Please join us at the weekly “summit” of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. No treason and no collusion…just a little beverage perfusion.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? There are 253 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, six in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
If you’re Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, this is how you define investment success:
Investors have had a lot to stress over the past year, as the stock has tumbled nearly 50%. The company has undergone a leadership change, cut its dividend in half, uncovered large insurance-related losses and continued to transform its focus through planned asset sales. Chief Executive John Flannery gave a confidence-rattling presentation at an industry conference in May. And earlier this month, GE’s stock GE, +0.07% was booted from the venerable Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +0.18% after a record 111-year run.
Then you go onto HA and confidently tell everyone exactly why stock you inform people is one of your larger holdings is worth owning. You tout its dividend just before the announcement that it will be halved.
And finally, after the stock loses more than 40% of its value subsequent to your recommendation, you try to save face by telling people that you still profited when you sold it. As if they won’t understand that you sold it long, long after everyone else had realized it was a loser and had walked away from it, and that your “profit” after accounting for inflation was little better than you could have made, with zero risk, had you instead invested in a CD.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, way to leave your family financially insecure. Now them’s some bragging rights.
Like broken clockwork.
The more President PornSweat debases conservatism and humiliates his supporters, the harder The Dumbfuck clings to his fantasies about his financial acumen.
Any top performing student with STEM skills who spent his twenties and thirties rooting through the unspeakably crusty butt nuggets of street people for less than min wage, only to briefly top out at six figures in his late fifties is in no position to brag.
He might have done much better, as no doubt most of his peer group did. But they werent compelled to seek desperately after their daddy’s love and approval with a white coat and letters after their names.
Damn yesterday serious boob, poodebutt and bbq pork sauce couldn’t have bent over and spread their ass cheeks wider for Putin if drumpf had stiffed them.
How bad are U.S. airlines? Not one won an award at the “Airline Oscars.”
@1 And you’re the dumbfuck who didn’t short GE at 23.
@3 Trump doesn’t even realize he fucked up. He thinks the “liberal media” is picking on him again.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He gave the store away to Kim. He gave the story away to Vlad. Maybe next time he’ll give some of it to his own country? We can only hope. #artofthedeal
So the BEST the Wingers can muster abut yesterday is, “Nothing Trump could have done would satisfy CNN and MSNBC.”
That may actuallly be true but 35 saved them the trouble by having the worst performance of any living person’s memory.
Because Putin denied it forcefully.
MI-6 He ordered murder by chemical weapons
CIA – Concur, he also ordered cyberattacks on not just the election but industry too
Joint Chiefs- He’s still launching cyber attacks.
FBI – We have indictments because he launched cyber attacks on the election
State Dept.- He’s using Syria to fight a proxy war against the US.
45 – “Nuh-uh. He said he didn’t. And then he paid for my hooker.”
Roypublicans are all pretty comfortable with their President’s treason. The relatively few who are willing to speak up do so very performatively, and specifically refuse to mention their President at all. That’s essentially because they approve of his treason and his arrangement to sell his office to a foreign despot for family gain, so long as the Roypublican party and their key donors are cut in on the deal. That’s where people like Butina, Torshin, Dmitriev, the NRA, and the Seychelles meetings come into play.
Trump seems genuinely confused by the torrent of criticism coming his way in reaction to his sucking up to Putin and stabbing America’s friends in the back. Is he really that oblivious to reality? With him, it’s hard to tell what’s stupidity and what’s an act, but this sure looks like stupidity. Good God, this man has the nuclear codes, too!
“An app promoting a conspiracy theory featuring Hillary Clinton and a child sex ring lingered at the top of Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store for months, with both tech giants receiving a cut of the revenue in the process. The app, called ‘QDrops,’ sends alerts about a conspiracy theory called Qanon, an offshoot of the ‘pizzagate’ fiction that claimed Clinton was running a child sex trafficking ring out of the basement of a Washington pizza shop that didn’t even have a basement. … Apple removed the QDrops app from its app store on Sunday after inquiries from NBC News.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, I’ll bet they did. If I were raking in cash by peddling that a pernicious conspiracy theory that drove a disturbed rightwing nut* to shoot up a pizza shop with an AR-15, I wouldn’t want media attention, either. The silver lining, if there is one, is that gullible rightwing fools were separated from their money.
