw story rant?:
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Can anyone trust the BULLSHITTIUM from PMSNBC and it being repeated by shitstains favrit raw story?
Till Next Time!
“On Tuesday morning, the political and tech worlds were startled to learn that Facebook had identified and stopped a new covert campaign to spread divisive political messages on its platform ….
“But Facebook released only some of the pages and content publicly. … Facebook did not reveal some of the most divisive content, which was deleted.
NBC News was able to retrieve some of the pages Facebook deleted … [and] found efforts to target people based on liberal politics as well as Hispanic and African heritage.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Zuckerberg is a slimeball. He’s not on the level. Fuck him. I don’t have a Facebook account and never will. Facebook is a whore.
@ 47
She clerked under Kavanaugh and she’s on Trump’s SCOTUS list.
Your Miguel Estrada days are over, motherfuckers.
@46 Too bad Democrats didn’t get reciprocal comity for Merrick Garland. Republicans play football by Lucy’s rules, and there are always a few spineless Democrats who go along with it. We’ll remember their names.
@ 9 and @ 49 are essentially the same story.
In @ 9 Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit wants to know what the GOP is going to do about it.
The GOP has already done far more than Team Obama did.
@50 So are yours.
@38 Now that is just baldfaced trolling. Press “Ignore” button.
Nothing new here senile idiot wabbit FART! You do this in every thread yourself! It’s too bad there isn’t an “ignore senility” button!
Till Next Time!
Zuckerberg is a Obummer loving LIBERAL slimeball.
FTFY senile idiot wabbit FART!
Till Next Time!
@52 “The GOP has already done far more than Team Obama did.”
If by that you mean they’re doing everything they can to allow Russian hacking of our elections to continue, you’re right.
And why wouldn’t they? Putin is their new BFF.
@55 The only thing Zuckerberg loves is money. He’s a peeping tom who sells information about you to the highest bidder. His genius was to monetize online stalking.
He’s also one of Putin’s principal enablers.
@ 9 and @ 49 are essentially the same story.
And the senile idiot wabbit FART could not figger out through its senility that it copied the same story twice!
Senility is a sad disease! Yet, the libtards don’t take compassion upon the senile idiot wabbit FART and put it out to pasture forever!
Sad, so sad!
Till Next Time!
“Your Miguel Estrada days are over, motherfuckers.”
So silly.
I see the loon is addressing me @48. Too bad my loon decoder ring doesn’t work. SAD!
Trump claims you need photo ID to buy groceries.
So what’s going on here? Possibilities that come to mind are:
(1) Trump is so far out of touch with reality that he actually believes you need photo ID to buy groceries.
(2) Trump thinks of “groceries” as products with nicotine or alcohol in them.
(3) Trump figures his supporters are so stupid they’ll swallow a whopper like this.
(4) Trump is working on a secret plan to require photo ID to buy groceries as part of a broader “ultimate solution” to America’s immigrant and minority problem.
“Your Miguel Estrada days are over”
heh. Maybe he can run as Martinez’ Veep in 2024.
Voter ID, “teh wall”, Vlad is “all right”: the white privilege ticket.