* Now in prison
Looks like the trolls are hiding this morning. One squeak from Dumbfuck about GE before he vamoosed, that’s all. No sign of the Loon or Shortbus. Can’t say I blame them. Fellow travelers aren’t popular.
@1 when was the Stock Market going to hit 27,000 or was it 30,000? I forgot what you told us.
@9 You know I don’t like The Hump but I don’t think he is being stupid (other than being dumb). I think this is all calculated towards a goal of Dictatorship. He (and Putin) know what they are doing.
@11 a few of the supporters of The Hump, here in the office, I think are starting to show signs of regret with stupid smirks. They are no longer bring up the guys name with any praise worthy remarks – but they are still weakishly defending the fuck, only to save their own face. Ego First!
“Is he really that oblivious to reality?”
Absolutely not. He’s a con man. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He teamed up with pimply Moldovan teens to bamboozle 63 million mouth breathing racist meat bags. He’s going to keep right on doing it for as long as he can get away with it.
Alabama’s manufacturing economy is collapsing because of Trump’s tariffs?
Awwwww. They shouldn’t have voted for Trump.
It would be great if idiots like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnel and Paul Ryan would just get out of government and stay out. They’ve been there far too long.
A vigorous and effective treason requires “fresh blood” of the kind that can only be supplied by a 72-year-old orange porn juice smeared reality television personality who requires daily naps and spends most of his time playing golf and watching television.
Remember that time when Sec of State Clinton was so “jet lagged” from her travels that she gave away Latvia and Ukraine to our enemies? Puddy will be along to remind you in case you can’t.
Ha! Being the wrong guys while black. What were they thinking? They could have been shot! For a dine and dash at IHOP.
“Cops use six squad cars to catch black men who allegedly stiffed local IHOP — but they got the wrong guys”
“This sad, embarrassing wreck of a man”
And that’s just the title. George Will slices and dices the orange moron. Again.
Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t only on the wrong side of history, he’s on the wrong side of the Republican party. That would be the ex-member wing.
That couldn’t have been much fun.
“Trump skipped post-Helsinki intelligence briefing to lie in bed and watch cable news”
That is all you have? Well that and “Hillary won’t ever be president.”
The hot topic of the day is just how treasonous Trump is and the shock and dismay of the world (except for Rand Paul) at the “boot licking of Putin” the POTUS has done on the world stage.
I expected more from you, but I guess I shouldn’t have.
Republicans are complaining about “censorship” on social media, viz.:
“Rep. Steve King, R-Ia., asked why Gateway Pundit, which incorrectly implicated three different people for separate terror attacks last year, was losing traffic on Facebook. Gateway Pundit pushed a rumor that a Michigan man who was at a wedding 1,000 miles away was driving the car that slammed into a crowd at a protest in Charlottesville, Virginia, last year, killing one woman and injuring 19. The founder of the website was later sued for its coverage. Gateway Pundit also misidentified the gunman in the Las Vegas shooting rampage last October that left 58 dead, claiming he was a Democrat by a different name who was ‘associated with an anti-Trump army.’ The post was later deleted.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So I guess if you dispute a rightwing conspiracy theory that’s false and/or libelous, you’re now a “censor.” Well, guess what, they should’ve supported net neutrality when they had the chance, before the companies that will now decide what gets on the internet deleted their bullshit.
@17 Yeah, let inexperienced amateurs run things. That works so great, and is already working great with the presidency. Let’s do this with airlines, too. How about if your next flight is crewed by student pilots with 10 hours of flying experience between them? Of course, we’ll let everyone else deplane before you take off, so we only lose one idiot.
@21 It couldn’t have been very pleasant for him. Even Fox isn’t his friend anymore.
It’s a mystery why people who would never go to a barber or mechanic with no experience think our government should be run by people with no experience in governing. This strikes me as a special form of stupidity manufactured by the brainwashing of rightwing media.
@19 What do you expect of Clayton, Missouri? It’s right next door to Ferguson, and that’s where cops go when they’re fired from the Ferguson PD.
@26 Bingo! That and fear mongering, doom and gloom….all one in the same. There is no intelligent life within the Republican (not really talking about the politicians, but of the sheep). It’s all that they (the pols) can resort to because they know their supporters can’t think for themselves. Not much you can expect from brainless idiots.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the work of Putin with The Hump’s collusion.
Would love for Obama to run in 2020. Would he be eligible? I could easily google but I think the answer is that he would be.
I have to wonder if all this close relations with the Russian Government is typical goings on and happening with other Countries secretively.
It would be nice if some reporter would do in depth research on who besides Russia our politically connected civilians are doing shit with.
OH MY GOODNESS… the vomit producing dead toad REALLY IS A MORON! And he posted two links to prove it! You proved it this morning in the Monday thread. You proved to everyone you have no memory of what has transpired over the last few days. Sooooooooooooooooooo, Puddy will EXPLAIN it to your unemployed ASS!
LAST WEEK Roger senile idiot wabbit FART along with FOOLS like you screamed about 12 Russians indicted for “hacking” #CrookedHillary and the DNC servers. Puddy proved to Roger senile idiot wabbit FART that the DNC server was NEVER hacked and John Podesta was phished for his silly “p@ssw0rd” password. Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein claimed the DNC server was never hacked. Puddy asked if that was the and same password used by Roger senile idiot wabbit FART!
Puddy posted that. Again Roger senile idiot wabbit FART claimed it was because of some silly ASS video of Trump asking for the 30,000 #CrookedHillary emails.
Then we learned later the #CrookedHillary server was hacked and five unsavory hostile countries most likely have the emails because there was an electronic anomaly found on some “emails” recovered. This was brought up by Congressman Louis Gohmert and YOU called him Crazy Louie. Did you forget this too? Then you farted #CrookedHillary’s emails have been exonerated. Puddy then posted how can the FBI turn a blind eye to Top Secret/Super Top Secret and SCI emails could be lost to the enemy butt not worry about it. That’s because the libtard led FBI wanted #CrookedHillary to beat Trump in 2016 and they had an insurance policy just in case discussed in McCabe’s office from the texts! Maybe that insurance policy was the three versions of the Russian Dossier? Wow! This is all well known except to the vomit producing dead toad because it was not found on libtard web sites!
So for the last three days Puddy has been posting historical links where the leftists claimed the servers were hacked, then they claimed well maybe the DNC server was hacked butt the #CrookedHillary server was not then it was. Donna Brazile even wrote a book on this and Puddy offered snippets.
This this morning you went SUPER NUTZO! Do you ever pay attention? Apparently NOT! You really are a chronological moron! Puddy was slamming DUMMOCRETINS all over for their claim the DNC server was hacked since 2016. Why do you think Blabbermouth Schultzie’s IT guy from Pakistan was indicted and pled guilty so quick two weeks ago? Puddy asked that question.
In almost every post Puddy offered mostly libtard sites with their libtard words. If you need help ask the creepy clueless cretin with the crazed databaze. Remember he’s monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless and malodorous!
Yet, all you post is vomit in every thread, hence the name vomit producing dead toad! Maybe you need to create a bucket list entry to see a psychiatrist and check that off for those crazy posts your fingers continue to leave in HA DUMMOCRETIN threads!
So Puddy wonders what server was really hacked and by whom! That’s rhetorical vomit producing dead toad!
Till Next Time!
@4 It is the Russians,,,,not like Russia has an airline that could get an award. And the truth is American Airlines do not care about the award. They are about money, The airlines that got a award are wholly or partially owned by their nation.
The only US airline that would and could have competed was Pan AM if only the US government supported Pan Am like Singapore supports the winner. Not exactly capitalism, Still it was Russian hackers fucking Qatar Airlines just because Putin expierence on Qatar Airlines…no lime,
Is Vladimir Putin up for an Oscar?
@20 Here’s a condensed version:
“America’s child president had a play date with a KGB alumnus, who surely enjoyed providing day care. …
“In Helsinki, the president who bandies the phrase ‘America First’ put himself first, as always, and America last, behind President Vladimir Putin’s regime. …
“What, precisely, did President Trump say about the … 2016 U.S. elections? Precision is not part of Trump’s repertoire: He speaks English as though it is a second language …. But in Helsinki he was … crystal clear about feeling no allegiance to [U.S.] intelligence institutions ….
“Americans elected a president who … knew that he had more to fear from making his tax returns public than from keeping them secret. The most innocent inference is that … he has always lied about his wealth …. A more ominous explanation might be that his … incompetence as a businessman tumbled him into unsavory financial dependencies on Russians. A still more sinister explanation might be that the Russians have … something worse, to keep him compliant.
“The explanation is in doubt … his compliance … is not … just as astronomers inferred … the existence of Neptune before actually seeing it, Mueller might infer, and then find, still-hidden sources of the behavior of this sad, embarrassing wreck of a man.”
The entire column is here:
@5 You two are like gamblers crying sour grapes because you did not bet on 23 at roulette. The game is set up so the house wins. Only game to play is craps. Closest to even odds you can get if you know how to play. Why don’t the two of you meet up with a hundred or a grand and show us if you are good shooters or not. My money is on the house, hope you both prove me wrong.
@6 Specifically what did he give either. A platform? A moment in the sun. If Ike had gone to Russia with Churchill it would have been billed in the US as a big win for the Russians, but imagine if he had, maybe no Cuban missile crises, early détente. A more realistic US policy toward the world. Maybe RR would not have had an all expense paid trip to Vietnam. Ike did not go because he knew how it would play, but it would have been the right thing to do with our WWII ally. Of course Roosevelt and Congress could have declared war on the USSR fortunately Germany had already invaded the rest of Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, ect. It was a political decision and Ike should have gone to the funeral.
Today is election runoff day in Alabama, and a 4-term GOP congresswoman who refused to endorse Trump won a bitterly contested primary.
Meanwhile, a federal judge has ordered the administration to provide PTSD counseling for two immigrant children who were separated from their parents.
@36 “You two are like gamblers crying sour grapes because you did not bet on 23 at roulette.”
Doctor Dumbfuck has a twin? You don’t say. Well, that’s twice the stupidity.
@37 “Specifically what did he give either. A platform? A moment in the sun.”
Are you really that stupid? If you are, it’s probably not a good idea to parade it in public.
Maybe Republicans actually do read the constitution and know Treason is the only crime that is described specifically described in the constitution. One can only commit treason that the United States is at war with. And that should mean Congress has declared war. We are not at war with Russia therefore whatever Trump is he cannot be a traitor until Congress does that. Is a Democratic congress going to declare war? Is that a secret pinky Democrat pledge, because that does seem to be something the American people deserve to know, and we should not learn of it through WIKILEAKS but maybe the Washington Post if there is a pinky swear.
@40 Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal. He was called a traitor. Nothing even close to that happened at the summit. Putin just has most of Congress pissed off at him anyways. He won but Congress is piling on the sanctions. Oh the winning.
@8 The Seychelles is not a government below trying to influence the United States. They do it all the time. The love it when a good meeting comes into their country….tourist dollars cha ching,
@9 Well Putin has nuclear codes too, though I do not know if his Generals and nuclear officers can still launch their birds unilaterally. No order needed from the President of Russia.
If you are thinking maybe the President should not be the only one with the button, perhaps you would be so kind as to present an alternative. Maybe make it an act of Congress that would be very constitutional. Maybe each state governor should take a turn for a week. Stay at the white house so they can confirm the launch with the President and the guy or gal carrying the football. Since our Governor does not get much mention in here seems that would be a good use of his time.
@9 And frankly the President does not need the codes to do an attack on an unfriendly or friendly nation. If he thinks he needs to defend the US by doing a unilateral action he can do so. Tell Congress and he has 30 days to press whatever he is doing unless Congress actually acts. Though of recent history Congress has been more well whatever Mister President we approve of showing off what our great military can do. Go for it!!!
In all likely hood if the United States were attacked in a surprise nuclear attack the President would hesitate and become nuclear dust before any order is given. If it were Russian there would be a launch from a sub and the White House would be no more in about 10 minutes. Maybe enough time to shuffle the President to the fallout shelter to give the order. If it survives.
@11 You going to announce what casino you will be playing Roulette at? Will you be risking a hundred or a grand. Or you brave enough to go ten grand. Look forward to see your acumen.
Do well and you will have to change your name to Maverick Rabbit.
@13 Dictatorship for whom. Both are elected to office. Putin is wildly popular. And why would he keep a guy in office who has gone along with Congress and is contesting Russia in any number of ways, despite a pretty good conference.
I do not think Americans give a crap what happens in Syria or Crimea. They are unwilling to see their kids killed there. If that is the real bottom line maybe Trump is a realist. Knows Putin has enough support and is willing to support Russian efforts militarily and semi military there. All signs are the administration and Congress would like us out of Syria, but cannot come up with a creative way to save face and go home, but not willing to spend the political capital for us to pick up the ball and jacks and go home.
@14 Could be your work out at the gym are paying off and you are just looking good to them. Never a good idea to talk politics with a potential lover. They could be getting ready to make your day or harass you only you can make that call. Have fun.
@16 There is not a single car component that cannot be made right here in the United States with American labor. It would be nice if the Democratic party got back to signing that tune. (I do not mind if they want to consider Mexicans and Canadians as Americans. Hey they are our neighbors, always good to be a good neighbor.)
@17 If only those folks would loose an election.
Shortbus, if you weren’t so goddamn stupid you’d probably be able to see just how comically lame all your weak assed excuses really are. And how transparently self-soothing their intent is.
You people are being memorialized by your own history as ignorant, cowardly racists who betrayed their own country as a tasteless joke. The humiliation and regret you are experiencing wont be expunged by a few witless quips. If you want any hope of felling better about yourself you’ll need to actually do better.
I doubt you have it in you.
@18 And at the least we promise to defend Poland to the last Pole. Really happened in 1939. Article 5 what article 5?
@19 Ok not the first keystone moment for cops, will not be the last. Charlie Chaplin applauds from grave, this is what great comedy needs!
@20 Imagine if George listens to this as he writes his columns.
@24 That decisions is for historians not for us mere mortals in the moments of time. You don’t know, we don’t know and I don’t know. Only you are displaying your bias. When you get down to it all Presidents are amateurs. Voters tend to put folks into the office who are not in the Washington crows. So they are merely more amateur than someone who has been around Washington. Technically the only person you could say might have some on the job training is folks who have been the VP. Not too many of them and I doubt you really would prefer Cheney to Trump.
Of course none of you have yet to suggest what must be true if there were really Russian interference. All good plots require a stalking horse. Trump is that stalking horse. The person that Putin wants in the White House must be Pence, that is what anyone with a understanding of Byzantine politics of which all Russians believe they are the beneficiaries and current world practitioners of. So it must be Pence who is the person Putin wants in the white house and is the Russian mole. Still Pence cannot be a traitor as we are not as of yet at war with Russia.
@41 Look up “vernacular.”
@44 “If you are thinking maybe the President should not be the only one with the button”
No, that’s not what I’m thinking. Guess again.
@47 replaying to @11: You did show up today. I’ll give you credit for that much.
@48 I wouldn’t dignify how Putin gets and keeps power with the word “election,” but I’ll grant that he’s wildly popular in Russia. After all, he’s reversed the outcome of the Cold War, and now has America in his pocket and NATO on the ropes.
@49 The Republican Chickenhawks are very disappointed to hear you say that. Btw, I think they were planning to send you.
@50 “Never a good idea to talk politics with a potential lover.”
Don’t have to. If they’re trying to fuck you, they’re a Republican.
@51 “There is not a single car component that cannot be made right here in the United States with American labor.”
We get that Republicans are nostalgic for the good ol’ days when cars were made in America and the workers who made them earned 75 cents an hour.
But we still have that pesky $7.25/hr. federal minimum wage, so it’s really not possible for American workers to replace Mexican or Chinese workers yet.
@52 And get who in their place? These guys?
No thanks. We’re already stuck with an amateur politician with his head all the way up his ass. We don’t more.
What’s next, some white football player calling the cops because a black guy tackled him?
“All who believe in this country’s values must vote for Democrats this fall. History has its eyes on us.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s nice, but he should’ve thought about this two years ago.
@26 Plato agrees with you totally, only he was not thrilled with democracy or even with Republican government, though in the end despite their failings they seemed to be the best we humans could do.
He would consider barbers and mechanics mere craftsmen and able to learn to do what they do through classes, and doing the craft. He would tell you real quick you cannot teach that which is art. To govern is an art and requires people of tremendous ability and he tells us how to train and have such people. Sucks to be one of them and they do not exist, except maybe in the merry house of Windsor or so those Royals would like their subjects and you to believe. There is no class that can prepare one for local, state or federal government for being high up as a public employee or as an elected official. One could argue political scientists have the training and ability and we would chuckle and say we are smart enough to know we like studying, but generally prefer to be observers and learn and see if what you suggest is remotely possible. The communist party and the NAZI party is totally in agreement with your statement. They train the select few for those positions. To keep everyone else in line. So perhaps our system is best Rank amateurs get elected to something and move up, or sometimes rank amateurs get elected to Congress (sometimes even Comedian/joke writers) and always an amateur President, and we do not require all of them to show us their taxes for the past couple of years, or to pass a 7th grade citizen test or even check their grade in such a class if they had one. Rank amateur is the norm for whoever becomes President. And we do not often elect the VP to the Presidency. And it really does not matter to most Americans if you were ever in any cabinet post. If anything might be better if you were not. AS you are not going to be able to run for the office while in the post, and if you are in an outgoing administration you need the President’s blessing and the VP agreeing not to run, to have a prayer of getting the parties nomination, and clearly tying yourself to the previous administration and becoming their water boy or girl. To really have a chance you have to wait four years out of office and run. Your time of opportunity may well have passed, but nothing is wrong in being the perennial candidate. Having a hankering for the Iowa state fair could be a qualification though.
@64 “Rank amateurs get elected to something and move up”
Oh, you realize the White House isn’t an entry-level job? Good for you. Now work on the 62,984,828 morons who voted for Trump. At least two of them are regular posters here.
@27 Must be speaking literally, but not factually. Perhaps using a map or one of those nifty map things on your PC would show Ferguson out past the ring freeway and Clayton close to St Louis. Both places where cops retiring or wanting to get the big bucks in St Louise go to.
Neither are like Mayberry if they were well a fella like Andy is all you need, and he can be your game warden as you will find him at the fishing hole.
Computer expertise from the guy who still doesn’t know how I can watch Q13 Mariners games (stream blacked out in local market) because thinks I’m in Banff.
Don’t kid yourself.
Shortbus, and all the millions of other Shortbuses voted for Trump.
And it’s the humiliating stain of it that drives him and those like him back here night after night to spout this irrelevant nonsense and babbling. Hoping that perhaps if they can smear the cowardice and treachery around just enough it might look like a common skid mark instead of shitting their pants.
@28 Not the sheep fault if the Democratic party does not give them a real choice. Not given a choice they should vote Republican, and it is time for you and the party and smell that coffee that America drinks. Smell it and give us someone decent to vote for. That may mean embracing progressive values. The values of the left. Embracing unions and the working man and woman. Being of the earth. Being a little earthy. Not overly politicly correct or being more concerned with that than winning elections. Sometimes it takes crooked people to get the job done. Naïve amateurs in government is what your party is offering these coming elections. The rascally Republican rascal may give your green behind the ears trouble in a race he or she should easily win. Particularly if he can convince the voters he is their bad boy.
If your party does not offer what Americans want in candidates you will not do as well as you expect. Or what the press is crowing in which case the Dems will like losers. These elections are for Dems to loose if the Dems stay on this path. If you loose maybe finally the light will come on in the minority party to change leadership, They got nothing to lose so nothing bold coming from Pelosi or Shumer, guess they are safe win or loose.
@30 He can run for the House or Senate. He could have run this year. Or for state office, A weak argument can be made he can run for VP.
@31 Tell the BBC it is a foreign agent since it is owned by the British government? Treat people associated with Britain or its parliament like we are treating Russia. We should as that would be fair, and we would see most nations try to influence out elections and policy directly or indirectly. Sometimes in ways that are not in the best interests of the US.
@35 Astronomers have it easy in a way. They can infer, but ultimately they must observe Neptune for it to exist, and it must be within the parameters of the prediction for the science to be correct. Much of the rest of shat you say is conjecture that cannot be proved one way or another. Just like no one can really know anything about your GE holdings or buying or selling without actually seeing the documents. As they say in Missouri show me the mule,
@38 So there is no connection between the two. If there is you have to show it. Presumable Republican voters (Democrats would never cross over in hopes of the Republicans getting a weak candidate) and a Federal judge made a ruling in a case, that ultimately the government is given the ok to deport the family. Government will probably appeal and say unless the family has a chance to not be deported this delay should be denied, and the government should deport the family. (Or at least get to the appeal. Wth the probable outcome being: So long been good to know you, but you gotta be rolling along.
@39 @40 Gotcha rabbit. And I ain’t throwing you in that thar briar patch.
@53 You first. Of course you are assuming I am a Republican which I am not. I would like to see the Democratic party better, and it spear carries as yourself pull your head out now and do something that will win seats. You are bound to win a few, but Trump is appealing to a lot of Americans. He is running and he is fighting a battle in his own party pretty successfully. And just to confuse you all he takes a page out of the Clinton playbook and is a bigger Democrat than a lot of the Democratic pols in Washington. Drives you all nuts. It is fun to watch. Is not going to be the usual dog days of august in Washington dc, but in this Washington we are there and the Governor is a happy camper.
@50 workouts not workout. You are spooky. But not as spooky as The Hump and Putin.
Of course Shortbus is a Roypublican.
We will know them by their fruit.
And all we ever see from Shortbus is incoherent babble weakly seeking to excuse Trumpism, from the toddler torture, to the PornAbortionJuice, to the treason. Even now as he reads this it will take all of what little inner strength he’s got for him to resist posting some bizarre, non sequitur quip about “fruit”, probably involving the same old “whataboutism”.
The trip beyond the Orange Event Horizon is one way only.
St Louis is a strongly racially divided city. Ferguson is a working class suburb to the north and mostly black. Clayton is a suburb to south and west and mostly white and affluent.
“Interestingly, Murphy apparently didn’t mention that, just four months ago, his officers engaged in a similar incident involving their “duty bound” behavior to question black people doing things outside. In two incidents in March, the department responded to calls of a suspicious black man going door-to-door in a Clayton neighborhood.
That suspicious man turned out to be Jason Wilson, who at the time was campaigning for a seat on the Clayton School Board.”
Clayton voted for Clinton and Obama in the 55%s . The area is mostly liberal, but looks like there is a vocal subset who insists on reporting anyone black in their area.
It’s Missouri. And they have been emboldened by trump.
Unfortunately, what Trump is doing to American democracy is no laughing matter. I watch the late-night comics and all I feel is an immense sadness, and grief.
Haven’t felt this badly about our country since Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre.
at 75 Shortbus, perfectly mirroring most treasonous Roypublicans, says “It is fun to watch”.
And these people call themselves EEEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE.
They did the same thing after Nixon raised cash illegally and hired Cuban ex-pat mercenaries to go after journalists, infiltrate opposition groups, break into campaign offices and bug his “enemies”. They did the same thing after Reagan sold high performance surface-to-air missile systems to Islamic revolutionaries in Iran in violation of one law and then used the money to fund violent drug cartels in Nicaragua. They did the same thing after “W” falsified phony documents to justify the invasion of Iraq and got 4500 brave American kids killed and tens of thousands more permanently disabled for absolutely nothing. They do it every time.
The problem isn’t the Trumps.
The problem has always been the Trump supporters. 63 million of them. Who think nothing of betraying their country for the fun of it. They are not “of us”. Whatever the fuck they are, they are not Americans.
@74 Yaawnn. (stretch, scratch) I’m fine. Thanks for asking.